Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Trains And Trucks

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Trains And Trucks
Little Lamb

Listen to a book about trains or trucks.

Read the book C Is for Construction: Big Trucks and Diggers from A to Z

Say three things you learned about trains or trucks.

Play an action game about trains or trucks.

Train Fingerplay

This is a choo-choo train (Bend elbows)

Puffing down the track (Move arms forward)

Now it’s going forward (Push arms forward)

Now it’s going back (Push arms back)

Now the bell is ringing (Pretend to ring bell)

Now the whistle blows (Hold fist near mouth and pretend to blow)

What a lot of noise it makes

Everywhere it goes. (Cover ears with hands)

Pretend to drive or ride in trains or trucks.

Cardboard Truck Pinterest

Train ticket for Adventurer Club

Additional Ideas

Train: (Strength in God) Philippians 4:13

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Reading: The Little Engine that Could, by Watty Piper.

Ask the children whether they've ever felt like they were not strong enough, or big enough, to do something hard. Explain that sometimes, we have to wait until we're bigger to do some things, like drive a car or mow the lawn. But for those things that we need to do, and are afraid we can't do, like play an instrument in a recital, or learn how to ride a bike, Jesus will help us be strong enough and brave enough to do them!

Music and Movement:

Children hold on to each other's waists and walk around the room. You can add obstacles such as a cushion on the floor for them to avoid. They mustn't let go or the train will be derailed.

This train is bound for glory, this train,

This train is bound for glory, this train,

This train is bound for glory, this train,

This train is bound for glory,

Don't ride nothin' but the righteous and holy

This train is bound for glory, this train.

This train don't carry no gamblers, this train,

This train don't carry no gamblers, this train,

This train don't carry no gamblers

No hypocrites, no midnight ramblers,

This train is bound for glory, this train.

This train don't carry no liars, this train,

This train don't carry no liars, this train,

This train don't carry no liars,

Truth is what the Lord desires,

This train is bound for glory, this train.

This train is bound for glory, this train,

This train is bound for glory, this train,

This train is bound for glory,

Don't ride nothin' but the righteous and holy

This train is bound for glory, this train.

Game: At the train station

You will need four corners marked off with circles made with hula hoops or cord. These four corners represent train stations. Children become passengers. The leader of the game is the train station master. When the signal is given, the train station master must say, "Passengers, change stations." Children run to another corner (train station). During the change, the train station master attempts to catch passengers (children). Each passenger the master catches becomes a train station master too. The game ends when all the passengers are caught.

External Resources

Transportation Prekinder Resources

My World Activities Adventurers Pinterest