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Beginner's Guide to Adobe Flash

50% developed
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Adobe Flash Player logo.
Adobe Flash Player logo.

This book is a student project, created by students of an introduction to Flash class. It will act as a document that presents instructions on how to use Adobe Flash Professional from the perspective of people learning how to use it themselves.

This books aims to introduce Flash Professional to those with no prior experience with Flash.

Table of Contents

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  1. Why Use Flash?
  2. Shortcuts
  3. Interface
    1. Document Window
    2. Timeline Window
    3. Property Inspector
    4. Tool Bar
    5. Panels
  4. Tools
    1. Rectangle and Oval
    2. Pencil
    3. Brush
    4. Pen
  5. Color
    1. Color Mixer
    2. Color Swatches
    3. Gradients
  6. Animation
    1. Shape Tweens
    2. Motion Tweens
  7. Symbols
    1. Graphic
    2. Button
    3. Movie Clip
    4. Making
    5. Using
  8. Text
    1. Static
    2. Dynamic
    3. Input
    4. Embedding Fonts
  9. Filters and Blend Modes
    1. Adding Filters
    2. Saving Presets and Combining Filters
    3. Blend Modes
    4. Dimensional Shadows
    5. Animating Filters with Motion Tweens
    6. Custom Easing
    7. Controlling Color
    8. Adjusting Color Filters
    9. Color Properties
    10. Layering Graphics
    11. Applying Compound Blend Modes
    12. Creating an Animated Alpha Blend
  10. Bitmaps
    1. When to use Bitmaps Instead of Vectors
    2. Importing
    3. Caching
  11. Sound
    1. Importing
    2. On the Timeline
    3. Stream and Event
  12. Video
    1. Supported Codecs
    2. Importing
    3. Using Flash Video Encoder
    4. Using The FLVPlayback Component
    5. Exporting
  13. Interactivity
    1. ActionScript
    2. Events and Handlers
    3. Timeline Control
  14. Components
    1. Data
    2. Playback
    3. User Interface
  15. Publishing
    1. Publish Settings
    2. SWF Files
    3. HTML Files
    4. Projectors