Flora of New York/Cyperaceae 2
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Flora of New York — Cyperaceae 2: Carex | → Cyperaceae 3 | |||
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Genus index |
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New York Carex Species Index ⇗
[edit | edit source]Carex subg. Euthyceras
[edit | edit source]Subg. Euthyceras > Rara Clade >> sect. Leptocephalae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional Carex section Leptocephalae contains the single species Carex leptalea which is found in North America and the Caribbean Basin.[2] iNaturalist currently treats the Rara Clade as Complex Carex leptalea (Carex Rara Clade).[3]
Genus Carex subg. Euthyceras sect. Leptocephalae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Wahlenb. ssp. leptalea1803. Carex microstachya Michx. in Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:169 |
Bristle-stalked sedge Bristly-stalked sedge Bristlystalked sedge Flaccid sedge Carex à tiges grêles |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5, 2n = 50, 52 |
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NYFA: 48 counties iNat: 19 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Subg. Euthyceras > Capitata Clade
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Capituligerae contains about six species worldwide, with Carex arctogena and Carex capitata found in North America.[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Leucoglochin contains about five species worldwide, with Carex microglochin and Carex pauciflora found in North America.[2] The Global Carex Group (2021) placed Carex microglochin with sect. Capituligerae and a few other species in subg. Euthyceras clade Capitata (III.B.3)[3] iNaturalist currently treats subg. Euthyceras clade Capitata (III.B.2) as Complex Carex capitata (Carex capitata Clade).[4] None of the sedges in this clade have been reported in New York, but a few have been reported from New England and eastern Canada. They are included here as placeholder representatives of the calde.
Genus Carex fna-sect. Capituligerae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Sol 1759. Carex capitata Sol. in C.Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10. 2:1261 |
Capitate Sedge Carex capité |
N. America native, Not listed in NY Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 50 |
NYFA: Not listed iNat: No NY observations GBIF: none in NY |
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Harry Sm. 1940. Carex arctogena Harry Sm. in Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 13:193 |
Tufted black sedge Capitate sedge Black sedge Carex arctogène |
N. America native, Not listed in NY Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: Not listed iNat: No NY obserations |
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Genus Carex fna-sect. Leucoglochin | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Wahlenb. ssp. microglochin1803. Carex microglochin Wahlenb. in Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 24: 140 |
Fewseeded bog sedge Bristle sedge Carex à petite arête |
N. America native, Not listed in NY Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 50 |
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NYFA: Not listed iNat: No NY observations GBIF: Ontario County |
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Genus Carex fna-sect. Nardinae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Hornem.) Fr. var. nardina1827. Kobresia nardina Hornem. in Nomencl. Fl. Danic.: 74 |
Spike sedge Nard Sedge Carex à odeur de nard |
N. America native Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 68, 70 |
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iNat: No NY observations GBIF: Erie County |
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Subg. Euthyceras > Pauciflora Clade >> sect. Leucoglochin
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional Carex section Leucoglochin contains about five species worldwide, with Carex microglochin and Carex pauciflora found in North America.[1] III.B.3. Pauciflora Clade contains Carex pauciflora (the type species of sect. Leucoglochin). The other North American sedge from this section (C. microglochin) was placed in III.B.2. Capitata Clade above.[2] iNaturalist currently treats subg. Euthyceras clade Pauciflora (III.B.3) as Complex Carex pauciflora (Carex Pauciflora Clade).[3]
Genus Carex subg. Euthyceras sect. Leucoglochin | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Lightf. 1777. Carex pauciflora Lightf. in Fl. Scot. 2:543 |
Few-flowered sedge Fewflower sedge Few-flowered bog sedge Star sedge Carex pauciflore, Laîche pauciflore |
Native, CoC: 10, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 9, 2n = ~74, 76 |
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NYFA: 25 counties iNat: 6 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Carex subg. Uncinia
[edit | edit source]IV. Carex subg. Uncinia (Pers.) Peterm., Deutschl. Fl. 602. 1849.[1]
Type species: Uncinia australis Persoon, nom. illeg. (Carex uncinata L.f.) (designated by Pfeiffer, 1874–1875, Nomenclator Botanicus 2 (2): 1529).[2]
Subg. Uncinia > sect. Phyllostachyae
[edit | edit source]![]() Sect. Phyllostachyae contains all of traditional (FNA) sect. Phyllostachyae (10/10). The Global Carex Group found strong support for this section being monophyletic.[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Phyllostachyae contains about ten North American species,[2] three of which have been found in New York State. iNaturalist currently treats subg. Uncinia sect. Phyllostachyae (IV.D) as Section Phyllostachyae (Carex Sect. Phyllostachyae).[3]
Genus Carex sect. Phyllostachyae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Schkuhr ex Willd. 1805. Carex willdenowii Schkuhr ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:211 |
Willdenow's sedge Carex de Willdenow |
Native, CoC: 7, Rare, DEC-C[1], S4 UPL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 3, 2n = 62, 78 |
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NYFA: 13 counties iNat: 4 counties |
Boott 1839. Carex backii Boott in W.J.Hooker, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:210 |
Back's sedge Rocky Mountain sedge Carex de Back |
Native, CoC: 8, Threatened, DEC-B[2], NYNHP-3[3], S3, G4 Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 66 |
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NYFA: 12 counties iNat: 4 counties |
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Schwein. 1824. Carex jamesii Schwein. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N.Y. 1:67 |
James’ sedge James’s sedge Grass sedge Carex de James |
Native, CoC: 7, Threatened, DEC-B[2], NYNHP-2-3[4], S2-S3, G5 Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 2, 2N = 66, 70 |
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NYFA: 7 counties iNat: 6 counties GBIF: present in NY |
Catling, Reznicek, & Crins 1993. Carex juniperorum Catling, Reznicek, & Crins in Syst. Bot. 18:497 |
Juniper sedge Cedar sedge Carex des genévriers |
N. America native, Unreported, Endangered in Ontario[5] Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7 |
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NYFA: Not listed iNat: No NY observations GBIF: none in NY |
Carex subg. Vignea
[edit | edit source]V. Carex subg. Vignea (P.Beauv. ex T.Lestib.) Heer, Mitth. in Geb. Theor. Erdk. 1: 426. 1836.
Most of the sedges of subgenus Vignea have dense spike-like inflorescences with sessile bisexual spikes. Their flowers are almost always distigmatic.[1] |
Subg. Vignea > Echinata Clade >> sect. Stellulatae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional Carex (FNA) section Stellulatae contains about 15 taxa worldwide, eight of which are found in North America.[2] Sedges in section Stellulatae are found in wetlands and have flattened, beaked perigynia with sharp edges that often point outward at maturity, creating star-like pattern.[3] iNaturalist places this group in Complex Carex elongata (Carex Echinata Clade) as of 2/12/2024.
Genus Carex fna-sect. Stellulatae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Murray ssp. echinata1762. Carex muricata Huds. in Fl. Angl.: 349 (1762), sensu auct. |
Star sedge Little prickly sedge |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7, 2n = 58 |
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NYFA: 49 counties iNat: 14 counties |
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L.H.Bailey 1805. Carex scirpoides Schkuhr ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4: 237, nom. illeg. |
Inland sedge Inland star sedge Prairie star sedge Carex continental |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: 45 counties iNat: 12 counties |
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L.H. Bailey ssp. atlantica1860. Carex stellulata var. conferta Chapm. in Fl. South. U.S.: 534 |
Wide-leaved prickly bog sedge Prickly bog sedge Atlantic sedge |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7 |
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NYFA: 33 counties iNat: 4 counties |
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L.H. Bailey ssp. capillacea (L.H. Bailey) Reznicek 1893. Carex interior var. capillacea L.H.Bailey in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 20:426 |
Narrow-leaved prickly bog sedge Howe's sedge Atlantic sedge Eastern sedge Carex à feuilles capillaires Carex atlantique |
Native, CoC: 8, Vulnerable, SNR, G5-T5? FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7 |
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NYFA: 18 counties iNat: Nassau (2023) GBIF |
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Dewey 1828. Carex exilis Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 14:351, plate Q, figs. 53,54. |
Meager sedge Meagre sedge Coast sedge Coastal sedge Coastal star sedge Starved sedge Carex maigre |
Native, CoC: 10, Likely secure, S4, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: 16 counties iNat: 5 counties |
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Howe 1896. Carex seorsa Howe in Rep. (Annual) Regents Univ. N.Y.S. Mus. 48: 138 |
Weak stellate sedge Swamp star sedge Carex à épis disjoints |
Native, CoC: 8, Likely secure, S4 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 3 |
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NYFA: 19 counties iNat: 6 counties |
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Willd. 1805. Carex sterilis Willd. Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:208 |
Dioecious sedge Sterile sedge Fen star sedge Carex stérile |
Native, CoC: 10, Likely secure, S4, G4 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: 18 counties iNat: Genesee (1988) |
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Mackz. 1931. Carex wiegandii Mack. in N.L.Britton & al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl. 18: 108 |
Wiegand's sedge Carex de Wiegand |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], NYNHP-1[2], S1, G3 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: Franklin, Lewis iNat: No NY observations |
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Subg. Vignea > sect. Glareosae
[edit | edit source]Genus Carex sect. Glareosae "arcta" group | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Pers.) Poir. 1807. Carex curta var. brunnescens Pers. in Syn. Pl. 2:539 |
Brownish sedge Brown sedge Carex brunâtre |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G5 Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5, 2n = 56 |
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NYFA: 41 counties iNat: 4 counties |
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Boott 1851. Carex canescens var. polystachya Boott in J.Richardson, Arct. Search. Exped. |
Northern clustered sedge Northern cluster sedge Bear sedge Clustered sedge Narrow sedge Carex dru |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], S1, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 4, 2n = 60 |
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NYFA: 8 counties iNat: Franklin, St. Lawrence |
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Carex arcta × Carex brunnescens |
Hybrid of Northern clustered sedge & Brownish sedge |
Native, Hybrid, SNA, GNA Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: Franklin 2021 |
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Genus Carex sect. Glareosae "canescens" group | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
ssp. canescens 1753. Carex canescens L. in Sp. Pl.: 974 |
Typical hoary sedge Hoary sedge Silvery sedge Carex blanchâtre |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7, 2n = 56 |
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NYFA: 48 counties iNat: 10 counties |
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ssp. disjuncta (Fernald) Toivonen 1902. Carex canescens var. disjuncta Fernald in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 37:488 |
Silvery sedge Hoary sedge Disjunct hoary sedge Carex disjoint |
Native, CoC: 7, Unranked, SNR, G5T OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 54 |
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NYFA: 16 counties iNat: St. Lawrence, Suffolk |
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Genus Carex sect. Glareosae "trisperma" group | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Dewey 1825. Carex trisperma Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 9: 63 |
Three-seeded sedge Three-fruited sedge Three-seeded bog sedge Carex trisperme |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G5-T5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 3, 2n = 60 |
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NYFA: 43 counties iNat: 8 counties |
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(O.W. Knight) Kirschb. 1906. Carex trisperma var. billingsii O.W.Knight in Rhodora 8:185 |
Billings’ sedge Billings' three-seeded bog sedge Billings’s sedge Carex de Billings |
Native, CoC: 10, Unranked, SNR, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 60 |
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NYFA: 15 counties iNat: 7 counties |
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Wahlenb. 1803. Carex tenuiflora Wahlenb. in Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 24:147 |
Sparse-flowered sedge Sparse-leaved sedge Thin-flowered sedge Carex tênuiflore |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], S1-S2, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 58 |
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NYFA: 8 counties iNat: Lewis, St. Lawrence, Warren |
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Fernald Carex tenuiflora × Carex trisperma 1933. Carex × trichina Fernald in Rhodora 35:219 |
Hair-like sedge Hybrid of Sparse-flowered sedge & Three-seeded sedge |
Native, Hybrid, SNA, GNA Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: St. Lawrence iNat: St. Lawrence (2021) |
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Subg. Vignea > sect. Deweyanae
[edit | edit source]![]() Contains traditional sect. Deweyanae (6/6), excluding C. laeviculmis and C. kreczetoviczii which were included in section Glareosae (V.C.2.)[1] The traditional Carex section Deweyanae contains about 6 species found in North America and East Asia. Two of these are found east of the Mississippi, including in New York State.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Deweyanae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Schwein. var. deweyana1824. Carex deweyana Schwein. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 1:65 |
Dewey's sedge Dewey sedge Short-scale sedge Carex de Dewey |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G5 FACU Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 54 |
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NYFA: 43 counties iNat: 9 counties GBIF: present in NY |
Schkuhr ex Willd. ssp. bromoides1805. Carex bromoides Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4: 258 |
Brome-like sedge Brome hummock sedge Common brome sedge Carex faux-brome |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5? FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 4, 2n = 64, 66, 68 |
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NYFA: 44 counties iNat: 11 counties GBIF: present in NY |
Subg. Vignea > sect. Phaestoglochin
[edit | edit source]![]() Contains traditional sections Phaestoglochin (15/38), Vulpinae (2/13), and Echinochloomorphae (1/1). Consists primarily of Eastern Hemisphere species of traditional sect. Phaestoglochin, characterized by short rhizomes, inflorescences spicate (rarely distally branched), spikes androgynous, and perigynia wingless. The Global Carex Group moved the New York sedges of traditional sect. Phaestoglochin into the three separate clades, leaving the non-native C. spicata as the only member reported in New York. The other members of this traditional section were moved to the Annectens Clade (V.E.2) and Rosea Clade (V.G.5). [1] The traditional Carex section Phaestoglochin contained about 38 species worldwide, 25 of which are found in North America North of Mexico. Sedges of traditional section Phaestoglochin were characterized as upland species with compressed, sharp-edged oval perigynia, with male flowers appearing at the top of the spikelets.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Phaestoglochin | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Huds. ssp. spicata1762. Carex spicata Huds. in Fl. Angl.:349 |
Spiked sedge Prickly sedge Spiked bracted sedge Carex à épi Laiche en épi |
Introduced from Europe, Naturalized, SNA, GNR FACU-FAC Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 9, 2n = 58 |
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NYFA: 16 counties iNat: 6 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Subg. Vignea > Annectens Clade
[edit | edit source]V.E.2. Annectens Clade contains parts of traditional sections Phaestoglochin (10/38), Multiflorae (10/10), Vulpinae (10/13), Divisae (6/15), Heleoglochin (4/13), Foetidae (6/17), Stenorhynchae (3/5), Bracteosae (2/12), Inversae (1/10).[1]
Subg. Vignea > Annectens Clade >> sect. Vulpinae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional Carex section Vulpinae contains about 15 (13) species worldwide, 9 of which are found in North America North of Mexico.[2] Sedges in Section Vulpinae have flattened, beaked, sharp-edged perigynia. The upper stems, below the flower cluster, are sharply triangular or winged and fairly soft and easily crushed.[3]
Carex sect. Vulpinae[1] | Sheath front | Perigynia length | Perigynia shape | Leaf texture |
Carex stipata | corrugated cross-wise | 4-7 mm. | tapered to a long beak | not papillose above |
Carex laevivaginata | thick, truncate or concave band at top | often > 5 mm. | tapered to a long beak | papillose above |
Carex alopecoidea | smooth, not thickened | ≤ 4mm. | rounded to a short beak | not papillose above |
Genus Carex sect. Vulpinae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Muhl. ex Willd. var. stipata1805. Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd. |
Awl-fruited sedge Awlfruit sedge Owlfruit sedge Prickly sedge Common fox sedge Stalk-grained sedge Saw-beak sedge Stipitate sedge Carex stipité Carex spongieux Laiche épaisse |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 48, 52 |
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NYFA: 57 counties iNat: 19 counties |
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(Kük.) Mack. 1909. Carex stipata var laevivaginata Kük. in H.G.A.Engler (ed.), Pflanzenr. |
Smooth-sheathed sedge Smooth-sheathed fox sedge Carex à gaine lisse |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 46 |
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NYFA: 34 counties iNat: 10 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Tuck. 1843. Carex alopecoidea Tuck. in Enum. Meth. Caric. |
Foxtail sedge Fox-tail sedge Brown-headed fox sedge Brown-headed wood sedge Carex alopécoïde |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7, 2n = 68 |
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NYFA: 21 counties iNat: 3 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Boott 1849. Carex vulpina J.Carey ex Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts, ser., nom. illeg. |
Soft fox sedge Connected sedge |
Native, CoC: 5, Endangered, DEC-A[2], S1, G4-G5, NYNHP: 1[3] FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5 |
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NYFA: 5 counties iNat: Queens (?) GBIF: Oneida, Yates |
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Shuttlew. ex Kuntze 1844. Carex crus-corvi Shuttlew. ex Kuntze |
Ravenfoot sedge Raven's-foot sedge Crow-spur sedge Crowfoot fox sedge Carex ergot-de-corbeau |
N. America native, Cultivated OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 52 |
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NYFA: Not listed iNat: 0 NY counties GBIF: Bronx (1900) |
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Subg. Vignea > Annectens Clade >> sect. Heleoglochin
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional Carex section Heleoglochin contains 11 or 12 (13) species worldwide, 4 of which are found in North America North of Mexico.[2] The sedges of section Heleoglochin have branched clusters and oval perigynia that taper into broad beaks.[3]
Genus Carex sect. Heleoglochin | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Schrank 1781. Carex diandra Schrank in Cent. Bot. Anmerk.: 57 |
Lesser-panicled sedge Lesser tussock sedge Bog panicled sedge Two-stamen sedge Carex diandre Laiche à tige arrondie Laîche arrondie |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 48,50,54,60 |
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NYFA: 27 counties iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Dewey ex Alph.Wood 1845. Carex prairea Dewey in A Class-book of Botany 414 |
Prairie sedge Carex des prairies |
Native, CoC: 9, Secure FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8, 2n = 66 |
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NYFA: 28 counties iNat: 2 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Muhl. 1817. Carex decomposita Muhl. in Descr. Gram.: 264 |
Cypress-knee sedge Cypressknee sedge Large-panicled sedge Decomposite Sedge Epiphytic Sedge |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], SH, G3, NYNHP: 1[2] OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5, 2n = 60, 64, 66. |
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NYFA: 5 counties iNat: No NY observations GBIF: 2 counties |
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Carex sect. Heleoglochin[1][2] | Inflorescence | Perigynia mature position | Perigynia mature color | Perigynia shape | Leaf sheath | Broadest leaf width |
C. diandra | mostly 2-8 cm long, may be more compact, erect, basal 1-5 branches overlapping | spreading, not concealed by the scales | shiny, dark brown | ovoid to lance-ovoid, ~2× as long as wide convex on ventral face |
truncate to convex, inner band pale/whitish with red dots | 1-3 mm |
C. prairea | mostly 2-8 cm long, may be interrupted, nodding, basal 1-5 branches often weakly separated | appressed, nearly or completely concealed by scales | dull, medium brown | ovoid to lance-ovoid, ~2× as long as wide, convex on ventral face | truncate to convex, inner band copper-colored toward summit, with red dots, prolonged 2–8 mm beyond base of blade | 1-3 mm |
C. decomposita | mostly 7-15 cm long, basal 3-9 branches well-separated, basal branch has 9–33(–48) spikes | spreading | deep olive green to brown | obpyramidal or broadly obovoid, body very abruptly contracted into beak (0.4–0.7 mm), 1.3-1.5× as long as wide | concave at mouth, not prolonged | 3-8 mm |
Subg. Vignea > Annectens Clade >> sect. Multiflorae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional Carex section Multiflorae contains 7 (10) species worldwide, 7 of which are found in North America North of Mexico, and 2 of which are native to New York.[2] Sedges in section Multiflorae have branched clusters (as do the previous two sections Heleoglochin and Vulpinae). They have corrugated sheaths, needle-tipped scales, and oval perigynia.[3]
Genus Carex sect. Multiflorae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Michx. 1803. Carex vulpinoidea Michx. in Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:169 |
Fox sedge Common fox sedge American fox-sedge Brown fox sedge |
Native, CoC: 2, Secure OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7, 2n = 52 |
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NYFA: 60 counties iNat: 34 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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(E.P. Bicknell) E.P. Bicknell 1896. Carex xanthocarpa var. annectens E.P.Bicknell in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 22 |
Yellow-fruited sedge Yellowfruit sedge Yellow fox sedge Small yellow fox sedge Carex à gaine tronguée |
Native, CoC: 1, Secure, S5, G5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7 |
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NYFA: 45 counties iNat: 13 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies |
Carex sect. Multiflorae[1][2] | Flowering stem length | Inflorescence length | Perigynia mature color | Perigynia shape | Perigynia deimensions | Beak length |
Carex vulpinoidea | shorter than leaves | 6-10 cm | dull yellow-green or pale brown, not red-dotted | ovate or elliptic, base obtuse | 2–3.2 × 1.3–1.8 mm | 1/3-1/2 x body |
Carex annectens | longer than leaves | 4-7 cm | golden yellow or yellowish-brown, not red-dotted | broadly elliptic to ovate | 2.2–3 × 1.5–2.2 mm | ≤ 1/3 x body |
Subg. Vignea > Annectens Clade >> sect. Phaestoglochin
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The traditional (FNA) Carex section Phaestoglochin contains about 27 (38) species worldwide, 25 of which are found in North America North of Mexico.[2] Sedges of section Phaestoglochin are upland species with compressed, sharp-edged oval perigynia. Male flowers appear at the top of the spikelets.
Genus Carex sect. Phaestoglochin | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Muhl. ex Willd. 1805. Carex cephalophora Muhl. ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:220 |
Oval-headed sedge Oval-leaf sedge Carex porte-tête |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure, S5, G5 FACU Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5, 2n = 48 |
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NYFA: 45 counties iNat: 9 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Muhl. ex Willd. 1805. Carex sparganioides Muhl. ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed.4. 4:237 |
Bur-reed sedge Carex faux-rubanier |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G5 FACU Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 4, 2n = 46, 48 |
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NYFA: 44 counties iNat: 9 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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(Dewey) Dewey 1826. Carex muricata var. cephaloidea Dewey in Amer. J. Bot. 11:308 |
Thin-leaf sedge Cluster-headed sedge Cluster-bracted sedge Thin-leaved sedge Thinleaf sedge Carex céphaloïde |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5 FACU-FAC Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 4, 2n = 50 |
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NYFA: 30 counties iNat: 2 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Schkuhr ex Willd. var. muehlenbergii1805. Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed.4. 4:231 |
Muhlenberg's sedge | Native, CoC: 7, Likely secure, S4-S5, G5-T5 Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6 |
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NYFA: 23 counties iNat: Queens County GBIF: present in NY |
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Schkuhr ex Willd. var. enervis Boott1862. Carex muehlenbergii var. enervis Boott in Ill. Gen. Carex 3:124 |
Nerveless Muhlenberg's sedge Muhlenberg's veinless sedge Muhlenberg's sedge Carex à utricule lisse |
Native, CoC: 7, Rare, DEC-C[1], S3, G5-T5 Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6 |
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NYFA: 14 counties iNat: Bronx, Suffolk GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Dewey 1846. Carex leavenworthii Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, 2:246 |
Leavenworth's sedge | Unk nativity, Unranked FACU Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7 |
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NYFA: Onondaga (1996) iNat: Onondaga (1988) GBIF: Onondaga, Tompkins |
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Mack. 1906. Carex mediterranea Mack. in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 33:441, nom. illeg. |
Midland sedge Midland bracted sedge Carex de l'arrière-pays |
Native, CoC: 3, Threatened, DEC-B[2], S2, G4-G5, NYNHP: S2[3] Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 6 counties iNat: Nassau, Onondaga GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies Note: [4] |
Mack. 1906. Carex agglomerata Mack. in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 33:442, nom. illeg. |
Glomerate sedge Smooth clustered sedge Crowded sedge Carex aggloméré |
Native, Endangered, DEC-A[5], NYNHP: S2[6] Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 9 counties iNat: Monroe, Onondaga GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > Annectens Clade >> sect. Divisae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Divisae contains about 14 (16) species worldwide, 6 of which are found in North America North of Mexico. All of these are native to western North America, but Carex praegracilis has been spreading eastward along highways treated with road salt and is known to naturalize in New York.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Divisae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
W.Boott 1839. Carex marcida Boott in W.J.Hooker, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:212, nom. illeg. |
Clustered field sedge Freeway sedge Black creeper sedge Field sedge Expressway sedge Very slender sedge Carex très grêle |
Introduced from western North America, N. America native, Naturalized, SNA FACW Perennial, Herb, Heliophily: 9 |
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NYFA: 4 counties iNat: Oswego (1988) GBIF: Ontario, Oswego |
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Subg. Vignea > sect. Physoglochin
[edit | edit source]![]() Contains all 5 of the traditional sect. Physoglochin species globally, including New York's Carex alascana (syn. Carex gynocrates var. substaminata Peck)[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Physoglochin contains 4-6 (5) species worldwide, 2 of which (C. gynocrates and C. parallela) are found in North America North of Mexico.[2] Of these, only Carex gynocrates (northern bog sedge) has been found in New York State, where it is listed as Endangered. POWO (2023) treats Carex gynocrates Wormsk. ex Drejer as a synonym of Carex nardina (Hornem.) Fr.[3] (which is in subg. Euthyceras above.), but Carex gynocrates var substaminata Peck as a synonym of Carex alascana.[4] See discussion of name change at iNaturalist.
Genus Carex sect. Physoglochin | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Boeckeler 1841. Carex gynocrates Wormsk. ex Drejer misapplied (syn. of Carex nardina) |
Northern bog sedge Carex à côtes |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], NYNHP-1[2], S1, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8, 2n = 46, 48 |
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NYFA: 8 counties iNat: 3 counties GBIF: 3 counties |
USDA-NN COL WFO POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNAFNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > sect. Macrocephalae
[edit | edit source]Genus Carex sect. Macrocephalae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Ohwi. 1865. Carex macrocephala var. longibracteata Oliv. in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. |
Asian sand sedge Asiatic sand sedge Japanese beach sedge Japanese sand sedge Japanese sedge Sea Isle Japanese sedge Sea Isle sedge |
Introduced from E & SE Asia, Moderately invasive, NYIS: 69%[1] Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 9, 2n = 84 |
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NYFA: Queens (2012) iNat: Queens, Richmond, Suffolk GBIF: Long Island |
USDA-X0 COL WFO POWO FSUS Go Botany ARS-GRIN ITIS FNAFNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies |
Willd. ex Spreng. 1826. Carex macrocephala Willd. ex Spreng. |
Largehead sedge Large-headed sedge Big-headed sedge Carex à grosses têtes |
Introduced from northeast Asia, northwest N.A., Moderately invasive, NYIS: 69%[1] |
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NYFA: 0 iNat: No NY observations |
USDA-NN VASCAN ARS-GRIN ITIS FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > Rosea Clade
[edit | edit source]![]() The Global Carex Group (2021) divided the New York sedges of sect. Phaestoglochin into the three separate clades within subg. Vignea. The five eastern North American species C. appalachica, C. radiata, C. retroflexa, C. rosea, C. texensis were placed in Rosea Clade (V.G.5). The remainder were placed in sect. Phaestoglochin (V.E.1) and Annectens Clade (V.E.2). [1] The traditional Carex section Phaestoglochin contains about 27 (38) species worldwide, 25 of which are found in North America North of Mexico.[2][3] Sedges of section Phaestoglochin are upland species with compressed, sharp-edged oval perigynia. Male flowers appear at the top of the spikelets.
Genus Carex fna-sect. Phaestoglochin | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Willd. 1805. Carex rosea Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4: 237 |
Rosy sedge Common upland star sedge Carex en rosace |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 FACU Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 3, 2n = 52 |
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NYFA: 59 counties iNat: 14 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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(Wahlenb.) Small 1803. Carex stellulata ssp. radiata Wahlenb. in Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya |
Eastern star sedge Narrow-leaved upland star sedge Bracted sedge Stellate sedge Straight-styled wood sedge Carex rayonnant |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G4 FAC Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 3, 2n = 58 |
NYFA: 54 counties iNat: 12 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
J.M.Webber & P.W.Ball 1979. Carex appalachica J.M.Webber & P.W.Ball |
Appalachian sedge Carex des Appalaches |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G4 FAC Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 4, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 40 counties iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Muhl. ex Willd. 1805. Carex retroflexa Muhl. ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:235 |
Reflexed sedge Carex rétroflexe |
Native, CoC: 7, Threatened, DEC-B[1], S4, G5, NYNHP: S4[2] FACU Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5, 2n = 40 |
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NYFA: 22 counties iNat: Livingston, Warren, Westchester GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
(Torr. ex L.H.Bailey) L.H.Bailey 1889. Carex rosea var. texensis Torr. ex L.H.Bailey in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club |
Texas Sedge Carex du Texas |
Introduced, N. America native, Naturalized, SNA Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: Onondaga 1988-99 iNat: Onondaga GBIF: Onondaga 2020 |
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Subg. Vignea > sect. Dispermae
[edit | edit source]![]() Contains the only species of traditional section Dispermae (Carex disperma).[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Dispermae contains the sole species Carex disperma (soft-leaved sedge) which is native to North America, including New York.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Dispermae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Dewey 1801. Carex tenella Schkuhr in Beschr. Riedgräs., nom. illeg. not Thuill. |
Soft-leaved sedge Softleaf sedge Two-seeded sedge Two-seeded bog sedge Short-leaved sedge Carex disperme |
Native, CoC: 10, Secure, S5, G5 OBL-FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Shade, 2n = 70 |
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NYFA: 40 counties iNat: 9 counties |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN FNAFNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > Disticha Clade
[edit | edit source]Genus Carex fna-sect. Ammoglochin | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Dewey var. siccata1826. Carex siccata Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 10:27 |
Dry-spike sedge Dry-spiked sedge Dryspike sedge Dry land sedge Dry sedge Hay sedge Silver-top sedge Carex sec |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G5 UPL-FACU Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 70 |
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NYFA: 30 counties iNat: Albany, Warren GBIF |
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Genus Carex fna-sect. Holarrhenae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Dewey var. sartwellii1842. Carex sartwellii Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 43:90 |
Sartwell's sedge Carex de Sartwell |
Native, CoC: 9, Endangered, NYNHP-1[1], DEC-A[2], S1-S2, G4-G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 8 counties iNat: Monroe, Seneca, St. Lawrence |
USDA-NN POWO ARS-GRIN FNAFNA Tropicos BONAP Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > sect. Chordorrhizae
[edit | edit source]![]() Contains both species of traditional section Chordorrhizae, including threatened New York Species Carex chordorrhiza and Asian Carex pseudocuraica.[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Chordorrhizae contains about 2 species worldwide, one of which (Carex chordorrhiza) is found in North America and native to New York.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Chordorrhizae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L.f. 1782. Carex chordorrhiza L.f. in Suppl. Pl.: 414 |
Creeping sedge Cord-root sedge Prostrate sedge Rope-root sedge Carex à long rhizome Carex à longs stolons Carex à longs rhizomes Laiche à longs rhizomes |
Native, CoC: 9, Threatened, DEC-B[1], NYNHP-2-3[2], S2-S3 OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 14 counties iNat: 5 counties |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > sect. Cyperoideae
[edit | edit source]Subg. Vignea > sect. Cyperoideae >> sect. Cyperoideae
[edit | edit source]![]() Note that the GCG-21 appendix listed Carex sychnocephala as part of traditional sect. Ovales,[1] while FNA currently places it alone as the only North American sedge in (2-species) sect. Cyperoideae. The traditional (FNA) Carex section Cyperoideae contains about 2 (0) species worldwide, one of which (Carex sychnocephala) is found in North America North of Mexico. including in New York State, where it is listed as Endangered.[2]
Genus Carex fna-sect. Cyperoideae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
J.Carey 1847. Carex sychnocephala J.Carey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, 10:24 |
Many-headed sedge Manyhead sedge Dense long-beaked sedge Long-beaked sedge Carex compact Carex à fruits poilus |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], NYNHP-1 [2] FACW Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 4 counties GBIF |
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Subg. Vignea > sect. Cyperoideae >> sect. Ovales
[edit | edit source]V.I. Carex sect. Cyperoideae contains 91 of the 92 species of traditional sect. Ovales worldwide.[1]
The traditional (FNA) Carex section Ovales contains about 88 (92) species worldwide, 72 of which are found in North America North of Mexico, making Ovales the largest traditional Carex section in North America. Only a few species of this section are native to other continents. About 26 sect. Ovales species are found in New York State.[2]
Subg. Vignea > sect. Cyperoideae >> sect. Ovales "Festucaceae"
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Genus Carex fna-sect. Ovales "Festucaceae" | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Schkuhr ex Willd. 1803. Carex leporina Michx. in Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:170, nom. illeg. |
Pointed broom sedge Broom sedge Lance-fruited oval sedge Swamp sedge Carex à balais |
Native, CoC: 1, Secure, S5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6, 2n = 56, 58, 60, 68 |
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NYFA: 59 counties iNat: 17 counties GBIF: present in NY |
Mack. 1836. Carex mirabilis Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 30:63, nom. illeg. |
Greater straw sedge Larger straw sedge Large straw sedge Carex normal |
Native, CoC: 1, Secure, S5, G5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 68 |
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NYFA: 47 counties iNat: 4 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Dewey 1824. Carex tenera Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 8:97 |
Delicate quill sedge Slender sedge Quill sedge Tender sedge Broad-fruited sedge Carex tendre Carex faible |
Native, CoC: 2, Secure, S5 FAC Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 52, 54, 56 |
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NYFA: 48 counties iNat: 4 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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(Fernald) P.E.Rothr., Reznicek & Hipp 1902. Carex straminea var. echinodes Fernald in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 37:474 |
Prickly quill sedge Bristly nodding sedge Bristly sedge Quill sedge Marsh straw sedge Carex épineux |
Native, CoC: 5, Endangered, S1, G5 Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 52, 54, 56 |
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NYFA: 3 counties iNat: 2 counties? GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN ITIS FNAFNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies |
(L.H.Bailey) Olney ex Fernald 1889. Carex tribuloides var. bebbii L.H.Bailey in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 1: 55 |
Bebb's sedge Bebb sedge Bebb's oval sedge Carex de Bebb |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 68, 70 |
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NYFA: 37 counties iNat: St. Lawrence GBIF: present in NY |
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(Dewey) Mack. ex Lunell 1826. Carex straminea var. brevior Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 11:158 |
Short-beaked sedge Shortbeak sedge Round-fruited sedge Fescue sedge Brevior sedge Plains oval sedge Shorter sedge Carex à têtes Carex à têtes courtes |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure, S5, G5? FAC Perennial, Graminoid, 2n=48,52,56,60,64,68 |
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NYFA: 30 counties iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Fernald 1862. Carex scoparia var. minor Boott in Ill. Gen. Carex 3:116 |
Crawford's sedge Crawford's oval sedge Carex de Crawford Laîche de Crawford |
Native, CoC: 4, Likely secure, S4, G5 FACW-FAC Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 52, ca. 66, 70 |
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NYFA: 23 counties iNat: Chautauqua, Warren GBIF: present in NY |
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Willd. 1805. Carex festucacea Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:242 |
Fescue sedge Fescue oval sedge Carex fausse-fétuque |
Native, CoC: 3, Likely secure, S4, G5 FAC Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 68, 70 |
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NYFA: 16 counties iNat: Jefferson County GBIF: present in NY |
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Britton & A.Br. 1862. Carex straminea var. crawei Boott in Ill. Gen. Carex 3:21 |
Bicknell'S Sedge Copper-shoulder oval sedge Carex de Bicknell |
Native, CoC: 5, Rare, DEC-C[1], S3, G5 FAC Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 76, 78 |
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NYFA: 11 counties iNat: No RG NY observations GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Mack. 1922. Carex merritt-fernaldii Mack. in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 49:370. 1923 |
Fernald's sedge Fernald's oval sedge Merritt Fernald's sedge Carex de Fernald |
Native, CoC: 5, Threatened, DEC-B[2], S2-S3, G5 Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 70, 74 |
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NYFA: 12 counties iNat: St. Lawrence county GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Mack. 1931. Carex molesta Mack. in N.L.Britton & al. N. Amer. Fl. 18:151 |
Troublesome sedge Field oval sedge Carex dérangeant |
Native, CoC: 5, Threatened, DEC-B[2], S4, G4 Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 68, 70 |
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NYFA: 20 counties iNat: Erie Jeff Niag Onon GBIF: present in NY |
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(Fernald) Fernald 1902. Carex mirabilis var. tincta Fernald in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 37:473 |
Tinged sedge Colored sedge Carex coloré |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[3], SH, G4-G5 Perennial, Graminoid, n = 36+IV |
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NYFA: Dutc Rens iNat: No NY observations GBIF: None in NY |
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Subg. Vignea > sect. Cyperoideae >> sect. Ovales "Tribuloideae"
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Genus Carex fna-sect. Ovales "Tribuloideae" | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Wahlenb. var. tribuloides1803. Carex richardii Michx. in Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 170, nom. illeg. |
Blunt broom sedge Awl-fruited oval sedge Carex tribuloïde |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5, 2n = 70 |
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NYFA: 49 counties iNat: 7 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Mack. 1908. Carex projecta Mack. in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club |
Necklace sedge Loose-headed oval sedge Projecting sedge Carex à bec étalé |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5, 2n = 64 |
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NYFA: 45 counties iNat: 6 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN COL POWO FSUS Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies |
Britton 1824. Carex cristata Schwein. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. NY, nom. illeg. |
Crested sedge Crested oval sedge Carex accrêté |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8, 2n = 70 |
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NYFA: 40 counties iNat: 8 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN Images Wikispecies |
Schweinitz 1824. Carex muskingumensis Schwein. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. NY |
Muskingum sedge Swamp oval sedge Palm sedge Carex de la rivière Muskingum |
Introduced from MI-OH-AR-MN, Midwest native, SNA OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 5 |
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NYFA: Bronx, New York iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany-0 VASCAN FNA NatureServe BONAP Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > sect. Cyperoideae >> sect. Ovales "Alatae"
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Genus Carex fna-sect. Ovales "Alatae" | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Torr. 1836. Carex alata Torr. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. NY |
Broadwing sedge Broad-winged sedge Winged oval sedge Carex ailé |
Native, CoC: 9, Likely secure, S4, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 74. |
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NYFA: 18 counties iNat: Monroe (2020) GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Schwein. 1828. Carex albolutescens Schwein. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York |
Greenish-white sedge Green-white sedge Greenwhite sedge |
Native, CoC: 7, Unranked, SNR, G5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 66 |
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NYFA: 6 counties iNat: Rockland, Suffolk GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-N0 POWO FSUS Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies |
Mack. 1922. Carex longii Mack. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club |
Long's sedge Round-shouldered oval sedge Green-and-white Sedge Carex de Long |
Native, CoC: 5, Unranked, SNR, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 58, 62 |
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NYFA: 7 counties iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN COL POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
(L.H.Bailey) Mack. 1883. Carex albolutescens var. cumulata (L.H.Bailey) L.H.Bailey in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club |
Clustered sedge Crowded oval sedge Accumulating sedge Dense sedge Carex dense |
Native, CoC: 6, Threatened, DEC-B[1], S2-S3, G4-G5, NYNHP: S2S3[2] FACU Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 36, 38 |
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NYFA: 2-3 iNat: Cllinton, Dutchess, Ulster GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > sect. Cyperoideae >> sect. Ovales "Fetae"
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Genus Carex fna-sect. Ovales "Fetae" | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Olney 1843. Carex straminea var. moniliformis Tuck. in Enum. Meth. Caric. |
Sea-beach sedge Seabeach sedge Beach sedge Carex silicicole |
Native, Likely secure Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 74, 76 |
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NYFA: 5 counties iNat: 4 counties GBIF: 7 counties |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Fernald 1862. Carex straminea var. aperta Boott in Ill. Gen. Carex |
Marsh straw sedge Carex moniliforme |
Native, CoC: 9, Threatened, DEC-B[1], S2-S3, G4-G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 74 |
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NYFA: 2-3 iNat: 3 counties GBIF: present in NY |
POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Willd. ex Schkuhr 1801. Carex straminea Willd. ex Schkuhr in Beschr. Riedgräs |
Eastern straw sedge Straw sedge |
Native, Endangered, DEC-A[2] Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 74 |
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NYFA: 21 counties iNat: no NY observations GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-N0 POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Vignea > sect. Cyperoideae >> sect. Ovales "Foeneae"
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Genus Carex fna-sect. Ovales "Foeneae" | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Willd. 1809. Carex foenea Willd. in Enum. Pl. Hort. Berol.: 957 |
Hay sedge Straw Sedge Fernald's hay sedge Bronze sedge Bronzy sedge Bronze-headed oval sedge Carex fourrager Carex cuivré |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5 UPL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 82, 84 |
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NYFA: 18 counties iNat: Clinton, Essex |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN Images Wikispecies |
Tuck. ex Boott 1862. Carex argyrantha Tuck. ex Boott in Ill. Gen. Carex 3:119 |
Silvery-flowered sedge Silvery-green sedge Hay sedge Silvery hay sedge Silvery oval sedge Carex argenté |
Native, CoC: 7, Likely secure, S4, G5 Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 80 |
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NYFA: 15 counties iNat: 6 counties |
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Boott 1839. Carex adusta Boott in W.J.Hooker, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:215 |
Lesser brown sedge Swarthy sedge Browned sedge Burnt sedge Crowded sedge Carex brûlé |
Native, Endangered, S1 Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 78 |
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NYFA: Clinton (2020) iNat: Clinton (2020) |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies |
Carex subg. Carex
[edit | edit source]VI. Carex subg. Carex. Subgenus Carex is the largest and morphologically the most variable Carex subgenus. The flowers of most of its species have three stigmas and primarily unisexual spikes.[1]
Subg. Carex > sect. Secalinae
[edit | edit source]Genus Carex sect. Secalinae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Willd. ex Wahlenb. 1803. Carex secalina Willd. ex Wahlenb. in Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. |
Rye sedge Rye-like sedge |
Introduced from Eurasia, Naturalized, SNA Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 4 counties iNat: Kings, Richmond GBIF: 5 counties |
USDA-X0 COL POWO Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > sect. Albae
[edit | edit source]![]() Contains all 4 of the species of traditional section Albae globally (C. alba, C. eburnea, C. mckittrickensis, C. ussuriensis).[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Albae contains 4 species worldwide, 2 of which (C. eburnea, C. mckittrickensis) are found in North America North of Mexico.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Albae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Boott |
Bristle-leaved sedge Bristleleaf sedge Ebony sedge Ivory sedge Carex ivoirin |
Native, CoC: 8, Likely secure, S4 FACU Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 27 counties iNat: 12 counties |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > Flacca Clade
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Thuringiaca contains 2 or 3 (7) species worldwide but only Carex flacca appears to have been found in North America, where it was introduced from Eurasia.[2]
Genus Carex fna-sect. Thuringiaca | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Schreb. ssp. flacca1771. Carex flacca Schreb. in Spic. Fl. Lips., App.:178 |
Heath sedge Glaucous sedge Blue sedge Flabby sedge Carex glauque Laîche glauque Laiche flasque |
Introduced from Europe, northern Africa, Potentially invasive |
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NYFA: 3 counties iNat: No NY observations |
USDA-XX COL POWO Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN FNA Tropicos NatureServe Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > sect. Paniceae
[edit | edit source]VI.E.4. Carex sect. Paniceae G.Don, in J.C.Loudon, Hort. Brit. 376. 1830.
Most of the species of the three nested traditional sections Bicolores (4/4), Paniceae s.s. (24/26), and Laxiflorae (17/17) were combined into a larger sect. Paniceae. Although sect. Bicolores has been found to be monophyletic, it is nested in sect. Paniceae s.s., which is nested in sect. Laxiflorae.[1] |
Subg. Carex > sect. Paniceae >> sect. Bicolores
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Bicolores contains 4 species worldwide, all of which (C. aurea, C. bicolor, C. garberi, C. hassei) are found in North America, but only C. aurea and C. garberi are found in New York.[2] Traditional sect. Bicolores contains two species that are found in New York State. The parigynia of C. aurea (golden-fruited sedge) are nearly spherical and turn bright orange when mature, while the those of the endangered C. garberi (elk sedge) turn glaucous white with age.[3]
Genus Carex fna-sect. Bicolores | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Nutt. 1818. Carex aurea Nutt. in Gen. N. Amer. Pl. |
Golden-fruited sedge Golden sedge Pumpkin sedge Carex doré |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8, 2n = 52 |
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NYFA: 30 counties iNat: 14 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies |
Fernald 1871. Carex aurea Nuttall androgyna Olney in S.Watson, Botany [Fortieth Parallel] |
Elk sedge Garber's sedge False golden sedge Carex de Garber |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], S1, G5, NYNHP: 1[2] FACW Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7 |
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NYFA: 6 counties iNat: no NY reports GBIF: no NY reports |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNAFNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > sect. Paniceae >> sect. Paniceae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Paniceae contains about 14 (26) species worldwide, 10 of which are found in North America North of Mexico, and 7 of which are listed in New York.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Paniceae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Schkuhr 1806. Carex tetanica Schkuhr in Beschr. Riedgräs. |
Rigid sedge Common stiff sedge Carex tétanique |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S4-S5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 24 counties iNat: 3 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Dewey 1846. Carex woodii Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts, ser. 2 |
Wood’s sedge ⓘ
Pretty sedge ⓘ
Purple-tinged sedge ⓘ
Wood's stiff sedge ⓘ Carex de Wood ⓘ
Native, CoC: 8, Likely secure, S4, G4 FACU-UPL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 44 |
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NYFA: 18 counties iNat: 6 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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(Wahlenb.) Willd. 1803. Carex limosa ssp. livida Wahlenb. in Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. |
Livid sedge ⓘ
Pale sedge ⓘ
Lead-coloured sedge ⓘ Carex livide ⓘ
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], S2, G5, NYNHP: S2[2] OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 32 |
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NYFA: 8 counties iNat: 3 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Dewey 1842. Carex meadii Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts |
Mead's sedge ⓘ
Mead's stiff sedge ⓘ Carex de Mead ⓘ
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], SH, G4-G5, NYNHP: SH[3] FAC Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 5 counties iNat: no NY observations |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Tausch var. vaginata1806. Carex depauperata Hornem. in Fors. Oecon. Plantel., ed. 2 |
Sheathed sedge ⓘ Carex engaîné ⓘ
Laiche engainante ⓘ
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], S1, G5, NYNHP: S1[4] OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
NYFA: 5 counties |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. Carex panicea L. in Sp. Pl.: 977 |
Grass-like sedge ⓘ
Millet sedge ⓘ
Carnation sedge ⓘ
Pink-leaved sedge ⓘ Carex faux-millet ⓘ
Laîche bleuâtre ⓘ
Laîche faux-panic ⓘ
Introduced from Eurasia, Greenland Perennial, Graminoid |
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USDA-XN POWO VASCAN Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > sect. Paniceae >> sect. Laxiflorae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Laxiflorae contains about 16 (17) species worldwide, 15 of which are found in North America North of Mexico.[2] About 8 of these are listed in New York State.[3]
Genus Carex fna-sect. Laxiflorae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Lam. 1792. Carex laxiflora Lam. in Encycl. 3:378 |
Broad loose-flowered sedge Broad looseflower sedge Loose-flowered sedge Beech wood sedge Two-edge sedge Carex laxiflore |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 UPL-FACU Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 40 |
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NYFA: 53 counties iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Steud. 1855. Carex gracilescens Steud. in Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2:226 |
Slender loose-flowered sedge Rather slender sedge Slender wood sedge Slender sedge Slender rich woodland sedge Carex grêle |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G5? Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 33, 38, 40 |
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NYFA: 30 counties iNat: St. Lawrence GBIF: present in NY |
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(Fernald) Fernald 1906. Carex laxiflora var. leptonervia Fernald in Rhodora 8:184 |
Nerveless woodland sedge Finely-nerved sedge Few-nerved wood sedge Northern woodland sedge Ribless woodland sedge Carex leptonervé |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G4 FAC-FACW Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 36 |
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NYFA: 45 counties iNat: St. Lawrence GBIF: present in NY |
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Carex laxiflora × Carex leptonervia |
Hybrid-of: Loose-flowered sedge Finely-nerved sedge |
Native, Hybrid Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: Rensselaer (1997) |
FNA Images Wikispecies |
Dewey 1826. Carex blanda Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 10:45 |
Eastern woodland sedge Common woodland sedge Charming woodland sedge Woodland sedge Bland sedge Carex lisse |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5? FAC Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 30,32,34,36 |
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NYFA: 49 counties iNat: 16 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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E.Sheld. 1858. Carex laxiflora var. latifolia Boott in Ill. Gen. Carex 1:38 |
White bear sedge Blunt-scale wood Sedge Carex du lac à l'Ours-Blanc Carex de l'ours blanc |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G5 Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 44 |
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NYFA: 32 counties iNat: 11 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Wiegand 1922. Carex ormostachya Wiegand in Rhodora 24:196 |
Necklace spike sedge Necklace-like spike sedge Necklace-spike wood sedge Carex en chapelet |
Native, CoC: 4, Likely secure, S4, G4 Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 16 counties iNat: St. Lawrence GBIF: present in NY |
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Michx. 1803. Carex striatula Michx. in Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:173 |
Lined sedge | Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], SH, G4-G5, NYNHP: SH[2] Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 36, 40 |
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NYFA: 5 counties iNat: no NY observations GBIF: historical in NY |
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Buckley 1843. Carex styloflexa Buckley in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 45:174 |
Bent sedge Curved style sedge |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1], S1, G4-G5, NYNHP: S1[3] FAC-FACW Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 48 |
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NYFA: 10 counties iNat: Suffolk County GBIF: historical in NY |
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Subg. Carex > sect. Pictae
[edit | edit source]![]() Combines globally both traditional sect. Pictae species (C. baltzellii & C. picta) with 2 of the 46 traditional sect. Clandestinae species (C. pedunculata & C. erythrobasis).[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Pictae contains 2 species worldwide (C. baltzellii, C. picta), both of which are found in North America North of Mexico, but neither has been found to naturalize in New York.[2] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Clandestinae contains about 20 (46) species worldwide, 4 of which (C. concinna, C. concinnoides, C. pedunculata, C. richardsonii) are found in North America North of Mexico. Of these, only Carex pedunculata is known in New York.[3]
Genus Carex fna-sect. Clandestinae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Muhl. ex Willd. ssp. pedunculata1805 Carex pedunculata Muhl. ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:222 |
Long-stalked sedge Longstalk sedge Pedunculate sedge Peduncled sedge Stalked sedge Carex pédonculé |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G5 FAC-OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 39 counties iNat: 17 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN COL WFO POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > Hirta Clade
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Subg. Carex > Hirta Clade >> sect. Paludosae
[edit | edit source]Genus Carex sect. Paludosae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Willd. 1805. Carex lacustris Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4: 306 |
Lake sedge Lakeside sedge Lakeshore sedge Lakebank sedge Common lake sedge Lake-bank sedge Hairy sedge Carex lacustre |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 74 |
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NYFA: 46 counties iNat: 18 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Ehrh. var. americana Fernald1803. Carex lanuginosa Michx. in Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:175 |
American woolly-fruited sedge American woollyfruit sedge Woolly-fruited sedge Narrow-leaved woolly sedge Slender sedge Wiregrass Carex à fruits tomenteux d'Amérique |
Native, CoC: 9, Secure, S5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 56 |
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NYFA: 38 counties iNat: 9 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Muhl. ex Willd. 1805. Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4: 302 |
Woolly sedge Broad-Leaved Woolly Sedge Carex laineux |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 78 |
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NYFA: 33 counties iNat: 10 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Torr. ex Dewey 1836. Carex houghtoniana Torr. ex Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 30:63 |
Houghton's sedge Houghton's woolly sedge Sand sedge Carex de Houghton |
Native, CoC: 5, Threatened, S2, G5, NYNHP: S2[1] Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 10 counties iNat: Essex County GBIF: present in NY |
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Michx. 1803. Carex striata Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:174 |
Walter's sedge | Native, CoC: 5, Threatened, S2, G4-G5, NYNHP: S2[2] OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: Long Island iNat: Suffolk County GBIF: Long Island |
USDA-N0 POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN-0 FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > Hirta Clade >> sect. Carex
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Carex contains about 10 (18) species worldwide, 5 of which are found in North America North of Mexico.[2] Three of these Carex species are native or naturalized in New York State, including the introduced Carex hirta, which is the type species of this section, subgenus, and the Carex genus as a whole.
Genus Carex sect. Carex | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Muhl. ex Willd. 1805. Carex trichocarpa Muhl. ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:302 |
Hairy-fruited sedge Hairy-Fruit Sedge Hairy-Fruited Lake Sedge Carex à fruits velus |
Native, CoC: 5, Likely secure, S4, G4 OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 27 counties iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Spreng. 1823. Carex aristata R. Br. in J.Franklin Narr. Journey Polar Sea: 751, nom. illeg. |
Wheat sedge Awned sedge Hairy-leaved lake sedge Slough sedge Carex épi-de-blé |
Native, CoC: 2, Rare, DEC-C[1], NYNHP-3[2], S3, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 5 counties iNat: 2 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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L. 1753. Carex hirta L. in Sp. Pl.: 975 |
Hairy sedge Hammer sedge Carex hérissé |
Introduced, Naturalized, SNA, GNR Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 5 counties iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-XX POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > Hirta Clade >> sect. Vesicariae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Vesicariae (including Pseudocypereae) contains about 45 (49) species worldwide, 19 of which are found in North America North of Mexico.[2] Perigynia glabrous, smooth. Lateral spikes usually pedunculate; lowermost inflorescence bracts sometimes with sheath; peduncles with prophyll at base. Terminal spike usually staminate or, sometimes, gynecandrous, staminate flowers then more numerous than pistillate; lateral spikes oblong, distinctly longer than wide; fresh perigynia green or slightly glaucous. Pistillate scales obtuse to acuminate or cuspidate. Style persistent on the achene.[3]
Genus Carex sect. Vesicariae "scabrous-awned" group | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Wahlenb. 1803. Carex lurida Wahlenb. in Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 24:153 |
Sallow sedge Lurid sedge Shallow sedge Carex luisant |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6 |
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NYFA: 57 counties iNat: 56 counties |
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Britton 1860. Carex tentaculata var. gracilis Boott in Ill. Gen. Carex 2:94 |
Bailey's sedge Carex de Bailey |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G4 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 6 |
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NYFA: 30 counties iNat: Cattaraugus, Essex, Ulster |
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Boott 1824. Carex furcata Elliott in Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 2:552, nom. illeg. |
Bristly sedge Bearded sedge Longhair sedge Carex à toupet |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: 56 counties iNat: 46 counties |
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Muhl. ex Willd. 1805. Carex hystericina Muhl. ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:282 |
Porcupine sedge Bottlebrush sedge Carex porc-épic |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: 48 counties iNat: 20 counties |
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L. var. pseudocyperus1753. Carex pseudocyperus L. in Sp. Pl.: 978 |
Cyperus-like sedge Cyperus sedge Hop sedge |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 7 |
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NYFA: 30 counties iNat: 7 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Dewey ex Schwein. 1824. Carex schweinitzii Dewey ex Schwein. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N.Y. 1:71 |
Schweinitz's sedge Schweinitz's flatsedge Carex de Schweinitz |
Native, CoC: 9, Threatened, DEC-B[1], S2-S3, G3, NYNHP: S2-S3[2] OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: 20 counties iNat: 4 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Carex comosa × Carex hystericina |
Hybrid bristly & porcupine sedge | Native, Hybrid Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: Chemung (1898), Seneca (1915) |
Images Wikispecies |
Carex hystericina × Carex pseudocyperus |
Hybrid porcupine & cyperus-like sedge | Native, Hybrid Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: Seneca (1863) |
Images Wikispecies |
Carex hystericina × Carex schweinitzii |
Hybrid porcupine & Schweinitz sedge | Native, Hybrid Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: Duchess, Oneida, Tompkins |
Images Wikispecies |
Genus Carex sect. Vesicariae "awnless" group | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Schwein. 1824. Carex retrorsa Schwein. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 1:71 |
Retrorse sedge Backward-fruited sedge Knotsheath sedge Carex réfléchi |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G5 OBL-FACW Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 44 counties |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies |
Dewey 1825. Carex bullata Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts 9:71, nom. illeg. |
Tuckerman's sedge Carex de tuckerman |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G4 OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 35 counties iNat: 7 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Boott 1839. Carex utriculata Boott |
Beaked sedge Northwest Territory sedge Carex utriculé |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany ARS-GRIN FNAFNA Images Wikispecies |
L. |
Blister sedge Inflated sedge |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure Perennial, Graminoid |
NYFA: 5 |
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Michx. |
Few-seeded sedge | Native, CoC: 10, Vulnerable, S4, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 18 counties iNat: 6 counties |
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Schkuhr ex Willd. 1805. Carex bullata Schkuhr ex Willd. |
Button sedge | Native, CoC: 9, Endangered, DEC-A[3], S1, G5, NYNHP: S1[4] OBL Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8 |
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NYFA: 6 counties iNat: Suffolk County |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany ITIS FNAFNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > Hirta Clade >> sect. Lupulinae
[edit | edit source]![]() The traditional (FNA) Carex section Lupulinae contains about 6 species worldwide, all of which are found in North America North of Mexico, and 4 which are listed in New York State. The sedges of sect. Lupulinae have the largest perigynia of all Carex species.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Lupulinae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Muhl. ex Willd. 1805. Carex lupulina Muhl. ex Willd. in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4:266 |
Hop sedge Common hop sedge Carex houblon |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 55 counties iNat: 32 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Rudge 1803. Carex folliculata Wahlenb. in Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 24:152, nom. illeg. |
Bladder sedge Greater Bladder sedge Shining bur sedge Swollen sedge Carex gonflé |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 FACW Perennial, Graminoid |
NYFA: 54 counties iNat: 54 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies | |
J.Carey 1835. Carex intumescens var. globularis A.Gray in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 3: 236 |
Gray's sedge ⓘ
Asa Gray's sedge ⓘ
Bur sedge ⓘ
Common bur sedge ⓘ
Gray's bur sedge ⓘ
Morning star sedge ⓘ Carex de Gray ⓘ
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5 FACW Perennial, Herb-graminoid, Part shade |
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NYFA: 35 counties iNat: 30 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN LBJ Images Wikispecies |
Sartwell ex Dewey 1850. Carex lupuliformis Sartwell ex Dewey in Amer. J. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, 9:29 |
False hop sedge ⓘ
Hop-like sedge ⓘ
Knobbed hop sedge ⓘ
Knotted hop sedge ⓘ Carex faux-lupulina ⓘ
Native, CoC: 9, Threatened, DEC-B[1], NYNHP-2[2], S2, G4 FACW-OBL Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 19 counties iNat: 3 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNA LBJ Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > Hirta Clade >> sect. Squarrosae
[edit | edit source]VI.H.1. Hirta Clade includes 2 species (Carex frankii and C. aureolensis) from the 4 species of traditional section Squarrosae globally.[1]
The traditional (FNA) Carex section Squarrosae contains about 4 species worldwide, 4 of which are found in North America North of Mexico. Three of these, C. frankii, C. squarrosa, and C. typhina, are native to New York, while C. aureolensis is a southern US native.[2]
Genus Carex fna-sect. Squarrosae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Kunth 1836. Carex stenolepis Torrey |
Frank's sedge | Native, Endangered, DEC-A[1], NYNHP-1[2] Perennial, Graminoid |
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NYFA: 1 iNat: 5 counties |
USDA-NN ITIS FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > Hirta Clade >> intersectional hybrids
[edit | edit source]VI.H.1. Hirta Clade intersectional hybrids.
Genus Carex sect. Paludosae × Carex | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Carex lacustris (Paludosae) × Carex trichocarpa (Carex) |
Hybrid of Lake-bank sedge & Hairy-fruited sedge |
Native, Hybrid, SNA, GNA |
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NYFA: Yates County |
Images Wikispecies |
Genus Carex sect. Lupulinae × Vesicariae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Carex lupulina (Lupulinae) × Carex lurida (Vesicariae) |
Hybrid of Hop sedge & Sallow sedge |
Native, Hybrid, SNA, GNA |
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NYFA: Wayne (1916) |
Images Wikispecies |
Carex lupulina (Lupulinae) × Carex retrorsa (Vesicariae) |
Hybrid of Hop sedge & Backward-fruited sedge |
Native, Hybrid, SNA, GNA |
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NYFA: Tompkiins (1884, 1938) |
Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > sect. Longirostres
[edit | edit source]![]() Contains only 3 of the 65 species of traditional sect. Hymenochlaenae globally (C. arnellii, C. hondoensis, C. sprengelii).[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Hymenochlaenae contains about 50-60 (65) species worldwide, 20 of which (including C. sprengelii) are found in North America North of Mexico.[2] Of the 3 Carex sect. Longirostres species, only Carex sprengelii is listed in New York State.
Genus Carex fna-sect. Hymenochlaenae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Dewey ex Spreng. 1824. Carex longirostris Torr. ex Schwein. in Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N.Y. 1:71, nom. illeg. |
Long-beaked sedge Longbeak sedge Sprengel’s sedge Carex de Sprengel |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure, S5, G5? FAC-FACU Perennial, Graminoid, Heliophily: 8, 2n = 42 |
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NYFA: 34 counties iNat: 13 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > sect. Racemosae
[edit | edit source]![]() Contains 69 of the 73 species of traditional Carex sect. Racemosae, including the two New York species and a few non-native species from other sections in subg. Carex.[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Racemosae contains about 60 (73) species worldwide, 29 of which are found in North America North of Mexico, but only two (threatened & endangered) species are present in New York.[2]
Genus Carex sect. Racemosae | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Wahlenb. 1801. Carex polygama Schkuhr in Beschr. Riedgräs. 1:84, nom. illeg. |
Buxbaum's sedge ⓘ
Brown bog sedge ⓘ
Club sedge ⓘ
Brown sedge ⓘ
Dark-scale sedge ⓘ Carex de Buxbaum
Laiche de Buxbaum
Native, Threatened, DEC-B[1], NYNHP-2[2] Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = ~106 |
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NYFA: 19 counties iNat: 5 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies |
Britton 1804. Carex ovata Rudge in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 7:96, nom. illeg. |
Scabrous black sedge ⓘ
Scrabrous black sedge ⓘ
Black Sedge ⓘ
Raymond's Sedge ⓘ Carex atratiforme ⓘ
Native, Endangered, DEC-A[3] |
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NYFA: Essex (1981) iNat: No NY observations GBIF: no NY reports |
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Subg. Carex > sect. Stylosae
[edit | edit source]![]() Globally, contains sedges from traditional sections Stylosae (3/3) and Phacocystis (4/145).[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Phacocystis contains about 110 (145) species worldwide, 31 of which are found in North America North of Mexico. About 12 of these taxa have been reported in New York State,[2] but of these 12, only Carex haydenii was transferred to sect. Stylosae. iNaturalist lists this section as Section Stylosae (Carex Sect. Stylosae).
Genus Carex fna-sect. Phacocystis | Sedge | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Dewey 1854. Carex haydenii Dewey |
Hayden's sedge ⓘ
Cloud sedge ⓘ
Long-scaled tussock sedge ⓘ Carex de Hayden ⓘ
Native, Endangered, DEC-A[1], S2, G5, NYNHP: S2[2] OBL Perennial, Graminoid, 2n = 54 |
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NYFA: 12 counties iNat: 3 counties GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN POWO Go Botany VASCAN FNAFNA Images Wikispecies |
Subg. Carex > sect. Phacocystis
[edit | edit source]VI.K. Carex sect. Phacocystis Dumort., Fl. Belg. 146. 1827.
Includes 102 of the 145 species of traditional section Phacocystis globally. An exception was Carex haydenii, which was placed in sect. Stylosae above.[1] The traditional (FNA) Carex section Phacocystis contains about 110 (145) species worldwide, 31 of which are found in North America North of Mexico.[2][3] About 12 of these taxa have been reported in New York State. Sect. Phacocystis is one of the most diverse and taxonomically complex groups of sedges.[4] |