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Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Birds

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Eager Beaver

Hummingbird, Sparrow,Cardinal,Owl, Blue crane

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Kenya - Blue Jay, Blue Bird, Cardinal, Hummingbird, Mockinbird, Sparrow.

Name your state bird.

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ZIMBABWE - Fish Eagle - Hungwe - Bateleur Eagle - Chapungu


- Blue crane


  1. Eagle
  2. Parrot
  3. hawk
  4. humming Bird
  5. bat
  6. dove


  1. British Columbia - Steller's Jay
  2. Alberta - Great Horned Owl
  3. Saskatchewan - Sharp-tailed Grouse
  4. Manitoba - Great Grey Owl
  5. Ontario - Common Loon
  6. Quebec - Snowy Owl
  7. New Brunswick - Black-capped Chickadee
  8. Nova Scotia - Osprey
  9. Prince Edward Island. - Blue Jay
  10. Newfoundland - Atlantic Puffin
  11. Yukon Territory - Common Raven
  12. Northwest Territory - Gyrfalcon
  13. Nunavut Territory - Rock Ptarmigan


  1. Alabama -Yellowhammer
  2. Alaska - Willow Ptarmigan
  3. Arizona - Cactus Wren
  4. Arkansas - Mockingbird
  5. California - California Valley Quail
  6. Colorado - Lark Bunting
  7. Connecticut - Robin
  8. Delaware - Blue Hen Chicken
  9. Florida - Mockingbird
  10. Georgia - Brown Thrasher
  11. Hawaii - Nene
  12. Idaho - Mountain Bluebird
  13. Illinois - Cardinal
  14. Indiana - Cardinal
  15. Iowa - Eastern Goldfinch
  16. Kansas - Western Meadowlark
  17. Kentucky - Cardinal
  18. Louisiana - Eastern Brown Pelican
  19. Maine - Chickadee
  20. Maryland -Baltimore Oriole
  21. Massachusetts - Chickadee
  22. Michigan - Robin
  23. Minnesota - Common Loon
  24. Mississippi - Mockingbird
  25. Missouri - Bluebird
  26. Montana - Western Meadowlark
  27. Nebraska - Western Meadowlark
  28. Nevada - Mountain Bluebird
  29. New Hampshire - Purple Finch
  30. New Jersey - Eastern Goldfinch
  31. New Mexico - Roadrunner
  32. New York - Bluebird
  33. North Carolina - Cardinal
  34. North Dakota - Western Meadowlark
  35. Ohio - Cardinal
  36. Oklahoma - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
  37. Oregon - Western Meadowlark
  38. Pennsylvania - Ruffed Grouse
  39. Rhode Island - Rhode Island Red
  40. South Carolina - Great Carolina Wren
  41. South Dakota - Ring-necked Pheasant
  42. Tennessee - Mockingbird
  43. Texas - Mockingbird
  44. Utah - Common American Gull
  45. Vermont - Hermit Thrush
  46. Virginia - Cardinal
  47. Washington -Willow Goldfinch
  48. West Virginia - Cardinal
  49. Wisconsin - Robin
  50. Wyoming - Western Meadowlark

Name three kinds of bird food.

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Black Oil

Sunflower seeds



Mixed seeds

Striped sunflower seed

Draw a picture of a bird, then use a mixture of bird seeds to fill it in.

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Make a pine cone bird feeder and hang it in your yard. Tell how many birds come to feed from it.

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What You Need

Pine Cone
Peanut Butter
Bird Seed


  1. Find a large pine cone.
  2. Tie a three to four foot piece of yarn around the top of the pine cone for the hanger.
  3. Mix two tablespoons of peanut butter with two tablespoons of margarine.
  4. Spread the peanut butter and margarine mixture onto the pine cone.
  5. Pour some bird seed onto a plate or shallow dish and roll the pine cone in it.
  6. Place the seed-covered pine cones in the freezer for about an hour or until it is firm.
  7. Hang it outside in a tree!

Name two birds mentioned in the Bible.

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Know two bird sounds and pretend you are that bird.

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You may listen to the bird sounds in You Tube

External Resources

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Bird feeding Basic - Wild in the Woods