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Lombard/Adverbs and adverbial locutions

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Lombard language course
Morphology of Lombard language

AdjectivesAdjective degrees
PronounsSubject personal pronouns •• Object and term personal pronouns •• Pronominal and adverbial particles - Demonstrative pronouns •• Possessive pronouns •• Indefinite pronouns
VerbsMoods and tenses •• Infinitive •• Gerund and gerundial complements •• Participle - Present Indicative •• Past Indicative (Perfect Indicative) •• Imperfect Indicative •• Past Perfect Indicative •• Simple Future Indicative •• Compound Future Indicative •• Present Subjunctive •• Past Subjunctive (Perfect Subjunctive) •• Imperfect Subjunctive •• Past Perfect Subjunctive •• Present Conditional •• Past Conditional •• Present Imperative •• Future Imperative •• Continuous construction ••• Irregular verbs
••• Auxiliary verbs
••• Modal verbs
••• Phrasal verbs
Prepositions and prepositional locutions
Adverbs and adverbial locutions
Pronominal and adverbial particles
Other constructions replacing the adverbs "easily" and "hardly"
Conjunctions and conjunctive locutions

Lombard The reference orthography for this page of Lombard course is New Lombard orthography

Adverb and adverbial locution of manner

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Lombard adverb Translation into English
ben (a) well; (b) OK[1]; (c) good[1]
benon very well
mal (a) bad; (b) badly
mej (a) better
pesg (a) worse
inscì (a) so; (b) thus; (c) such
  1. a b These are adjectives in English, but some lombard constructions in the type "andà" + adverb (the verb used is "andà", "to go") are transformed into English with "to be" + adjective

Under the influence of Italian language, a class of adverbs of manner has established itself, formed from the root of the adjective followed by the ending -ament:

  • giustament = rightly, justly

In other cases, there are some periphrases:

  • a la svelta = quickly

However, there are also cases of adverbs typical only of Lombard:

  • inevid: reluctantly, unwillingly
  • adasi: slowly

Adverb locutions are also widespread:

  • a bellasi: slowly
  • in genoggion: kneeling, on one's knees
  • a tomborlon: tumbling down
  • de balosset: cunningly
  • de cativ: badly
  • adasi adasi = very slowly

Adverbs and adverbial locutions of place

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Adverbs of place

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Lombard adverb Translation into English Examples Dialet
adree (1) (1) after (with approach motion); (2) in tow
adass (1) below (1) MI
dedree (1)
behind (state in place) (1) MI
debass (1)
down, downstairs (1) MI
apress (1)
aproeuv (2)
close, near (1) MI
(2) BG
arent (1) close
vesin (1)
visin (2)
lontan (1) far
dessoravia (1) above (with enfasis for being abel to stay above or for occpying even the space above), afloat
denanz (1) in front
impari (1) (a) perfectly side by side and not a bit ahead or a bit behind
(b) in comparison (one next to the other also in a figurative sense in order to make a comparison)
inanz (1) forward
contra (1) against
intorna (1)
entoren (2)
around (1) MI
(2) BG
indree (1) (a) back; (b) behind
(in) depertut (1)
dapartut (2)
everywhere (1) MI BG
(2) VA
(in) depermì

(in) depertì
(in) depertì
(in) deperlù/(in) deperlee
(in) depernun
(in) depervialter
(in) depelor / (in) depelor

alone (1st person singular)

alone (2nd person singular)
alone (3rd person singular masculine/feminine)
alone (1st person plural)
alone (2nd person plural)
alone (3rd person plural masculine/feminine)

there, there
lilinscì (1) there (in reference to the activity carried out or to be carried out there), in that place
chì (1)
scià (2)
chichinscì (1) here (in reference to the activity carried out or to be carried out here), in this place
chì-lò (1)
chì-loga (2)
here (in reference to the activity carried out or to be carried out here), in this place (1-2) MI (archaic)
tut-intorna (1) all around

Interrogative adverbs of place

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Used for the construction of the interrogative sentences about the site/location/place.

Adverb Translation into English Examples Dialects
indove (1a)[1]
indova (2a)[1]
indovè (1b-2b)[2]
de indove (1a)[1]
de indova (2a)[1]
de indovè (1b-2b)[2]
Where .... from
  1. a b c d if placed at the beginning of the sentence
  2. a b if placed at the end of the sentence

Adverbial locutions of place

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Locuzione avverbiale Traduzione in italiano Esempi Dialet
a galla (1) afloat
a uss a uss (1) neighbours[1]
chì adree (1) nearby MI
depos a l'uss (1) close to home
(in) de tute i part (1) everywhere
(in) de qualsessia part (1) anywhere, in any place
de dree (1) behind (state in place)
de facia (1) opposite (state in place)
de foeura (1) outside
de dent (1) inside
de sora (1) (1) above; (2) upstairs
de sota (1) below, under
de bass (1) downstairs
de là (1) beyond???
in fond (1) (1) at the end; at the bottom, down
indove (1) where (as a pronoun)

to construct relative sentences

in mez (1) in the middle
in pari (1) (a) perfectly side by side and not a bit ahead or a bit behind
(b) in comparison (one next to the other also in a figurative sense in order to make a comparison)
a voltra (1) out, to the surface
(becoming visible while it wasn't before)
vegnì a voltra MI
in groppa (1) on one's back
(in) d'una quai part (1) somewhere
in tut i canton (1) everywhere MI
lì adree (1) in the neighborhood MI
  1. in English it is translated with this noun following the verb to be

Interrogative adverbial locutions of place

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Used for the construction of interrogative sentences and dubitative sentences

Locution English translation Examples Dialect
in de che part (1) which way

Adverbial particle "ghe"

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►►► see ►►► Adverbial particles

Adverbs and adverbial locutions of time

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Adverbs of time

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Adverb Translation
into English
Examples Dialect Corresponding
conjuctive locution
Translation into English
ancamò (1)
anmò (2)
amò (3)
(a) again
(b) still
(c) yet
adess (1) (a) now
(b) right now
dessadess (1)
adsedess (2)
delsadess (3)
just now
despess (1) often -
doman tomorrow
dopo (1)
despeou (2)
later dopo che after
finalment (1) finally -
finadess (1) (a) so far
(b) up to now
(c) until now
sgiamò (1) already (1) MI BG -
incoeu (1)
ancoeu (2)
today (1) MI
(2) BG
instora (1) at this moment (1) MI (arcaico) -
intratanta (1) meanwhile, in the meantime -
intanta (1) meanwhile intanta che while
jer yesterday
mai (1) (a) never
(b) ever
meneman (1)
maneman (2)
gradually maneman che as quickly as, hand in hand that
nananmò (1)
gnamò (2)
nancamò (3)
nanmò (4)
nonanmò (5)
not...yet -
oramai (1)
ormai (2)
by now (1) MI
(2) MI
poeu (1)
po (2)
then (1) MI
(2) BG
prima (1) before prima che before

pioeù (2)

(a) not anymore
(b) no longer
(1) MI
(2) BG
inanz (1) before inanz che before
semper (1)
sempro (2)
always (1) MI
(2) Lagh
semper che assuming (that)
sovenz (1) frequently
immediatly, right away

Adverbial locution of time

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Adverbial locution Translation into English Examples Dialect Corresponding
conjuctive locution
into English
a 'st'ora (1) at this point MI
adree a la man (1) each time as they occur MI
a momenti (1) any minute, shortly MI
al dì d'incoeu (1) nowadays MI
a la fin (1) at the end, finally, in the end, eventually, ultimately MI
a la fin di fin (1) after all, ultimately MI
a la svelta (1) quickly MI
bell bellin (1) little by little MI
di volte (1) sometimes MI
de chì inanz (1) (a) from now on
(b) from here on out
de dì in dì (1) day by day MI
de lì adree (1) shortly thereafter, quickly thereafter MI
de lì e lì (1) at any moment, at any time MI
d'ora inanz (1) (a) from now on
(b) from here on out
dent per dent (1) from time to time MI
de maneman (1) gradually, a little at a time MI
de rar (1) rarely, seldom MI
de spess (1) often, frequently MI
de solit (1) usually MI
de strasora (1) after hours MI
de tant in tant (1) from time to time MI
de 'sti dì (1) these days MI
d'un moment con l'alter (1) at any moment, any minute now MI
fin'a l'ultim (1)
fina in ultim (2)
to the bitter end (1) MI (2) MI
foeura d'ora (1) after hours MI
in d'un bof (1) in a breath MI
in men de quell (1) in no time MI
in (sui) ultim (1) at the end MI
in sul moment (1) on the spot, at the time MI
in seguit (1) (a) after; (b) afterward MI
per adess (1) for now MI
per intanta (1) for the moment MI
per semper (1) forever MI
prima de tut (1) first of all MI
per un poo de volte (1) for a few times, several times MI
poch a poch (1) little by little, gradually MI
(una) quai volta (1) sometimes
quand se sia (1) when it happens MI
tra poch (1) shortly MI
via via (1) progressively via via che as

Adverbial locutions of time

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Usage for interrogative sentences

Adverb Translation
into English
Examples Dialects
Quandè che (1) When

Adverbs e adverbial locution of quantity

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Adverbs of quantity

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Adverbs in lombard Translation into English Examples Dialects
apena (1) just MI
altertant (1) just as, equally MI
almanch (1)
almen (2)
per el manch (3)
at least (1) MI
(2) MI
(3) MI
assee (1) quite, enough MI
assosenn (1)
sossenn (2)
very (1) MI (archaic)
(2) MI
circa (1) about, around MI
circumcirca (1) roughly, approximately MI
domà (1) just MI
fess (1)
fiss (2)
very (1) Eastern Lombard
fina-mai (1) extremely (1) MI
molto (1) very MI
pressapoch (1) roughly, mor or less MI
quasi (1)
squas (2)
almost MI
pussee (1)
pioeù (2)
most (1) MI
(2) BG
trop (1) too MI
piuttosto (1) pretty MI

Locuzioni avverbiali di quantità

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Locuzione in lombardo Traduzione
in italiano
Esempi Dialetto
pussee o men (1) more or less MI
del poch al tant (1) slightly more or less MI
lì adree a (1) about, approximately MI

Adverbs and adverbial locutions of addition

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Adverbs of addition

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These words, within the sentence, depending on how they are used, can also play the role of copulative conjunctions

in Lombard
translation into English Ezemples Dialect
inoltra (1) also (1) MI
dessorapù (1) in addiction (1) MI
anca (1) also, moreover (1) MI

Adverbial locution of addiction

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Adverbial locution
in Lombard
translation into English Ezemples Dialect
in pu (1) furthermore (1) MI
per de pu (1) furthermore (1) MI
de sora maross (1) in addiction, as an extra (1) MI
in pagament (1) moreover, furthermore (1) MI

Adverbs of evaluation

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Affirmative adverbs and adverbial locutions

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Affirmative adverbs

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
si [1](1) yes MI
of [2](1) (a) Pheuw
(b) Yeah
sigura (1) definitively MI

Adverbs of evaluation

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Adverbial locution
in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
de sicur (1) definitively MI

Other expressions: sigura de sì= yes of course

  1. when used in affirmative answers can replace a whole sentence
  2. when used in affirmative answers can replace a whole sentence

Negating adverbs

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialects
[1][2](1b) *
(a) not
(b) no
(1a) Mi ghe credi
(I don't believe it.)
(1a) MI Br PV LO
(1b) All dialects
no (0) * not (0) Mi no credi pù a nagot
I don't believe in anything anymore.
minga (1)
menga (2)
mia (3)
mea (4)
miga (5)
migna (6) *
not (1) Mi ghe credi minga
(I don't believe it.)
(1) MI
(2) Lagh (3) MI [3]BG PV
nanca (1)
nanch (2)
gnanca (3)
neanca (4)
gnanch (5)
(a) not even
(b) not either

Also nananmò - and its dialectal variants - (not yet) and mai (never) are negating adverbs.

* the use of negative adverbs is explained here and here.

  1. when used in affirmative answers can replace a whole sentence
  2. spelling rule is still not unique, it can also be written without accent
  3. countryside around Milan

Adverbs of doubt

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in Lombard
into English
Examples Dialects
forsi (1)
forse (1)
maybe (1) MI
(2) BG
magara (1) maybe (1) MI
probabilment (1) probably (1) MI
facilment (1) probably (1) MI
quasi (1)
squas (2)
(a) almost
(b) nearly
(1) MI
(2) MI

Interrogative adverbs

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►see►►► Direct interrogative sentences

Exclamatory adverbs

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
se (1) how Se l'è bell!
(How beatiful (it is)!)
come (1) how Come l'è bell!
(How beatiful (it is)!)

Adverb and adverbial locutions for conclusions

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Adverb for conclusion

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
dopo-tut (1) after all MI

Adverbial locutions for conclusion

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in Lombard
Translation into English Examples Dialect
a bon cunt (1) however, after all (1) MI
a la fin de la fera (1) at the end of the day (1) MI
a la fin fin (1) ultimately, in the end (1) MI
in fin de l'ascia (1)
in coo de l'ascia (2)
at the end of the day (1-2) MI
in fin di cunt (1) at the end of the day (1) MI
in tute i manere (1)
de tute i manere (2)
in ogni modo (1) anyway (1) MI
comunque (1) however, anyway (1) MI