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Models and Theories in Human-Computer Interaction

75% developed
From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

We will develop content for a new wikibook where we critically assess models and theories relevant to the field of Human Computer Interaction.


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Being that the nature of the field of Human Computer Interaction is that it is interdisciplinary, theories and models proceed and are adapted from many other disciplines. There are but a few of which we could call "genuinely native" HCI theories and models. To complicate matters, computerized systems change at a vertiginous pace and changes are often surreptitious. It seems as if Kurzweil was not as far off from fact with his predictions. Through this course, we will learn, critique, apply, and expand theories and models to make them relevant to the state of the field.

Looking through the Association of Computer Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction's (SIGCHI) repository, this researcher has not been able to zero in on a book that addresses the needs of a course in models and theories for our discipline. Therefore, we will use our textbook and articles to guide our discussion and we will collaborate in documenting the state of matters through this WikiBook.

Dr. Z

Table of Contents

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Chapter 3: Computer Systems Innovation

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Chapter 4: Theories of systems

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Chapter 5: Human Centered

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  • Mental Models
  • Information Foraging

Chapter 6: Groups/Systems/Social Focus

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Chapter 7: Design centered

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  • Participatory Design