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Category:Completed books

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

These books are considered complete, though improvements can still be made and it may be necessary to revise them in the future.

Use To put a book in
{{status|100%}} Completed books
{{status|75%}} Books nearing completion
{{status|50%}} Half-finished books
{{status|25%}} Partly developed books
{{status|0%}} Freshly started books

Pages in category "Completed books"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Consular & Diplomatic Service University (CDSU)
  2. Moving objects in retarded gravitational potentials of an expanding spherical shell
  3. Kitchen Remodel
  4. Mirad Lexicon
  5. Hobo travel journalism
  6. Cultural travel
  7. Hobo tourism
  8. Javagony
  9. Cocos Malay travel phrasebook
  10. Introductory Linear Algebra
  1. Planet Earth
  2. Historical Geology
  3. Dutch
  4. Latin
  5. Working Rocrail with Hornby Elite DCC Controller
  6. JsonCpp
  7. LaTeX
  8. Relationships
  9. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All
  10. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 318 total.

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