User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/O

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User:Michael.L.Newby/Idiom Neutral Dictionary (English)/Main_Page


Neutral Part English Definition
* o! i. O!; oh!
* -o suffix. denoting a person or animal of the masculine gender.
* oasi n. oasis.
* obediar v. to obey.
** obediant part. obedient.
* obelisk n. obelisk.
* obligar v. to oblige; to bind.
** obligad n. obligation.
** obligasion n. obligation.
* obligar mediu yurad v. to bind by oath.
* obliku a. oblique; slanting.
** oblikuitet n. obliquity; obliqueness.
* obliviar v. to forget.
** obliviasion n. forgetting; forgetfulness; oblivion.
** oblivios a. forgetful; oblivious.
** obliviositet n. forgetfulness; obliviousness.
* oblong a. oblong.
* obsen a. obscene.
** obsenitet n. obscenity.
* observar v. to observe (notice; also, follow).
** observasion n. observation.
* obsidiar v. to besiege; to beleaguer; to invest.
** obsidiasion n. siege.
* obskur a. obscure; dark.
** obskuritet n. obscurity; darkness.
* obskur-blu a. dark-blue.
* obskur-brun a. dark-brown.
* obstakl n. obstacle; hindrance.
* obstinar v. to be obstinate.
** obstinant part. obstinate; wilful; stubborn.
** obstinasion n. obstinacy; wilfulness; stubbornness.
** obstine ad. notwithstanding.
** obstinu p. in spite of; notwithstanding; despite.
* obstineke c. notwithstanding that.
* obtenar v. to obtain; to procure; to get; to acquire.
* obtus a. obtuse; blunt; dull.
** obtuse ad. obtusely.
** obtuseskar v. to become blunted; to become dull.
* obviar v. to obviate.
** obviasion n. obviation.
* obyekt n. object.
** obyektar v. to object.
* od n. ode.
* o Deo! i. for God's sake!
* odi n. hate; hatred.
** odiar v. to hate.
** odiabl a. hateable.
** odios a. hateful; odious.
* odor n. odor; smell; scent.
** odorar v. to smell (emit odor).
* odorat n. smell; sense of smell.
** odoratar v. to smell (perceive odor); to scent.
* ofendar v. to offend.
* ofendar se v. to take it ill.
* ofis n. office; calling.
** ofisik a. official.
* ofisin n. office (place of business); workshop.
* ofisir n. officer.
* ofr n. offer.
** ofrar v. to offer; to proffer; to tender.
* okasion n. occasion; opportunity.
** okasionar v. to occasion.
** okasione ad. on occasion.
** okasionu p. on the occasion of.
* okr n. ochre.
* oksal n. wood sorrel.
** oksalik a. oxalic.
* oksid n. oxid(e)e.
** oksidar v. to oxidize.
* oksident n. Occident.
* oksigen n. oxygen (O).
* okt nr. eight.
* oktav nr. eight.
* okt-des nr. eighty.
* oktet n. octette; occet.
* okto- prefix. signifying octo-, eight.
* oktobr n. October.
* okul n. eye.
** okulik a. ocular.
** okulist n. oculist.
* okultar v. to conceal; to hide; to secrete; to occult.
* okupar v. to occupy; to employ.
** okupasion n. occupation; employment.
* okupar se in kk v. to busy one's self with something; to apply one's self to something; to occupy one's self with something.
* okurar v. to meet; to encounter.
** okurasion n. meeting (encounter).
* ole n. oil.
** olear v. to oil.
** oleatr a. oily; oleaginous.
** oleos a. oily.
* oleandr n. oleander.
* oliv n. olive.
* ombr n. shadow; shade.
** ombrar v. to shadow; to shade; to overshadow.
* omin n. omen; sign; portent.
** ominar v. to presage; to forebode; to portend.
** ominos a. ominous; portentous.
* omitar v. to omit.
* omlet n. omelet.
* omni pr. ind. each; every; (followed by the plural) all.
** omnifoa ad. every time.
* omni-anue ad. yearly; every year.
* omnibus n. omnibus.
* omni-diurne ad. daily; every day.
* omni du pr. ind. both.
* omni-dufoa ad. both times.
* omni-flanke ad. on all sides; on every side.
* omnifoa ke c. whenever; as often as; every time that.
* omni-hom pr. ind. everybody; everyone; each one; each.
* omni kekos pr. ind. whatever.
* omni ki pr. ind. whoever; whichever.
* omni-kos pr. ind. everything.
* omni-loke ad. everywhere.
* omni-loke ke c. wherever; everywhere that.
* omni-mense ad. monthly; every month.
* omni-semane ad. weekly; every week.
* omoplatb n. shoulder-blade; scapula.
* on pr. one; they; people.
* -on suffix. forming substantives which denote an enlargement.
* oniks n. onyx.
* onkl n. uncle.
* ons n. ounce.
* opal n. opal.
* operar v. to operate.
** operasion n. operation.
** operator n. operator.
* opinion n. opinion.
* opium n. opium.
* oportun a. opportune.
** oportune ad. opportunely; seasonably.
* oposar v. to oppose.
** oposasion n. opposition.
* opr n. opera.
* opresar v. to oppress.
* optative n. optative.
* optik n. optics.
** optikal a. optical.
** optikist n. optician.
* optimist n. optimist.
* opulent a. opulent; wealthy.
* or n. ear.
* -or suffix. used with a verbal root to form substantives that denote the state or affection of a person or thing acting.
* orar v. to speak ( as an orator).
** orasion n. oration.
** orator n. orator; public speaker.
* orakl n. oracle.
* oral a. oral.
** orale ad. orally.
* oranj n. orange.
* oranj amer n. Seville orange; bigarade.
* oranj-kolorik a. orange-colored.
* ord n. order; arrangement.
** ordar v. to order; to set in order.
* ordinar a. ordinary; common.
* ordn n. order (religious or secular).
* ordonar v. to order; to ordain; to direct.
** ordonasion n. order; ordinance; direction.
* orfan n. orphan.
* org n. organ (instrument).
** orgist n. organist.
* organ n. organ (medium).
** organik a. organic.
* organisar v. to organize.
** organisasion n. organization.
* organism n. organism.
* orgasm n. orgasm.
* orgi n. orgy.
* orgul n. pride.
** orgulos a. proud.
* orient n. Orient.
* orientar v. to orient; to orientate; to set right.
* orientar se v. to set one's self right.
* origin n. origin.
* original a. / n. a., original; n., an original (e.g. text, book, picture); an original or eccentric character.
** originalitet n. originality.
* orkestr n. orchestra.
** orkestrar v. to orchestrate.
* ornament n. ornament.
** ornamentar v. to ornament; to adorn.
* ornit n. bird.
* ornit kantant n. singing-bird.
** ornitologia n. ornithology. (1906, r.153)
* ornit rapas n. bird of prey.
* ors n. barley.
** ortografia n. orthography. (1906, r.153)
** ortografik a. orthographic.
* os n. bone.
* -os suffix. forming adjectives denoting fullness or multitude.
* osean n. ocean.
* Oseania n. Oceanica; Oceania.
* osi n. leisure; ease.
** osios a. idle.
** osiositet n. idleness.
* osilar v. to oscillate.
* ositar v. to yawn; to gape.
* oskul n. kiss.
** oskular v. to kiss.
* osmium n. osmium (Os).
* ostentar v. to boast of; to brag of; to flaunt; to display.
** ostentativ a. showy; ostentatious.
* ostr n. oyster.
* otr pr. ind. other; another.
** otre ad. otherwise; else.
** otrfoa ad. another time.
* otr-flanke ad. on the other side.
* otr-kos pr. ind. something else.
* otr-loke ad. elsewhere; somewhere else.
* otr-tempe ad. formerly.
* ov n. egg.
** ovik a. egg-; of egg.
* oval a. oval.
* ovari n. ovary.
* ovasion n. ovation.
* ovipar a. oviparous.


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