User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/R

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User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page


Neutral Part English Definition
* rabat n. rebate.
** rabatar v. to rebate; to abate.
* rabin n. rabbi; rabbin.
* rabot n. plane (carpenter's)
** rabotar v. to plane.
* rad n. road; roadstead (marine).
* radi n. radius; ray; beam.
** radiar v. to radiate.
** radiad  n. spoke.
** radiik a. radial.
* radis n. radish.
* rafinar v. to refine.
* ram n. branch; bough; limb.
** ramifikar v. to ramify.
* ramp n. ramp.
* rampart n. rampart.
* ran n. frog.
* rang n. rank; row; tier.
** rangar v. to rank; to range.
* rankor n. rancor.
* ransid a. rancid.
** ransiditet n. rancidity; rancidness.
* ranunkl n. ranunculus.
* rap n. turnip.
* rapas a. rapacious.
** rapasitet n. rapacity.
* rapiar v. to steal.
** rapiator n. chief.
* rapid a. rapid; quick; fast.
** rapiditit n. rapidity.
* rapide kuale fulmin phrase. quick as lightning.
* rapin n. robbery.
** rapinar v. to rob.
** rapinator n. robber.
* raport n. report.
** raportar v. to report.
* raps n. rape (bot.).
* rapt n. adbuction.
** raptar v. to abduct.
* rar a. rare.
** rare ad. seldom; rarely.
** rarifikar v. to rarefy.
** raritet n. rarity; rareness.
* ras n. race; breed.
* rasar v. to shave; to scrape.
** rasator n. razor.
* rasional a. rational.
** rasionalism n. rationalism.
** rasionalitet n. rationality.
* rasp n. rasp.
** raspar v. to rasp.
* rastr n. rake.
** rastrar v. to rake.
** rastron n. harrow.
** rastronar v. to harrow.
* rat n. rat.
* ratifikar v. to ratify.
* rauk a. hoarse.
** raukitet n. hoarseness.
* raviar v. to ravish; to enrapture.
** raviasion n. rapture.
* ravin n. ravine; gorge.
* re- prefix. signifying repetition or return.
* reaktar v. to react.
** reaktasion n. reaction.
* real a. real.
** realism n. realism.
** realitet n. reality.
* realisar v. to realize.
* rebel n. rebel.
** rebelar v. to rebel.
* rebus n. rebus.
* redaktar v. to edit; to draw up.
** redaktasion n. editing.
** redaktator n. editor.
* redimar v. to redeem; to ransom.
** redimasion n. redemption.
** redimator n. redeemer.
* redonar v. to give back; to return; to restore.
* referar v. to refer (report).
** referad n. reference (report).
* refleks n. reflection (physical).
** refleksar v. to reflect (physically).
* reflektar v. to reflect (meditate).
* refluks n. ebb.
* reform n. reform.
** reformar v. to reform.
** reformasion n. reformation.
** reformator n. reformer.
* refrangar v. to refract.
** refrangabl a. refrangible.
** refrangablitet n. refrangibility.
* refreskar v. to refresh; to cool.
* refugi n. refuge.
** refugiar v. to take refuge; to have recourse to.
* refus n. refusal.
** refusar v. to refuse; to decline.
* refutar v. to refute.
** refutasion n. refutation.
* reg n. king (ruler; also in chess).
** rega n. queen (sovereign; also in chess).
* regalar v. to regale; to entertain.
* regard n. regard; respect (relation).
** regardu p. in regard to; in respect to.
* regat n. regatta.
* regenerar v. to regenerate.
** regenerasion n. regeneration.
** regenerator n. regenerator.
* regiment n. regiment.
* region n. region.
* registr n. register; roll.
** registrar v. to register; to enroll.
* regi n. rule.
* regnar v. to reign; to rule over.
** regnator n. ruler; sovereign.
** regnia n. kingdom.
* regnikol n. inhabitant of a kingdom.
* regres n. retrogression.
** regresar v. to retrograde.
* regret n. regret.
** regretar v. to regret.
** regrete! i. alas!; unfortunately!
* regular v. to regulate.
* regular a. regular.
** regularitet n. regularity.
* rehabilitar v. to rehabilitate.
* rekapitular v. to recapitulate.
* reklam n. puff; puffing (newspaper); advertisement.
* reklamar v. to reclaim; to recall.
* rekolt n. crop; harvest.
** rekoltar v. to harvest; to reap.
* rekomendar v. to recommend; to commend.
* rekompensar v. to remunerate; to recompense; to reward; to requite.
** rekompensasion n. remuneration; recompense; reward; requital.
* rekonosar v. to recognize.
* rekrear v. to recreate (take recreation).
** rekreasion n. recreation.
* rekrut n. recruit.
** rekrutar v. to recruit (raise soldiers); to enlist.
* rekt a. straight; right.
** rektifikar v. to rectify.
** rektitet n. straightness; rectitude.
* rektor n. rector.
* rekuisit n. requisite.
* relasion n. relation (of one thing to another; commercial relations, etc.).
* relativ a. relative; respective.
** relativu p. relative to.
* relegar v. to relegate.
** relegasion n. relegation.
* relief n. relief; relievo.
** reliefik a. relief; raised; embossed.
* religi n. religion.
** religios a. religious.
** religiositet n. religiousness.
* relikui n. relic.
** relikuiik a. reliquian.
* rels n. rail.
** rels-rut n. railroad; railway.
* rem n. oar.
** remar v. to row.
* remburs n. reimbursement.
** rembursar v. to reimburse.
* remedi n. remedy.
** remediar v. to remedy; to cure; to heal.
** remediabl a. remediable; curable.
* reminiskar v. to remind.
** reminiskasion n. reminding.
* remors n. remorse.
* removar v. to remove (trans.).
* remov-kest n. drawer.
* ren n. reindeer.
* renfors n. reinforcement.
** renforsar v. to reinforce.
* renovar v. to renew; to renovate.
* rent n. income; rent; revenue.
** rentar v. to yield (income, etc.).
** renter n. rentier; one who has a fixed income.
* renunsiar a kk v. to renounce anything.
** renunsiasion n. renunciation.
* reparar v. to repair; to mend.
* repast n. repast; meal.
* repent n. repentance; penitence.
** repentar v. to repent.
* repertori n. repertory.
* repetar v. to repeat; to renew.
** repetasion n. repetition.
* replik n. reply; rejoinder.
** replikar v. to reply; to rejoin.
* repositori n. cupboard; closet; press.
** repositoriet n. repository.
* reprendar v. to take back, to resume.
* representar v. to represent.
* reprimand n. reprimand.
** reprimandar v. to reprimand.
* reprosh n. reproach.
** reproshar v. to reproach; to upbraid.
* reprovar v. to disapprove; to reject; to reprobate.
** reprovasion n. disapprobation; disapproval; rejection.
* republik n. republic.
** republikan a. / n. republican.
* reputasion n. reputation; character.
* resept n. prescription; recipe; receipt.
* reserv n. reserve; stock; reservation.
** reservar v. to reserve; to save (lay up); to reserve (keep back).
* residar v. to reside; to live.
* residiv n. relapse.
** residiver n. relapser.
* resignar v. to resign.
** resignasion n. resignation.
* resignar se v. to resign one's self.
* resin n. resin.
* resiprok a. reciprocal; mutual.
* resistens n. resistance.
* resitar v. to recite.
* resivar v. to receive; to get.
* resolution n. resolution; decision.
* resolut a. resolute.
* resolvar v. to resolve; to determine; to conclude; to decide.
* reson n. reason.
** resonar v. to reason.
** resonos a. reasonable; rational.
* resonans n. resonance.
* resor n. spring (elastic force or body).
* respekt n. respect (esteem).
** respektar v. to respect (esteem).
* respektive ad. respectively.
* respir n. breath.
** respirar v. to respire; to breathe.
** respirasion n. respiration; breathing.
* respond n. response; answer; reply.
** respondar v. to respond; to answer; to reply; to be answerable for; to be responsible for.
** respondabl a. answerable; liable; responsible.
** respondablitet n. liability; responsibility.
* rest n. remainder; rest.
** restar v. to remain; to stay.
* restaurar v. to restore; to revive; to refresh.
** restaureri n. restaurant.
** restaurasion n. restoration; restoring.
* restar posteriore v. to remain behind.
* restriktar v. to restrict; to circumscribe; to confine.
* restar sol v. to be solitary; to remain alone.
* resultar v. to result.
** resultad n. result; issue.
* resureksion n. resurrection.
** resureksionar v. to rise (from the dead).
* ret n. net.
* retardar v. to retard.
* retenar v. to keep back; to restrain.
* retenar v. to retain; to keep.
* retirar v. tr. to retire; to withdraw.
** retirad n. retreat.
* retirar se v. to retire; to withdraw (both intr.).
* retort n. retort (chem.).
* retro ad. back; backward.
* retro-via n. way back; return.
* return n. return.
** returnar v. to return; to go back.
* reumatism n. rheumatism.
** reumatismik a. rheumatic.
* reuniar v. to reunite; to assemble (trans.).
* reunion n. reunion.
* reverend a. reverend.
* revisar v. to revise; to review.
* revolt n. revolt.
** revoltar v. to revolt.
* revolusion n. revolution.
* revoyajar v. to travel back.
* ridar v. to laugh; to laugh at.
* rigid a. rigid; stiff.
** rigiditet n. rigidity; stiffness.
* rik a. rich.
** rikifikar v. to enrich.
** rikitet n. riches; wealth; richness.
* rim n. rime (rhyme).
** rimar v. to rime; to rhyme.
* rimbors n. C.O.D.; reimbursement.
** rimborsar v. to collect (charges).
* rimes n. remittance.
* rinoseros n. rhinoceros.
* ris n. rice.
* risk n. risk.
** riskar v. to risk.
* ritm n. rhythm.
** ritmik a. rhythmic(al).
* ritu n. rite.
* ritual n. ritual.
* rival n. rival.
** rivalar v. to rival.
* rivet n. rivet.
** rivetar v. to rivet.
* rob n. dress; gown (woman's).
* robust a. robust.
* rodar v. to gnaw.
* rodium n. rhodium (Rh).
* rog n. rye.
* rok n. rock.
* rol n. part; character (as in theater); role.
* roman n. romance.
* romb n. rhombus; rhomb.
* ronion n. kidney.
* ros n. rose.
* rosi n. dew.
** rosiar v. to form dew.
** rosiik, de rosi a. dewy; roscid.
* rosin n. raisin.
* rosmarin n. rosemary.
* rost n. gridiron; rust.
** rostar v. to roast.
** rostad n. roast.
** rosteskar v. to rust. (P)
* rost-plat n. roasting pan.
* rot n. wheel.
** rotar v. to turn; to revolve; to rotate.
** rotasion n. rotation; revolution.
* rot dented n. cog-wheel.
* rotond a. rotund; round.
** rotondifikar v. to round; to round off.
* rub a. red.
** rubeskar v. to redden; to blush.
** rubifikar v. to redden; to color red.
* rubidium n. rubidium (Rb).
* rubin n. ruby.
* rubl n. rouble; ruble.
* rubrik n. rubric.
** rubrikar v. to rubricate.
* rud a. rude; rough; uncivil.
** ruditet n. rudeness.
* rudimenti n. rudiments.
* rug n. wrinkle.
** rugar v. to wrinkle.
** rugos a. wrinkled.
* ruin n. ruin.
** ruinar v. to ruin; to spoil.
** ruinasion n. ruin (the act).
* rul n. roll.
** rular v. to roll.
** rulaj n. pulley.
* rum n. rum.
* Rumania n. Romania; Roumania.
* Rumelia n. Roumelia.
* ruminar v. to ruminate; to chew the cud.
** ruminasion n. rumination; chewing the cud.
* rumor n. noise; rumor.
** rumorar v. to noise; to rumor.
* ruptar v. to rend; to tear; to rupture.
** ruptad n. crack; rent; rupture.
* Rusia n. Russia.
** rusian a. / n. Russian.
** rusik a. Russian; in Russian; Russian-speaking.
** ruso n. Russian-speaking person.
** rusa n. Russian-speaking person.
* rustik a. / n. a., rustic; n., rustic.
* rut n. route; road.
* ruta n. rue.
* rutenium n. ruthenium (Ru).


User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page