User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/T

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User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page


Neutral Part English Definition
* tabak n. tobacco.
* tabel n. table (tabular list).
* tabernakl n. tabernacle.
* tabl n. table.
** tabler n. cabinet-maker; joiner.
* tabler-ofisin n. joiner's shop; cabinet-maker's shop.
* taft n. taffeta.
* taks n. rate.
** taksar v. to appraise; to rate; to tax.
** taksasion n. appraisal.
** taksator n. appraiser.
* takt n. time; measure (music).
** taktar v. to beat time.
* taktik n. tactics.
* tal pr. such.
** tale ad. so; thus.
* talar n. gown; robe; cassock.
* tale ke c. so that.
* tale longe ke c. as long as.
* tale multfoa ad. so many times.
* talent n. talent.
* tali n. cut; shape; figure.
* talier n. tailor.
* talisman n. talisman.
* talium n. thallium (Tl).
* talon n. heel.
* talp n. mole (animal).
* talr n. thaler.
* tamarind n. tamarind.
* tambur n. drum.
** tamburar v. to drum.
* tampon n. stopper; cork.
** tamponar v. to cork; to stopper; to stop.
* tanar v. to tan.
** tanator n. tanner.
** taneri n. tannery.
* tangent n. tangent.
** tangentik a. tangent.
* tanin n. tannin.
* tant pr. so much; so many.
** tante ad. so much; so greatly; so very; to such a degree.
* tanta n. aunt.
* tantal n. tantalum (Ta).
* tapet n. carpet.
* tapir n. tapir.
* tar n. tare (commerce).
* tarantel n. tarantella; tarantelle (dance).
* tarantul n. tarantula.
* tard a. late; tardy.
** tarde ad. tardily; late.
* tarif n. tariff.
* tarok n. taroc; tarot.
* tart n. tart; pie.
* tartr n. tartar; argol.
* tas n. cup.
* tasiturn n. taciturn.
** tasiturnitet n. taciturnity.
* tatar n. Tartar; Tatar.
** Tataria n. Tartary.
** tatarik a. Tartar; Tatar; Tartarian.
* taur n. bull.
* te n. tea.
* te- prefix. forming words correlative with the interrogative words formed by means of the prefixke-.
* teatr n. theater.
* tekause ad. for that reason; because of that; thence.
* teknik n. technics.
** teknikal a. technical.
** teknologia n. technology. (1906, r.153)
* teksar v. to weave.
** teksator n. weaver.
** tekseri n. weaving-mill.
* teks n. text.
* tekstil a. textile.
* tekt n. roof.
** tektar v. to roof.
* tel pr. d. the one; that.
* telefon n. telephone.
** telefonar v. to telephone.
* telegraf n. telegraph.
** telegrafad n. telegram.
** telegrafist n. telegraphist; telegrapher.
* teleskop n. telescope.
* tel-kos pr. d. that thing; that.
* teloke ad. there; yonder.
* telur n. tellurium (Te).
* tem n. theme.
* temer a. rash; temarious.
** temeritet n. temerity; rashness.
* temp n. time.
* tempe -- tempe ad. now -- then; sometimes -- sometimes.
* temperament n. temperament; temper.
* temperatur n. temperature.
* tempest n. weather.
* tempestad n. storm.
* templ n. temple.
* tempor n. temple (of head).
* temporal a. temporal.
* temporar a. temporary.
** temporare ad. temporarily.
* tenar v. to hold; to keep.
* tenar sekrete v. to keep secret.
* tenas a. tenacious.
** tenasitet n. tenacity.
* tendar v. tr. to stretch.
* tendens n. tendency.
* tendon n. tendon; sinew.
* tendar pavilion v. to pitch (erect) a tent.
* tendr a. tender; mild.
* tendr n. tender (of locomotive).
* tenor n. tenor (voice).
** tenorist n. tenor (person).
* tentar v. to tempt.
** tentasion n. temptation.
** tentator n. tempter.
* tenu a. thin.
* tenuitet n. thinness; tenuity.
** teologia n. theology; divinity. (1906, r.153)
** teologik a. theological.
** teologist n. theologian; divine.
* teori n. theory.
** teoriik a. theoretical.
** teoretiker n. theorist.
* tepid a. tepid; lukewarm.
* ter n. earth.
* teras n. terrace.
** terasar v. to terrace.
* terebentin n. turpentine.
* teren n. land (opposed to water).
* terestr a. earthly; terrestrial.
* teribl a. terrible.
* teritori n. territory.
** teritoriik a. territorial.
* term n. (technical) term.
* termin n. term (space of time); time.
* termo- prefix. signifying heat.
* termo-metr n. thermometer.
* termotemp n. summer.
* teror n. terror; fright.
** terorar v. to terrify; to frighten.
** terorant a. terrifying; frightening; scary. (S)
* ters nr. third.
* tes n. thesis.
* Tesalia n. Thessaly.
* testament n. will; testament.
** testamentar v. to will; to make a will.
* tetan n. tetanus.
** tetanik a. tetanic.
* tetempe ad. then; at that time.
* tibi n. shinbone; tibia.
* tif n. typhus.
* tigr n. tiger.
* tikar v. to tick.
* tiket n. ticket.
* tili n. linden.
** tiliik, de tili a. linden.
* tim n. thyme.
* timar v. to fear; to dread.
** timor n. fear; dread.
** timid a. timid; fearful.
** timiditet n. timidity.
** timidifikar v. to intimidate.
* timon n. wagon-poll; thill; shaft.
* tine n. moth.
* tint n. ink; dye.
** tintar v. to tint; to dye.
** tintator n. dyer.
** tinteri n. dye-house.
** tintad n. to tint.
* tintinar v. intr. to ring.
* tintur n. tincture.
* tip n. type.
* tipograf n. typographer; printer.
** tipografia n. typography. (1906, r.153)
* tirar v. to draw; to drag; to pull; to haul.
* tiran n. tyrant.
** tiranik a. tyrannical.
* Tirol n. Tyrol.
* titan n. titanium (Ti).
* titilar v. to tickle.
* titmes n. titmous; tomtit.
* titubar v. to stagger.
** titubasion n. titubation; staggering.
* titul n. title.
** titular v. to title; to style; to entitle.
* toalet n. toilet.
* tog n. toga.
* tolerar v. to tolerate.
* tom n. tome; volume.
* tomat n. tomato.
* tomb n. tomb.
* tombak n. tombac; tombak; pinchbeck.
* ton n. tone; key.
** tonar v. to sound.
* toner n. thunder.
** tonerar v. to thunder.
* ton prim n. first tone; prime.
* tonsar v. to shear.
** tonsator n. shears; scissors.
* ton sekund n. second.
* topas n. topaz.
* topograf n. topographer.
* torf n. turf; peat.
* torium n. thorium (Th).
* tork n. torch.
* torment n. torment.
** tormentar v. to torment.
* tornar v. tr. to turn (in a lathe).
** tornator n. turner.
* torpedo n. torpedo.
* torsar v. tr. to twist; to twine; to coil.
* tort n. wrong.
* tortu n. tortoise; turtle.
* tortur n. torture.
** torturar v. to torture.
* tost n. toast; health.
** tostar v. to toast; to propose a health.
* total a. total.
** totale ad. totally; wholly; altogether; quite.
** totalitet n. totality.
* totale no ad. by no means; certainly not; not at all.
* tradision n. tradition.
* tradit n. treachery.
** traditar v. to betray.
* tradukar v. to translate.
** tradukasion n. translation.
* tradukar in [lingu] german to translate into German.
* tragedi n. tragedy.
* tragik a. tragic; tragical.
* traké n. trachea; windpipe.
* traktar v. to treat.
** traktasion n. treatment.
* traktu n. train; trail.
** traktuar v. to trail; to drag.
* tram n. tramway.
* trankil a. tranquil; still; quiet.
* trans p. across; beyond; over.
* transaksion n. transaction.
* trans-donar / transdonar v. to give over; to transfer; to convey; to deliver.
* trans-fluar / transfluar v. to overflow; to run over.
* transit n. transit.
* transitiv a. transitive.
* trans-metar / transmetar v. to lay over; to put over.
* trans-mitar herede / transmitar herede v. to bequeath; to leave.
* transparent a. transparent.
* transpirar v. to perspire; to transpire.
* trans-pontar / transpontar v. to bridge; to bridge over; to build a bridge.
* transport n. transportation.
** transportar v. to transport; to convey.
** transportabl a. transportable.
* transversal a. transverse.
** transversale ad. transversely.
* trap n. trap; snare; pitfall.
* trapes n. trapezium.
* tras n. trace; track.
** trasar v. to trace; to track.
* trasar mediu piketi v. to stake out.
* trat n. draft (finance).
* trav n. beam (timber).
* travesti n. travesty.
** travestiar v. to travesty.
* treliaj n. trellis; lattice.
* trembl n. aspen.
** tremblar v. to tremble; to shake; to quake.
* tren n. train (railroad).
* trepan n. trepan.
** trepanar v. to trepan.
* trepidar v. to tremble with fear; to be afraid.
** trepidasion n. trepidation.
* tres n. tress; braid; plait.
** tresar v. to braid; to plait.
* tresor n. treasure.
* tri nr. three.
* tri- prefix. signifying tri-, three.
* triangul n. triangle.
* tribu n. tribe.
* tribut n. tribute.
* tri-des nr. thirty.
* trifoli n. clover.
* trikot n. knit-goods.
** trikotar v. to knit.
* trili n. trill.
** triliar v. to trill.
* trilion nr. trillion (1,000,000,000,000).
* trinitet n. trinity.
* trio n. trio.
* triped n. tripod.
* tripl nr. triple; threefold; treble.
* trisikl n. tricycle.
* trist a. sad; sorrowful.
** tristitet n. sadness.
* triturar v. to crush; to triturate.
* triumf n. triumph.
** triumfar v. to triumph.
** triumfator n. triumpher.
* tro ad. too (overmuch).
* trofé n. trophy.
* troké n. trochee.
** trokeik a. trochaic.
* trombon n. trombone.
* trompet n. trumpet.
** trompetar v. to trumpet.
* tron n. throne.
* tronk n. trunk (stem).
** tronkar v. to truncate.
** tronket n. stalk.
* trop n. trope; figure.
** tropik a. figurative.
* tropik n. tropic.
** tropikia n. the tropics.
** tropikian a. tropical.
* tropik de kaprikorn n. tropic of Capricorn.
* tropik de krev n. tropic of Cancer.
* trot n. trot; trotting.
** trotar v. to trot.
* trotoar n. sidewalk.
* trufl n. truffle.
* truit n. trout.
* trup n. troop; band; flock.
* truvar v. to find.
* tsar n. czar; tsar.
* tsigan n. gypsy.
* tu pr. thou (in literal translation).
* tub n. tube; pipe; flue.
* tuber n. tuber; bulb; knob.
** tuberos a. knobby; protuberant; bulbous.
** tuberositet n. protuberance; tuberosity.
* tuberkl n. tubercle.
** tuberklos a. tuberculous.
* tue pr. thy; thine.
* tuf n. tuft; bunch.
* tul n. tulle.
* tulip n. tulip.
* tumor n. tumor; swelling.
** tumorar v. to swell.
* tumultu n. tumult; uproar; riot; hubbub.
** tumultuar v. to make a tumult; to cause an uproar; to riot.
* tun n. tun; ton.
* tunel n. tunnel.
* tur n. tour; trip.
** turist n. tourist.
* turbar v. to disturb; to trouble.
* turban n. turban.
* turi n. tower; rook (in chess).
* turk a. Turkish.
** Turkia n. Turkey.
* turmalin n. tourmalin(e); schorl.
* turnar v. tr. to turn.
* turnir n. tournament.
* tus n. cough.
** tusar v. to cough.
* tutar v. to be guardian to; to exercise tutelage over.
** tutel n. body of guardians.
* tutor n. tutor; guardian.


User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page