User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/I

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User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page


Neutral Part English Definition
* -i suffix. indicating the plural.
* -ia [1] suffix. indicating a country.
* -ia [2] suffix. forms the name of a science/art/discipline from its practitioner or instrument (this is resolution 153 from 1906).
* iamb n. iambus.
** iambik a. iambic.
* -id suffix. used with verbal roots to form adjectives showing the quality of someone or of something.
* idé n. idea.
* ideal n. ideal.
** idealik a. ideal.
* identik a. identical.
** identikitet n. identity.
* idil n. idyl.
* idol n. idol.
* i.e., it es that is.
* if c. if.
* if et even if. (this et is etiam in Interlingua)
* -ifikar suffix. forming verbs showing that something stated in the root is made.
* ignorar v. to ignor (not to know; to wish not to know).
* -ik suffix. general suffix, indicating quality, used to form derivative adjectives.
* il pr. he.
** ila pr. she.
** ilai pr. they (fem.)
** ili pr. they (masc. and neut.).
* iliria n. Ilyria.
* iluminar v. to illumine; to illuminate; to light (up).
* ilusion n. illusion.
** ilusionar v. to delude; to deceive.
* ilustrar v. to illustrate (explain; also pictorially).
** ilustrasion n. illustration (explanation; also a picture)
* -im suffix. used with a cardinal number to form an ordinal.
* imag n. picture; image.
* imaginar v. to imagine.
* imatrikular v. to matriculate.
** imatrikulasion n. matriculation.
* imens a. immense.
* imitar v. to imitate; to counterfeit; to forge.
* impediar v. to impede; to hinder.
* imperar v. to bid; to enjoin; to charge; to command.
** imperator n. commander; emperor.
** imperatorik a. imperial.
** imperia n. empire.
* imperativ n. imperative.
* imperfekt n. imperfect tense; imperfect.
* impertinent a. impertinent; impudent; also not pertinent.
* impetu n. impetus.
** impetuos a. impetuous.
** impetuositet n. impetuosity.
* important a. important.
* impost n. impost; tax.
** impostar v. to tax.
* impregniar v. to impregnate.
* impresion n. impression (mental).
** impresionar v. to impress (mentally).
* imprimar v. to print; to imprint; to impress.
** imprimeri n. printing office.
* improvisar v. to improvise.
** improvisator n. improvisator.
* impuls n. impulse.
** impulsar v. to impel.
* imputar v. to impute; to ascribe; to attribute.
* in p. in; into.
* inaugurar v. to inaugurate.
** inaugurasion n. inauguration.
* in-brasar / inbrasar v. to embrace.
* India n. India.
* indiferent a. indifferent.
* indigen a. indigenous; native.
* indigent a. indigent; needy.
** indigentitet n. indigence; need; want.
* indigo n. indigo.
* indikar v. to indicate.
* indikativ n. indicative.
* indiniar v. to be indignant.
* indium n. indium (In).
* in diurn, in mens e s. a day, a month, etc. (e. g. dufoa in mens == twice a month).
* individu n. individual.
** individuik a. individual
** individuikitet n. individuality.
* indolent a. indolent.
** indolentitet n. indolence.
* in dom de p. in the house of; at the house of.
* indulgent a. indulgent.
** indulgentitet n. indulgance; forbearance.
* industri n. industry.
** industriik a. industrial.
** industrios a. industrious.
* in-ebrar / inebrar v. to intoxicate.
* inert a. inert; lazy; slothful; inactive.
** inertitet n. inertia; laziness; slothfulness; sloth; inactivity.
* infant n. infant; child.
** infanto n. child (male).
** infanta n. child (female).
* infanteri n. infantry.
** infanterian a. infantry.
** infanteriist n. foot-soldier; infantryman.
* infektar v. to infect.
** infektasion n. infection.
* inferior a. inferior; lower.
** inferioritet n. inferiority.
** inferiore ad. below; inferiorly.
* inferiore de p. below.
* infern n. hell.
* infinitiv n. infinitive.
* inflamar v. to inflame (med.).
** inflamasion n. inflammation.
* in-fluar / influar v. to flow into.
* influens n. influence.
** influensar v. to influence.
* influensa n. influenza.
* informar, kh di kk v. to inform; to apprize.
** informar se di kk to inform one' s self; to inquire about; to inquire into.
** informasion n. information.
* in-fumar / infumar v. to smoke (hams, etc.).
* inglotar v. to swallow.
* inhibiar v. to forbid; to prohibit.
* in honor de p. in honor of.
* injenier n. engineer.
* injenieri militarik n. military engineers.
* in-kadrar / inkadrar v. to frame.
* in-karnar / inkarnar v. to incarnate.
** inkarnasion n. incarnation.
* in-kasar / inkasar v. to collect; to call in.
* inklinar v. to incline.
** inklinasion n. inclination.
* in-klosar / inklosar v. to enclose.
* inklusive ad. inclusively.
* in kualitet de c. as; in the capacity of.
* inkud n. anvil; also incus (of ear).
* in-kurajar / inkurajar v. to encourage.
* in manier de p. after the manner of.
* in-manuar / inmanuar v. to hand over.
* in mediad ad. in the middle; in the midst.
* in mediad de p. in the middle of.
* in-metar / inmetar v. to put in.
* in nom de p. in the name of.
* in omni kasu ad. in every case; at all events.
* in omni temp ad. all the time; the whole time.
* inosent a. innocent.
** inosentitet n. innocence.
* in-plasar / inplasar v. to insert.
* in-presar / inpresar v. to press in.
* in-respirar / inrespirar v. to inspire (breathe in).
* in-sakar / insakar v. to pocket.
* in-sarkar / insarkar v. to coffin.
* insekt n. insect.
* in-seminar / inseminar v. to seed.
* insendi n. fire; conflagration.
** insendian a. incendiary. [see Discussion]
** insendier n. fireman. [see Discussion]
* insens n. incense.
** insensar v. to incense.
** insenser n. censer; thurible.
** insensator n. incenser.
* in sentr de p. in the center of.
* inserar v. to insert; to advertise (in paper).
* insestu n. incest.
** insestuos a. incestuous.
* insinuar v. to insinuate.
* insipid a. insipid; flat.
* in-skribar / inskribar v. to inscribe; to enter.
* insolent a. insolent.
** insolentitet n. insolence.
* in sosietet de p. in company with; in the society of.
* inspektar v. to inspire.
** inspektator n. inspector.
* inspirar v. to inspire.
** inspirasion n. inspiration.
* instar su kk v. to insist upon anything.
* instalar v. to install.
* instigar v. to instigate; to incite.
** instigator n. instigator. (N)
* instinkt n. instinct.
* instituar v. to institute; to establish.
** instituad n. institution.
* instituad de edukasion n. educational institution.
* instruar v. to instruct; to teach.
** instruator n. instructor; teacher.
* instrument n. instrument; tool; implement.
** instrumentar v. to instrument (a composition).
* instrument-kompleks n. set of instruments.
* in-sugar / insugar v. to suck in.
* insul n. island.
** insulan n. islander.
* insult n. insult.
** insultar v. to insult.
* integr a. whole; entire.
** integritet n. integrity; entirety.
* intelektu n. intellect; understanding; mind; intelligence.
** intelektuos a. intellectual.
* in temp de p. in the time of; at the time of.
* intension n. intention.
** intensionar v. to intend.
** intensione ad. intentionally.
* intensiv a. intensive.
* intent n. intent; purpose.
* interes n. interest.
** interesar v. to interest.
* interest n. interest (on money).
** portar interest v. to bear interest.
* interior a. interior; inner.
** interiore ad. inside; within; interiorly.
* interiore de p. inside of; inside; within.
* intern a. internal.
* internasional a. international.
* interogar v. to interrogate; to ask; to inquire; to question.
* interpret n. interpreter.
** interpretar v. to interpret.
* interpunktar v. to punctuate.
** interpunktasion n. punctuation.
* intersedar v. to intercede.
* interumpar v. to interrupt.
* interval n. interval.
* interyeksion n. interjection.
* intestin n. intestine; gut; bowel.
* intim a. intimate; close.
** intimitet n. intimacy.
* intr p. between; among.
** intrar v. to enter.
** intrad n. entrance (place).
** intrasion n. entrance; entre (act).
** intre ad. between; in between.
* intrig n. intrigue.
** intrigar v. to intrigue.
* intr-lud n. interlude.
* introdukar v. to introduce.
* intr-tempe ad. meanwhile; meantime.
* intuar v. to contemplate.
** intuasion n. intuition; contemplation.
** intuativ a. intuitive; contemplative.
* inu p. within (time).
* inundar v. to inundate; to deluge; to flood.
** inundasion n. inundation; deluge; flood.
* in-urgar / inurgar v. to force in; to intrude.
* invalid a. / n. a., invalid; n., invalid.
** invaliditet n. invalidity.
* invasion n. invasion.
* inventar v. to invent.
** inventasion n. invention.
** inventator n. inventor.
* inventar n. inventory.
* in-versar / inversar v. to infuse; to pour into; to instil.
* inversiar v. to invert; to reverse.
** inverse ad. inversely; vice versa.
* investigar v. to investigate.
** investigasion n. investigation.
** investigator n. investigator.
* invitar v. to invite.
* inyuri n. abuse; reviling; railing; affront.
** inyuriar v. to abuse; to revile; to rail at; to affront; to speak injuriously to or of.
* iod n. iodine (I).
* ipse ad. even. (etiam in Interlingua)
* iridium n. iridium (Ir).
* irigar v. to irrigate; to water.
** irigasion n. irrigation.
* iris n. rainbow; iris.
* iritar v. to irritate (excite).
* Irlandia n. Ireland.
* ironi n. irony.
** ironios a. ironical.
* Islandia n. Iceland.
* -ism suffix. equivalent to the English -ism.
* isolar v. to isolate; to insulate.
* ist pr. d. this.
** istfoa ad. this time.
* -ist suffix. used with a non-verbal root to form a substantive denoting a person who applies himself to something, occupies himself with something.
* ist-kos pr. this (thing).
* istm n. isthmus.
* it pr. it.
* Italia n. Italy.
** Italian a. / n. a., Italian; pertaining to Italy; n., an Italian.
** Italiana n. Italian (woman).
** Italik a. Italian; in Italian; Italian-speaking.
* it bel n. the beautiful.
* it bon n. the good.
* it mal n. the bad; the evil.
* it sem n. the same (neut.)
* iterbium n. ytterbium (Yb).
* -itet suffix. used with an adjective to form a substantive denoting quality.
* itrium n. yttrium (Y).
* ivor n. ivory.


User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page