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Flora of New York/TOC-Poales

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Clades Order Family Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Genus Common name #
Typhaceae Typha cattail 3
Sparganium bur-reed 7
Eriocaulaceae Eriocauloideae Eriocaulon pipewort 2
Xyridaceae Xyridoideae Xyris yellow-eyed grass 5

Juncaceae Luzula woodrush 8
Juncus rush 36
Oreouncus highland rush 1
Cyperaceae Cyperoideae Cladieae Cladium sawgrass, twig rush 1
Sclerieae Scleria nutrush, nutsedge 6
Rhynchosporeae Rhynchospora beaksedge 13
Dulichieae Dulichium threeway sedge 1
Scirpeae Eriophorum cottongrass 5
Scirpus bulrush 19
Trichophorum bulrush 4
Cariceae Carex sedge 226
Abildgaardieae Bulbostylis hair sedge 1
Fimbristylis fimbry 3
Fuireneae Bolboschoenus tuberous bulrush 7
Fuirena umbrella sedge 2
Schoenoplectus bulrush 10
Eleocharideae Eleocharis spikerush 29
Cypereae Cyperus flatsedge, spikesedge 36


BOP clade
Oryzoideae Oryzeae Oryzinae Leersia cut grass 3
Zizaniinae Zizania wild rice 2
Bambusoideae Arundinarieae Arundinariinae Arundinaria cane 2
Phyllostachys bamboo 2
Pseudosasa arrow bamboo 2
Pooideae Brachyelytreae Brachyelytrum short-husk 2
Nardeae Nardus mat grass 1
Meliceae Glyceria manna grass 11
Melica melicgrass 1
Schizachne false melic 1
Stipeae Oryzopsis rice grass 1
Patis rice grass 1
Piptatheropsis rice grass 2
Piptochaetium spear grass 1
Hesperostipa needle-and-thread 1
Nassella needle grass 1
Diarrheneae Diarrhena beakgrain 1
Brachypodieae Brachypodium false brome 1
Bromeae Bromus brome 26
Triticeae Hordeinae Agropyron wheat grass 1
Elymus wild rye 24
Eremopyrum false wheatgrass 3
Hordeum barley 8
Leymus wildrye 1
Pascopyrum wheatgrass 1
Secale rye 1
Taeniatherum medusahead 1
Triticinae Aegilops goatgrass 5
Triticum wheat 1
Thinopyrum wheatgrass 2

Group 1
(Aveneae type)
Torreyochloinae Torreyochloa false mannagrass 2
Aveninae Sphenopholis wedgescale 4
Trisetum oat grass 1
Graphephorum false oat 1
Koeleria Junegrass 2
Arrhenatherum oatgrass 1
Avena oat 2
Rostraria hairgrass 1
Phalaridinae Phalaris canarygrass 3
Anthoxanthinae Anthoxanthum sweet grass, vernal grass 5
Brizinae Briza quaking grass 2
Echinopogoninae Greeneochloa small reedgrass 1
Agrostidinae Agrostis bentgrass 8
Calamagrostis reedgrass 11
Polypogon rabbitsfoot grass 2

Group 2
(Poeae type)
Sesleriinae Mibora sandgrass 0
Coleanthinae Puccinellia alkaligrass 3
Sclerochloa hardgrass 1
Miliinae Milium millet grass 1
Poinae Poa bluegrass 18
Apera silky bentgrass 2
Cinna wood reed 2
Airinae Avenella wavy hairgrass 1
Aira hairgrass 2
Corynephorus clubawn grass 1
Aristaveninae Deschampsia hair grass 2
Holcinae Vahlodea mountain hairgrass 1
Holcus velvetgrass 2
Cynosurinae Cynosurus dogtail grass 2
Dactylidinae Dactylis orchardgrass 1
Loliinae Festuca, Vulpia fescue 10
Lolium rye grass 6
Schedonorus fescue 3
Parapholiinae Catapodium ferngrass 1
Alopecurinae Alopecurus foxtail 6
Beckmanniinae Beckmannia slough grass 1
Phleinae Phleum timothy 3

PACMAD clade
Aristidoideae Aristideae Aristida three-awn grass 8
Panicoideae Paniceae Anthephorinae Digitaria crab grass 6
Dichantheliinae Dichanthelium rosette grasses, panicgrasses 30
Boivinellinae Amphicarpum maiden cane 1
Echinochloa cockspur grass 6
Oplismenus basket grass 0
Melinidinae Eriochloa cup grass 1
Panicinae Panicum panic grass 14
Kellochloa warty panicgrass 1
Cenchrinae Cenchrus sandbur 6
Setaria bristle grass 7
Paspaleae Paspalinae Paspalum crown grass 4
Arthropogoninae Coleataenia panicgrass 4
Andropogoneae Arthraxoninae Arthraxon carpgrass 1
Tripsacinae Tripsacum gama grass 1
Zea corn, maize 1
Rottboelliinae Coix Job's tears 1
Germainiinae Imperata cogongrass 0
Sorghinae Sorghum sorghum 1
Saccharinae Microstegium stilt grass 1
Miscanthus silver grass 2
Saccharum sugar cane 1
Apludinae Sorghastrum Indian grass 1
Anthistiriinae Bothriochloa beard grass 1
Andropogoninae Andropogon bluestem 3
Schizachyrium little bluestem 2
Chasmanthieae Chasmanthium wood oats 1
Arundinoideae Molinieae Phragmites reed 3
Molinia moorgrass 1
Danthonioideae Danthonieae Danthonia oatgrass 2
Chloridoideae Eragrostideae Eragrostidinae Eragrostis love grass 12
Zoysieae Sporobolinae Sporobolus dropseed 16
Cynodonteae Gouiniinae Triplasis sand grass 1
Eleusininae Diplachne sprangletop 1
Leptochloa sprangletop 1
Chloris windmill grass 1
Stapfochloa windmill grass 1
Cynodon Bermuda grass 1
Eleusine goose grass 1
Eustachys finger grass 1
Dactyloctenium crowfoot grass 1
Pappophorinae Tridens tridens 1
Pappophorum pappus grass 2
Traginae Tragus burr grass 2
Monanthochloinae Distichlis salt grass 1
Boutelouinae Bouteloua grama 2
Muhlenbergiinae Muhlenbergia muhly 10
Commelinales Commelinaceae Commelinoideae Tradescanteae Tradescantia spiderwort 5
Commelineae Commelina dayflower 2
Murdannia marsh dewflower X
Haemodoraceae Haemodoroideae Lachnanthes Carolina redroot 1
Pontederiaceae Pontederieae Eichhornia water hyacinth 1
Pontederia pickerel weed 1
Heteranthereae Heteranthera mud plantain 2
Zingiberales Cannaceae Canna canna lily 1