User:BORGATO Pierandrea/sandbox

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--BORGATO Pierandrea 19:21, 26 May 2014 (UTC)

edit in progress

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Examples of software PLLs:

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Effective Q of a PLL, Ext REF & Note

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References in the book to ITU 8251 etc..

The CDR (strictly speaking the CR = PLL) may incorporate a loop filter that sets the jitter transfer BW with its pole and that also squeezes to naught the steady state error with its zero set at least a couple of decades below the pole[1].

[2] [3]

Notes from ITU

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About holdover transients [5]


External References and Notes

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  1. The frequency range of interest for a regenerator (jitter transfer) around its cut-off frequency is about +/- 2 decades: G.783-2006 03 Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks; 15.1.3 Jitter and wander transfer, page 246; ... the jitter transfer measurement is made over the frequency range fL to fH. The lower frequency fL is set to fC/100 (where fC is the –3 dB corner frequency), and fH is defined as .. 100*fC … Jitter above fH is generally agreed to be insignificant relative to regenerator jitter accumulation, and low levels of in-spec jitter generation can easily be confused with an out-of-spec jitter transfer measurement when attempting to measure jitter transfer at high input/output attenuation levels (i.e., below –40 dB). The limits set for fL at fC/100 will always include the frequency at which maximum gain peaking occurs, and limiting jitter transfer measurements to frequencies between fL and fH will help limit testing time.
  2. 1MA98: dB or not dB? Rohde & Schwarz Application Note
  3. Telecommunications: Glossary of Telecommunication Terms Federal Standard 1037C August 7, 1996
  4. The frequency range of interest for a regenerator (jitter transfer) around its cut-off frequency is about +/- 2 decades: G.783-2006 03 Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks; 15.1.3 Jitter and wander transfer, page 246; ... the jitter transfer measurement is made over the frequency range fL to fH. The lower frequency fL is set to fC/100 (where fC is the –3 dB corner frequency), and fH is defined as .. 100*fC … Jitter above fH is generally agreed to be insignificant relative to regenerator jitter accumulation, and low levels of in-spec jitter generation can easily be confused with an out-of-spec jitter transfer measurement when attempting to measure jitter transfer at high input/output attenuation levels (i.e., below –40 dB). The limits set for fL at fC/100 will always include the frequency at which maximum gain peaking occurs, and limiting jitter transfer measurements to frequencies between fL and fH will help limit testing time.
  5. G.8251-201009 The control of jitter and wander within the optical transport network (OTN); A.8 Transient response
  6. G.8251-201009 The control of jitter and wander within the optical transport network (OTN); IV.2 Model 1; IV.2.1 Model details ...linear model for a phase-locked loop (PLL)...loop filter .. with transfer function 1+b/s,... (i.e. 2nd order type 2)