Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Community Helper

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Community Helper
Little Lamb

Listen to a story about community helpers

Read Corduroy's Busy Street book.

Pretend to be community helpers.

Create a couple of community helpers centers. The centers should contain clothes so the children can dress up like the helper and objects to play with that represent things the helpers would use

  • Doctor's Office - chairs, clip boards, pens, doctor's kit, band aids.
  • Airport - luggage, chairs for inside the plane, tickets (index cards), engineer's hat, Stampers for stamping the tickers, ink pads.
  • Library - books, stamps, ink pads, library cards (index cards), play reading glasses, chairs.
  • Restaurant - table & chairs, menus(folded construction paper with pictures of food items glued inside), pads of paper for taking orders, play food, cups, dishes, silk flowers for the tables, cash register, play money. (we have even gone to a local TACO BELL or Pizza place, and asked for some items from them - or any other restaurant you think may be willing to donate items.
  • Vet's Office - pet dishes, doctor's kit, stuffed animals, clip boards, dog treats.
  • Fire Station - fire hats, hoses (old vacuum hose), construction paper flames taped on the wall, boots, play phones (or old real phones).
  • Bakery - cookie cutters, chef hats, aprons, cookie sheets, cash register, plastic knives, pot holder, oven mitts.

A visit to a real fire hall and/or library should be easy for parents and kids to do and very memorable. Ask questions about what the people do there. Pretend to shelve books (maybe on the book return cart so nothing gets messed up) or handle firefighting equipment and clothing with permission. The library is also a great place to find and read the required story (and other books for the other stars).

Play an action game using community helpers’ skills.

Climbing, running, etc

Complete an art project about community helpers

Community Helper Puppets Print pictures of community helpers onto cardstock. Have the children color in the pictures and then cut out the figures. Give each child a popsicle stick and show them how to glue the top half of the stick to the back of the picture to create a puppet. The children can then stage a puppet show, each taking on the character of their particular community helper puppet.

Print the puppets here Community Helpers Set 1 pdf, Community Helpers Set 2 pdf , Community Helpers Set 3 pdf

Community Helper Paper Dolls Ask parents for a photo of their child. Print the photos and cut out just the face portion. Prepare paper dolls that will fit career paper doll clothing (printable online from Cut out the paper doll clothing. Give the children the paper dolls and their own facial picture to glue onto the head. Children can then choose clothing to color and to place on their personal doll.

External Resources

Community Helpers theme- Resources for PreKinder Teachers