User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/B

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User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page


* babiliar v. to babble; to prattle.
* bagaj n. baggage; luggage.
* bagatel n. trifle.
* bakar v. to bake.
** bakad n. baking; batch.
* bal n. ball (dance).
* balad n. ballad.
* balans n. balance; equipoise.
** balansar v. int. to balance; to poise.
* balast n. ballast.
* balbusiar v. to stammer; to stutter.
* baldakin n. baldachin; canopy.
* balen n. whale.
* balet n. ballet.
* balistik n. ballistics.
* balkon n. balcony.
* balsam n. balsam; balm.
** balsamar v. to embalm.
* balsamin n. balsamine.
* Baltik (mar) n. Baltic Sea.
* balustr n. baluster.
** balustrad n. balustrade.
* bambu n. bamboo.
* banan n. banana.
* band n. band; tie; bond.
** bandar v. to tie; to bind.
** bandaj n. bandage.
** bandajist n. bandage-maker.
* bandit n. bandit.
* baner n. banner.
* bani n. bath.
** baniar v. to bathe.
** banieri n. bath; bathing-place.
** banier n. bather.
* bani-kuf / banikuf n. bathtub.
* bank n. bank (for money).
** banker n. banker.
* bank-biliet n. bankbill, banknote.
* banket n. banquet.
* bankrot n. bankruptcy.
** fasiar bankrot v. to become bankrupt.
* baptar v. to baptize.
** baptasion n. baptism.
** baptist n. baptizer.
* bar n. bar; ingot; bolt.
** barar v. to bar; to bolt.
* barak n. barrack, hovel; hut.
* barb n. beard.
** barber n. barber.
** barbos a. bearded.
* barbar a. / n. a., barbarous; n., barbarian.
* barbl n. barbel.
* baret n. biretta; cap.
* barier n. barrier.
* barikad n. barricade.
* bariton n. baritone (voice).
* barium n. barium (Ba).
* bark n. bark (boat)
* barometr n. barometer.
* baron n. baron.
* bas a. base; low.
** base ad. down below; at the bottom.
** basifikar v. to lower; to debase; to abase.
** basist n. bass-singer.
** basitet n. lowness; baseness.
* basalt n. basalt.
* basar n. bazaar; market.
* bas-bot / basbot n. shoe.
* bashkir n. Bashkir.
* basilisk n. basilisk.
* basin n. basin.
* basis n. basis; base.
* bast n. bast.
* bastard n. bastard.
* bastion n. bastion; bulwark.
* baston n. staff; stick; rod, cane; baton.
** bastonar v. to cane; to cudgel; to beat.
* bat n. blow; stroke.
** batar v. to beat (strike); to take (in chess); (P) to hit (something, such as a mark).
* batali n. battle.
* batalion n. battalion.
* batat n. sweet potato.
* bateri n. battery (military).
* batist n. batiste.
* batar pasante v. to take en passant (in chess)
* Bavaria n. Bavaria.
* bayonet n. bayonet.
* beat a. blessed.
** beatifikar v. to beatify.
** beatifikasion n. beatification.
** beatitet n. beatitude; blessedness.
* bed n. bed.
* bedel n. beadle.
* beduin n. a Bedouin.
* bek n. beak; bill (of a bird).
** bekar v. to peck; to pick.
* bekas n. woodcock; snipe.
* bel a. beautiful.
** belifikar v. to beautify; to embellish.
** belitet n. beauty.
* beladon n. belladonna; deadly nightshade.
* bel-filio n. son-in-law.
* bel-fratr n. brother-in-law.
* Belgia n. Belgium.
* bel-patr n. father-in-law.
* belveder n. belvedere; belvidere.
* bene ad. well.
* benedikar v. to bless.
** benedikasion n. blessing; benediction.
* bene-fasiar v. to benefit.
** bene-fasiad n. benefit.
** bene-fasiant part. beneficent.
** bene-fasiator n. benefactor.
* benefis n. benefice.
* benevolent a. benevolent; kind.
* bensin n. benzine.
* bensol n. benzole.
* ber n. berry.
* Berberia n. Barbary.
* beril n. beryl.
* berilium n. beryllium; glucinum (Be).
* Besarabia n. Bessarabia.
* bet n. bed (in garden).
* betarubr n. beet.
* betul n. birch.
* bi- prefix. signifying bi-, two-.
* bibar v. to drink.
** bibad n. drink.
* bibl n. Bible.
* bibliotek n. library.
** biblioteker n. librarian.
* biflankik a. bilateral; two-sided.
* bifstek n. beefsteak.
* bigot a. bigoted.
* bikavalik a. two-horse.
* bilans n. balance (in finance).
* bili n. bile; gall.
** bilios a. bilious.
* biliard n. billiards.
* biliet n. billet; note.
* bilinguik a. bilingual.
* bilion nr. billion (1,000,000,000)
* binokl n. binoculars, opera-glass.
** biografia n. biography. (1906, r.153)
* bir n. beer.
** bireri n. beer-house, ale-house.
* bir-kukar v. to brew.
** bir-kukeri n. brewery.
* bisekstil (anu) n. leap year, bissextile.
* bisikl n. bicycle.
** bisiklist n. bicyclist.
* biskit n. biscuit; rusk.
* biskuit n. cracket; biscuit.
* bismut n. bismuth (Bi).
* bitumin n. bitumen.
** bituminos a. bituminous.
* bivuak n. bivouac.
** bivuakar v. to bivouac.
* blam n. blame.
** blamar v. to blame; to censure.
* blank a. white.
** blankatr a. whitish.
* blank-kaval n. white horse.
* blank-pan n. white bread.
* blasfemar v. to blaspheme.
* blok n. block (wood, stone, etc.); log.
* blokar v. to blockage; to block up; to obstruct.
* blond a. blonde.
* blu a. blue.
** bluatr a. bluish.
** bluifikar v. to blue.
* bobin n. spool; bobbin.
** bobinar v. to spool; to wind on a spool.
* Bohemia n. Bohemia.
* bok n. mouth.
* bokon n. jaws; mouth.
* bokal n. cup; goblet; bowl; beaker.
* boksar v. to box.
* Bolivia n. Bolivia.
* bomb n. bomb; shell.
* bombardar v. to bombard.
* bon a. good.
** bonifikar v. to make good; to indemnify.
** bonitet n. goodness.
* bonbon n. bonbon; sweetmeat; candy.
* bon-tempik / bontempik a. early.
** bon-tempe / bontempe ad. early.
* bor n. boron (B).
* boraks n. borax.
* bord n. border; edge; hem; brim; brink; margin; rim.
** bordar v. to border; to edge; to hem.
* bordel n. brothel.
* borges n. citizen.
* borgmaestr n. mayor. (P)
* bors n. purse.
* bosket n. thicket; copse.
* bot n. boot.
** boter n. shoemaker.
* botanik n. botany.
** botanikal a. botanical.
* botanisar v. botanize.
* boteli n. bottle.
* boton n. bud.
** botonar v. to bud.
* bov n. bovine animal (ox, bull, cow, etc.)
* bov-karn / bovkarn n. beef.
* bran n. bran.
* branki n. gill (of a fish)
* bras n. arm.
* braselet n. bracelet.
* brasik n. cabbage.
* Brasilia n. Brazil.
* bras-stul n. armchair.
* brav a. brave.
** bravitet n. bravery.
** brave! i. bravo!; good!
* bresh n. breach gap; break.
* Bretonia n. Brittany.
* brev a. short; brief.
** brevitet n. brevity; briefness; shortness.
* breviar n. breviary.
* brid n. bridle.
** bridar v. to bridle.
* brigad n. brigade.
* brigand n. brigand.
* brik n. brick; tile.
* brikon n. rogue; rascal; knave.
* briliar v. to sparkle; to glitter.
* bris n. breeze.
* Britania n. Great Britain.
* brodar v. to embroider.
* brom n. bromine (Br).
* bronki n. bronchus.
** bronkiik a. bronchial.
* brons n. bronze.
** bronsar v. to bronze.
* broshar v. to stitch (books).
* broshur n. pamphlet; brochure; stitched book.
* bruar v. to bluster; to roar.
* brun a. brown.
** brunifikar v. to brown.
* brus n. brush.
** brusar v. to brush.
* brusk a. brusque; blunt.
** bruskitet n. brusqueness; bluntness.
* brutal a. brutal.
** brutalitet n. brutality.
* bruto ad. gross; in the gross.
* bufet n. sideboard; buffet.
* bufon n. buffoon; clown.
** bufonar v. to play the clown.
** bufonad n. buffoonery; pranks.
** bufonik a. buffoon; waggish.
* buket n. bouquet.
* bukl n. lock (of hair); curl; ringlet.
* bulb n. onion.
* buliar v. tr. and intr. to boil; to seethe.
* bulion n. broth; bouillon.
* burg n. borough; market-town.
* burlesk a. burlesque.
* burs n. exchange (place); bourse.
* bushl n. bushel.
* bust n. bust.
* but n. end; aim; object; mark; goal; butt.
** butar v. to aim; to aim at.
* butik n. shop; store.
* butir n. butter.
** butirifikar v. to make butter; to churn.
* buton n. button.
** butonar v. to button.


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