Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Healthy Me

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Healthy Me
Little Lamb

Listen to a story about being healthy

Listen to a story means you can either read your little lamb a book about being healthy, listen to a story from online, or watch a short story about being healthy.

If you search for “free online books about being healthy preschool” several free online resources including youtube videos are available. Most support a vegetable-rich diet and exercise. You will have to search more carefully if vegetarianism or veganism is important to your presentation.

Read the book My Body Head Toe by Lisa Bullard.

Read the book "From Head to Toe" by Eric Carle. It is a fun adventure with energetic animals that encourages kids to be healthy. This is the same author known for "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," a book read and loved by THOUSANDS of pre-scholars.

And Act the song Head and Shoulders from Starfall

Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Fingers, elbows, hip and ankles, hip and ankles,

Fingers, elbows, hip and ankles, hip and ankles,

And hair and cheeks and chin and neck,

Fingers, elbows, hip and ankles, hip and ankles.

Say three things you learned about being healthy.

This list would vary based on which book or resource you read, listen to or watch in requirement #1.

Remember, you can combine these two requirements and pause and ask the children (as you read the book) "what does this tell us about being healthy?"

Sample answers THEY GIVE YOU may include:

  • We have many parts of our body that can move and exercise
  • It is good to exercise everything in our bodies
  • We need to move a lot to get enough healthy exercise.
  • Veggies are good for my tummy
  • I should eat all my veggies, even the ones I don’t like
  • You need to eat different kinds of food to be healthy
  • You need to be healthy in orden to grow and develop.
  • Healthy eating is important for the proper formation of bones, teeth, muscle and a healthy heart.

Remember you wish for them to give YOU answers in their words based on the resource(s) that they are listening to during your time together.

Play an action game about being healthy.

Fruit Basket Game

You have a minimum of 5 players. All except one, sit in a circle. The one person sits in the center of the circle. Each player in the circle picks– in his/her mind— a fruit name (short ones work best, Kiwi, pear, etc.). The person in the center of the circle starts the game by calling the names of two fruits. These two people try to exchange places. The person in the center then tries to “steal to” one of the spots where the two exchangers stood. The person who doesn't get a spot sits in the center of the circle and becomes the fruit name caller.

Healthy Food Game

Give each of your Little Lamb a picture of a healthy or unhealthy food. Ask them to keep their picture hidden from the other children. Challenge the Little Lambs to form two groups. All of the children with healthy foods get together in one corner of the room while all of the children with unhealthy foods gather in another area. Once the groups are formed, allow each Lettle Lamb to show his food so the class can discuss why it is healthy or unhealthy. Repeat the game several times

Complete an art project about being healthy

Finding a craft seems almost counter-intuitive since action and activity seem much healthier. You might use this craft opportunity to help children get over fears of doctors, dentists, or nurses.

Teaching Idea: Good and Bad Teeth

Materials: Draw or print full page pictures of a tooth (one per page, 2 per person); magazines of food and drinks and other things teeth experience.

Procedure: Have children draw a smile on one tooth and a frown on the other OR have parents prepare the smile/frown versions ahead of time.

With the children, brainstorm what makes our teeth "happy" and "sad"! This project a great chance to review all the things we can do to take care of our teeth and all the things we should be avoiding. Children choose the images from the magazines and have their parents cut them out. Adults and children work together to glue the images onto the correct/appropriate tooth.

Teaching Idea: Food Groups Mobile Hand out a paper plate to each of your Little Lamb. Provide magazines, glue and scissors. Ask the children to go through the magazines to find healthy foods to create a tasty meal. Have your Little Lambs glue the foods to the paper plate. Allow them to share their healthy meals with the class. Make mobiles that illustrate the five food groups. Have your children draw or color pictures of foods from each group. Glue them to five separate pieces of heavy card-stock to separate the groups. String the card-stock from yarn and display the mobiles in your room.

Teaching Idea: Your Own Jumprope String beads on a thin rope to make a jumprope, then learn to jump rope.