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MapleStory/Warrior Guide/Skills

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Warrior Skills

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First Job

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Improving HP Recovery
This skill increases the amount of HP regained every 10 seconds while still, or while using Endure. Max is 16 points.
Improving Max HP Increase
Increases the amount of HP gained during each level-up, or when AP is spent in HP. Requires 5 points in Improving HP Recovery. Max is 10 points.
A Japanese warrior using Slash Blast to clear her path.
This skill enables healing while still on ropes. Requires 3 points in Improving Max HP Increase. Max is 8 points.
Iron Body
This skill increases Weapon Defense temporarily. Requires 3 points in Endure. Max is 20 points.
Power Strike
A single-target attack, one of the Warrior's main attacks. Max is 20 points.
Slash Blast
A multi-target attack, another of the Warrior's main attacks. Requires 1 point in Power Strike. Max is 20 points.

Second Job

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Sword Mastery
Axe Mastery
This skill increases both the Fighter's minimum damage (Mastery %) as well as Accuracy while a Sword/Axe (either one-handed or two-handed) is equipped. Max is 20 points.

Final Attack: Sword
Final Attack: Axe
When either Power Strike or Slash Blast is used and a Sword/Axe is equipped, this skill has a set % chance of following up with a (Free!) similar skill. Power Strike will cause another single-target attack, while Slash Blast will cause a multi-target attack. Requires 3 points in Sword/Axe Mastery. Max is 30 points.

Sword Booster
Axe Booster
Increases the attacking speed of a Sword/Axe. Higher levels decrease HP/MP cost and increase duration. Requires 5 points in Sword/Axe Mastery. Max is 20 points.
Increases Weapon Attack by up to 10 points, but causes Weapon Defense to decrease by the same number of points. Also applies to nearby party members. Max is 20 points.
Power Guard
When hit by touching a monster, this skill (if active) reflects damage by up to 40%. In other words, the monster takes 40% of the touch damage, you take the other 60%. Requires 3 points in Rage. Max is 30 points.

Note: Blunt Weapons are also known as Maces.

Sword Mastery
Blunt Weapon Mastery
This skill increases both the Page's minimum damage (Mastery %) as well as Accuracy while a Sword/Blunt Weapon (either one-handed or two-handed) is equipped. Max is 20 points.

Final Attack: Sword
Final Attack: Blunt Weapon
When either Power Strike or Slash Blast is used and a Sword/Blunt Weapon is equipped, this skill has a set % chance of following up with a (Free!) similar skill. Power Strike will cause another single-target attack, while Slash Blast will cause a multi-target attack. Requires 3 points in Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery. Max is 30 points.

Sword Booster
Blunt Weapon Booster
Increases the attacking speed of a Sword/Blunt Weapon. Higher levels decrease HP/MP cost and increase duration. Requires 5 points in Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery. Max is 20 points.
Decreases the Weapon Defense of nearby monsters by 20 pts and their Weapon Attack by 20%. Max is 20 points.
Power Guard
When hit by touching a monster, this skill (if active) reflects damage by up to 40%. In other words, the monster takes 40% of the touch damage, you take the other 60%. Requires 3 points in Threaten. Max is 30 points. Does the exact same thing as Fighter's Power Guard


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Spear Mastery
Pole Arm Mastery

This skill increases both the Spearman's minimum damage (Mastery %) as well as Accuracy while a Spear/Polearm is equipped. Max is 20 points.

Final Attack: Spear
Final Attack: Pole Arm
When either Power Strike or Slash Blast is used and a Spear/Polearm is equipped, this skill has a set % chance of following up with a (Free!) similar skill. Power Strike will cause another single-target attack, while Slash Blast will cause a multi-target attack. Requires 3 points in Spear/Polearm Mastery. Max is 30 points.

Spear Booster
Pole Arm Booster
Increases the attacking speed of a Spear/Polearm. Higher levels decrease HP/MP cost and increase duration. Requires 5 points in Spear/Polearm Mastery. Max is 20 points.
Iron Will
Increases both Weapon Defense and Magic Defense for a short period of time. Max is 20 points.
Hyper Body
Increase both Max HP and Max MP of the party by up to 60%. Requires 3 points in Iron Wall. Maxed at 30 points.

Third Job

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Advances from Fighter.

Improving MP Recovery
This skill increases the amount of MP regained each 10 seconds. Max is 20 points.
Shield Mastery
This skill increases the defense applied by a shield, if one is worn. Max is 20 points.
A Crusader using Combo Attack with three orbs charged.
Combo Attack
This skill starts a "Combo Meter", which increases in number of "orbs" by attacking monsters. The "orbs" are used in the two finishers, Panic and Coma, and as long as Combo Attack is active, damage is also increased. Max is 30 points.

Panic: Sword
Panic: Axe
Only usable if a Sword/Axe is equipped and Combo Attack is charged (has "orbs" ready). Deals high single-monster damage and can lower a monster's accuracy. Requires 1 point in Combo Attack. Max is 30 points.
Coma: Sword
Coma: Axe
Only usable if a Sword/Axe is equipped and Combo Attack is charged (has "orbs" ready). Deals damage to multiple monsters and can stun. Requires 1 point in Combo Attack. Max is 30 points.
Deals slight damage to up to six monsters with some additional range, but can stun for long periods of time. Max is 30 points.
Armor Crash
Removes an enemy's Defense Up skill (marked by the red skull). Higher levels increase % of success and reduce MP used. Requires 3 points in Shout. Max is 20 points...

White Knight

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Advances from Page.

Improving MP Recovery
This skill increases the amount of MP regained each 10 seconds. Max is 20 points.
Shield Mastery
This skill increases the defense applied by a shield, if one is worn. Max is 20 points.
Charged Blow
Literially smacks the current element charge onto the opponents' faces, which sports high attack power and a chance to stun. The charge is deactivated after Charge Blow is used. Max is 30 points.
Fire Charge: Sword
Fire Charge: Blunt Weapon
Gives a character's attack a fire element for a set period of time, as well as a bit of power boost. Max is 30 points. More enemies in the current version are weak to fire than ice or lightning.
Ice Charge: Sword
Blizzard Charge: Blunt Weapon
Gives a character's attack an ice element for a set period of time. Not much power boost, if any at all, but monsters attacked will be frozen unless immune. Max is 30 points.
Thunder Charge: Sword
Lightning Charge: Blunt Weapon
Gives a character's attack a lightning element for a set period of time. Largest power boost of all three charges, but very few enemies currently with a weakness to lightning. Max is 30 points.
Magic Crash
Removes an enemy's Magic Defense Up skill (marked by the blue swirl). Higher levels increase % of success and reduce MP used. Requires 3 points in Charged Blow. Max is 20 points.

Dragon Knight

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Advances from Spearman.

Elemental Resistance
Reduces damage from elemental attacks. Max is 20 points.

Spear Crusher
Pole Arm Crusher
Hits up to three enemies three times with a stabbing attack. Max is 30 points.

Dragon Fury: Spear
Dragon Fury: Polearm)
Hits a group of enemies with a swinging attack. Max is 30 points.
Hits one enemy, ignoring weapon defense, but character takes damage based on damage dealt. Max is 30 points.
Dragon Roar
Hits 20 enemies within a large radius of the character, but uses up massive amounts of HP (30% of max HP, even at maximum level!) and stuns the character. Requires 3 points in Sacrifice. Max is 30 points.
Dragon Blood
Increases Weapon Attack, but at long as it's active, the character will lose HP every few seconds. Max is 20 points.
Power Crash
Removes an enemy's Attack Up skill (marked by the red arrow) and Magic Attack Up skill (marked by the blue arrow). Higher levels increase % of success and reduce MP used. Requires 3 points in Dragon Blood. Max is 20 points.