User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/D

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User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page


Neutral Part English Definition
* da p. since; from. (This prefixes as de-)
* daks n. badger.
* daktil n. daktyl.
** daktilik a. dactylic.
* Dalmatia n. Dalmatia.
* dam n. dam; dike.
* damn n. hurt; harm; damage; detriment.
** damnifikar v. to hurt; to harm; to damage.
** damnos! i. it is a pity!; what a pity!
* Dania n. Denmark.
* dans n. dance.
** dansar v. to dance.
* Dardaneli n. Dardanelles.
* dat n. date (time).
* da temp ke c. since; from the time that.
* da tetempe ad. since; from that time.
* dativ n. dative.
* datl n. date (fruit).
* de p. of.
* Deo n. God.
** dea n. goddess.
** deifikar v. to deify.
** deifikasion n. deification. (N)
* deb n. duty.
** debar v. must. e.g. mi deb == I ought, I should, I must.
* de-bandar /debandar v. to untie; to unbind.
* de-batar /debatar v. to beat off.
* debat n. debate.
** debatar v. to debate.
* debet n. debit side.
** debetar v. to debit; to charge.
* de-brusar / debrusar v. to brush off; to brush away.
* debt n. debt.
** debtar v. to owe.
* debt aktiv n. outstanding debt.
* dedikar v. to dedicate; to devote.
** dedikasion n. dedication. (N)
* de-dukar / dedukar v. to lead off; to lead away.
* de-falsiar / defalsiar v. to mow off; to cut down.
* defekt n. defect; blemish; fault.
** defektos a. / n. a., defective; n., cripple.
* defendar v. to defend.
** defendasion n. defense; defending.
** defendator n. defender.
* definiar v. to define.
* definitiv a. definitive; decisive; definite.
* defisit n. deficit; deficiency.
* de-florar / deflorar v. to shed (its) blossoms.
* de-fluar / defluar v. to flow off.
* de-formar / deformar v. to disfigure; to deform; to deface.
** deformik a. deformed; ugly.
** deformasion n. deformation. (N)
* de-frangar / defrangar v. to break off.
* defraudar v. to defraud.
** defraudasion n. defrauding.
* degenerar v. to degenerate.
** denegerasion n. degeneration. (N)
* de-glisar / deglisar v. to slip off; to slide off; to glide off.
* degradar v. to degrade.
** degradasion n. degradation. (N)
* dek n. deck.
* deka- prefix. signifying deca-, ten.
* de-kadar / dekadar v. to fall off.
* dekan n. dean.
* de-kapar / dekapar v. to decapitate; to behead.
* dekapasion n. decapitation; beheading.
* deklamar v. to declaim.
* deklarar v. to declare.
** deklarasion n. declaration. (N)
* deklinar v. to decline (grammar).
** deklinasion n. declension.
* dekliv n. declivity.
* de-kombustar / dekombustar v. tr. to burn down; to burn up.
* de-komitar / dekomitar v. to countermand.
* de-konsiliar / dekonsiliar v. to dissuade; to advise against.
* de-kontar / dekontar v. to deduct.
* dekor n. decoration.
** dekorar v. to decorate.
** dekorasion n. decoration. (N)
* de-kratar / dekratar v. to scratch off.
* dekret n. decree.
** dekretar v. to decree.
* dekstr a. right (not left).
** dekstre ad. at (on) the right.
** dekstre de p. to (at) the right of.
* de-kukar / dekukar v. to decoct.
* de-kupar / dekupar v. to cut off.
* de-kurajar / dekurajar v. to discourage; to dishearten.
* de-kustomar / dekustomar v. to disaccustom; to wean.
* de-kuvrar / dekuvrar v. to uncover; to unveil; to disclose; to reveal.
* dekuvrar v. to discover.
** dekuvrad n. discovery.
* delegar v. to delegate.
** delegasion n. delegation. (N)
* delektar v. to delight (tr.).
* delfin n. dolphin.
* delikat a. delicate.
* delikates n. delicacy.
* delikt n. crime.
* deliniar v. to delineate; to draw; to design.
** deliniasion n. deliniation. (N)
* delir n. delirium.
** delirar v. to be delirious; to rave.
* delisi n. enjoyment; delight.
** delisiar v. to enjoy.
** delisios a. delightful.
* delivrar v. to deliver (furnish).
* demagog n. demagogue.
* demand n. demand.
** demandar v. to demand; to ask.
* de-marshar / demarshar v. to march off.
* de-maskar / demaskar v. to unmask.
* de-mendikar / demendikar v. to beg of; to beg from.
* dementi n. belying; lie; contradition.
** dementiar v. to belie; to contradict.
* de-merkantar / demerkantar v. to cheapen; to beat down (prices).
* demi a. half.
* demokrat n. democrat.
** demokratik a. democratic.
** demokratia n. democracy. (1906, r.153)
* demolar v. to demolish.
** demolasion n. demolition. (N)
* demon n. demon.
* demonstrar v. to demonstrate.
** demonstar se v. to prove.
** demonstrasion n. demonstration. (N)
* denominator n. denominator.
* denove ad. again; anew.
* dens a. dense; thick.
** densitet n. density; thickness.
* dent n. tooth; tine; prong.
** dentaj n. set of teeth; teeth.
** dentar v. to teeth; to cut (one's) teeth.
** dentist n. dentist.
* dentel n. lace.
* denunsiar v. to denounce; to inform against.
** denunsiasion n. denunciation. (N)
* departement n. department.
* de pasu a pasu ad. step by step.
* dependar v. to depend.
* deplorar v. to deplore.
* depó n. depot; depository.
* de-poplar / depoplar v. to depopulate.
* de-posar / deposar v. to set down; to lay down; to set aside.
* de-prendar / deprendar v. to take off.
* de-presar / depresar v. to press off.
* deprimar v. to depress; to deject.
* de-pulvar / depulvar v. to dust off.
* de-pusar / depusar v. to push off; to repel.
* deputar v. to depute.
** deputed part. deputy.
* de-rabotar/ derabotar v. to plane off.
* de-radikar / deradikar v. to root up; to root out; to eradicate.
* de-ridar / deridar v. to deride.
** deridasion n. derision. (N)
* derivar v. to derive.
** derivasion n. derivation. (N)
* de-rodar / derodar v. to gnaw off.
* de-ruptar / deruptar v. to tear off.
* dervish n. dervish.
* des nr. ten.
* de-saltar / desaltar v. to leap off; to jump off.
* des-du nr. twelve.
* de-sedlar / desedlar v. to unsaddle.
* desembr n. December.
* desendar v. to descend; to alight; to put up (at inn).
* desent a. decent; becoming.
* deser n. dessert.
* desert a. desert; waste.
* desertar v. to desert; to run away.
** desertasion n. desertion. (N)
* de-sharjar v. to unload; to discharge.
* desidar v. to decide.
** desidasion n. decision.
* desinar v. to design; to purpose; to plan; to mean.
* desinfektar v. to disinfect.
** desinfektasion n. disinfection. (N)
* desir n. desire; wish.
** desirabl a. desirable.
** desirar v. to desire; to wish; to long for; to yearn for.
* de-skribar / deskribar v. to write off (out); to transcribe.
* de-skumar / deskumar v. to skim.
* desperar v. to despair.
** desperasion n. desperation. (N)
* despot n. despot.
** despotik a. despotic.
* destilar v. to distil.
* destinar v. to destine.
** destinasion n. destination.
* des-tri nr. thirteen.
* destruktar v. to destroy.
** destruktasion n. destruction.
* de-sukusar / desukusar v. to shake off.
* des-un nr. eleven.
* detali n. detail.
** detaliar v. to detail.
** detalied part. detailed.
** detaliik a. detail; retail.
* determinar v. to determine.
** determinasion n. determination.
* de-turnar / deturnar v. to turn off; to turn away; to divert.
* de-urgar / deurgar v. to extort; to wring.
* de-usar / deusar v. to wear out.
* developar v. to develope. (P)
** developasion n. development. (P)
* deveniar v. to become.
* deveniar misandant v. to become lame.
* deveniar mut v. to become dumb.
* deveniar pasionos v. to fall into a passion.
* de-versar / deversar v. to pour off; to decant.
* de-vestar / devestar v. to undress; to divest.
* devis n. device.
* devorar v. to devour.
* devosion n. devotion.
* devot a. devoted.
* de-voyajar / devoyajar v. to go on a journey.
* de-yunktar / deyunktar ('kavali) v. to unhitch.
* di p. about; on; of; concerning.
* diabet n. diabetes.
** diabetik a. diabetic.
* diabol n. devil.
* diadem n. diadem.
* diafan a. diaphanous.
** diafanitet n. diaphanousness.
* diafragm n. diaphragm.
* diagnos n. diagnosis.
** diagnosar v. to diagnose.
* diagonal a. diagonal.
** diagonale ad. diagonally.
* diakon n. deacon.
* dialekt n. dialect.
* dialektik n. dialectic(s).
** dialectikal a. dialectic(al).
* dialog n. dialogue.
* diamant n. diamond.
* diametr n. diameter.
* diaré n. diarrhœa; diarrhea.
* didim n. didymium (Di).
* diet n. diet.
* direrar v. to differ.
* diferens n. difference.
* difteri n. diphtheria.
** difteriik a. diphtheritic.
* diftong n. diphthong.
* digestar v. to digest.
* digit n. finger.
* dignar v. to deign; to vouchsafe.
** dignik a. worthy.
** dignitet n. dignity; worth.
* dikar v. to say; to tell.
* diksionar n. dictionary.
* diktar v. to dictate.
** diktasion n. dictation.
* diktator n. dictator.
* dilem n. dilemma.
* diletant n. dilettante.
* diligent a. diligent.
** diligentitet n. diligence.
* dimension n. dimension.
* dimision n. relinquishment.
** dimisionar v. to relinquish; to give up.
* dimitar v. to dismiss; to discharge.
* dinamik n. dynamics.
** dinamikal a. dynamic(al).
* dinamit n. dynamite.
* dinasti n. dynasty.
* diné n. dinner.
** dinear v. to dine.
* dioses n. diocese.
* diplom n. diploma.
* diplomat n. diplomat.
* diplomatia n. diplomacy. (1906, r.153)
** diplomatik a. diplomatic. (1906, r.153)
* direksion n. direction (course).
* direkt a. direct.
* direktor n. director.
** direktorad n. directorship; directorate.
* dirigar v. to direct (manage).
* dirigar karos v. to drive.
* dis- prefix. signifying separation.
* disaparar v. to disappear; to go down (of sun, etc.); to set (of sun).
* disentri n. dysentry.
** disentrik a. dysenteric.
* disfrangar v. to break to pieces; to break up.
* disgustar v. to disgust.
** disgustik a. disgusting.
* disipar v. to scatter; to disperse; to dispel; to dissipate.
** disipasion n. dissipation.
* disiplin n. discipline.
* disk n. disk; quoit.
* diskont n. discount.
** diskontar v. to discount.
* diskord n. discord.
* diskret a. discreet.
* diskupar v. to cut up; to dissect.
* diskutar v. to discuss.
** diskutasion n. discussion.
* dismembrar v. to dismember.
* disnodar v. to untie; to unravel.
* disolut a. dissolute.
* disordar v. to disarrange; to disorder.
* dispaketar v. to unpack.
* dispar a. disparate; radically different.
** disparitet n. disparity.
* dispens n. dispensation.
** dispensar v. to dispense; to exempt.
* dispepsi n. dyspepsy; dyspepsia.
** dispepsiik a. dyspeptic.
* disposar v. to dispose.
** disposed part. disposed.
* disput n. dispute.
** disputar v. to dispute.
* dissonar v. to be dissonant; to be discordant.
* distant a. distant; far; remote.
** distantitet n. distance.
* distingu n. distinction (difference).
** distinguar v. to distinguish; to discriminate; to discern; to distinguish (mark out).
* distinkt a. distinct.
* distinsion n. distinction (dignity).
* distrakt a. distracted.
** distraktitet n. distraction; distractedness.
* distribuar v. to distribute; to dispense.
** distribuasion n. distribution.
* distrikt n. district.
* disuniar v. to disunite.
* diurn n. day.
** diurne ad. by day; in the daytime.
* diurnal n. journal; review; periodical.
* divan n. sofa; lounge.
* divergar v. to diverge.
* divers a. diverse; different.
* dividar v. to divide; to share.
* divident n. dividend.
* divin a. divine.*
** divinitet n. divinity; godhead.
* divinar v. to divine; to guess.
** divinasion n. divination.
* division n. division (military).
* divors n. divorce.
** divorsar v. to divorce.
* dog n. mastiff.
* dogmat n. dogma.
** dogmatik a. dogmatic.
* doktor n. doctor (title)
** doktorad n. doctorate.
* doktrin n. doctrine; teaching.
* dokument n. document.
** dokumentar v. to authenticate.
** dokumentasion n. documentation.
* dolar n. dollar.
* dolor n. pain; ache.
** doloros a. painful.
* dom n. house.
** dome ad. at home; home.
* domen n. domain; dominion.
* dominar v. to dominate; to lord over.
** dominasion n. domination.
* dominikan n. Dominican.
* domisil n. domicile; dwelling.
** domisilar v. to dwell.
* don n. gift.
** donar v. to give; to impart; to bestow.
* donat n. donation; present.
** donatar v. to donate; to present.
* dorm n. sleep.
** dormar v. to sleep.
** dormos a. sleepy.
* dors n. back.
** dorsu p. back of; behind.
* dosent n. docent; tutor (in university).
* dosi n. dose.
* dosiar v. to dose.
* dot n. dowry.
** dotar v. to endow.
* dragon n. dragoon.
* drakon n. dragon.
* dramat n. drama.
* drap n. cloth.
** drapar v. to drape.
* drap de sak n. handkerchief, pocket-handkerchief.
* drastik a. drastic.
* dresar v. to break; to train; to break in; to drille; to dress.
* dresar kaval v. to break a horse.
* drog n. drug.
* drogist n. druggist.
* drol a. droll.
* dromedar n. dromedary.
* du nr. two.
** dufoa nr. twice.
* duan n. customs; duty; toll.
** duaneri n. custom-house.
** duaner n. toll-gatherer; custom-house officer.
* dubi n. doubt.
* dubiar di kk v. to doubt of anything; to question.
* dublon n. doubloon.
* du-des nr. twenty.
* du-des-un nr. twenty-one.
* duel n. duel.
** duelar ko kelkhom v. to duel (with someone).
* duet n. duet.
* duk n. duke.
* dukar v. to lead.
** dukasion n. lead; leadership.
* dukar atension a v. to call attention to.
* dukat n. ducat.
* duls a. sweet.
** dulsifikar v. to sweeten.
** dulsitet n. sweetness.
* dun n. dune; down.
* dupar v. to dupe.
* dupl nr. double.
* dupl-akuil n. double eagle.
* dupl-punkt n. colon (:).
* dur a. hard.
** durifikar v. to harden; to indurate.
** duritet n. hardness.
* durar v. to last; to endure.
** durabl a. durable.
** durabilitet n. durability.
** durante ke c. while; whilst.
** durantu p. during.
** durasion n. duration.
* dusen n. dozen.
* dush n. douche; shower.
** dushar v. to have a shower.


User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page