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Lombard/Conjunctions and conjunctive locutions

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Lombard language course
Morphology of Lombard language

AdjectivesAdjective degrees
PronounsSubject personal pronouns •• Object and term personal pronouns •• Pronominal and adverbial particles - Demonstrative pronouns •• Possessive pronouns •• Indefinite pronouns
VerbsMoods and tenses •• Infinitive •• Gerund and gerundial complements •• Participle - Present Indicative •• Past Indicative (Perfect Indicative) •• Imperfect Indicative •• Past Perfect Indicative •• Simple Future Indicative •• Compound Future Indicative •• Present Subjunctive •• Past Subjunctive (Perfect Subjunctive) •• Imperfect Subjunctive •• Past Perfect Subjunctive •• Present Conditional •• Past Conditional •• Present Imperative •• Future Imperative •• Continuous construction ••• Irregular verbs
••• Auxiliary verbs
••• Modal verbs
••• Phrasal verbs
Prepositions and prepositional locutions
Adverbs and adverbial locutions
Pronominal and adverbial particles
Other constructions replacing the adverbs "easily" and "hardly"
Conjunctions and conjunctive locutions

Lombard The reference orthography for this page of Lombard course is New Lombard orthography

Copulative conjuctions and copulative conjuctive locutions

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Copulative conjunctions

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in English
into English
Examples Dialect
e (1) and All dialects
dessorapù (1) in addition (1) MI

Copulative conjunctive locutions

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Conjunctive locution
in English
into English
Examples Dialect
e poeu (1) and besides, and moreover (1) MI
e anca (1) in addtition (1) MI

Furthermore adverbs of addtion can play the role of copulative conjunction.

Disjunctive conjuctions and disjunctive conjuctive locutions

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Disjunctive conjuction

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in Lombard
into English
Examples Dialect
o (1) or
opur (1) or (1) VA MI

Disjunctive conjuctiuve locutions

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de sgiontadura
into English
Examples Dialet
se de nò (1) otherwise, else (1) MI BG
putost che (1) or (1) MI

Adversative conjuction and conjuctive locutions

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Adversative conjuctions

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Adversative conjunctions join two words or two sentences at the same level but one against the other

in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
anzi (1) in fact (1) MI
ma (1) but L'è una macchina veggia, ma la fonziona an’mò ben.

(It's an old machine but it still works well)

(1) MI
però (1) (a) but
(b) tough
L'è una macchina veggia, però la fonziona ancamò ben.

(It's an old machine but it still works well)

(1) MI BG
comunque (1) however L'è una macchina veggia, comunque la fonziona ancamò ben.

(It's an old machine however it still works well)

nondemen (1)
nondimen (2)
nevertheless (1) MI
(1) MI (arcaich)
inveci (1) but (1) MI

Locuzioni congiuntive avversative

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Adversative conjunctive locutions join two words or two sentences on the same level but against each other; the second sentence, which, using the conjunctions above would be a negation, must have the verb in the infinitive.

Conjunctive locution
in Lombard
into English
Examples Dialect
inveci de/inveci che (1) instead of L'ha lavorad inveci che studià
(He worked instead of studying)
(1) MI
inscambi de/inscambi che (1) instead of
al post che (1) instead of L'ha lavorad al post che studià
(He worked instead of studying)
(1) MI
piuttosto che (1) rather than (1) MI

Congiunzioni e locuzioni congiuntive di tempo

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Congiunzioni di tempo

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
finché (1) till, as long as (1) MI

There is also quand (when), especially in Milanese dialect it is sometimes used without being followed by "che" (see below) due to the influence of the Italian language.

Conjunctive locutions of time

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Conjunctive locution
in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
intanta che (1) while (1) MI
in quella che (1) while (1) MI
quand che (1) when (1) MI
fina tant che (1) as long as (1) MI
fin per fina (1) until (1) MI (arcaich)
dopo che (1) aftyer (1) MI
maneman che (1) as (1) MI
prima che (1) before (1) MI
inanz che (1) before (1) MI
semper che (1) assuming (1) MI
via via che (1) as (1) MI

Conjunctions and conjunctive locutions of cause

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Conjunctions of cause

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in Lombard
into English
Examples Dialect
perchè (1) because (1) MI
che (1) that Son content che ti te seet chì.
(I’m glad you are here)
(english doesn’t use conjunctions in this case)
(1) MI

Conjunctive locutions of cause

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Conjunctive locution
in Lombard
into English
Examples Dialet
desgià che (1) as, because, since (1) MI
del moment che (1) since (1) MI
vist che (1) given that, since (1) MI
dato che (1) given that, since (1) MI

Conditional conjunctions and conjunctive locutions

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Conditional conjunctions

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
se (1) if
qualora (1) in case, if

Conditional conjunctive locutions

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Conjunctive locution
in Lombard
Translation into English Exampleso Dialect
basta che (1) as long as
con che (1) provided that, on condition that, as long as
semai che (1) if ever
quand che (1) when
al cas che (1) in case
senza che (1) unless, wikthout

Concessive conjunctions and concessive conjunctive locutions

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Concessive conjunctions

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
ancaben (che) (1)
ansiben (che) (2)
although, though (1) MI
(2) MI (arc.)
siben (che) (1)
seben (che) (2)
siben che (3)
even if, although, though (1) MI
(2) MI
(3) BG
nonostant (che) (1)
nonistant (che) (2)
although Nonostant che l'aveva studiad poch l'hà passad l'esam istess
Although he had studied little he passed the exam anyway
(1) MI
(2) MI (arcaich)
con-tut-ché (1)
con-toeut-ché (2)
although (1) MI
(2) BG
quantunque (1) although (1) MI <

Concessive conjunctive locutions

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Conjunctive locutions
in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
anca se (1) even if
con tut che (1)
con toeut che (2)
although (1) MI
(2) BG
se anca (1) even if

Exceptive conjunctive locutions

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Locuzioni congiuntive
in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
condemanch che (1) unless (1) MI
foeura che (1) except (1) MI
via che (1) except (1) MI
che (1) che
(same meaning as except
but is used in negating sentences)
No gh’hoo alter che ti
(I have nothing but you)
(1) MI

Concluding conjuntion and conlucluding conjunctive locutions

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Concluding conjunction

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
donca (1) so (1) MI
alora (1) so (1) MI
eben (1)
ben (2)
well (1) MI
epur (1) an yet (1) MI

Concluding conjunctive locutions

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Conjunctive locutions
in Lombard
Traduzioni in Lombard Examples Dialect
per quest (1) so (1) MI

Conjunctions and conjunctive locutions of purpose

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Conjunctions of purpose

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
ondeché (1) in order to (1) MI

Conjuntive locutions of purpose

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Conjunctive locutions
in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
de manera che (1)
(per fà) in manera che (2)
in order to (2) MI
cont el fin che (1) in order to

Declarative conjunctions and declarative conjunctive locutions

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Declarative conjunctions are used to start a sentence that explains what the previous sentence said; they are coordinating when the two sentences are at the same level, otherwise they are subordinating.

Declarative conjunctions

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Congiunzioni dichiarative subordinanti

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
che (1)
ca (2)
(it introduce a subordinated sentences
wich best descrive the predicate)
T'avevi did che seri andad a scola.
I told you (that) I went to school
(In this cas English may not even use conjunctions)
(1) MI
(2) VA
come (1) how (1) MI

Coordinating declarative conjunctions

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Conjunction Translation into English Examples Dialect
cioè (1) that is
idest (1) i.e.

Declarative conjunctive locutions

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Subordinating declarative conjunctive locutions

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Conjucntive locution
in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
compagn che (1) like

Coordinating declarative conjunctive locutions

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Locuzioni congiuntive
in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
o ben (1) that is (1) MI
de fatt (1) in fact (1) MI

Correlative conjuctions

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Conjunction Translation
into English
Examples Dialect
né...né (1) no… no, not … or
tant..quant (1) as…as
sia...sia (1) both…and
sia...che (1) both and sia te che me
(both you and me)
(1) Lagh

Comparative conjuctions

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Conjunction Translation
into English
Examples Dialect
che (1)
ca (2)
than L'è mej lavorà che vesser disocupad
(It’s better to work than to be unemployed)
(1) MI
(2) VA

Consecutive conjuctions

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Conjunctive locutions
in Lombard
into English
Examples Dialect
tant che (1) so much that
che (1) that A faseva inscì cald che 'l sariss stad mej se 'l diretor el n'havariss
permetud de tegnì su i calzoni curt in offizzi.
( It was so hot that it would have been better if the director had
consented us to wear shorts in the office)

Limitating conjunctive locutions

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into English
Examples Dialect
con tant (1) as far as

Relative conjunctions

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Conjucntion Translation
into English
Examples Dialect
indove (1) where Chess-chì l'è el post indove mi son nassud
this is the place where I was born.
(1) MI
quand (1) / quand che (2) when