User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/V

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User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page


Neutral Part English Definition
* vad n. ford.
** vadar v. to ford; to wade.
* vafr n. wafer; waffle.
* vag a. vague; indefinite.
* vagabund n. vagabond; vagrant.
** vagabundar v. to vagabondize.
* vagiar v. to cry; to whine; to whimper.
* vagin n. sheath; scabbard; vagina.
* vagon n. car; railroad car.
* vaka n. cow.
* vakans n. vacation.
* vaksin n. cow-pox.
** vaksinar v. to vaccinate.
** vaksinasion n. vaccination.
* vaku a. vacant; empty; void.
** vakuifikar v. to clear.
** vakuitet n. emptiness; vocuity; vacancy; void.
* val n. valley; vale; dale.
* valar | v. | to be worth; to have value; to be worth while. [it val, it is worth while].
** valid a. valid.
** validitet n. validity.
** valor n. value; worth.
* Valakia n. Wallachia.
* valerian n. valerian.
* vals n. waltz.
** valsar v. to waltz.
* valut n. value; valuation.
* valv n. valve.
* vampir n. vampire.
* van a. vain; futile.
** vane ad. vainly; in vain.
** vanitet n. vanity.
* vanad n. vanadium (V).
* vandal n. vandal.
** vandalism n. vandalism.
* vanel n. lapwing; peewit; plover.
* vanili n. vanilla.
* vapor n. steam; vapor.
** vaporar v. to steam (tr. and intr.)
* variar v. tr. to vary; to change.
** variasion n. variation; change.
** variabl a. variable; changeable.
** variablitet n. variability; variableness; changeableness.
** varios a. various.
** variositet n. variety; variousness.
* varietet n. variety (of a species).
* variar kavali v. to change horses.
* vari-kolor n. variegation.
** vari-kolorik a. variegated.
* variol n. smallpox; variola.
* vas n. vase; vessel.
* vasal n. vassal.
* vas-fragment n. shard; potsherd.
* vasilar v. to vacillate; to waver.
* vast a. vast.
* vat n. wadding; padding.
* vatikan n. Vatican.
** vatikanik a. Vatican.
* ve! i. woe!
* ve a mi! i. woe to me!
* vegetar v. to vegetate.
** vegetasion n. vegetation.
** vegetabl a. vegetable.
* vegetabil n. herb; vegetable (plant).
* vegetari n. vegetable food; vegetable diet.
** vegetarian a. / n. vegetarian.
** vegetarianism n. vegetarianism.
* vehement a. vehement.
** vehementitet n. vehemence; intensity.
* vehikl n. vehicle.
** vehiklar v. to ride; to drive.
* veksar v. to vex; to plague; to harass; to tease.
** veksant a. vexing.
* vel n. veil.
** velar v. to veil.
* velkom n. welcome.
** velkomar v. to welcome.
* velos a. swift; speedy.
** velose ad. swiftly; speedily.
** velositet n. velocity; swiftness; speed.
* velosiped n. velocipede.
** velosipedist n. velocipedist.
* velut n. velvet.
* ven n. vein.
* venar v. to hunt.
** venad n. hunt; chase.
** venator n. hunter; huntsman.
* vend n. sale.
** vendar v. to sell.
** vendad n. sale(s) (trade, business).
* vendrdi n. Friday.
** vendrdian, de vendrdi a. Friday.
* venen n. poison; venom.
** venenar v. to poison.
** venenos a. poisonous; venomous.
** venenositet n. poisonousness; venemousness.
* venerar v. to venerate.
** venerasion n. veneration.
** venerator n. venerator.
** venerabl a. venerable.
** venerablitet n. venerability; venerableness.
* veniar v. to come.
* venison n. venison.
* vent n. wind.
** ventar v. to blow; to be windy.
** ventos a. windy.
* ventilar v. to ventilate.
** ventilasion n. ventilation.
** ventilator n. ventilator.
* ventol n. fan.
** ventolar v. tokfan.
* ventr n. belly.
** ventros a. bellied; ventricose; ventricous.
* ver a. true.
** verifikar v. to verify.
** verifikasion n. verification.
** veritet n. truth; verity.
* veras a. veracious; truthful.
** verase ad. truly; indeed.
** verasitet n. veracity; truthfulness.
* verb n. verb.
* verb [] n. verb of a specific type; auksiliar == auxiliary, intransitiv == intransitive, refleksiv == reflexive, transitiv == transitive.
* verd a. green.
** verdatr a. greenish.
** verdeskar v. to become green.
* verdikt n. verdict.
* verg n. rod; wand.
* verm n. worm.
* vere -- ma truly -- but; indeed -- but.
* vermilion n. vermilion.
* vermin n. vermin.
* vernis n. varnish.
** vernisar v. to varnish.
* vers n. verse; line.
** versifikar v. to versify.
* versar v. to pour.
* version n. version.
* versu p. toward(s).
* versu anteriore ad. toward the front; forward.
* versu dors ad. toward the rear; backward; back.
* versu est ad. toward the east; easterly; eastward.
* versu flank ad. toward the side; sideways; sidewise.
* versu nord ad. toward the north; northerly; northward.
* versu siloke ad. hitherward; in this direction.
* versu sud ad. toward the south; southerly; southward.
* versu uest ad. toward the west; westerly; westward.
* vertebr n. vertebra.
* vertigin n. vertigo; dizziness.
** vertiginos a. dizzy; vertiginous.
* vertikal a. vertical; upright.
* vertis n. vertex; crown.
* veruk n. wart.
* vesik n. vesicle; blister; bubble; bladder.
* vesp n. waspe.
* vespertil n. bat.
* vespr n. evening.
** vespre ad. in the evening.
* vest n. garment; clothes; clothing.
** vestar v. to clothe; to dress; to attire; to vest; to invest.
* Vestfalia n. Westphalia.
* vestibul n. vestibule.
* vest-sak n. pocket.
* veteran n. veteran.
* veto n. veto.
* via n. way.
* via p. by way of; via.
* vibrar v. to vibrate.
** vibrasion n. vibration.
* vidu a. widowed.
** viduo n. widower.
** vidua n. widow.
** viduitet n. widowhood.
** vidueskar v. to be (become) widowed.
* vigilar v. to watch; to be awake.
** vigilant part. / n. part., vigilant; watchful; alert; awake; n., watchman.
** vigileskar v. to wake; to wake up; to waken; to awake; to awaken.
** vigilifikar v. to wake; to wake up; to waken; to awake; to awaken.
* vigor n. vigor.
** vigorar v. to invigorate; to strengthen.
** vigoros a. vigorous.
** vigorositet n. vigorousness.
* vikar n. vicar; vicegerent.
** vikarar v. to act as vicar or vicegerent.
* viktim n. victim; sacrifice.
** viktimar v. to immolate; to sacrifice.
* viktor n. victor.
* viktori n. victory.
** viktoriar v. to be victorious; to vanquish; to defeat; to overcome.
** viktorios a. victorious.
* viktual n. victuals.
* vil a. worthless.
** vilitet n. worthlessness.
* vila n. villa.
* vilaj n. village.
* vilan a. nasty; vile.
* vin n. wine.
* vindikar v. to avenge.
** vindikasion n. vengeance; revenge.
* vinegr n. vinegar.
* viniet n. vignette.
* violar v. to violate; to transgress; to infringe.
** violasion n. violation; transgression; infringement.
* viola n. viola; tenor violin.
* violet n. violet (flower).
* violet a. violet; violet-colored.
* violin n. violin; fiddle.
** violinist n. violinist.
* violoncel n. violoncello.
* vipr n. viper.
* vir n. man.
* virgin a. virginal.
** virgina n. virgin; maiden.
** virginitet n. virginity.
* Virtemberg n. Wurtemberg.
* virtu n. virtue.
** virtuos a. virtuous.
* virtuoso n. virtuoso.
** virtuosa n. virtuosa.
* vis n. sight; eyesight; vision.
** visar v. to see.
** visabl a. visible.
* vise- prefix. signifying a person taking the place of another; subordinate; vice-.
* visedirektor n. vice-director.
* visepresident n. vice-president.
* visi n. vice.
** visios a. vicious.
* visier n. visor.
* visin a. neighboring.
** visinitet n. neighborhood; vicinity.
** visino n. neighbor (masc.)
** visina n. neighbor (fem.)
** visine ad. in the vicinity; close by.
** visinu p. in the vicinity of; beside.
* vision n. vision (supernatural).
* visit n. visit.
** visitar v. to visit.
* vist n. whist.
* vit n. life.
* vital a. vital.
** vitalitet n. vitality.
* vitr n. glass.
** vitrer n. glazier.
** vitrik a. glass; vitreous.
** vitratr a. glassy.
** vitreskar v. to vitrify (intrans.).
** vitreskablitet n. vitrifiability.
** vitrifikar v. to vitrify (trans.)
* vitriol n. vitriol.
* vivar v. to live.
** vivik a. alive; living.
* vivas a. vivacious; lively.
** vivase ad. vivaciously.
** vivasitet n. vivacity; liveliness.
* vivar luksure v. to luxuriate; to live extravagantly.
* vo pr. you (sing.).
** voi pr. you (plur.).
* Vogesi (monti) n. Vosges Mountains.
* vok n. voice.
** vokar v. to call; to cray.
** vokasion n. call; cry; vocation.
* vokabl n. vocable; term.
* vokal n. vowel.
* vokal intermediar n. intermediary vowel; modified vowel.
* vokal klar n. clear vowel.
* vok bas n. bass.
* vol n. flight.
** volar v. to fly.
** voletar v. to flit; to flutter.
* volapükar v. to speak Volapük.
* volfram n. wolfram (W).
* volkan n. volcano.
* volontar a. voluntary.
** volontare ad. voluntarily; willingly.
** volontaro n. volunteer.
* volt n. vault (arch).
** voltar v. to vault (arch).
* voltij n. vaulting.
** voltijar v. to vault.
* volu n. will.
** voluar v. to will.
* volumin n. volume; bulk.
** voluminos a. voluminous.
** voluminositet n. voluminousness.
* voluptu n. voluptuousness.
** voluptuos a. voluptuous.
** voluptuer n. voluptuary.
* vomar v. to vomit.
** vomasion n. vomit; vomiting.
* voras a. voracious.
** vorasitet n. voracity.
* vort n. vortex; eddy; whirl.
** vortar v. to whirl; to eddy.
* vostr pr. your; yours (plur.).
* vot n. vote.
** votar v. to vote.
* votiv a. votive.
* votr pr. your; yours (sing.).
* vov n. now.
** vovar v. to vow.
* voyaj n. journey.
** voyajar v. to journey; to travel.
** voyajer n. traveler.
* vulgar a. vulgar; common.
* vulner n. wound.
** vulnerar v. to wound.
** vulnerabl a. vulnerable.
** vulnerasion n. wounding.
* vulp n. fox.
* vultur n. vulture.


User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page