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Category:Advanced reading level

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Books have a preferred writing style that make comprehension easy for readers who have mastered a certain level of fluency in reading a language. Books in this category depend on more background knowledge and understanding of more specialized vocabulary than is common for intermediate readers. Some subject-specific jargon is likely to be used without explanation, but a heavy reliance on subject-specific jargon should be avoided to increase readability and comprehension. Use {{reading level|advanced}} to add a book to this category.

Pages in category "Advanced reading level"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. ORCID Advocacy Toolkit
  2. Till Eulenspiegel's funny Series
  3. Computation of an acoustic Transmissionline
  4. The cave painting in Magura Cave
  5. Pythagoras in the Forge
  6. Learning anatomy/Table version
  7. Learning anatomy
  8. Traditional Abacus and Bead Arithmetic
  9. Knot Theory
  10. The Linux Kernel/About
  1. Artificial Neural Networks
  2. Analog and Digital Conversion
  3. Job Interview Questions
  4. Signal Processing
  5. Learning anatomy/Table version
  6. Software Engineers Handbook
  7. Introduction to Mathematical Physics
  8. Semiconductors
  9. Human Nature: Catholic Thought and the Sciences
  10. Teaching Elementary School Health Education

The following 67 pages are in this category, out of 67 total.