User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/A

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Neutral Part English Definition
* a ad. (before numerals) each; apiece; by.
* a p. to; (before the infinitive) in order to; also before the infinitive in the following usage: il es tro prudent a monstrar sue koler (which is a shortened form of il es tro prudent a ke il monstr sue koler), he is too prudent to show his anger. (This prefixes as ad-).
* a! i. ah!
* -a suffix. denoting a person or animal of the feminine gender.
* -a suffix. forming the second person singular of the imperative.
* a anteriore ad. to the front.
* abandonar v. to abandon; to forsake; to leave.
* a base ad. down; to the bottom.
* abat n. abbot.
** abata n. abbess.
** abateri n. abbey.
* abatar v. to fell; to cut down.
* abdikar v. to abdicate.
** abdikasion n. abdication.
* abdomin n. abdomen.
* aberar v. to aberrate; to stray; to wander.
** aberasion n. aberration; straying; wandering.
* abiet n. fir.
* Abisinia n. Abyssinia.
* abism n. abyss.
* -abl suffix. forming adjectives showing that something is possible or worthy, with a passive meaning.
* ablativ n. ablative.
* abominar v. to abominate; to detest; to abhor; to loathe.
** abominasion n. abomination.
** abominabl a. abominable.
* abonar v. to subscribe for.
** abonant part. subscriber.
** abonasion n. subscription. (N)
* abreviar v. to abbreviate; to shorten; to abridge.
** abreviasion n. abbreviation; shortening; abridgement.
* abrikos n. apricot.
* absent a. absent.
** absentitet n. absence.
* abses n. abscess.
* absint n. wormwood; absinthium.
* absolut a. absolute.
** absolutism n. absolutism.
* absolvar v. to absolve.
** absolvasion n. absolution.
* absorbar v. to absorb.
* abstinar v. to abstain (from); to refrain (from).
* abstinent a. abstinent; abstemious.
** abstinitet n. abstinence.
* abstrakt a. abstract.
* abstraktar v. to abstract.
* absurd a. absurd.
** absurditet n. absurdity.
* abundar v. to abound
** abundad n. abundance.
* abyurar v. to abjure, to forswear.
* ad p. at; by; to; on; against; with.
* -ad suffix. for forming substantives (see 81. of Grammar).
* ad-bordar / adbordar v. to land; to put into; to touch at.
* ad-dorsar / addorsar v. trans. to lean.
* a dekstre ad. to the right.
* a Deo! i. adieu! good bye! farewell!
* ad-glutinar / adglutinar v. to glue to; to agglutinate.
* adiurnar v. to adjourn; to put off; to defer; to postpone.
* administrar v. to administer.
** administrasion n. administration.
** administrator n. administrator.
* admirar v. to admire.
** admirasion n. admiration.
** admirabl a. admirable.
* admiral n. admiral.
* admiralitet n. admiralty.
* admitar v. to admit.
* a dome ad. home (to the house).
* adoptar v. to adopt.
* adorar v. to adore; to worship.
** adorasion n. adoration; worship.
** adorator n. adorer; worshiper.
** adorabl a. adorable.
* ad-pendad / adpendad n. appendage; appendix.
* ad-portar / adportar v. to fetch; to bring.
* ad-proksimar / adproksimar v. to approximate (trans.).
** ad-proksimasion / adproksimasion n. approximation.
* ad-rangar / adrangar v. to arrange.
* adres n. address; direction.
** adresar v. to address; to direct.
* adult a. adult.
* adulterar v. to commit adultery.
* adverb n. adverb.
* adverb partisipik n. participial adverb.
* advers a. adverse.
** adverser n. adversary; antagonist.
** adversitet n. adversity.
* advokat n. advocate; lawyer.
* adyektiv n. adjective.
** adyektivik a. adjective; adjectival.
* ad-yudikar / adyudikar v. to adjudge; to adjudicate.
* ad-yunktar / adyunktar v. to add; to join.
* ad-yustar / adyustar v. to watch for; to wait for; to lie in wait for. [This word is most probably a mistake because it doesn't make sense and is absent from the Dutch and German dictionaries]
* adyustar v. to adjust; to adapt.
** adyustasion n. adaption. (N)
* adyutant n. adjutant.
* a eksteriore ad. out; (to the) outside.
* aer n. air (atmosphere).
* afabl a. affable, friendly.
** afablitet n. affability; friendliness.
* afeksion n. affection (inclination)
* afekt n. affection (feeling)
* afektar v. to affect (pretent).
* afer n. affair; concern; matter.
* a fini ke c. in order that; that.
* afirmar v. to affirm; to assert.
** afirmasion n. affirmation; assertion.
* afirmar mediu yurad v. to confirm by oath.
* afish n. bill poster up; poster.
** afishar v. to post; to publish.
* a flanke ad. aside; to the side.
* afliktar v. to afflict; to embitter.
* aforism n. aphorism; saying; adage.
* Afrik n. Africa.
* agat n. agate.
* agensi n. agency.
* agent n. agent.
* agil a. agile; nimble.
* agitar v. to agitate.
** agitasion n. agitation.
** agitator n. agitator.
* agnel n. lamb.
* agoni n. agony.
* agr n. field; tilled land.
* agraf n. clasp.
* agreabl a. agreeable.
* agrikultur n. agriculture.
* ai n. sloth (animal).
* a inferiore ad. downward(s).
* a interiore ad. inward; (to the) inside; within.
* -aj suffix. denoting collective nouns signifying things.
* ajio n. agio; premium.
* akademi n. academy.
** akademian a. / n. a., academic; n., academician.
* akasia n. acacia.
* a ke c. that; to (used in the second clause, if the word tro is in the former, es tro benevolent, a ke il refus it, he is too kind to refuse it).
* aklamar v. to acclaim.
** aklamasion n. acclamation.
* akomodar v. to accommodate; to adapt.
** akomodar se v. to accomodate one's self; to submit.
** akomodasion n. accommodation; adaptation.
* a kont de p. to the account of.
* akord n. accord; agreement.
** akordar v. to accord, to agree;
** akordar se v. to agree (be on good terms).
* akreditar v. to accredit.
** akreditasion n. accreditanion. (N)
* aks n. axis; axle.
* akselerar v. to accelerate; to hasten; to hurry.
** akselerasion n. acceleration; hastening.
* aksent n. accent (mark).
* aksentuar v. to accentuate; to accent.
** aksentuasion n. accentuation; accent.
* aksept n. acceptance.
** akseptar v. to accept.
* aksidar v. to happen.
* aksident n. accident; incident.
** aksidente ad. accidentally.
* aksiom n. axiom.
* aksion n. share; stock.
** aksioner n. shareholder; stockholder.
* akt n. act; deed; action.
** aktar v. to act.
* aktiv a. active.
** aktivitet n. activity.
* aktiv n. active voice; the active.
* aktor n. actor.
** aktora n. actress.
* aktual a. actual.
** aktualitet n. actuality.
* aku n. needle.
* akua n. water.
** akuatr a. watery (water-like).
* akuafort n. aquafortis; nitric acid.
* akuarium n. aquarium.
* akuavit n. brandy.
* akuil n. eagle.
* akuirar v. to buy; to purchase.
* akumular v. to accumulate.
** akumulator n. accumulator.
** akumulasion n. accumulation.
* akurat a. accurate.
** akuratitet n. accuracy.
* akusar v. to accuse.
* akusativ n. accusative.
** akusativik a. accusative; accusatival.
* akustik n. acoustics.
* akut a. acute; sharp.
** akutitet n. sharpness, acuteness.
** akutifikar v. to sharpen.
* al n. wing.
** alar v. to wing; to add wings to.
** aled part. winged.
* -al ad. suffix. used instead of'-ik, if the root ends in-ik.
* alabastr n. alabaster.
* alambik n. alembic.
* alarm n. alarm.
** alarmar v. to alarm.
* alaud n. lark.
* alb n. alb.
* Albania n. Albania.
* alberg n. inn.
** albergar v. to harbor; to entertain.
** albergist n. innkeeper.
* albom n. album.
* alé n. avenue; alley; walk; path.
** aleatr a. like an alley or path.
* alegori n. allegory.
** alegoriik a. allegoric(al)
* alegr a. cheerful; merry; gay.
** alegritet n. cheerfulness; mirth.
* alektar v. to allure; to entice.
** alektasion n. allurement; enticement.
* alen n. awl.
* alfabet n. alphabet.
* alfenid n. alfenide.
* algebra n. algebra.
** algebraik a. argebraic.
* alians n. alliance.
* alienar v. to alienate.
** alienik a. alien.
** alienasion n. alienation.
** alienia n. alien country; alien land.
* aligator n. alligator.
* aliment n. aliment; food; nutriment; nourishment.
** alimentar v. to feed; to nourish.
** alimentasion n. alimentation; nurturing; nourishing.
** alimentos a. alimental; nutritive; nutritious.
* aline n. new paragraph.
* Aljeria n. Algeria.
* alkali n. alkali.
** alkaliik a. alkaline.
* alkimi n. alchemy.
** alkimiist n. alchemist.
** alkimiistik a. alchemistic.
* alkohol n. alcohol.
* alkov n. alcove.
* almanak n. almanac.
* almosin n. alms.
* aln n. alder.
* aloe n. aloe.
* Alpi n. Alps.
* Alsasia n. Alsace.
* alt a. high; lofty.
** altitet n. height; loftiness; altitude.
** alteskar v. to grow tall.
* altar n. altar.
* alternar v. to alternate.
** alternasion n. alternation.
* alternativ n. alternative.
* aludar v. to allude; to refer.
** aludasion n. allusion; reference.
* alum n. alum.
* aluminium n. aluminium; aluminum (Al).
* -am suffix. forming the first person plural of the imperative.
* amar v. to love; to like.
** amator n. lover.
** amabl a. amiable.
** amabilitet n. amiability.
** amor n. love.
** amoros a. amorous.
** amorositet n. amorousness.
* amalgam n. amalgam.
** amalgamar v. to amalgamate.
** amalgamasion n. amalgamation. (N)
* amason n. an Amazon.
* ambasad n. embassy.
** ambasader n. ambassador.
* ambigu n. ambiguous.
** ambiguitet n. ambiguity.
* ambisi n. ambition.
** ambisios a. ambitious.
* ambl n. amble.
** amblar v. to amble.
** amblator n. ambler; pacer.
* ambrosi n. ambrosia.
** ambrosian a. ambrosial.
* ambular v. to walk.
* amen! i. amen!
* amer a. bitter.
* Amerik n. America.
** Amerikan a. / n. a., American; n., American.
* ametist n. amethyst.
* amfibi n. amphibian.
** amfibian a. amphibian.
* amidon n. starch.
** amidonar v. to starch.
* amik n. friend.
** amikad n. friendship.
* a minu ad. at least.
* amnesti n. amnesty; pardon.
** amnestiar v. to amnesty; to pardon.
* amoniak n. ammonia.
* amortisar v. to extinguish (a debt); to amortize.
** amortisasion n. extinction (of a debt); amortization.
* ampl a. ample.
** amplitet n. amplitude.
** amplifikar v. to amplify.
** amplifikasion n. amplification. (N)
* amputar v. to amputate.
** amputasion n. amputation.
* amulet n. amulet.
* amusar v. to amuse; to divert; to entertain.
* an n. anus.
** anik a. anal.
* -an suffix. forming derivative adjectives indicating appurtenance to some one or something.
* anali n. annals.
* analis n. analysis.
** analisar v. to analyze.
* analog a. analogous.
* ananas n. pineapple.
* anapest n. anapest.
** anapestik a. anapestic.
* anarki n. anarchy.
** anarkiik a. anarchic.
** anarkiist n. anarchist.
** anarkiism n. anarchism.
* anat n. duck.
* anatem n. anathema.
* Anatolia n. Asia Minor; Anatolia.
** anatomia n. anatomy. (1906, r.153)
** anatomik a. anatomical.
** anatomist n. anatomist.
* -and suffix. forming the gerundive.
* andar v. to go; to attend (a school).
* andar a kontre v. to go and meet.
* Andalusia n. Andalusia.
* andar anteriore v. to precede; to go before.
* andar tro lente v. to be slow (of a timepiece, etc.)
* andar tro velose v. to be fast (of a timepiece, etc.)
* anekdot n. anecdote.
* aneks n. annex.
** aneksar v. to annex.
** aneksasion n. annexation. (N)
* anel n. ring.
** anel rotik n. felloe.
* angel n. angel.
* angin n. angine.
* angl n. fish-hook.
** anglar v. to angle.
* Anglia n. England.
** Anglik a. English; in English; English-speaking.
* Anglian a. / n. a., English; pertaining to England; n., Englishman.
* angoran a. Angora.
* anguil n. eel.
* angul n. angle; corner.
* angust n. anxiety; distress; straits.
** angustar v. to cause anxiety to; to distress.
* anim n. soul.
** animar v. to animate; to vivify; to enliven.
** animasion n. animation. (N)
* animal n. animal.
** animalik a. animal.
* animal rapas n. beast of prey.
* anis n. anise.
* aniversar n. anniversary.
* ankor ad. still; yet.
** ankorfoa ad. once more; once again.
* ankr n. anchor.
** ankrar v. to anchor.
* anonim a. anonymous.
** anonimitet n. anonymitiy.
* ans n. handle; haft; hilt.
* ansian a. / n. a., ancient; old; n., old man.
** ansianitet n. age; ancientness.
** ansianeskar v. to grow old; to age.
* -ant suffix. forming the active participle.
* ante p. before (temporal and local).
* ante ke c. before.
* anterior a. anterior; former; previous.
** anteriore ad. anteriorly; previously; first; before; in front; foremost.
* anti- prefix. corresponding to the preposition kontr.
* antialkoholik a. antialcoholic.
* antifon n. antiphon; anthem.
** antifonik a. antiphonal.
* antik a. antique.
** antikitet n. antiquity.
* Antili n. Antilles.
* antilop n. antelope.
* antimon n. antimony; stibium (Sb).
* antipap n. antipope.
** antipatia n. antipathy. (1906, r.153)
** antipatik a. antipathetic.
* antipod n. antipode.
* anu n. year.
** anuik a. annual; yearly.
* anular v. to annul; to cancel; to abolish; to abrogate; to repeal; to quash; to annihilate.
** anulasion n. annulment, abrogation. (N)
* anunsi n. announcement.
** anunsiar v. to announce.
* aort n. aorta.
* a otr-loke ad. elsewhere; somewhere else.
* apanaj n. appanage.
** apanajar v. to appanage.
* aparar v. to appear (be or become visible); to rise (of heavenly bodies).
* aparat n. apparatus.
* apart ad. apart; separately; aside.
* apartenar v. to belong; to appertain.
** apatia n. apathy. (1906, r.153)
** apatik a. apathetic.
* apel n. appeal.
** apelar v. to appeal.
* apenini n. Apennines.
* aperiar v. to open.
** aperiad n. opening.
* apetit n. appetite.
* api n. bee.
** apieri n. beehive.
* aplaudar v. to applaud.
* apo! i. away! begone!
* apo-andar / apoandar v. to go away; to go off.
** apologia n. apology (defence). (1906, r.153)
** apologik a. apologetic.
** apologist n. apologist.
* apopleksi n. apoplexy.
** apopleksiik a. apoplectic.
* apo-prendar / apoprendar v. to take away.
* apo-pusar / apopusar v. to put away; to cast off.
* apo-selar / aposelar v. to sail away.
* apostat a. apostate.
* a posteriore ad. to the rear.
* apostol n. apostle.
** apostolik a. apostolic.
* apostrof n. apostrophe (').
* apostrofar v. to apostrophize; to address.
** apostrofad n. apostrophe; address.
* apotek n. apothecary shop; drugstore; pharmacy.
** apoteker n. apothecary.
* aprendar v. to learn.
** aprendabl a. learnable.
* april n. April.
* aprobar v. to approve.
* aproksimativ a. approximate; approximative.
** aproksimative ad. approximately; approximatively.
* apropriar v. to appropriate.
* apt a. apt; skillful.
** aptitet n. aptitude; skill.
* ar n. are (100 square meters)
* -ar suffix. the infinitive ending.
* arar v. to till; to cultivate.
* Arabia n. Arabia.
* arabesk n. arabesque.
* arak n. arrack.
* aran n. spider.
* arbitr n. arbiter, umpire.
* arbitraj n. arbitration.
* arbitrar a. arbitrary.
** arbitraritet n. arbitrariness.
* arbor n. tree.
* arbust n. shrub; bush.
* ardar v. to glow.
** ardor n. ardor; glow; heat; fire.
** ardoros a. hot; heated; ardent; fiery.
* aren n. arena.
* arendar v. to rent; to hire.
** arendator n. tenant; hirer.
* areometr n. areometer; hydrometer.
* arest n. arrest.
** arestar v. to arrest.
* a revisad! i. until we meet again!
* argent n. silver (Ag).
** argentar v. to silver.
* argil n. clay; argil.
** argilos a. argillaceous; clayey.
* argon n. argon.
* argument n. argument.
* argumentar v. to argue.
** argumentasion n. argumentation. (N)
* aria n. aria; air; tune.
* aristokrat n. aristocrat.
** aristokratia n. aristocracy. (1906, r.153)
* aritmetik n. arithmetic.
* arivar v. to arrive; to arrive at.
* ark n. bow; arche; arc.
* arkatr a. arched. (P)
** arkad n. arcade; archway.
** arker n. archer; bowman.
* arkan a. secret; hidden; concealed.
* arki- prefix. signifying superiority.
* arkiangel n. archangel.
* arkiduk n. archduke.
* arkiepiskop n. archbishop.
* arkitekt n. architect.
* arkiv n. archives.
* arm n. arm; weapon.
** armar v. to arm.
* armatur n. armature.
* arm-emblem n. escutcheon; coat of arms; arms.
* Armenia n. Armenia.
* armi n. army. [changed to armé in 1912 Reform-Neutral]
* armiik / de armi a. army.
* arogant a. arrogant.
** arogantitet n. arrogance.
* aromat n. aroma; fragrance.
** aromatik a. aromatic; fragrant.
* arorut n. arrowroot.
* arsen n. arsenic (As).
* arsenal n. arsenal.
* art n. art.
** artist n. artist.
* arter n. artery.
* artifisi n. artifice.
** artifisios a. artful; ingenious.
* artifisial a. artificial.
* artikl n. article (in paper; also part of speech).
* artikl definit, indefinit n. definite, indefinite article.
* artileri n. artillery.
** artileriist n. artillerist.
* artishok n. artichoke.
* as n. ace (cards).
* asasinar v. to assassinate; to murder.
** asasinasion n. assassination; murder.
** asasinator n. assassin; murderer.
* asbest n. asbestos.
* asekurar v. to secure; to make certain; to assure; to insure.
** asekurasion n. assurance; insurance.
* asendar v. to ascend; to mount; to rise.
* asension n. the Ascension.
* asenti n. assent.
** asentar v. to assent.
* aser n. maple-tree.
* aserb a. acerb; acrid; tart.
* asesor n. assesor;
* asfalt n. asphalt.
* Asia n. Asia.
** Asian a. Asian, Asiatic.
* asid a. acid; sour.
** asidad n. acid.
** asiditet n. acidity.
* asidu a. assiduous.
** asiduitet n. assiduity.
* asier n. steel.
** asierar v. to steel; to harden; to temper.
** asierik a. steel.
* asignar v. to assign.
* asil n. asylum.
* a siloke ad. hither; here; to this place.
* asin n. ass.
* -asion suffix. which, with a verbal root, forms nouns denoting action.
* Asiria n. Assyria.
* asistar v. to assist.
** asistant part. assistant.
* asket n. ascetic.
* asosiar v. to associate (trans.).
** asosiasion n. association.
** asosied part. associate.
* asot n. azote; nitrogen (N).
* asparg n. asparagus.
* aspekt n. aspect; view; sight; prospect.
** aspektar v. to view; to behold.
* aspirar v. to aspire.
* astmat n. asthma.
* astr n. star; heavenly body.
* astrolog n. astrologer.
** astrologia n. astrology. (1906, r.153)
* astronom n. astronomer.
** astronomia n. astronomy. (1906, r.153)
* astronomik a. astronomical.
* astusi n. craft; cunning; art.
** astusios a. crafty; cunning; artful; sly.
* a superiore ad. up; upward; aloft.
* asur a. azure.
* atak n. attack; assault.
** atakar v. to attack; to assault; to assail.
* -ate suffix. forming the second person plural of the imperative.
* ateism n. atheism.
* ateist n. atheist.
* a teloke ad. thither; there.
* atend n. waiting.
** atendar v. to wait; to await.
* atension n. attention.
** atensionos a. attentive.
* atest n. testimony.
** atestar v. to attest; to testify; to depose; to witness.
** atestator n. witness.
* atinar v. to attain; to reach.
* -ativ suffix. used with a verbal root to form adjectives indicating ability to do something.
* Atlantik (osean) n. Atlantic Ocean.
* atlas n. atlas.
* atlet n. athlete.
** atletik a. athletic.
* atmosfer n. atmosphere.
* atom n. atom.
* -ator suffix. used with a verbal root form a noun denoting a person or thing acting.
* -atr suffix. forming adjectives showing a resemblance to the root, whether this be a noun or an adjective.
* atraktar v. to attract.
** atraktasion n. attraction.
* atrap n. trap; snare; pitfall.
** atrapar v. to entrap; to ensnare.
* audiar v. to hear.
** audia! i. hello!; ho!; hear!; hark!
* audiens n. audience.
* audit n. hearing (the sense)
* augment n. augment.
** augmentar v. to augment.
** augmentasion n. augmentation.
* august n. August.
* auksion n. auction.
** auksionar v. to auction.
* a ulteriore e a siteriore ad. to and fro.
* aur n. gold (Au).
** aurar v. to gild.
** aurasion n. gilding.
* auskultar v. to listen; to auscultate.
* Austria n. Austria
* Australia n. Australia.
* aut pr. self (emphatic: myself, himself, etc., according to context).
* autentik a. authentic.
* auto- prefix. signifying self-, auto-.
*** autobiografia n. autobiography. (1906, r.153)
* automat n. automaton.
** automatik a. automatic.
** automate ad. automatically.
* automobil a. / n. a., automobile; self-moving; n., [vehikl] automobile.
* autor n. author.
* autorisar v. to authorize; to empower, to entitle.
** autorisasion n. authorization. (N)
* autoritet n. authority.
* -av suffix. forming the imperfect.
* avar v. to have.
* avansar v. to advance.
** avanse ad. beforehand; in advance.
* avar a. / n. a., avaricious; n., miser; niggard.
** avaritet n. avarice.
* aven n. oats.
* aveniar v. to occur.
* aventur n. adventure.
* aversion n. aversion.
* avertar v. to hint.
** avertasion n. hint.
* avar famel v. to be hungry; to hunger.
* avid a. eager; avid.
** aviditet n. avidity; eagerness.
* avis n. advice; news.
** avisar v. to advise.
* avar koneks v. to be connected.
* avar lok v. to take place.
* avar nesesitet de v. to need.
* avar pasientitet v. to have patience.
* avar permit a v. to have permission for; may; to be allowed.
* avar siti v. to thirst; to be thirsty.
* avar sukses ko kk v. to succeed with anything (mi avav sukses ko voyaj - my journey succeeded, resulted well).
* avar tendens v. to have a tendency; to tend to.


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