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User:Whiteknight/New Book Guide

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User:Whiteknight/Book Foundry
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User:Whiteknight/New Book Guide
User:Whiteknight/Book Creator
User:Andrew Whitworth
Whiteknight Discussion Book Foundry All Books New Book Guide Book Creator Images About Me
Due to a severe shortage of time, I am no longer able to be an active member of the Wikibooks project. Please see my page for more details about my absense. I will continue to monitor my talk page for correspondence and will try to reply quickly when possible.


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The material found here was developed from my own experience at Wikibooks, and is not an officially approved guide. The thoughts represented here are my own and have often received little, if any, community approval, feedback, or input. I have personally created a number of new books from scratch here at Wikibooks, and I have learned a number of lessons from my work that I hope to be able to share with other new authors.

This book is a part of my personal namespace, and as such it is not subject to ordinary community policies such as neutrality of opinion. Also, while I do encourage people to help make this book better by adding more material and experiences, I maintain complete creative control over this book and am the final authority as to what will stay here. I will monitor it closely for unauthorized edits or vandalism. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome on my talk page.

Table of Contents

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Cleanup Tasks

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These cleanup tasks correspond to focus tasks listed at my Book Foundry. Read these pages for descriptions of how to improve those books.


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Further Reading

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