Skaneateles Conservation Area/Invasive species/Liliopsida (monocots)

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Family Common name G A N S I T M L % NY
Genus Species W F K C S A H L
Acoraceae sweetflag family
Acoraceae Acorus calamus old world sweetflag N Y 5 E 2 1b 1b


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'Family' Common name G A N S I T M L % NY
Genus Species W F K C S A H L
Araceae arum family
Araceae Pistia stratiotes water lettuce ? N 1 U X T M 62 Very High  2  2  5  1a 1a 1 1a 1  2  1b
Araceae Pinellia ternata crowdipper, Asian green dragon N ? 0 E 0 T M Insignificant  u   b   b   b   5   u  1d
Araceae Colocasia esculenta coco yam, taro Y \ C 0 5 High 1b 1c
Hydrocharitaceae waterweed family
Hydrilloideae Hydrilla verticillata hydrilla, water thyme, Florida elodea Y Y 1 E X T M P 91 Very High  2  2 3 1a 1a 1 1  2   3  1a A2
Hydrilloideae Najas minor brittle naiad, brittle water nymph Y Y 5 E X T M 65 Moderate  5   4  3  2   4   4   4   3   3  1a
Hydrocharitoideae Hydrocharis morsus-ranae European frogbit, common frogbit N Y X E 0 T M P 75 Very High  4  4 3  2   2   4   4   2   3  1a A3*
Hydrocharitoideae Egeria densa Brazilian elodea, Brazilian waterweed Y Y D E X T M P 86 High  2  2 1 1a  2  1 1a  2   4  1b A4*
Hydrocharitoideae Limnobium spongia American frog’s bit N ? 0 E 1
Stratiotoideae Stratiotes aloides water soldiers, water letuce, tropical duckweed N \ 0 0 X T 0 High 1a 1a 1 1 1a 1b 1b
Anacharidoideae Lagarosiphon major oxygen weed, African elodea, curly waterweed N \ 0 X High 1b 1c 1c
Butomaceae flowering rush family
Butomaceae Butomus umbellatus flowering rush Y Y X E X T M 64 Moderate  u  3 4  b   3   u   u   2  1a 1a 1a A5
Potamogetonaceae pondweed family
Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton crispus curly-leaf pondweed Y Y X E X T M P 80 Very High  4  4 4  4   4   4   4   4   4  4 1a A3
Dioscoreaceae yam family
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea polystachya Chinese yam, cinnamon vine, air potato Y Y D E X T M P 78 High  2  1a 1a 1a  5   2   2  1b 1b A5


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Family Common name G A N S I T M L % NY
Genus Species W F K C S A H L
Liliaceae lily family
Liliaceae Lilium lancifolium tiger lily, Easter lily N Y X E 0
Liliaceae Erythronium dens-canis European trout lily, dog's-tooth-violet ? \ D T
Colchicaceae crocus family
Colchicaceae Colchicum autumnale autumn crocus N \ 4 E 0


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Common name G A N S I T M L % NY
Genus Species W F K C S A H L
Orchidaceae orchid family
Orchidaceae Epipactis helleborine broad-leaved helleborine, weed orchid Y Y X E X T 5 4
Orchidaceae Epipactis palustris marsh orchid ? N 0 E 1c
Orchidaceae Cypripedium calceolus Eurasian lady's-slipper ? \ 0 1d
Iridaceae iris family
Iridoideae Iris pseudacorus yellow iris Y Y X E X T M P 76 High  4   4  4  3   4   3   4   4   4  1a 3 A3
Iridoideae Iris sibirica Siberian iris N Y 4 E 0 2 1a
Iridoideae Iris germanica German iris N ? X E 0 1b 1b
Iridoideae Iris domestica blackberry lily, belamcanda N ? 5 E 0  NA   u   u   b   b   b   b   5   5  1b 1b
Crocoideae Crocus tommasinianus early crocus, woodland crocus N N 7 0 0 1a
Asphodelaceae daylily family
Asphodelaceae Hemerocallis fulva orange daylily Y Y M E 6 T M 46 Low  u   3   4   u   u   u   u   u   5  3 4 A3
Asphodelaceae Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus yellow daylily Y Y 6 E 1 1b 1b
Asphodelaceae onion family
Allieae Allium vineale wild onion, onion-grass, wild garlic Y Y X E X T M  NA   u   u   u   5   u   b   b   u   u  1a 1a A3
Galantheae Leucojum aestivum summer snowflake Y Y X E 5 T Unknown  u   b   u   b   u   b   b   5   5  1a 2
Galantheae Galanthus nivalis snowdrop N Y X E 1 1a 1a
Narcisseae Narcissus pseudonarcissus common daffodil N Y 9 E 0 High  2   u   2  1a 1a 1  4   u   5  1a 1a
Narcisseae Narcissus poeticus poet’s narcissus N Y 8 E 1  NA   u   u   b   b   b   b   b   b   4  1a 1a
Asparagaceae asparagus family
Scilloideae Ornithogalum nutans nodding/drooping star-of-Bethlehem Y Y 4 E 2 T M High  2  1a  2  1a 1a 1 1a  5   2  1a
Scilloideae Ornithogalum umbellatum common star-of-Bethlehem Y Y X E 5 T M Moderate  u   u   4   5   u   u   u   5   5  1a A5
Scilloideae Scilla siberica Siberian squill Y Y 8 E 0 1a 2
Scilloideae Muscari botryoides compact / common grape-hyacinth Y Y X E 5 1a 1a
Scilloideae Muscari neglectum dark-flowered / starch grape-hyacinth Y Y X E 2 1a 1a
Scilloideae Hyacinthoides hispanica Spanish bluebell Y N 2 0 0 T High  2   u   2  1a 1a 1  5   3  1b
Nolinoideae Convallaria majalis lily-of-the-valley Y Y X E 2 T 3 A4
Nolinoideae Polygonatum multiflorum Eurasian Solomon's-seal ? 0 4 0 1b 2
Agavoideae Hosta ventricosa blue hosta / plantain-lily N Y 0 E 0 T
Agavoideae Hosta lancifolia narrow-leaved hosta / plantain-lily N Y 0 E 0
Agavoideae Hosta plantaginea fragrant / scented hosta N ? 1 0 0 5
Asparagoideae Asparagus officinalis asparagus N Y 3 E 1 3 1a

Poales: Typhaceae, Juncaceae, Cyperaceae

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Family Common name G A N S I T M L % NY
Genus Species W F K C S A H L
Typhaceae cattail family
Typhaceae Typha × glauca blue cattail, hybrid cattail ? I 3 5 0 T M Very High  4   4  1a  2   u   u  1b
Typhaceae Typha angustifolia narrowleaf cattail Y I X 5 0 T M  NA   u   4   4   u   u   u   u   u  1a
Juncaceae rush family
Juncaceae Luzula luzuloides forest / oakforest / white woodrush Y Y D E 2 High  5   5  1c 1c
Juncaceae Luzula pallescens pale wood rush N Y 0 E 1c 1c
Juncaceae Luzula campestris field woodrush N 0 0 E 1c 1c
Juncaceae Juncus ensifolius var. ensifolius sword-leaved rush ? U 0 0 2 1c 1c
Cyperaceae sedge family
Cariceae Carex kobomugi Asian sand sedge Y Y D E X T M 69 Moderate  2  1a  b  1  3  1c
Cariceae Carex macrocephala large-headed sedge, big-head sedge ? 0 0 0 5 69 Moderate 1d
Cariceae Carex sylvatica European woodland sedge N Y 2 E T  NA   4   b  1a
Cariceae Carex flacca heath sedge, glaucous sedge, blue sedge N Y 0 0 1 T M Unknown  2   b   u   b   b   b   b   5  1a 1c
Cariceae Carex secalina rye / rye-like sedge N Y D T 1d
Cariceae Carex extensa long-bract sedge N Y D E T 1d
Fuireneae Schoenoplectiella mucronata bog bulrush, ricefield bulrush Y Y D E 0 T M High  2  1a  2  1a 1a 1 1a 1  2  1a
Cypereae Cyperus difformis variable flatsedge Y Y D 0 0 T M 52 Moderate  u   b   b   u   b   b  1  5  1c
Cypereae Cyperus iria rice field flat sedge, grasshopper's cyperus N Y 1 E 3 T M Low  5   b   b   5   5  1c 1c
Cypereae Cyperus brevifolioides Asian greenhead sedge, false green kyllinga ? Y D 2 T 1c 1c

Poales: Poaceae: BOP clade

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Common name G A N S I T M L % NY
Genus Species W F K C S A H L
Oryzoideae Oryzeae rice tribe
Zizaniinae Luziola subintegra tropical American water grass Y 0 0 1 T R 1d
Oryzoideae Ehrharteae veldtgrass tribe
Ehrharta Ehrharta erecta panic veldtgrass Y \ 0 0 2 High 1b 1c 1c
Bambusoideae Arundinarieae bamboo tribe
Arundinariinae Phyllostachys aureosulcata yellow-groove bamboo Y \ 1 0 5 T P 71 H if escapes 1b A4*
Arundinariinae Phyllostachys aurea golden bamboo Y \ 1 0 X T P 71 H if escapes 1b A4*
Arundinariinae Phyllostachys dulcis sweetshoot bamboo N \ 0 0 High 1a 1a 1a 1d 1d
Arundinariinae Phyllostachys nuda nude sheath bamboo ? \ 0 0 Moderate  b   b   b  1d 1d
Arundinariinae Phyllostachys spp. unknown unknown bamboo species \ T M  NA   u   b   b   u   u   b   b   u   4 
Arundinariinae Arundinaria tecta switch cane ? \ 0 60 M if escapes 1d
Arundinariinae Arundinaria gigantea giant cane, river cane ? \ 0 0 0 60 M if escapes 1d
Arundinariinae Pseudosasa japonica arrow bamboo Y \ 0 55 M if escapes
Arundinariinae Pseudosasa amabilis tea stick arrow bamboo ? \ 0
Arundinariinae Sasa palmata broadleaf-bamboo N \ 0 0 0 T 1d 1d
Arundinariinae Pleioblastus distichus pygmy bamboo ? N 0 T
Pooideae Brachypodieae false-brome tribe
Brachypodieae Brachypodium sylvaticum slender / perennial false-brome Y Y 6 0 X T M P 87 Very High  3   2  3 1a 1a 1 1  2  1d 1a A2
Brachypodieae Brachypodium distachyon purple/annual falsebrome Y \ 0 0 1 High 1b 1d
Pooideae Meliceae manna-grass tribe
Meliceae Glyceria maxima reed / rough meadowgrass Y \ 0 0 X T M P 80 High 1a 1a 1a 1b 1 1a 1 1a 1a
Meliceae Glyceria fluitans water manna grass N Y 0 Y 1c 1c
Pooideae Bromeae brome tribe
sect. Bromopsis Bromus inermis smooth brome Y Y X U X T M  NA   u   u   4   u   u   u   u   u   u  1a A5
sect. Bromopsis Bromus erectus upright brome N Y 0 E
sect. Genea Bromus tectorum cheatgrass, downy brome Y Y 8 E X T 50 Moderate
sect. Genea Bromus sterilis poverty / barren brome Y Y D E 3
Pooideae Nardeae matgrass tribe
Nardeae Nardus stricta moor matgrass, doormat grass Y Y 1 E 4 T 1c 1c
Pooideae Triticeae wheat tribe
Hordeinae Elymus repens quack grass, couch grass, creeping wild rye Y Y 7 E X T 1c
Hordeinae Agropyron cristatum crested wheatgrass Y ? 0 E 1
Hordeinae Hordeum murinum mouse barley, wall barley Y Y 0 E 0 T 1c 1c
Hordeinae Hordeum vulgare common barley Y N D E 1
Hordeinae Secale cereale rye, cereal rye Y N D E 3
Triticinae Aegilops cylindrica jointed goat grass Y Y 0 E X
Triticinae Triticum aestivum common wheat Y N 3 E 1
Pooideae Poeae chloroplast group 1 (Aveneae type)
Phalaridinae Phalaris arundinacea reed canary grass Y Y X 5 X T M 78 High  4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4  4 1a A3
Phalaridinae Phalaris canariensis annual / common canary grass Y Y D E 6 1c 1c
Agrostidinae Calamagrostis epigejos feathertop, bushgrass Y Y 2 E 0 High  5  1a 1 1a 1b
Agrostidinae Agrostis gigantea redtop, black bentgrass Y Y 3 E X 68 Moderate
Agrostidinae Agrostis stolonifera creeping bent Y Y 0 5 X Moderate  4   b   b   u  1b
Agrostidinae Agrostis capillaris Rhode Island / colonial bentgrass Y Y 1 E X
Anthoxanthinae Anthoxanthum odoratum sweet / scented vernal grass Y Y X E 4 1d
Aveninae Avena fatua wild oats Y ? D E 4
Aveninae Avena sativa cultivated oats Y N 3 E 1
Aveninae Avena sterilis animated / sterile oats N \ 0 0 0 T
Pooideae Poeae chloroplast group 2 (Poeae type)
Poinae: Stenopa Poa compressa Canada / flat-stemmed bluegrass Y Y 5 E 7 T M 69 Moderate  u   u   4   u   u   u   u   u   u  1a 1a A5
Poinae: Stenopa Poa trivialis rough-sheathed blue grass Y Y 2 E 5 1b 1b
Poinae: Stenopoa Poa nemoralis woodland bluegrass ? Y 0 U 1 1b 1b
Poinae: Poa Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis Kentucky bluegrass N Y X 0 8 T M 68 Moderate  u   u   4   u   u   u   u   u  1a 1a
Poinae: Poa Poa angustifolia narrow-leaved Kentucky blue grass ? Y 0 0 0
Poinae: Ochlopoa Poa bulbosa bulbous bluegrass N Y 5 E 0 T 49 Low 1d
Poinae: Ochlopoa Poa annua annual bluegrass Y Y 3 E 5 1d
Airinae Aira caryophyllea silver hairgrass Y Y 0 E 6 T
Dactylidinae Dactylis glomerata orchard grass, cocksfoot Y Y X E X 1d
Loliinae Lolium arundinaceum tall rye grass, tall fescue Y Y 1 E X T M 65 Moderate  u   u   4   b   b   b   b   b   u  1a
Loliinae Lolium pratense meadow fescue N Y 1 E X T 1d
Loliinae Festuca filiformis hair fescue, fineleaf sheep fescue N Y 0 E 2 T 60 Moderate
Phleinae Phleum pratense ssp. pratense common timothy, meadow timothy Y Y M E X T M 64 Moderate  u   u   4   u   u   u   u   u   5  4

Poales: Poaceae: PACMAD clade

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Common name G A N S I T M L % NY
Genus Species W F K C S A H L
Panicoideae Andropogoneae sorghum tribe
Saccharinae Microstegium vimineum Japanese stiltgrass Y Y X E X T M P 85 Very High  4   2  3  4   4   3  1  4   4  1a 1a A2
Saccharinae Imperata cylindrica cogongrass, cogon grass Y \ 0 0 X P 79 High 1b 1d 1c A4*
Saccharinae Miscanthus sinensis Chinese silvergrass Y Y 9 E X T M R 78 High  3  5a  2   2   2  1  3   3   4  2 A5
Saccharinae Miscanthus sacchariflorus Japanese silvergrass, Amur plume grass Y Y C E 4 T M 0 Moderate  u   b   b   b   b   b   b   b  1d 1b
Saccharinae Miscanthus spp. silvergrass (sp. unknown) Y \ X X T M  NA   u   b   b   b   b   b   b   u   4  4 3
Saccharinae Tripidium ravennae ravenna grass Y \ D 0 X T  NA  1 1c 1c
Saccharinae Saccharum giganteum sugarcane plumegrass ? \ 0 0 0 1d 1d
Andropogoninae Arthraxon hispidus small carpetgrass, jointhead Y Y 1 E X T M P 76 High  2  1a 1a  2  1 1a  2  2 1b 1b A4
Sorghinae Sorghum halepense Johnsongrass, Aleppo grass N Y 1 E X T M Moderate  5  1a  2  1a  5  1  u  1d 1b 1b
Sorghinae Sorghum bicolor broom-corn, shattercane, sorghum Y Y 3 E 8 T 1a
Tripsacinae Zea mays maize, corn, Indian corn N N 2 E 0 5 5
Panicoideae Paniceae millet tribe
Boivinellinae Oplismenus undulatifolius wavyleaf basketgrass, bristle basketgrass Y \ 0 0 X T P 70 High 1c A4*
Boivinellinae Oplismenus hirtellus basketgrass ? \ 0 0 7
Boivinellinae Echinochloa crus-galli Eurasian barnyard grass Y Y X E 9 4
Boivinellinae Echinochloa esculenta Japanese barnyard millet N Y 0 1a
Boivinellinae Echinochloa frumentacea Indian barnyard / white millet, billion-dollar grass N \ 0 E 1c
Boivinellinae Echinochloa colona jungle rice Y \ 0 0 2 1c 1c
Cenchrinae Cenchrus alopecuroides foxtail fountain grass, Chinese millet grass Y Y D E 0 T High  2  1a 1  4  1b
Cenchrinae Setaria faberi giant foxtail Y Y X E X 4
Cenchrinae Setaria viridis green foxtail Y Y X E 6 4
Cenchrinae Setaria pumila yellow foxtail / bristle-grass Y Y X 0 5
Panicinae Panicum miliaceum proso millet, broomcorn millet, Chinese millet Y N D E 2 1d
Panicinae Digitaria sanguinalis northern crabrgrass, large crabgrass Y Y 2 E 6 T 1a
Panicinae Digitaria ischaemum smooth crabgrass, small crabgrass Y Y 2 E 1 T 1a
Panicinae Digitaria ciliaris southern crabgrass, tropical finger-grass ? Y 2 U 3
Arundinoideae Molinieae moorgrass tribe
Molinieae Phragmites australis common reed, phrag Y Y X E X T M P 92 Very High  4   4  4  4   4   3   4   4   4  4 A2
Molinieae Molinia caerulea purple moor grass N Y 0 E
Arundinoideae Arundineae giant cane tribe
Arundineae Arundo donax giant cane, giant reed Y \ D 0 X High 1a 1a 1a 1a  2  1a 1a
Chloridoideae Eragrostideae love grass tribe
Eragrostideae Eragrostis curvula weeping lovegrass, African love grass Y Y D E X T M 57 Moderate  3   b   b   b  1  3  1c 1c
Eragrostideae Eragrostis cilianensis stinkgrass, candygrass Y Y 1 E 7
Eragrostideae Eragrostis minor little love grass N Y 0 E 0
Eragrostideae Eragrostis pilosa var. pilosa India love grass N Y 1 U 0
Chloridoideae Zoysieae dropseed tribe
Zoysieae Sporobolus schoenoides swamp prickle grass N N 0 E 0
Danthonioideae Danthonieae oatgrass tribe
Danthonieae Cortaderia selloana Uruguayan / selloa pampas grass Y \ D 0 X High 1b 1c 1c

Commelinales & Zingiberales

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Family Common name G A N S I T M L % NY
Genus Species W F K C S A H L
Commelinales dayflowers, water hyacinths
Pontederiaceae Pontederia crassipes common water hyacinth ? N 3 E X T M High  2  2  5   5  1a 1 1a  2  1a 1b
Commelinaceae Murdannia keisak marsh dayflower, wart-removing herb Y \ 0 0 9 P 78 High 1a 1 1b 1c A4
Commelinaceae Commelina communis Asiatic dayflower Y Y X E 3 T M  NA   u   u   u   u   5   u   u   u   u  1b
Zingiberales canna lilies
Cannaceae Canna × generalis hybrid / garden canna lily, Indian snot N N D E 0 1d 1d