Hobo travel journalism

The concept is not radically new, in general, correspond to all the parameters of the printed form of travel journalism, the definition of which is given below; the only difference is in the not quite usual way of implementation: the process of collecting material is associated with a high probability of adventures and extreme situations.
Travel journalism is one of the areas of journalism, which is based on the creation of descriptive texts about routes traveled, road adventures, natural attractions, historical and archeological sites of countries and continents, subtleties of travel and everything associated with them.
On the pages of this textbook talk about the well-known now field of journalism — in the aspect of hobo tourism; an informal version of the approach is considered, in which the creator of the material intended for publication uses specific methods of wandering, while not being a regular employee of the periodical.
The chapters of the textbook are supplemented by articles by the author (in ru), presented as examples, which allows, along with the study of theory, to get a visual idea of the results
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Rubrics of printed publications, which were conducted at different times by the author of this textbook (in ru):
- Returning from distant wanderings (in the newspaper "Republic of Crimea")
- Wind of wanderings (in the newspaper "Crimean Time")
- With a backpack around the planet (in the newspaper "Southern Capital")
- Around the World (in the newspaper "Crimean Observer")
- Around the world (in the newspaper "Republic")
- Travel notes (in the ProX magazine)