Scouting/BSA/Salesmanship Merit Badge
The requirements to this merit badge are copyrighted by the Boy Scouts of America. They are reproduced in part here under fair use as a resource for Scouts and Scouters to use in the earning and teaching of merit badges. The requirements published by the Boy Scouts of America should always be used over the list here. If in doubt about the accuracy of a requirement, consult your Merit Badge Counselor. |
Reading this page does not satisfy any requirement for any merit badge. Per National regulations, the only person who may sign off on requirements is a Merit Badge Counselor, duly registered and authorized by the local Council. To obtain a list of registered Merit Badge Counselors, or to begin a Merit Badge, please contact your Scoutmaster or Council Service Center. |

Requirement 1
[edit | edit source]Explain the responsibilities of a salesman, and how a salesperson serves customers and helps stimulate the economy.
Requirement 2
[edit | edit source]Explain why it is important for a salesperson to do the following:
- A. Research the market to be sure the product or service meets the needs of the customers.
- B. Learn all about the product or service to be sold.
- C. If possible, visit the location where the product is built to confirm their satisfaction and discuss their concerns about the product or service.
- D. Follow up with customers after their purchase to confirm their satisfaction and discuss their concerns about the product or service.
Requirement 3
[edit | edit source]Write and present a sales plan for a product or service and a sales territory assigned by your counselor.
Requirement 4
[edit | edit source]Make a sales presentation of a product or service assigned by your counselor.
Requirement 5
[edit | edit source]Do ONE of the following and keep a record (cost sheet). Use the sales techniques you have learned, and share your experience with your counselor.
- A. Help your unit raise funds through sales either of merchandise or of tickets to a Scout event.
- B. Sell your services such as lawn raking or mowing, pet watching, dog walking, show shoveling, and car washing to your neighbors. Follow up after the service has been completed and determine the customer’s satisfaction.
- C. Earn money through retail selling.
Requirement 6
[edit | edit source]Do ONE of the following:
- A. Interview a person and learn the following:
- 1. What made the person choose sales as a profession?
- 2. What are the most important things to remember when talking to customers?
- 3. How is the product or service sold?
- 4. Include your own questions.
- B. Interview a retail store owner and learn the following:
- 1. How often is the owner approached by a sales representative?
- 2. What good traits should a sales representative have? What habits should the sales representative avoid?
- 3. What does the owner consider when deciding whether to establish an account with the sales representative?
- 4. Include your own questions.
Requirement 7
[edit | edit source]Investigate and report on career opportunities in sales, then do the following:
- A. Prepare a written statement of your qualifications and experience. Include relevant classes you have taken in school and merit badges you have earned.
- B. Discuss with your counselor what education, experience, or training you should obtain so you are prepared to serve in that position.
External links
[edit | edit source]- Salesmanship Merit Badge with Workbook PDF, current requirements, and resources.
- Elements of a Successful Sales Business Plan
- The Best and Worst Paying Sales Jobs From
Earning Merit Badges in the Boy Scouts of America |
Professions and Trades |
Animal Science | Architecture | Automotive Maintenance | Dentistry | Drafting | Electronics | Engineering | Farm Mechanics | Game Design | Graphic Arts | Home Repairs | Journalism | Landscape Architecture | Law | Medicine | Metalwork | Plumbing | Programming | Public Health | Pulp and Paper | Salesmanship | Surveying | Textile | Truck Transportation | Veterinary Medicine | Woodwork |