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Jump Quests
Party Quests
Exchange Quest


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Quests are tasks that players may perform for NPCs for rewards and experience. An abundance of quests are available, each with varying level requirements and some having additional requirements such as job, fame or the completion of another quest. For example the quest "Building Blackbull's New House" requires 10 fame, a level requrirement of 30, and the completion of "Fixing Blackbull's House". Some quests have quite a low level requirement for their difficulty and are literally impossible to complete straight away. Different rewards such as experience can be received by the player after completing certain quests, and some have substantial rewards. Some quests can be redone after completing it for the first time, though the reward(s) and given EXP may not be the same (all jump quests are repeatable with random rewards). Unlike most MMORPGs, it's not possible to escape the grind by completing quests.

Party Quests/Accompaniments

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Party Quest(a.k.a. PQ) is a term that was created in the Global version, suspected because it was easier to type. MapleStory's official name for Party Quest is "Accompaniment". In the Japanese, Korean, and Global versions, there are 2 accompaniments that can be done. Each accompaniment has its own level limit which a character must be within in order to complete the accompaniment. The 1st Accompaniment is in Kerning City. A party of 4, including the leader, goes through 5 stages solving puzzles and killing monsters within 30 minutes. The main idea is teamwork, since each part requires all party members to participate. At the end, a prize is given to each person ranging from ores, equipment, scrolls to potions. Only one party can be inside the party quest at any given time on one channel. There is also a time limit for completing each stage of the party quest. The time is inaccurate, though, as it usually does not boot people out until about 30 seconds have elapsed after the minutes are over. The level limit for this accompaniment is 21-30.

The 2nd Accompaniment can be done in Ludibrium. There are 9 stages to this quest, requiring 6 party members. This quest pushes on the fact that a variety of jobs are needed to complete the quest. The many skills each character has, such as Haste, Heal, Darksight, and Teleport are needed in order to pass some of the stages. This accompaniment has a new attribute that the first one does not, boxes. Boxes are opened by using a melee attack, opening the box either drops a pass, or spawns monsters. After defeating the boss on the 9th stage, there is a bonus stage in which characters open boxes. The boxes will drop lots of coins, potions and sometimes, a random equipment (earrings, and capes). After this stage, which lasts for 1 minute, the prize is given. Prizes consist of potions, ores, and equipment. The level limit for this accompaniment is 35-50.

Another party quest for characters level 50 and above is the Zakum Party quest. Differently from other party quests, many parties can enter this quest at the same time, and typically multiple parties are required to finish it. In any Accompaniment, there is also a large amount of experience to be won.

The Accompaniments have been heavily criticised for being a very extreme timesink, sometimes in the order of hours of near inaction. Many players don't have the patience to wait or the skill to secure entry. Before MapleStory began to raise their level of security as they left the Beta stage, most players relied on 3rd party hacks and macros such as Autoclickers that allowed them to click the Accompaniment NPC automatically several times, allowing the leader to relax from the clicking. GameGuard now detects most autoclickers, although some users can create programs to bypass the detection.

Jumping Quests

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There are a number of Jumping Quests in MapleStory. On GlobalMS, the following NPCs give a Jumping Quest if the character meets the required level:

  • Shumi at Kerning City (3 quests)
  • John at Lith Harbour (3 quests)
  • Sabitrama at Sleepywood (2 quests)
  • Assistant Cheng at Ludibrium Toy Factory (1 quest)
  • Adobis at The Door to Zakum (1 quest)

A character starts at one part of a map, and uses timed jumps to get from one small platform to another, while attempting to avoid enemies and obstacles that can knock the character off of the platform, causing them to be forced to either start over from the beginning, or, if the character is lucky, from a certain point somewhere above the beginning. Jumping Quests can become highly annoying if the character continually falls off. Success in these quests requires great patience and control. An impatient person who gets furious whenver he/she falls is less likely to succeed than a patient jumper that perseveres. Jump quests will also fit the background of which town the quest is located in. Shumi's jump quests will require jumping platforms in a subway, avoiding Stirges, Jr. Neckis, laser beams, electrical wires, and oil splats. John's quests involve jumping tiny platforms while dodging balls of spikes and moving stars. Sabitrama's quests require dodging spears, thorns, and Lupin's that throw their bananas. Assitant Cheng's one quest requires riding conveyor belts and dodging Trixters. Adobis' quest puts the jumping over a pit of lava, with rocks falling from the ceiling.

Jump quests can be done again and again to receive random ores and jewels each time, except Adobis' quest which always rewards EXP and a quest item on completion.

Adobis' Zakum jump quest's reward for EXP has been removed due to fly-hackers.

There are also two unofficial quests in the Pet Parks located in Henesys and Ludibrium. They are relatively simple top-to-bottom climbs, but they reward only closeness for a pet (2 in Henesys, 4 in Ludibrium). They may be accessed at will and repeated whenever desired, regardless of level.

Speed and Jump boosts, along with movement skills such as Flash Jump and Teleport do not work in any Jump Quest.

Maple Island

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Sera's Mirror

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Beginner only, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Heena can be found right above your head when you first start the game in Mushroom Town.
Completion Requirements
Sera's Mirror
1 experience

Borrowing Sera's Mirror

  • After you talk to Heena, go right to where you can see Sera.
  • Talk to Sera and receive her mirror.

Bringing a Mirror to Heena

  • Talk to Heena to give her the mirror and finish the quest.

Nina and Sen's Dinner Menu

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Beginner only, no level requirements, no quest requirements
Nina can be found in the third map of Mushroom Town.
Completion Requirements
3 experience

What Sen wants to eat

  • Nina asks you to find out what Sen wants for dinner.
  • Walk towards the right and press "Up",on the portal to go into the house.
  • Double click on Sen to get him to tell you what he wants for dinner.

Returning to Nina

  • Go out of the house and back to Nina.
  • Talk to Nina to finish the quest.

Todd's How-To Hunt

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Beginner only, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Todd can be found at East Entrance to Mushroom Town at the entrance.
Completion Requirements
Kill 1 Jr. Sentinel and collect 1 Jr. Sentinel Shellpiece.
10 experience
  • The Jr. Sentinels are weakened and can't attack, so don't worry about dying. The real ones are in orbis tower.
  • Give the Jr. Sentinel Shellpiece to Peter.

Sam's Suggestion

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Beginner only, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Sam is at Snail Hunting Ground I near the middle of the bottom level.
Completion Requirements
Kill 10 Snails
30 Experience
  • Once the Snails are defeated, talk to Mai to complete the quest.

Please bring this letter to Lucas

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Beginner only, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Maria is at A Split Road.
Completion Requirements
Talk to Lucas in Amherst.

Please Deliver a Letter to Lucas

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Beginner only, no level requirement, must complete Please bring this letter to Lucas.
Lucas is in Amherst.
Completion Requirements
Talk to Maria in A Split Road.
10 Experience and a random level 5 hat
  • Return to where Maria was earlier and talk to her again to complete the quest
  • The hat is either a colored headband, or a Brown/Green Skullcap. A Red Bandana is preferred because it gives you an accuracy bonus.

Pio's Collecting Recycled Goods

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Beginner only, no level requirements, no quest requirements
Pio can be found in Amherst, near the first set of stairs.
Completion Requirements
10 Old Wooden Boards and 10 Old Rusty Screws
100 mesoes and 100 experience.
  • This is the first quest involving reactors. Reactors, like their name implies, react whenever certain requirements are fulfilled. In this case, the reaction occurs whenever you whack the box three times. A hit involves a hitting noise and the box shaking, so timing your hits can speed up the quest.
  • There are seven boxes in the town of Amherst, two in the vacant house leading to the Small Field of Flowers, and two in the weapon shop. Also, there are several in the Field West of Amherst. To make the collecting go faster, you may change channels to avoid the slow respawn rate of the boxes.
  • After you complete the quest, you may continue destroying boxes for red and orange potions, apples, and mesos

Pio and the Recycling

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Beginner only, no level requirements, Complete Pio's Collecting Recycled Goods
Pio can be found in Amherst, near the first set of stairs.
Completion Requirements
Talk to Pio after completing the first quest he gave
The Relaxer
  • Acts like a chair when used and recovers 50HP and 1.5x time your MP recovery rate every 10 seconds.

Rain's Maple Quiz

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Beginner only, no level requirements, no quest requirements
Rain can be found in Amherst, near the entrance portal.
Completion Requirements
Answer all the questions correctly
Total of 62 experience
  • This is the first quest involving choosing multiple dialogue choices. This one should not be too difficult, as long as you know the default key settings and the basics of each class.
  • If you make a mistake, you do not have to start over. She just repeats the question until you get it correct.

Bigg's Collection of Items

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Any class, no level requirements, no quest requirements
Bigg's can be found in Southperry, at the top of the port.
Completion Requirements
30 Blue Snail Shells and 10 Orange Mushroom Caps
Fruit Knife or a Razor (Chances are greater that you will get a Razor)
30 Experience
  • Blue Snail Shells drop from Blue Snails which are found everywhere on the island.
  • The Orange Mushroom Caps drop from Orange Mushrooms which can be found by taking the far right portal from Amherst. Orange Mushrooms must also be killed to complete Mai's Training so it is best to get these while doing that quest.
  • This is a hard quest for beginners that plan to be magicians since they do not raise STR or DEX. Pre-thieves also have trouble with this quest, unless they plan on becoming strength dagger thieves, since they can raise STR slightly to increase their damage. Furthermore, the dagger is very useful for dagger thieves since it saves them money from having to buy a dagger until at least level 15.
  • To finish this quest with a magician, it is best to create a warrior and get the Orange Mushroom Caps with that character, then transfer the items to the magician with the help of a friend.
  • Since beginners do not lose EXP when they die, do not worry about your HP. If you die, you will revive nearby in Amherst.
  • After collecting all the items, speak to Bigg's again for your reward.

Mai's Training

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Beginner only, less than level 7, must complete Sam's Suggestion
Mai can be found in Split Road, on a platform above the middle of the area.
Completion Requirements
Mai's Training
Kill 10 Snails, 10 Blue Snails, 10 Shrooms after you begin the quest
Mai's Final Training
Kill 10 Orange Mushrooms for the second part of the quest
Mai's Training
70 experience
Mai's Final Training
150 experience and 300 mesoes

Mai's Training

  • After you complete Sam's Suggestion, Mai will tell you to kill 10 Snails, 10 Blue Snails, and 10 Shrooms.
  • Snails and Blue Snails can easily be found in the Snail Hunting Grounds, which are located through the left portal of Split Road.
  • Shrooms can easily be found in Mushroom Garden along with Snails. Mushroom Garden is in the first door you see if you go right through Field West of Amherst from Split Road
  • After you complete the monster-killing requirements, return to Mai for your reward. She will then tell you to kill 10 Orange Mushrooms

Mai's Final Training

  • Orange Mushrooms can be found in Field East of Amherst, located through the right portal of Amherst, and Dangerous Forest, located at the "Danger" sign in Field West of Amherst. It is not recommended that you go to Dangerous Forest, as there are a lot of Orange Mushrooms, and you will probably die.
  • If you kill Orange Mushrooms at Field East of Amherst, there is a platform between the two top platforms. From there, you can "jump-attack" the Orange Mushrooms by pressing "jump" and "attack" at the same time. By doing this, you can hit the Orange Mushrooms without them hitting you.
  • Pick up any Orange Mushroom Caps you get by killing Orange Mushrooms as they are needed for the Bigg's Collection of Items quest.

Victoria Island

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Level 10

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A Lesson on Job Advancement

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Beginner only, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Olaf can be found in Lith Harbor. He's near the middle of the city, on the lower level.
Completion Requirements
Answer the questions correctly.
65 Experience
  • Olaf will give you some information about job advancement before giving you the quest.
  • The answers are: level 10, level 8, Henesys.
  • Based on the class you would like to become, the next quest will be either The Path of Thief, The Path of Warrior, The Path of Bowman, The Path of Magician.

The Path of (class)

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Beginner only, no level requirement, must complete A Lesson on Job Advancement
Olaf can be found in Lith Harbor. He's near the middle of the city, on the lower level.
Completion Requirements
Talk to the respective class instructor
300 Experience
  • For The Path of Thief, visit Dark Lord in Kerning City.
  • For The Path of Warrior, visit Dances with Balrog in Perion.
  • For The Path of Bowman, visit Athena Pierce in Henesys.
  • For The Path of Magician, visit Grendel the Really Old in Ellinia.

Chief Stan's Letter

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No job requirement, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Chief Stan can be found in Henesys, near the Maple Adminitstrator.
Completion Requirements
Deliver the Sealed Letter to Dr. Kim in the Omega Sector Command Center.
7500 mesos.
  • Being at level 30+ is recommended, perhaps 40+ without Eos Tower Scrolls, due to the trek involved.

Fixing "Blackbull's" House

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No class requirement, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Blackbull can be found in Perion, near the bottom of the map.
Completion Requirements
30 Tree Branches and 50 Firewood
50 experience and either a Steel Shield or a Red Triangular Shield
  • Tree Branches are dropped by Stumps, and Firewoods are dropped by Axe Stumps and Dark Axe Stumps. There are a large quantity of stumps for you to kill one map east of Perion on the bottom (Street Corner of Perion) Axe Stumps can be found mainly in Rocky Mountain II, two maps east and one north of Perion.
  • After you collected everything, talk to Blackbull again to finish the quest. Your reward is either a Steel Shield (level 15 warrior-only shield, 90% of the time) or a Red Triangular Shield (level 25 warrior-only shield, 10% of the time).
  • A tip to those warriors who want the Red Triangular Shield without having to dish out the money to buy it: Keep on hunting Firewood and Tree Branches until you have ample amount of them. Now, continously create new characters, earn 370 mesos with them (150 for trip to Victoria, 100 for storage fee, and 120 for the taxi to Perion), then taxi to Perion and do the quest. Transfer the prize (whatever it is), or sell it if it is the Steel Shield, delete the character, create it again, lather, rinse, repeat.

The Stump Horror Story

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No job requirement, Level 10 minimum, no quest requirement
Ayan is at Perion, near the portal to the Perion Street Corner (east).
Completion Requirements
Kill 50 Stumps.
300 Experience

I Need to Find My Daughter

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No job requirement, Level 10 minimum, must complete The Stump Horror Story and The Reason Behind the Mushroom Studies
Bruce is in Henesys, below the Maple Administrator.
Completion Requirements
Find Bruce's daughter.
200 Experience
500 Mesos
  • Talk to Bruce to begin the quest.
  • Go to Ayan in Perion.
  • Then go back to Bruce to finish the quest.

The Reason Behind the Mushroom Studies

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No job requirement, Level 10 minimum, no quest requirement
Bruce is in Henesys, below the Maple Administrator.
Completion Requirements
40 Orange Mushroom Caps
10 Mushroom Spores.
300 Experience
25 Red Potions
  • Both monsters can be easily found at the Mushroom Garden, located to the west of Henesys.
  • The Henesys Hunting Ground would be a good place to quickly obtain the mushroom leftovers.

I`m Bored

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No job requirement, Level 10 minimum, no quest requirement
Icarus is in Kerning City, just above the sewers.
Completion Requirements
Answer the questions, then collect 40 Squishy Liquids and 40 Tree Branches.
25 red potions, 15 blue potions, 250 Experience
  • Question 1: Which monster does not appear near Kerning City? Answer: Hector
  • Question 2: Which NPC will you not see at Kerning City? Answer: Valen
  • Question 3: To get to Orbis, which town will you need to go to for the trip? Answer: Ellinia

I Need Help on My Homework!

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No class requirement, level 10 minimum, no quest requirement
Wing the Fairy can be found at the bottom right of Ellinia
Completion Requirements
Get 10 Slime Bubbles, 30 Tree Branches, and 30 Squishy Liquids
25 Blue Potions and 250 experience
  • Talk to Wing the Fairy
  • Slime Bubbles and Squishy Liquids drop from Slimes two screens north of Ellinia.
  • Tree Branches drop from from Stumps which can be found by taking the portal in the left tree up to the next screen.
  • After collecting everything talk to Wing the Fairy again to receive your reward

Nanuke and the Chair

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Although listed under Victoria Island, this quest must be completed from Aquarium. Guide can be found here

Level 15

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Maya and the Weird Medicine

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No job requirement, Level 15 minimum, no quest requirement
Maya can be found in a house in Henesys, near the east end of the village.
Completion Requirements
Gain the Weird Medicine and return to Maya.
200 Experience, 5000 mesos, and a Brown Bamboo Hat (required level: 25)
  • Talk to Maya to start the quest. Go to Lith Harbor and talk to Teo near the ship. Go to Perion and talk to Sophia in the item shop.
  • You will need 40 Charms of the Undead, 50 Squishy Liquids, 50 Leaves, and 20 Octopus's Legs. Charms of the Undead are commonly dropped by Zombie Mushrooms (found in mass at Ant Tunnel), Squishy Liquids are commonly dropped by Slimes (found in mass at The Tree that Grew I, aka Slime Tree), Leaves are commonly dropped by Dark Stumps (one map east of Perion is the best spot), Octopus's Legs are commonly dropped by Octopi (Three maps north of Sleepywood, or one map west of Kerning).
  • Talk to Manji to convert your Charms of the Undead to Arcon's Blood.
  • Talk to Sophia, then Teo, then Maya to finish the quest.
  • Note: This quest is best done at level 23 or 24, as Zombie Mushrooms are very hard to kill at level 15. Also, unless you need the Brown Bamboo Hat in anyway (meaning if you're either a thief or mage), or want to do the Hero's Gladius quest, skip it for now. This will take a long time to complete and the rewards are not worth it if you don't need the hat. Also, this quest is a prerequisite for the level 55 Bowman-Only Collecting For Maya.

Nella & Kerning City Citizen`s Request 1

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No class requirement, Level 15 minimum, no quest requirement
Nella is near the middle of Kerning City.
Completion Requirements
Don Hwang's Request
Pay 1000 mesos, then collect 50 Bubbling's Huge Bubble and 50 Green Mushroom Caps.
Shumi's Request
Collect 5 Processed Wood and 5 Screws
Andre's Request
Collect 1 Pure Water and 100 Octopus Legs.
Don Hwang's Request
100 Experience and 50 Lemons.
Shumi's Request
200 Experience and 100 Cakes.
Andre's Request
300 Experience and the level 20 glove for your class (Work Glove if beginner).

Don Hwang's Request

  • Bubblings are found at Kerning City Subway: Line 1 <Area 1>
  • Green Mushrooms are found at the forests of Ellinia and Henesys Hunting Ground I

Shumi's Request

  • Processed Wood and Screws can made by Vicious (Henesys), Mr Smith (Perion) and JM from tha Streetz (Kerning City)
  • Processed Wood requires either 10 Tree Branches or 5 Firewood each.
    • Tree Brances are dropped by Stumps.
    • Firewood are dropped by Axe Stumps and Dark Axe Stumps.
  • Screws require 1 Steel Plate and 1 Bronze Plate per 15 Screws.
    • Alternatively, completing John's Pink Flower Basket rewards more than enough screws for this quest.

Andre's Request

  • Octopi can be found around Kerning City, in the Construction Zones, or outside of Sleepywood (not in the dungeon).
  • Pure Water may be bought at Florina Beach, the Sleepywood Sauna, or the 24 Hour Store.

DANGER! <1-G. Mushroom> 1

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No class requirement, Level 15 minimum, No quest requirements
From Sleepywood, exit left and go through the topmost portal to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 99 Green Mushrooms.
2500 Experience and 50 white potions
  • To complete the quest and receive your prize, you have to go and speak to The Rememberer, who is in Sleepywood (near the portal on the very left side of the map).

DANGER! <1-G. Mushroom> 2

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No class requirement, Level 15 minimum, must complete DANGER! <1-G. Mushroom> 1
From Sleepywood, exit left and go through the topmost portal to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 999 Green Mushrooms.
600 Experience and 50 Red Potions
  • A good place to kill these is two maps south of Ellinia
  • This quest can be repeated once every 24 hours

Luke the Security Guy

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No beginners allowed, Level 15 minimum, no quest requirement
Luke is at the right-hand side of Henesys Dungeon Entrance.
Completion Requirements
Collect 1 Salad, 100 Jr. Necki Skins and 10 Strige Wings.
300 Experience and a random refined jewel (not Black Crystal).
  • Salads may be bought at the 24-Hour Store, or at Florina Beach.
  • Jr. Neckis can be found in the Dungeon and in Kerning's Swamps
    • Caution: Jr. Neckis have HIGH avoid, so landing a hit may be a problem until higher levels.
  • Stirges can be found in large numbers in the Kerning Subway and the Dungeon

John's Pink Flower Basket

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No class requirement, Level 15 minimum, no quest requirement
John is in Lith Harbor
Completion Requirements
Collect 10 Pink Violas from the Jump Quest, then return to John
30 Screws and 300 Experience.
  • During this quest you will need to travel from Lith Harbor, to Sleepywood, back to Lith Harbor, to Sleepywood again, and finally back to Lith Harbor.
  • This much travelling takes a while to complete so it would be best to buy a few Sleepywood and Lith Harbor return scrolls if visiting the town before doing this quest.
  • After talking to John, travel to Sleepywood and double click on the Mysterious Statue.
  • You'll be taken to the Deep Forest of Patience. You must get past two screens to collect the Pink Violas. Click for walkthrough
  • A pile of flowers are located at the top of the second screen and by double clicking on the flowers you will randomly receive between 1 and 10 Pink Violas.
  • Return to Lith Harbor and give the Pink Violas to John. You cannot re-enter the Forest with Violas in your inventory.
  • If you complete the jump quest after giving John the flowers you will gain two random ores.

Level 20

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Mrs. Ming Ming's First Worry

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No class requirement, level 20 minimum, no quest requirement
Mrs. Ming Ming can be found in Henesys, next to the Mushroom Park entrance and Chief Stan.
Completion Requirements
50 Bubbling's Large Bubble, 20 Slime Bubbles, and 100 Pig's Ribbons.
1000 experience
  • Fight Bubblings in the Kerning City subway for the large bubbles, Slimes near Ellinia for the slime bubbles, and Ribbon Pigs in Pig Beach for the ribbons.
  • Once you collect the items, talk to Mrs. Ming Ming again.

Note: Since you'll be training on when your a lower level train on them until you accmulate at least 50 ~ 75 bubbles so you'll have enough bubbles for other quests later on

DANGER! <2-H. Mushroom> 1

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No class requirements, Level 20 minimum, No quest requirements
From Sleepywood, exit right and go to Ant Tunnel III to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 99 Horny Mushrooms.
3000 experience

100 white potion

DANGER! <2-H. Mushroom> 2

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No class requirement, Level 20 minimum, Must complete DANGER! <2-H. Mushroom> 1
From Sleepywood, exit right and go to Ant Tunnel III to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 999 Horny Mushrooms.
50 Orange Potions and 1100 Experience
  • Can be found all over the Ant Tunnel I-IV
  • Do at the same time as <3-Z. Mushroom> 1 and/or 2 to save time
  • Can be repeated every 24 hours

Alex The Runaway Kid

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No class requirement, Level 20 minimum, no quest requirement
Alex is at the top of the Kerning Pharmacy building
Completion Requirements
Alex's Request
Talk to Chief Stan
Talking to Stan
Collect 100 Pig Ribbons, 50 Evil Eye Tails, and talk to Chief Stan.
Mother's Gold Watch
Return the Old Gold Watch to Alex
Alex's Request
Talking to Stan
300 Experience
Mother's Gold Watch
Random pair of level 25 or 30 earrings and 550 experience

Alex's Request

  • Talk to Alex to start quest.
  • Talk to Chief Stan of Henesys

Talking to Stan

  • Collect 100 Pig Ribbons from Ribbon Pigs.
    • Pig Beach is a good source for Ribbon Pigs.
  • Collect 50 Evil Eye Tails from Evil Eyes (Found in the Dungeon)
  • Return to Chief Stan and talk to him as follows:
    • 1: (Option 2) - Well, I'm here at the request of Alex to see you. Please give me 5 minutes.
    • 2: (Option 3) - Stop it now! Alex is really sorry for running away.
    • 3: (Option 3) - Why don't you just ask Alex how he's doing?
    • 4: (Option 1) - I think you are a great chief of this town.
    • 5: (Option 3) - Alex been wandering around even since his mother's passing, along with your strict nature. How about forgiving him first?

Mother's Gold Watch

  • Return to Alex in Kerning City for your reward.

Winston's Fossil Dig-Up

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No class requirement, Level 20 minimum, no quest requirement
Winston is at East Rocky Mountain II. From Perion go east two maps, and take the portal at the top.
Completion Requirements
100 Animal Fossils
100 Plant Fossils
Total of:
2000 Experience
30000 Mesos
50 Eggs
  • Animal Fossils drop from Green Mushrooms, and Plant Fossils drop from Axe Stumps.
    • Green Mushrooms are found at the trees near Ellinia.
    • One of the better places for Axe Stumps is the map with Winston in it.
  • After returning the fossils to Winston, deliver the quest items gained to Dr. Betty in Ellinia.

Shumi's Lost Coin

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No class requirement, Level 20 minimum, no quest requirement
Shumi is beside the subway station entrance in Kerning City.
Completion Requirements
Complete the Jump Quest to collect Shumi's Coin, then return to Shumi.
30 Scrolls for a random town (or Nearest Town), plus 200 Experience and 1 Fame.
  • Talk to the subway worker
  • Buy a ticket to Construction Site B1
  • Talk to the ticket gate on the right
  • Go all the way to the right and climb down the ladder and enter the portal
  • Reach the end of the jumping quest. Click for walkthrough
  • You may hunt Bubblings here until the 99 minute limit runs out.
  • When you are ready to leave, click the Treasure Chest to collect Shumi's Coin.

Pia and the Blue Mushroom

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No class requirement, Level 20 minimum, no quest requirement
Pia is in Henesys Park.
Completion Requirements
Collect 60 Green Mushroom Caps and 60 Blue Mushroom Caps.
100 Experience and a random 100%, 60%, or 10% Helmet for Defense Scroll.
  • Green Mushrooms may be found in Ellinia's forests or at the Henesys Hunting Ground.
  • Blue Mushrooms are best found in the Blue Mushroom Forest (hidden street).
    • To get there, first go to the Forest East of Henesys. The hidden street is located at the very top, and you should enter through a signpost with a mushroom figure on the top of the post.

Mrs. Ming Ming Second Worry

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No class requirement, level 21 minimum, requires Mrs. Ming Ming's First Worry
Mrs. Ming Ming can be found in Henesys, next to the Mushroom Park entrance and Chief Stan.
Completion Requirements
20 pigs heads, 60 octopus legs, and Estelle's special sauce.

Ribboned Pig Headband (Hat, lvl 25, +50hp)

  • Pig heads are the hardest item to get. They drop from pigs only, (explaining their super-high prices 10k+) which can be found en masse at at pig beach (press up at a group of yellow flowers at the 3 way split between Kerning city, Henesys, and Lith harbour, approximately located in the middle of the map)

DANGER! <3-Z. Mushroom> 1

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No class requirements, Level 22 minimum, No quests requirements
From Sleepywood, exit right and go to Ant Tunnel IV to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 99 Zombie Mushrooms.
3500 Experience and 50 Mana Elixir
  • Can be found all over the Ant Tunnel I-IV
  • Do at the same time as <2-H. Mushroom> 1 and/or 2 to save time

DANGER! <3-Z. Mushroom> 2

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, Level 22 minimum, Must complete DANGER! <3-Z. Mushroom> 1
From Sleepywood, exit right and go to Ant Tunnel IV to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 999 Zombie Mushrooms.
To be added
  • Can be found all over the Ant Tunnel I-IV
  • Do at the same time as <2-H. Mushroom> 1 and/or 2 to save time
  • Can be repeated every 24 hours

Dr. Betty's Research on Plants 1

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 22 minimum, must complete Winston's Fossil Dig-Up
Betty is at Ellinia.
Completion Requirements
20 Plant Samples
1500 Experience
  • Plant samples are collected by hitting and breaking the plants (look like background scenery) 2 maps north of Ellinia and pressing up at the left tree openings until you teleport to The Tree That Grew II and III.

Dr. Betty's Research on Fossils

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 22 minimum, must complete Dr. Betty's Research on Plants 1
Betty is at Ellinia.
  • Be sure to take note of her appearance just as you leave because you will need to answer questions from her daughter at Henesys later.
  • Take note of the colors of her clothes, shoes, and earrings.
Completion Requirements
She will request a Stuffed Drake Skull (quest item)
Total of 1600 Experience
  • To get the Stuffed Drake Skull, talk to Anne in the map just east of Henesys.
  • First tell her "Your mom asked me to see you" (Option 2)
  • Next tell her, "She asked me to get some preserved Drake's Skulls from you.." (Option 1)
  • Answer the following questions about Dr. Betty:
    • Question 1: What is her name? Answer: Betty (Option 3)
    • Question 2: Where did you meet her? Answer: Ellinia (Option 2)
    • Question 3: What's the color of her shoes? Answer: Red (Option 3)
    • Question 4: What's the color of the book she holds? Answer: Blue (Option 2)
    • Question 5: What's the color of her earrings? Answer: Yellow (Option 4)
  • Return to Dr. Betty after you have the Skull.

Dr. Betty's Research on Plants 2

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 23 minimum, must complete Dr. Betty's Research on Fossils
Betty is at Ellinia.
Completion Requirements
Weighted Earrings
50 Firewood
100 Leaves
Stump's Teardrop
1700 Experience
Leaf Earrings
  • Weight Earrings are a semi-rare drop from Wild Boars.
  • Leaves drop from Dark Stumps.
  • Firewood drops from (Dark) Axe Stumps.
  • Stump's Teardrop is a common quest item from Dark Axe Stumps.
  • To finish the quest, the items are given to Winston at East Rocky Mountain II.

Camilla's Gem

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 23 minimum, no quest requirement
Camilla is in Henesys
Completion Requirements
Complete the maze
1700 experience and 30 cakes(90%) or Pig Illustrated mace (10%)
  • Talk to Camilla to start the quest
  • Go to the forest east of Henesys (three maps east), and make your way to the top left of the map
  • Go through the portal
  • Tip: Bring a few potions seeing as there are invincible Ribbon Pigs that do a set amout of 50 ~54dmg i believe
  • Press up on the hay stacks to teleport and make your way to Utah
  • Tip: Your suppose to get to the farthest haystack from where you start so keep going til you hit a dead end.

Level 25

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Nella & Kerning City Citizen`s Request 2

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 25 minimum, must complete Nella & Kerning City Citizen`s Request 1
Nella is near the middle of Kerning City.
Completion Requirements
Dr. Faymus's Request
Collect 50 Jr. Necki Skins and 100 Horny Mushroom Caps
Chris's Request
Collect 20 Leather and 50 Stiff Feather.
Cutthroat Manny's Request
Collect 200 Evil Eye Tails.
Dr. Faymus's Request
400 Experience and 100 White Potions.
Chris's Request
500 Experience, a Steel Plate and a Bronze Plate.
Cutthroat Manny's Request
600 Experience and the level 30 shoes for your class (Blue Sneakers if beginner).

Dr. Faymus's Request

  • Jr. Neckis can be found in the Dungeon and in Kerning's Swamps. Caution: Jr. Neckis have HIGH avoid, so landing a hit may be a problem.
  • Horny Mushrooms can be found in the Dungeon (especially the early Ant Tunnels), and in the forests of Ellinia.

Chris's Request

  • The items are dropped by "animal monsters".
  • At this level, Pigs are the easiest option, though Wild Boars are also an option
  • Stirges are a great source for Stiff Feathers, but they drop no Leather.

Cutthroat Manny's Request

  • Evil Eyes are found deeper in the Dungeon, especially in the Evil Eye Caves.

POLLUTED! <1-Evil Eye> 1

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, Level 25 minimum, No quest requirements
From Sleepywood, exit right and go to Ant Tunnel Park to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 99 Evil Eyes.
2000 experience and 30 mana elixirs
  • Can be found all over the Cave of Evil Eye I-IV

POLLUTED! <1-Evil Eye> 2

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, Level 25 minimum, Must complete POLLUTED! <1-Evil Eye> 1
From Sleepywood, exit right and go to Ant Tunnel Park to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 999 Evil Eyes.
6000 EXP.

100 Mana Elixers

Jane and the Wild Boar

[edit | edit source]
No Beginners allowed, Level 25 minimum, no quest requirement
Jane can be found in Lith Harbor.
Completion Requirements
Collect 120 Horny Mushroom Caps and 100 Wild Boar Teeth.
500 Experience and a random 60% weapon scroll.
  • Horny Mushrooms are found in the Ant Tunnel,Ellnia dungeon tree trunks and among other places.
  • Wild Boars are found in Land of the Wild Boar I/IIor its in the path to the dungeon through perion.
  • This quest will likely be your characters funding if you don't already have some, so it is best to get it done as soon as it becomes available.

Arwen And The Glass Shoe

[edit | edit source]
No Beginners allowed, Level 25 minimum, no quest requirement
Arwen the Fairy is in Ellinia.
Completion Requirements
Collect the rare Arwen's Glass Shoe.
Random Fairy's Wing or Piece Of Ice and 800 experience regardless.
  • Select the "I heard you lost a pair of Glass Shoes" option.
  • Hunt Fire Boars around Perion for Arwen's Glass Shoes.

Sabritama And The Diet Medicine

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 25 minimum, no quest requirement
Sabritama can be found in Sleepywood.
Shane can be found in Ellinia
Completion Requirements
  • Talk to Sabitrama.
  • Talk to Shane, who will give you access to the jumping quest for a fee of 2500 mesos.
  • Complete the jumping quest and at the top you will find a flower. Click for walkthrough
  • When you double click on the flower, you will be given the choice between 4 different colors. Select the color Sabitrama requested.
  • Return the flower to Sabitrama for your reward.

Find the Maple History Book

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 25 minimum, no quest requirement
Jay can be found in Henesys
Completion Requirements
Find the 3 Maple History Books
25 Blue Potions and 250 experience
  • Talk to Jay in Henesys
  • Go to the Magic Library in Ellinia, where Grendel the Really Old stays, and hit the box there to get Maple History Book II.
  • If the box isn't there, or doesn't drop the book, change channels until you get the book
  • Ride the ship to Ossyria, when the ship starts, go into the cabin and hit the box for Maple History Book I
  • The box will only appear when travelling from Ellinia to Orbis, and it may not always appear. Sometimes it may appear after a few minutes into the trip.
  • If the box did not appear, switch channels a few minutes before arriving in Orbis and ride the ship again.
  • Go to Ludibrium, and start killing Chronos for Maple History Book III. They can be found by going down into the Toy Factory till you reach the Crossroads of Time, then go left one screen. The book drops after very few kills, but you must have to quest for the book to drop.
  • Talk to Tigun the Advisor at Entrance of Eos Tower to receive the Medal of Honor

Find the Maple History Book 2

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, Lvl 25 minimum, Must complete Find the Maple History Book
Jay in Henesys
Completion Requirements
After receiving the Medal of Honor go back to Henesys and talk to Jay.
Chief Stan's Hat
3560 Experience
  • This hat can't be sold, traded, or put into storage.

Mystery of Niora Hospital

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 25 minimum, no quest requirement
Jane Doe can be found at the Niora Hospital in Kerning City.
Completion Requirements
Get 20 Pieces of Mirror and 100 Charms of the Undead
Old Raggedy Cape and 4600 experience
  • Talk to Jane Doe
  • Hunt Wild Boar, which can be found in Wild Boar Land by going one screen right from perion and taking the door on the ground below the entrance.
  • They drop the Pieces of Mirror only if you have the quest
  • Talk to Jane Doe again for a reward
  • Go hunt Undead Mushrooms below Sleepywood for 100 Charm of the Undead
  • Talk to her again for your reward

Level 30

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POLLUTED! <2-Curse Eye> 1

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, Level 30 minimum, No quest requirements
From Sleepywood, exit left and go throught the portal under Sleepywood and go to the second area to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 99 Curse Eyes.
3 Sunset Dews or 3 Reindeer Milks or 60% Scroll for Weapon for ATT/M.ATT
4500 exp
  • Can be found in various tree dungeons areas North of Ellinia, or at Sleepywood Dungeon 3 (take the portal at the door in sleepywood and go 3 maps down)

POLLUTED! <2-Curse Eye> 2

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, Level 30 minimum, Must Complete POLLUTED! <2-Curse Eye> 1
From Sleepywood, exit left and go throught the portal under Sleepywood and go to the second area to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Kill 999 Curse Eyes.
3000 experience and Random 10% or 60% Scroll for weapon for ATT or M.ATT for your class or 60% Scroll for Cape for random Stat or 2 Sunrise Dews, or 2 Sunset Dews or 10 Elixirs or 3 Reindeer Milks.
  • Can be found in various tree dungeons areas North of Ellinia

Shumi's Lost Bundle Of Money

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 30 minimum, must complete Shumi's Lost Coin
Shumi is outside the subway as in Shumi`s Lost Coin
Completion Requirements
Retrieve Shumi's Roll of Cash through the B2 Jump Quest.
100 Mana Elixirs, 500 Experience and 1 Fame
  • Go into the subway
  • Buy a Ticket from the Subway worker to CONSTRUCTION SITE B2
  • Talk to The Ticket Gate ( if you can`t see it, take off your hotkey thing )
  • Reach the end of the jumping quest. Click for walkthrough
  • You may hunt Jr. Wraiths here until the 99 minute time limit runs out
  • Talk to the Treasure Chest to get out and collect Shumi's Roll of Cash.
  • Return to Shumi to complete the quest

Mr. Wetbottom's Secret Book

[edit | edit source]
No Beginners allowed, level 30 minimum, no quest requirement
Mr. Wetbottom is in the Sleepywood VIP Sauna (999 mesos entry fee for the VIP sauna)
Completion Requirements
A Clue to the Secret Book
Talk to Ronnie
Hungry Ronnie
Get 50 Lupin Bananas
Get Rina's Unagi Special
Get Fresh Milk
Secret to Unagi Special
Get 5 Pig Heads
Get 50 Curse Eye Tails
Cold Milk
1 Diamond
Returned Secret Book
Take the book back to Mr. Wetbottom
A Clue to the Secret Book
Hungry Ronnie
300 experience
Secret to Unagi Special
500 experience
Cold Milk
500 experience
Returned Secret Book
500 experience
10000 Mesos
Blue Sauna Robe for males, Red Sauna Robe for females.
  • Once you talk to Mr. Wetbottom, go to the Tree Tunnel three maps north of Ellinia.
  • Talk to Ronnie there.
  • Collect 50 Lupin Bananas, 1 Rina's Unagi Special, and 1 Fresh Milk.
    • Lupins are easily found around Florina Beach.
  • To get the Fresh Milk, talk to Rowen in Ellinia, and then give her a refined Diamond in exchange for the Milk.
  • To get the Unagi Special, collect 50 Curse Eyes Tails and 5 Pig Heads, then talk to Rina in Henesys for the Unagi Special.
    • Curse Eyes are best found in the Sleepy Dungeons and in the tallest trees north of Ellinia.
    • Pig Heads drop from all Pigs, so head to Pig Beach for these.
  • Once all three are gained, talk to Ronnie to regain the Secret Book.
  • Return to Mr. Wetbottom for your reward.

John's Present

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 30 minimum, must complete John's Pink Flower Basket
John is in Lith Harbor
Completion Requirements
Collect 20 Blue Violas.
2000 Experience and a level 35 glove for your class (Work Glove for beginners)
  • Go to Sleepywood via dungeon roads from Henesys, Perion or Kerning; or by using a scroll
  • Talk to the statue in Sleepywood
  • Finish the two jumping maps. Click for walkthrough
  • Return the flowers to John, and repeat the jumping quest until you have given John a total of 20 Blue Violas.

Building a New House For "Blackbull"

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 30 minimum plus 10 Fame minimum, must complete Fixing "Blackbull's" House
Blackbull can be found in Perion, near the bottom of the map.
Completion Requirements
Blackbull's Deed to the Land, 30 Screws, 30 Processed Wood, 100 Stone Golem Rubble
1000 Experience
2 Fame
15000 Mesos
Choice of a 10% scroll for your class' weapon
  • Processed Wood and Screws can made by Vicious (Henesys), Mr Smith (Perion) and JM from tha Streetz (Kerning City)
  • Processed Wood requires either 10 Tree Branches or 5 Firewood each.
    • Tree Brances are dropped by Stumps and Toy Trojans.
    • Firewood are dropped by Axe Stumps, Dark Axe Stumps and Toy Trojans.
  • Screws require 1 Steel Plate and 1 Bronze Plate per 15 Screws.
  • Blackbull's Deed to the Land is a rare drop from Curse Eyes.
    • Curse Eyes are best found in the Sleepy Dungeon and in the tallest trees of Ellinia.
  • Stone Golems are found in the Golem Temples by Henesys.

Icarus's Hang Glider

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 32 minimum, must complete I'm Bored
Icarus is in Kerning City.
Completion Requirements
Collect 10 Processed Wood, 50 Stirge Wings and 50 Stiff Feathers.
6000 Experience
  • Stirges are the best source of Stiff Feathers and are found in large numbers in the Kerning Subway.
  • Processed Wood can made by Vicious (Henesys), Mr Smith (Perion) and JM from tha Streetz (Kerning City) with either 10 Tree Branches or 5 Firewood each.
    • Tree Brances are dropped by Stumps.
    • Firewood are dropped by Axe Stumps and Dark Axe Stumps.
  • Also note: Jr. Grupins, Jr. Lioners, and Jr. Cellions are a decent amount of EXP. for level 31-35, they also drop stiff feathers. (They are the little 'kitten' like things on Orbis Island).

POLLUTED! <3-Jr. Boogie>

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, Level 33 minimum, no quest requirement
From Sleepywood, exit right and go to Cave of Evil Eye I to find the DANGER Sign
Completion Requirements
Gather 10 Jr Boogie Horns.
1 Random Refined Jewel
  • Can be found in various areas all over Victoria Island
  • They have high evasion and inflict various status effects
  • There's no other quest following this one

Level 35

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Rowen the Fairy and the Cursed Doll

[edit | edit source]
No Beginners allowed, Level 35 minimum, must complete Mr. Wetbottom's Secret Book
Rowen the Fairy is in Ellinia.
Completion Requirements
Collect Cursed Dolls as required.
Total of 4800 Experience, 9 Fame, 7 of a random common mineral ore, 10 of a common jewel ore, 5 of a rare ore (Gold, Diamond, Black Crystal), random 10% or 60% Glove DEX scroll and the level 40 hat for your class.
  • Talk to Rowen to start the quest.
  • Each time you talk to Rowen to complete a new part of the quest, more Cursed Dolls are required.
  • First time is 100, then 200, 400, 600 and 1000 Cursed Dolls in that order, for a grand total of 2300 Cursed Dolls.

Special Taste of Florina Beach

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, Level 35 minimum, no quest requirement
Riel is one of the four NPCs in a row at Florina Beach
Completion Requirements
65 Coconuts
55 Lupin Bananas
310 Lorang Claws
160 Clang Claws
13000 Experience
31000 Mesos
  • All the items are found at Florina Beach.

Icarus And The Balloon

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 37 minimum, must complete Icarus's Hang Glider
Icarus is in Kerning City.
Completion Requirements
Collect 100 Tablecloth and 10 Alligator Skin Pouch.
11000 Experience
  • Tablecloth comes from Jr. Wraiths which can be found in the Subway or at the top of the B2 Jump Quest.
  • Ligators (which drop Alligator Skin Pouch for this quest alone) are easily found in the Kerning Sewers.

Level 40

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Jane the Alchemist

[edit | edit source]
No Beginners allowed, Level 40 minimum, must complete Jane and the Wild Boar
Jane can be found in Lith Harbor.
Completion Requirements
Part One:
1 Pure Water
20 Malady's Experimental Frogs
30 Medicines with Weird Vibes
Part Two:
3 Drake's Blood
1 Mushmom Spore
30 Malady's Experimental Frogs
100 Medicines with Weird Vibes
Part Three:
20 Dragon Skin
10 Saps of Ancient Tree
1 Moon Rock
Part One: 10 Elixirs
Part Two: 15 Power Elixirs
Part Three: Random 10% or 60% Glove ATT scroll (likely 10%)
  • Maladies are found in the Forests of Evil by Ellinia.
  • Wraiths are found at the top of the B3 Jump Quest and at the end of the Kerning Subways.
  • Drake's Blood only drops from the blue Drakes in the Dungeon.
  • Mushmom only spawns in Someone Else's House in Henesys.
  • Dragon Skin drops from any Drake species.
  • Sap of Ancient Tree drops from Dark Axe Stumps.
  • Moon Rocks are available only by refining 1 of each plate (Orihalcon, Silver, Mithril, Steel, Bronze, Adamantium, Gold) at Arwen (Ellinia), Vogen (El Nath), or Pi (Ludibrium).

To The New World

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 40 minimum, no quest requirement
Wing the Fairy is in Ellinia
Completion Requirements
Deliver the Tears of Kelvelos, then complete Kriel's request.
Total of 27000 Experience and a random 60% weapon scroll or Glove ATT
  • Talk to Wing the Fairy in Elinia you will get the Tears of Kelvelos
  • Buy a Ticket to Orbis and get on the ship
  • Talk to Kriel The Fairy in Orbis Potion Shop.
  • Hunt for 200 Solid Horns from the Junior Kitties.
    • The Junior Kitties are easily found in the Colored Gardens.
  • Hunt for 20 Empty Potion Bottles
    • These drop from boxes in the Orbis Park when broken
  • Hunt for 50 Nependeath Seeds
    • These drop from Nependeath, found in the Strolling Park I.

Icarus And The Flying Pill

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 42 minimum, must complete Icarus And The Balloon
  and I Need Help on My Homework!
Icarus is in Kerning City.
Completion Requirements
Collect the Flying Pill and return to Icarus
Total of 13100 Experience and a random Icarus Cape.
  • Talk to Wing The Fairy
  • Collect 50 Medicine With Weird Vibes from Wraiths
    • Wraiths are easily found in the B3 Jump Quest or at the end of the Kerning Subway
  • Collect 20 Witchgrass Leaves by hitting the plants in the Kerning sewers. You MUST HIT IT FROM THE RIGHT OR ITS USELESS.
  • Talk to Wing The Fairy for the Flying Pill

Level 45

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Manji's Old Gladius

[edit | edit source]

{{MapleStory/Quest |No Class requirements|Level 45 minimum|Must complete Maya and the Weird Medicine |Manji, in Perion |Bring to Chrishrama, found in Sleepywood, the following items to restore Manji's Gladius to its former glory: 1 Star Rock, 1 Flaming Feather, 1 Ancient Scroll and 1 Piece of Ice |1000 Experience
A Pair of Skull Earrings (if you give back the Hero's Gladius to Manji)
Hero's Gladius (if you choose to keep the sword) |*The items needed to complete this quest are rare and very expensive to buy

  • This should be done only if you have plenty of mesos to burn or if you want to complete every quest in the game


Manji's Old Gladius

[edit | edit source]
No Class requirements, Level 45 minimum, Must complete Maya and the Weird Medicine
Manji, in Perion
Completion Requirements
Bring to Chrishrama, found in Sleepywood, the following items to restore Manji's Gladius to its former glory: 1 Star Rock, 1 Flaming Feather, 1 Ancient Scroll and 1 Piece of Ice
1000 Experience
A Pair of Skull Earrings (if you give back the Hero's Gladius to Manji)
Hero's Gladius (if you choose to keep the sword)
  • The items needed to complete this quest are rare and very expensive to buy
  • This should be done only if you have plenty of mesos to burn or if you want to complete every quest in the game

Level 50

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A Spell that Seals a Critical Danger

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 50 minimum, no quest requirement
Insignificant Being is found at at the bottom of the Another Entrance.
Completion Requirements
Kill the monsters in the dungeon to collect their quest items.
Total of:
57000 Experience
50 Power Elixirs
  • This quest is divided into two parts.
  • For the first part, kill Cold Eyes for 33 Cold Steam.
    • Cold Eyes are found all over the dungeon nearby.
  • For the second part, kill Wild Kargos, Tauromacis, and Taurospears for their Spirit Rocks.
    • Wild Kargos are found at the Wild Kargo's Area. 33 Spirit Rocks are needed.
    • Tauromacis are found in all four Sanctuary maps. 18 Spirit Rocks are needed.
    • Taurospears are found in Sanctuaries 3 and 4. 18 Spirit Rocks are needed.
  • The second part of the quest is best done in a large party or at a very high level.

Luke the Security Man's Wish to Travel

[edit | edit source]
Warrior only, Level 50 minimum, must complete Luke the Security Guy
Luke is at Henesys Dungeon Entrance on the right-hand side
Completion Requirements
Collect 10 Orihalcon Plates, 3 Taurospear Horns, 1 Black Feather, 50 Dragon Skin and 40 Screws
1000 Experience and the Old Bronze Nordic Helm, the level 55 warrior helm.
  • Orihalcon is a relatively common ore, and 10 Plates require 100 ores.
  • Dragon Skins come from all types of Drakes, and from trade-ins of Lunar Pixie's Moonpieces in Orbis.
  • Screws can made by Vicious (Henesys), Mr Smith (Perion) and JM from tha Streetz (Kerning City) with 1 Bronze Plate and 1 Steel Plate per 15 Screws.
  • A Black Feather may be made by Arwen in Ellinia with a Flaming Feather, a refined Black Crystal, and a Star Rock.
    • Flaming Feathers drop from Red Drakes, Jr. Cellions and Jr. Lioners.
    • Star Rocks are made by Arwen (Ellinia), Vogen (El Nath), and Pi (Ludibrium) with one of each refined jewel.
  • Taurospears may be found within Sanctuaries 3 and 4.
    • Taurospears are a high level with high avoid, so buy these if at all possible, or wait until level 70+ to complete this quest (or with a party).
  • The Old Bronze Nordic Helm may be upgraded in Perion.

The Alligators at the Swamp

[edit | edit source]
No job requirement, Level 52 minimum, must complete I Need to Find My Daughter
Ayan is in Perion, near the portal to the Perion Street Corner.
Completion Requirements
Part One:
Defeat 250 Ligators
Defeat 40 Jr. Neckis
Collect 20 Jr. Necki Skins
Part Two:
Defeat 120 Crocos
Collect 50 Croco Skins
Part One:
20000 Experience
Choice of a 10% weapon scroll for your class
Part Two:
25000 Experience
Choice of a 60% cape scroll for STR, DEX, INT or LUK
  • All the monsters for the quest are found in the Kerning Swamps, hence the name of the quest.

Level 55

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Pia's Present For a Friend

[edit | edit source]
Thief only, Level 55 minimum, must complete Pia and the Blue Mushroom
Pia is at Henesys Park.
Completion Requirements
Collect the items Pia asks for.
Total of 1500 Experience and the Dark Scorpio Set if male or the Umber Mantis Set if female, both are level 60 thief top and bottom.
  • After talking to Pia to start the quest, talk to Rina in Henesys.
  • Collect 1 refined Black Crystal, 1 Ancient Scroll, and 30 Tauromacis Horns.
    • Ancient Scrolls are dropped by Dark Stone Golems and from trade-ins of Hector Tails in Orbis.
    • Tauromacis are found in the four Sanctuary maps, and are fairly easy so long as you watch your HP.
  • Give these items to Rina for the Red Cape (Quest item, not an equip)
  • Now, collect 50 Dragon Skins, 40 Screws, and 15 Silver Plates.
  • Silver is a relatively common ore, and 15 Plates require 150 ores.
  • Dragon Skins come from all types of Drakes, and from trade-ins of Lunar Pixie's Moonpieces in Orbis.
  • Screws can made by Vicious (Henesys), Mr Smith (Perion) and JM from tha Streetz (Kerning City) with 1 Bronze Plate and 1 Steel Plate per 15 Screws.
  • Give these items to Pia to finish the quest.

Ronnie and the Fairies Building a New House

[edit | edit source]
Magician only, Level 55 minimum, must complete Mr. Wetbottom's Secret Book
Ronnie is at the big tree tunnel three maps north of Ellinia.
Completion Requirements
Collect the items Ronnie asks for. (Four sets)
Total of 3900 Experience and random color Goldrunners, the level 60 magician shoe.

Part One

  • Ronnie asks for 50 Red Snail Shells, 50 Orange Mushroom Caps, 50 Squishy Liquids and 50 Leaves.
  • The monsters for these items should be very easy.
    • Red Snails and Orange Mushrooms are best found at the Mushroom Garden outside of Henesys. Lower level players in the Henesys Hunting Ground may also have Red Snail Shells.
    • The Slime Tree contains a large number of Slimes.
    • Perion Street Corner is a quick place to find Dark Stumps (on the upper level).
  • Return to Ronnie with these items.

Part Two

  • Ronnie asks for 50 Octopus Legs, 50 Charms of the Undead, 50 Wild Boar Teeth and 50 Curse Eye Tails.
  • The monsters for these items should still be very easy.
    • Octopi are best found near the Damp Forest or at Kerning City's Construction Sites.
    • Zombie Mushrooms are common only within the Ant Tunnels.
    • Wild Boars are plentiful in the Lands of Wild Boar I and II.
    • Curse Eyes are found within the Sleepy Dungeon (NOT Ant Tunnel!) or in the highest trees north of Ellinia. It's recommended you get the Curse Eye tails in Ellinia since it's closer to Ronnie.
  • Return to Ronnie with these items.

Part Three

  • Ronnie asks for 50 Lupin Bananas, 50 Drake Skulls, 50 Stone Golem Rubble and 50 Croco Skin.
  • The monsters for these items may be a bit of a challenge.
    • Lupins are easiest to find at the first map outside of Florina Beach.
    • Drake Skulls may come from any Drake species.
    • Stone Golems are found in the Golem Temples by Henesys.
    • Crocos are only found at the Dangerous Croco maps, located deep within the Kerning Sewers.
  • Return to Ronnie with these items.

Part Four

  • Ronnie asks for 1 refined Diamond, 50 Dark Stone Golem Rubble, 50 Medicine with Weird Vibes, 50 Wild Cargo Eyes and 50 Tauromacis Horns.
  • The monsters for these items are difficult, and are best hunted in groups!
    • Dark Stone Golems are found within the deepest areas of the Sleepy Dungeon.
    • Wraiths are the easiest enemies for this part, and are found at the end of the Kerning Subways and the top of the B3 Jump Quest.
    • Tauromacis and Cargoes both reside deep in the dungeon, surrounded by Cold Eyes. Tauromacis are extremely deadly, so be cautious!
  • Return to Ronnie with these items, and breath a sign of relief!

Collecting for Maya

[edit | edit source]
Bowman only, Level 55 minimum, must complete Maya and the Weird Medicine
Maya is in a house on the right-hand side of Henesys
Completion Requirements
Collect the items Maya asks for. (Four sets)
Total of 3900 Experience and random color Gore Boots, the level 60 bowman shoe.

Part One

  • Maya asks for 50 Snail Shells, 50 Blue Snail Shells, 50 Tree Branches and 50 Mushroom Spores.
  • The monsters for these items should be very easy.
    • The areas around Lith Harbor and Henesys are good places for Snails and Blue Snails. Asking lower level players for some may also be a quick way to earn the Shells.
    • Mushrooms are quickly found at the Mushroom Garden outside of Henesys.
    • Stumps are easily found around Perion.
  • Return to Maya with these items.

Part Two

  • Maya asks for 50 Pig Ribbons, 50 Bubbling's Huge Bubbles, 50 Fire Boar Teeth and 50 Tablecloths.
  • The monsters for these items should still be very easy.
    • Ribbon Pigs are best found at Pig Beach.
    • Bubblings are very easy to find at the first Kerning Subway screen.
    • Fire Boars are plentiful in the Burning Zone.
    • Jr. Wraiths are quite common in the Kerning Subway, or at the top of the B2 Jump Quest.
  • Return to Maya with these items.

Part Three

  • Maya asks for 10 Lupin Dolls, 50 Cold Eye Tails, 50 Iron Hog's Metal Hoof and 50 Tortie Shells.
  • The monsters for these items may be easy depending on how you fight.
    • Lupin Dolls may be a pain or a breeze depending on your luck, as they are a semi-rare drop from Lupins. Go to the first screen outside Florina Beach to find them easily.
    • Cold Eyes are nearly everywhere in the deeper Dungeon maps.
    • Iron Hogs are common in the Pig Park maps before Someone Else's House (Mushmom).
    • Torties are most common at the "Hot Sands" map, at the end of Florina Beach.
  • Return to Maya with these items.

Part Four

  • Maya asks for 1 refined Diamond, 50 Clang Claws, 50 Dark Stone Golem Rubble, 50 Wild Cargo Eyes and 50 Tauromacis Horns.
  • The monsters for these items may be a pain if not fought in a party.
    • Clangs are found near the end of Florina Beach, however they may take some time as they have a low spawn.
    • Dark Stone Golems are found in the later Sleepy Dungeon maps
    • Cargoes and Tauromacis are very unfriendly to Bowmen; Cargoes move at a high speed, Tauromacis counter-attack from range, and both have Cold Eyes to block shots and get in your minimum range. Parties are strongly recommended for these Deep Dungeon monsters.
  • Return to Maya with these items, and congratulate yourself on a job well done!

Ossyria (Orbis, El Nath & Aqua Road)

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Level 10

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Collecting Huckle's Magic Ingredients

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 10 minimum, no quest requirement
Huckle is located in a big hole on the 10th floor in Orbis Tower.
Completion Requirements
45 Jr. Sentinel Shellpieces
20 Ice Sentinel Shellpieces
20 Fire Sentinel Shellpieces
5 Orbis Rock Scrolls and 3500 experience
  • Jr. Sentinels can be found between floors 16 and 20, and floors 8 to 10.
  • Ice Sentinels can be found on floors 8, 10, 12, and 13.
  • Fire Sentinels can be found on floors 9, 10, 11, and 12.
  • This quest can be repeated once per day.
  • Some high level people are willing to pay a lot of money for the Orbis Rock Scrolls (about 10,000-15,000 mesos each) because they dont want to bother taking the time to climb up and down the Tower of Orbis.

Nanuke and the Chair

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, no level requirement, must NOT have completed Pio's Collecting Recycled Goods The quest will still show up even if you have completed it though.
Nanuke can be found at Snowy Whale's Island
Completion Requirements
Talk to Nanuke
The Relaxer
  • Talk to Nanuke repeatedly to receive your reward.
  • Acts like a chair when used and recovers 50HP and 1.5x times your MP recovery rate every 10 seconds

Level 15

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Kenta's Research 1

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, level 17 minimum, no quest requirement
Kenta is at Aquarium : Zoo
Completion Requirements
1 of each - Pinboom's DNA Sample, Cicle's DNA Sample, Cico's DNA Sample
500 Experience
30 Speed Potions for beginners
30 Warrior Potions for warriors
30 Sniper Potions for archers
30 Magic Potions for mages
30 Dexterity Potions for thieves
  • Items drop from Pinboom, Cicle, Cico

Kenta's Research 2

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, level 17 minimum, must complete Kenta's Research 1
Kenta is at Aquarium : Zoo
Completion Requirements
1 of each - Flower Fish's DNA Sample, Bubble Fish's DNA Sample, Masked Fish's DNA Sample
2500 Experience
Fish Spear (Stats are set at 40 Weapon Attack, 4 Accuracy, 4 Speed)
  • Items drop from Flower Fish, Bubble Fish, Masked Fish

Kenta's Research 3

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, level 17 minimum, must complete Kenta's Research 2
Kenta is at Aquarium : Zoo
Completion Requirements
1 of each - Pooper's DNA Sample, Sparker's DNA Sample, Freezer's DNA Sample
6500 Experience
10 Dolphin Taxi Coupons
  • Items drop from Poopa, Sparker, Freezer

Level 20

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Nero's Necklace

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 20 minimum, no quest requirement
Ericsson is located in Orbis Park.
Completion Requirements
:1 Red Ribbon, 1 Gold Bell
4000 experience
  • Go to the Cash Shop to get the items; the ribbon & the bell are in random sections in the cash shop section. Each cost 1 MESO to buy; no maple points or NXCash needed. So you need 2 mesos and to be in Orbis Park to get 4000 exp. Good quest.

Hughes's Hobby

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 20 minimum, no quest requirement
Hughes the Fuse can be found in a hole at Orbis Tower (B2)
Completion Requirements
Collect 10 Toy Baby Seal
Kill 50 Scuba Pepe
9000 Experience

30 Air Bubble

Level 25

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Level 30

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Moppie the Lone Dawg

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, no quest requirement
Moppie is outside the Orbis Potion Store.
Completion Requirements
Talk to Lisa nearby. (Less than a screen to the right of Moppie)
500 Experience
  • The name of this quest is NOT a typo.
  • An easy 500 Experience for literally doing nothing!

Fairy's Horn Flute

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Moppie the Lone Dawg
Lisa is outside the Orbis Potion Store.
Completion Requirements
100 Solid Horns
20 Stiff Feathers
10 Leathers
6000 Experience
Blue Moon Earrings
10 All-Cure Potions
  • All of the items drop from the Jr. Kitties in the colored Gardens.

Fairy's Horn Flute II

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Fairy's Horn Flute
Lisa is outside the Orbis Potion Store.
Completion Requirements
Talk to Moppie nearby.
500 Experience
  • Second time for free experience now!

Lisa's Special Medicine

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Fairy's Horn Flute II
Moppie is outside the Orbis Potion Store.
Completion Requirements
Talk to Lisa nearby.
500 Experience
  • Don't you just love free experience?

Lisa's Special Medicine II

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Lisa's Special Medicine
Lisa is outside the Orbis Potion Store.
Completion Requirements
40 Orange Potions
20 Blue Potions
1 Antidote
1 Fierry's Tentacle
5000 Experience
60% Scroll for Pet Equip for Speed
  • The various potions are available in the nearby store.
  • Fierries are in the Cloud Parks and the Strolling Parks, the nearest being Strolling Park I.

Lisa's Special Medicine III

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Lisa's Special Medicine II
Lisa is outside the Orbis Potion Store.
Completion Requirements
Talk to Moppie nearby.
1000 Experience
5 Fame
  • More free rewards!

A Request from Moppie

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Lisa's Special Medicine III
Moppie is outside the Orbis Potion Store.
Completion Requirements
Trek down the Orbis Tower to meet Huckle
3000 Experience
  • Huckle is in a side room on Orbis Tower's 10th Floor.

A Request from Moppie (I-III)

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Lisa's Special Medicine III
Huckle is in a side room on Orbis Tower's 10th Floor.
Completion Requirements
Total of 600 Jr. Pepe Fish
Total of:
15000 Experience
2000 Mesos
1 Fame
25 Hot Dog Supremes
20 White Potions
90 Pet Food
12 Orbis Rock Scrolls
60% Scroll for Shoes for Speed
  • Finish the quest by giving the fish to Moppie, then return to Huckle to start the next part.
  • Jr. Pepe are found on floors 1 and 2 of the Orbis Tower.

Orbis in Danger

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, no quest requirement
Spiruna can be found at Old Man's House from Orbis Cloud Park IV
Completion Requirements
Kill 100 Jr. Cellions
Kill 100 Jr. Lioners
Kill 100 Jr. Grupins
5 Mithril Ore
4500 experience
  • Go to Cloud Park IV, talk to Spiruna, then talk to ????, Spiruna's assistant next to her
  • Go to Garden of Red I and kill 100 Jr. Cellions
  • Go to Garden of Yellow I and kill 100 Jr. Lioners
  • Go to Garden of Green I and kill 100 Jr. Grupins
  • Return to Spiruna's assistant
  • Note that this can be done together with the exchange quest for 100 solid horns
  • Also note that this quest could also be done with Protect Nero!, which also makes you kill the Jr kittys as well

Level 35

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Protect Nero!

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 35 minimum, no quest requirement
Ericsson is at Orbis Park
Completion Requirements
Kill 50 Jr. Cellions
Kill 50 Jr. Lioners
Kill 50 Jr. Grupins
Collect 50 Solid Horns
10000 Experience
Random 10%/60% Scroll for Pet Equip for Speed

Lost In The Ocean

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 35 minimum, no quest requirement
Robinson can be found at Aqua Road: Two Palm Trees
Completion Requirements
Find SOS Bottle
Get 1 Pure Water
25000 experience, 2 fame, and level 35 helmet for your class
  • Find 1 SOS Bottle which randomly drops while fighting in Aqua Road
  • Go a few maps right from Aquarium to Sand Castle Playgroundthen to the top of the map
  • Talk to Robinson
  • Get one Pure Water and talk to Robinson again
  • You will get Robinson's Id
  • Go to Omega Sector and give the ID to Kay in the silo
  • You get the Omega Sector Warp Capsule, go to Robinson again for your reward

Hughes's Weird Invention

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 35 minimum, must complete Hughes's Hobby
Hughes the Fuse can be found in a hole at Orbis Tower (B2)
Completion Requirements
30 Screws
50 Air Bubble
5 Steel Plates
50 Snorkle
3000 Experience
Oxygen Tank
  • Air Bubbles can be bought from the shop at Aqua Town or by hunting from certain monsters
  • By having the Oxygen Tank equipped on you, you will no longer need Air Bubbles to breath underwater.

Level 40

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A Nutritious Snack For Husky

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 40 minimum, no quest requirement
Nanuke is located in Snowy Whale's Island.
Completion Requirements
50 Seal Meat
10000 Experience
50 Dried Squid

The Chaos Behind Alfonse Green And The Nependeath Juice

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 40 minimum, no quest requirement
Alfonse Green is in Cloud Park I
Completion Requirements
Find Nependeath Juice and return to Alfonse.
Total of:
42100 Experience
2 Fame
Bone Helm
  • Talk to Erricson In Orbis: Orbis Park
  • Talk to Elma the Housekeeper
  • Collect 100 Star Pixies Starpieces and 80 Lunar Pixies Moonpieces and 10000 mesos
  • Give the items to Elma the Housekeeper for 1 Lunar Wristband
  • Talk to Ericcson
  • Collect 200 Nependeath Seed and 100 Dark Nependeath Seed
  • Give the items to Ericcson to make 1 Sap of Nependeath
  • Talk to Elma the Housekeeper
  • Go to Victoria Island and talk to Estelle at Victoria Road : The Field South of Ellinia
  • Hunt for 60 Lupins Banana, 30 Sap Of Ancient Tree from Dark Axe Stump (Rare) and 10 Pig Heads
  • Give Estelle the items to get 1 Sweet Syrup
  • Get 20 Coconuts
  • Hunt for 1 Nependeaths Honey
  • Give the items so far obtained and give them to Elma the Housekeeper
  • Talk to Alfonse Green with the Nependeath Juice from Elma

Alpha Platoon's Network of Communication

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 40 minimum, no quest requirement
Master Sergeant Fox in El Nath, near the Market.
Completion Requirements
2 Orichalcon Plates
2 Adamantium Plates
2 Sapphires
either a 10% or 60% Scroll for Speed or Jump and 10,000 experience
  • After talking to Master Sergeant Fox, go back up to Orbis and talk to Staff Sergeant Charlie give him 2 Orihalcon Plates to receive a Piece of Ancient Scroll.
  • Then go East of El Nath and keep going east until you reach Icy Cold Field and talk to Sergeant Bravo to obtain another Piece of Ancient Scroll once you bring him 2 Adamantium Plates.
  • Next, go to Cloud Park VI and talk to Corporal Easy, get him 2 Sapphires to obtain yet again another Piece of Ancient Scroll.
  • Finally, go back to El Nath and give Master Sergeant Fox the collected items and the item's needed.

Level 45

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Level 50

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Level 55

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Looking for Book of Ancient

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 55 minimum, no quest requirement
Alcaster is in El Nath.
Completion Requirements
3 Werewolf's Toenails
a Justice Cape and a total of 43290 experience
  • After talking to Alcaster, you'll need to go to Hella in Orbis. She isn't in Orbis, so you have to talk to Elma the Housekeeper first.
  • This will trigger the sequence of missions Missing Hella, Spiruna and the Black Crystal, Scadur the Hunter, and The Four Wisemen of Victoria Island.
  • After all these quests are complete, go back and talk to Alcaster.
  • Then go to Orbis and find Corporal Easy.
  • Go get him 3 Werewolf's Toenails for the Memory Powder.
  • Again go back to Alcaster to give him the powder.
  • Then go to the Orbis Tower <8th Floor> and inspect the sculpture there to receive the Book of Ancient.
  • Lastly, return that to Alcaster

Missing Hella

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 55 minimum, must start Looking for Book of Ancient.
Elma is in Orbis Park.
Jade is in El Nath near the middle of town.
Completion Requirements
Find Hella.
Total of 8000 Experience
  • Talk to Elma, and ask "Did Hella have any close friends?" (Option 2)
  • After talking to Elma, head on to El Nath (getting Statue-Teleporting Scrolls will make this quest a bit easier) and find Jade.
  • Talk to Jade until she talks about Hella.
  • Go back and talk to Elma, and once again back to Jade.
  • Finally go back to Orbis Park and find Spiruna in Cloud Park IV.
  • Talk to her until to activate Spiruna and the Black Crystal.

Spiruna and the Black Crystal

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 55 minimum, must complete Missing Hella.
Spiruna is in Cloud Park IV.
Completion Requirements
Return Spiruna her Black Crystal to proceed.
Random 10%/60% Cape DEF/Magic DEF, Random 10%/60% Shoe DEX/Speed and 50990 Experience
  • After finishing the Missing Hella quest, talk to Spiruna 6 times.
  • Go to Icy Valley I and search the snow-covered rocks until you find a Cracked Black Crystal under a rock.
  • Talk to Spiruna first (watch how she censor bypasses), then talk to her apprentice, ????.
  • Go to the Orbis Potion Shop and talk to Kriel the Fairy for the Fairy Dust.
  • Get her 100 Star Pixie's Piece of Star, 50 Lunar Pixie's Piece of Moon, and 30 Luster Pixie's Piece of Sun.
  • Then go back to Kriel the Fairy and give her the items to receive the Fairy Dust.
  • Return the Fairy Dust to Spiruna.
  • Then talk to ????, which turns out to be Hella.
  • After that, return Hella's Pendant to Jade at El Nath.
  • Lastly, head over to Wolf Territory I and inspect the old grave to receive an Old Ring. This in turn activates the Scadur the Hunter quest.

Scadur the Hunter

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 55 minimum, must complete Spiruna and the Black Crystal.
Alcaster is in El Nath.
Completion Requirements
Retrieve the Old Ring to get more information.
Total of 11450 experience and 30 Elixirs
  • After finishing the Spiruna and the Black Crystal quest, talk to Alcaster.
  • When you find Scadur the Hunter in El Nath, he'll steal your Old Ring.
  • To get the Old Ring back, collect 100 Hector's Tails and 100 White Pang's Tails.
  • After he talks to you, this triggers the The Four Wisemen of Victoria Island quest.

The Four Wisemen of Victoria Island

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 55 minimum, must complete Scadur the Hunter.
Right after finishing the Scadur the Hunter quest.
Completion Requirements
Collect the four Old Pieces of Map.
Total of 49280 Experience.
  • Go to Perion and talk to Dances with Balrog to show him the Old Ring. He needs 2 Power Crystals in exchange for an Old Piece of Map.
  • Go to Ellinia and talk to Grendel the Really Old. He needs 2 Wisdom Crystals in exchange for another Old Piece of Map.
  • Go to Henesys and talk to Athena Pierce. She needs 2 DEX Crystals in exchange for yet again another Old Piece of Map.
  • Go to Kerning City and talk to Dark Lord. He needs 2 LUK Crystals for the final Old Piece of Map.
  • This then activates the Looking for Book of Ancient quest.

Level 60

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Alcaster and the Dark Crystal

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 60 minimum, must complete Looking for Book of Ancient.
Alcaster is in El Nath.
Completion Requirements
Gather 1 Star Rock and 1 refined Dark Crystal.
18,410 experience and a Blue, Red, White, or Black Magic Cape.
  • After talking to Alcaster, make 1 Star Rock from either Arwen the Fairy in Ellinia or Vogen in El Nath.
    • Alternatively, Star Rocks drop from Chief Grays in Omega Sector, and one is rewarded for Sabitrama and the Anti-Aging Medicine.
  • Then refine 1 Dark Crystal from either Spiruna of Cloud Park IV or Vogen in El Nath.
    • Spiruna requires 50,000 Mesos to refine, while Vogen requires 100,000 Mesos. However, Spiruna is further away from Alcaster.
  • Return the items to Alcaster.

Scadur's New Fur Coat

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 60 minimum, must complete Scadur the Hunter
Scadur is in El Nath
Completion Requirements
100 Yeti Horns
300 Hector Tails
300 White Pang Tails
60 Sapphire Ores
Random 60% Overall INT/LUK/DEX/DEF
27000 Experience
2 Fame
  • Sapphire ORES, not the refined Sapphire.
  • This quest may be difficult for an Ice Wizard alone, as two of the monsters are resistant to Ice.

Level 65

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Nick, the Son of Scadur the Hunter

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 65 minimum, must complete Scadur the Hunter
Scadur is in El Nath.
Completion Requirements
Collect 100 Cerebes' Horn.
21,321 experience
A Red, Blue, White, or Black Gaia's Cape.
  • Find Nick's Ring in Cave Within The Cave by jumping onto the edge of the 2nd lava pool in The Cave of Trial II. It's located at the Crumbling Statue.
  • Go back to Scadur and give him the items.

Level 70

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Level 75

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Level 80

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Level 85

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Level 90

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The Blocked Ocean

[edit | edit source]
No class requirements, level 90 minimum, no quest requirement
Taeng The Explorer is at AquaRoad : The Grave of a Wrecked Ship
Completion Requirements
1 of each - Wripped Note, Broken Flashlight, Broken Camera
70000 Experience
10% or 60% Scroll for Cape for Weapon or Magic Def.
  • All of the items drop from cold shark or shark
  • Be careful, shark and cold shark dispels your skills

Ossyria (Ludibrium)

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Level 10

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The Lost Guard

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Lost Guard is on the 93rd floor of Eos Tower
Completion Requirements
30 Worn-Out Goggles
30 Propellers
20 Eos Rock Scrolls
  • Go to the 92nd and 93rd floors of Eos Tower and kill Chirrpy for worn-out goggles.
  • Go down to floor 75 and 74 and kill Helly for the propellers.
  • Talk to the Lost Guard again.
  • Can be repeated after 24 hours

Nemi's Lunchbox Delivery

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, no level requirement, no quest requirement
Nemi is in one of the houses in the Ludibrium Village
Completion Requirements
Deliver Nemi's Lunch Box
750 Experience
4500 Mesos
  • You can eat it and restore 10 HP
  • If you didn`t eat it, Talk to Manager Karl at Toy Factory: Main Process <1>
  • Quests Unlocked - Nemi`s First Ingredient, Just Another Day At Work

Just Another Day at Work

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, no level requirement, Must complete Nemi's Lunchbox Delivery
Manager Karl is at Toy Factory: Main Process <1>
Completion Requirements
Talk to all ten Roly-Polies.
Total of:

11000 Experience Choice of Forging Manual for your class

  • The first Roly-Poly can be found on floor 98
  • 2nd on floor 93
  • 3rd can be found along the way when dropping from floor 90 to 76
  • 4th can be found on the 74th floor
  • 5th can be found on the 60th floor
  • 6rd can be found along the way when dropping from floor 55 to 46
  • 7th can be found on the 41st floor
  • 8th can be found on the 21st floor
  • 9th can be found on the 7th floor
  • 10th can be found on the 3rd floor

Roly-Poly 6's Tool

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, no level requirement, Must complete Just Another Day at Work
Roly-Poly 6 can be found along the way when dropping from floor 55 to 46 in the Eos Tower.
Completion Requirements
1600 Experience
3 Different Sacks (Summoning bags)
  • Once you find him, go down a few screens and you will find many Blocktopi jumping around.
  • Kill a few and a Screwdriver should drop
  • On a glitch in maplesea v.30 the screwdriver didn't drop. Instead the Jr. Boogies dropped it. It's been fixed now.

Level 15

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Level 20

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Level 25

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Toy Soldier's Walnut

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 25 minimum, no quest requirement
Olson the Toy Soldier can be found right at the entrance to Eos Tower on the 100th Floor.
Completion Requirements
Collect 20 Tasty Walnuts
1050 experience and level 30 shoes for your job
  • Talk to Olson the Toy Soldier to get this quest
  • Black Ratz will drop Tasty Walnuts (closed nut) and Hard Walnuts (open nut)
  • They usually drop Hard Walnuts
  • Eos Tower 96th Floor is a very good place to find lots of them


[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 25 minimum, no quest requirement
Delv the Toy Soldier can be found right at the entrance to Eos Tower on the 100th floor.
Completion Requirements
Retrieve the Pendulum from the Dollhouse Monster
100 Blue Pills and 2400 experience
  • Talk to Delv the Toy Soldier
  • He will tell you to talk to Olson the toy soldier who is right next to him
  • Delv will let you into a tall room with spiders and Dollhouses.
  • Only one person is allowed in the room at any given time
  • One of them looks very slightly different from the others
  • You have to find the different one, and whack the door. From the picture, the left one is the different one with its slightly 3-D handle and gleam across the whole handle.
  • Alternatively, you can just keep wacking on one door and everytime your kicked out, try that door again and again eventually you'll get it
  • If it is the right one, the door will open and a pendulum will pop out
  • if it is the wrong one, you will be thrown out of the room to try again
  • The correct house is randomly placed.
  • Once you have found the pendulum talk to Mark the Toy Soldier to exit the room
  • Be careful, the monsters there have very high attack, can't be destroyed and can pierce through Dark Sight

Nemi's First Ingredient

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 28 minimum, Must complete Nemi's Lunchbox Delivery
Nemi can be found in a purple/pink house in Ludibrium Village
Completion Requirements
10 Tasty Cheeses
100 Hamburger
1150 Experience
  • They drop from Ratz on the 100th floor of Eos Tower

Nemi's Second Ingredient

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 28 minimum, Must complete Nemi's First Ingredient
Nemi can be found in a purple/pink house in Ludibrium Village
Completion Requirements
15 Small Eggs
1650 Experience
Lightning Earrings

Nemi's Dilemma

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 28 minimum, Must complete Nemi's Second Ingredient
Nemi can be found in a purple/pink house in Ludibrium Village
Completion Requirements
45 Rat Traps
Level 30 hat for your class (Yellow Starry Bandana if Beginner)
  • Ratz can be found on the upper floors and bottom floors of Eos Tower

Level 30

[edit | edit source]

Cleaning up Eos Tower

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 required, no quest requirement
Marcel can be found in Ludibrium
Completion Requirements
Kill 50 Ratz
1250 experience, 50 Orange Pills, and 50 Blue Pills
  • The Ratz can be found throughout the top few levels of Eos Tower
  • Killing either regular Ratz or the Black Ratz counts as a kill
  • Talk to Marcel for your reward
  • It helps if you are in a party with a few people, because if they are in your party and they kill the monster, it counts as if you killed the monster also.

Cleaning up the Inner Parts of Eos Tower

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Cleaning up Eos Tower
Completion Requirements
Kill Trixters and Dirty Ratz
50 White Pills, 50 Mana Elixir Pills, and 2500 experience
  • Must kill Trixters (the spiders) and Dirty Ratz
  • They can both be found on floor 94 and a few below it

The Drumming Bunny

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 31 minimum, Must complete Just Another Day at Work
Roly Poly 5 can be found on the 60th floor of the Eos Tower
Completion Requirements
Collect 100 Toy Drums
12000 mesos and 3000 experience
  • Kill drum bunnies for their toy drums and return them to Roly Poly 5

Eliminating the Drumming Bunny

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 31 minimum, Must complete The Drumming Bunny
Roly Poly 5 can be found on the 60th floor of the Eos Tower
Completion Requirements
Collect 1000 Toy Drums
4500 experience and level 35 hat for job

Kill drum bunnies for their toy drums and return them to Roly Poly 5

A Delivery to a Lost Time

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 33 minimum, must complete Dollhouse
Olson the Toy Soldier can be found right at the entrance to Eos Tower on the 100th floor.
Grandpa Clock can be found at Lost Time <1> below the toy factory.
Completion Requirements
The Broken Clocktower
Give Grandpa Clock the Pendulum
Grandpa Clock's Crisis
Retrieve All-purpose Clock Spring
Delivering the Pendulum
Talk to Olson the Toy Soldier
The Broken Clocktower
Grandpa Clock's Crisis
2700 experience
Delivering the Pendulum
3100 experience and choice of 60% ATT or M.ATT scroll for weapon for your job

The Broken Clocktower

  • Speak to Olson the Toy Soldier and he will give you back the Pendulum
  • You have to take it to Grandpa Clock who is at Lost Time in the clock tower
  • Once you find him in Lost Time <1> which is several levels down in the Toy Factory he will take the pendulum

Grandpa Clock's Crisis

  • Grandpa Clock will tell you to kill Tick-Tocks till you get an All-purpose Clock Spring
  • Return the spring to him for your reward

Delivering the Pendulum

  • Now you must go talk to Olson the Toy Soldier again to complete the quest

The Clocktower Headache

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 34 minimum, must complete A Delivery to a Lost Time
Grandpa Clock can be found at Lost Time <1> below the toy factory.
Completion Requirements
Kill 100 Ticks
120 Blue Pills, and 4200 experience
  • Talk to Grandpa Clock to start this quest.
  • He wants you to kill 100 Ticks so there will be less of them to cause damage to the clocktower.
  • Talk Grandpa Clock again for your reward

Level 35

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Helping Fix Eos Tower

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 35 minimum, Must complete Just Another Day at Work
Roly-Poly 8 can be found on the 21st floor of the Eos Tower
Completion Requirements
Defeat 30 King Blocktopi
Collect 25 Plastic Crowns
4200 Experience
Level 35 glove for your class (Work Glove for Beginners)
  • Go up one screen and at the bottom kill 30 King Bloctopi that fall down and spawn here. Also collect 25 Plastic Crowns that they drop.

The Clock Workers' Batteries

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 39 minimum, must complete The Clocktower Headache
Grandpa Clock can be found at Lost Time <1> below the toy factory.
Completion Requirements
Collect 200 Cheap Batteries
5800 experience and level 40 Top for your class and gender (level 11 Top for beginners)
  • Talk to Grandpa Clock to initiate this quest
  • He'll ask you to gather 200 cheap batteries to keep the workers in the clocktower running.
  • Robos (found all around the toy factory) drop those batteries
  • Talk to Grandpa Clock again for your reward

Level 40

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Fixing Eos Tower

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Level 40 minimum, Must complete Just Another Day at Work
Roly-Poly 10 can be found on the 3rd floor of the Eos Tower
Completion Requirements
30 Yellow Toy Blocks
15 Blue Toy Blocks
5300 Experience
Random Green, Blue, Red, White, or Black Napoleon
  • Dropped by Block Golems and King Block Golems
  • Best to do this quest at the same time as Eos Tower Threatened! since both require killing Block Golems and King Block Golems.

Cleaning Up the Outer Parts of Eos Tower

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, level 30 minimum, must complete Cleaning Up the Inner Parts of Eos Tower
Completion Requirements
Kill 30 Tweeters and 30 Propellys
4000 experience and 50 Elixirs
  • This quest is best to do at the same time as Nemi's Second Ingredient and Just Another Day at Work since you must go down all the way for both of them.
  • Tweeters can be found on floors 6, 7, and 21, though they are most common on 6 and 7.
  • Propellys can be found on floors 24, 25, and 57 to 59. Floor 25 is pretty good for finding them but 57 and 58 are the best.

Eos Tower Threatened!

[edit | edit source]
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Completion Requirements
Kill 25 Block Golems, and 15 King Block Golems
5500 EXP and random 60% weapon scroll
  • Good to do this quest at the same time as Fixing Eos Tower since you need to kill the same enemies

Peace at Eos Tower

[edit | edit source]
, ,
Completion Requirements
Kill Rombot
7200 EXP, 10% or 60% Scroll for Gloves for Attack
  • Found on 8th floor of Eos Tower in a hidden room
  • Hidden room is halfway up the map and looks like a door surrounded by yellow screws, very hard to miss
  • Both of the rewards are worth over 1 million mesos (the 60% Scroll is worth upwards of 2 million), so this quest should be taking into consideration.

The Missing Mechanical Parts

[edit | edit source]
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Completion Requirements
10/60% Scroll for Shoes for Jump or 10/60% Scroll for Shoes for Speed
  • Cheng can be found at Toy Factory <Process 1> Zone 1
  • Talk to him.( not by pressing the quest part, the etc. part )
  • Only one person is allowed inside at a time

Rocky's Parts

[edit | edit source]
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Rocky can be found at Toy Factory <Main Process 2>
Completion Requirements
Get 50 cogs and 30 screws
30 Speed Pills and 2950 EXP
  • You need to either make or buy the screws
  • Chronos, Platoon Chronos, and Master Chronos drop the cogs.
  • From <Main Process 2> go down one and left one to find Chronos, go left again to find Platoon Chronos.

Assembling a Toy

[edit | edit source]
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Hans the Assembler can be found at Toy Factory <Process 2> Zone 2
Completion Requirements
Get 30 cheap batteries, 20 mechanical hearts and 30 cogs
3 Toy Robot Sacks, 5850 EXP
  • From Ludibrium, go into the toy factory, and down two levels to <Main Process 2>. From there, go left (I think) and you find him.
  • the batteries drop from the blue robots, and the hearts drop from the red robots. The cogs drop from all the types of Chronoses and you need them for multiple quests.

Mac the Mechanic's Maintenance Manual

[edit | edit source]
, ,
Mac can be found at Toy Factory <Process 2> Zone 5
Completion Requirements
Retrieve the Manual
5 Toy Trojan Sacks, 6200 EXP
  • After talking to him, hit the small blue boxes with a star on them in Toy Factory <Process 2> Zone 4
  • One of them will move you to a new map called Secret factory
  • There are two maps with this name, one has boxes that do not spawn Toy Trojans.
  • If you are on the quest, There should be lots of Toy Trojans around the place
  • Each Box you hit will spawn 9 Toy Trojans
  • Kill the Toy Trojans, and one of them should drop the manual( a purple eos rock scroll )
  • Note: If you are not on the quest you will NOT see toy trojans around the place

Level 45

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Level 50

[edit | edit source]

Level 45

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Level 60

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Mason the Collector

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Must be above level 60, no quest requirement
Mason the Collector is found in one of the houses in the Ludibrium Village.
Completion Requirements
11 Aurora Marbles
50 Lazy Buffy's Marbles
Either a Power, DEX, Wisdom, Luck, or Dark Crystal Ore, or a Gold or Orichalcon Plate or a Moon Rock or a Panda Teddy & Pink Teddy, Panda Teddy & Trixter, or Blocktopus & Pink Teddy Omok Set
either a random Weapon Production Manual (excluding one handed swords, blunt weapons, or axes) or ''Wooden Tops
40700 experience
  • Aurora Marbles and Lazy Buffy's Marbles are dropped by Lazy Buffies, who are located in Warped Path of Time <1>.
    • Note: Aurora Marbles are quest drops that only drop after you begin the quest.

Free Spirit

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Must be above level 62, no quest requirement
Ghosthunter Bob is located at Forgotten Path of Time <1>.
Completion Requirements
100 Free Spirits
35000 experience
  • Free Spirits are dropped by Master Soul Teddies, who are located in the same map as Ghosthunter Bob, Forgotten Path of Time <1>.

Level 65

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Level 70

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Level 75

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Level 80

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The Binding

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Must be above level 84, no quest requirement
Ghosthunter Bob is located at Forgotten Path of Time <1>.
Completion Requirements
20 Binding Bridles
42000 experience
  • Binding Bridles are dropped by Master Death Teddies, who are located at Lost Time, a Hidden Street map in Forgotten Path of Time <3>.

Level 85

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The Soul Collector

[edit | edit source]
No class requirement, Must be above level 85, Must have completed The Binding.
Ghosthunter Bob is located at Forgotten Path of Time <1>.
Completion Requirements
1 Soul Collector
Kill 20 Spirit Vikings
63000 experience
1 Fame
  • Soul Collectors are dropped by Spirit Vikings, who are located at Warped Path of Time <4>.
  • This quest can be done once every 24 hours.
    • Note: Soul Collectors are a quest drop that only drops after you begin the quest.

Ossyria (Omega Sector)

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Level 10

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Level 15

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Level 20

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Level 25

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Korin's Memory

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 25 minimum, No Quest Requirement
Korin can be found in one of the houses in the Ludibrium Village.
Completion Requirements
5 Pieces of Memory
4700 experience
5500 mesoes
60% Helmet for DEF Scroll


Level 30

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Dr. Kim's Comments

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 30 minimum, Must complete Chief Stan's Letter.
Dr. Kim is in the Omega Sector Command Center
Completion Requirements
20 Space Food
7 Command Center Warp Capsules, 12600 experience, 12000 mesoes, 2 fame
  • Talk to Dr. Kim to start the quest and receive a Blueprint Machine.
  • With the Blueprint Machine in hand, talk to Chury at the top of the Silo to receive 2400 experience.
  • Next, hunt down Barnard Gray and collect 20 of their Space Food.
  • Then, go to Boswell Field III and talk to Hoony. He will give you 2700 experience another quest item, the Laser Gun.
  • Now, go to Boswell Field V and talk to Gunny. He will take the Laser Gun and give you 3000 experience and 7 Command Center Capsules, which allow you to warp to the Command Center from anywhere in Ludibrium.
  • Finally, return to the Command Center (a nearest-town scroll will suffice) and talk to Dr. Kim to complete the quest.

VIP Ticket To Florina Beach

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 30 minimum, No Quest Requirements.
Kevin the Soldier is in Omegs Sector
Completion Requirements
30 Mateon Tentacles
Ripped Travel Ticket [1]
30 Lunar Pixie's Piece of Moon
50 Star Pixie's Piece of Star
3 Diamond
VIP Ticket to Florina Beach, 4500 experience
  • Talk to Kevin The Soldier in Omega Sector: Omega Sector
  • Hunt for 30 Mateons Tentacle andRipped Travel Ticket [1] in the process
  • Give the items requested from Kelvin The Soldier and you will get in return 1 ripped travel ticket 1 and 1 ripped travel ticket 2
  • Go to Ludibrium and Talk to Nana The Tour Guide
  • Buy a Ticket to Orbis and go there and talk to Shuri The Tour Guide
  • Collect 3 diamond and hunt for 30 Lunar Pixies Piece of star and 50 star pixies piece of star
  • Talk to Shuri The Tour Guide with the items needed.

Supplying the Robotic Parts

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 30 minimum, Must complete Dr. Kim's Comments.
Dr. Kim is in the Omega Sector Command Center.
Completion Requirements
7 Ludibrium Warp Capsules, 3200 experience
  • Talk to Dr. Kim to start the quest.
  • Work your way to the Toy Factory in Ludibrium, and head left to meet Assistant Cheng.
  • Talk to Assistant Cheng to receive 3 boxes of Parts and 1600 experience.
  • Now, return to Dr. Kim and turn in the parts to get 3200 experience and 7 Ludibrium Warp Capsules which allow you to return to Ludibrium from anywhere on the subcontinent.

Retrieving the Robotic Parts

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 30 minimum, Supplying the Robotic Parts
Dr. Kim is in the Omega Sector Command Center
Completion Requirements
Box of Parts #1 - from Hidden Street: Plateon Field
Box of Parts #2 - from Hidden Street: Mecateon Field
Box of Parts #3 - from Hidden Street: Mateon Field
3 Command Center Warp Capsule
3 Ludibrium Warp Capsule
4200 experience
  • Portal to Hidden Street: Mateon Field is found Boswell Field III
  • Portal to Hidden Street: Plateon Field is found Boswell Field IV
  • Portal to Hidden Street: Mecateon Field is found Boswell Field V

Hoony's Toothache

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 31 minimum, Must complete Dr. Kim's Comments.
Hoony is at Boswell Field III.
Completion Requirements
1 Pain Reliever'
3 60% Pet Equip for Speed Scrolls, 3000 experience
  • In preparation for this quest, buy 1 Pain Reliever at the store in the Silo for 3000 mesos.
  • Talk to Hoony to start this quest, and assuming you already have the Pain Reliever, talk to him again to finish the quest.

The Ore of Dark Crystal

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 31 minimum, No Quest Requirement
General Maestro is just outside the building containing the Command Center.
Completion Requirements
20 Dull Crystal'
13000 mesoes, 3800 experience
  • Talk to General Maestro to begin the quest.
  • Head to the 70-74th floors of the Eos Tower and hunt down the Drum Bunnies to collect 20 Dull Crystal.
  • Once done, talk to General Maestro again to receive 3800 experience and 13000 mesos.

Where's the Power of Origin?

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 31 minimum, Must have completed The Ore of Dark Crystal
General Maestro is just outside the building containing the Command Center.
Completion Requirements
Gray's Document
15000 mesoes, 4200 experience
  • Talk to General Maestro to begin the quest.
  • Head to Kulan Field II and break the boxes until a Gray's Document is found.
  • Return to General Maestro and hand in the Gray's Document to receive 4200 experience and 15000 mesos.

Terminating the Dark Force

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 31 minimum, Must have completed Where's the Power of Origin?
General Maestro is just outside the building containing the Command Center.
Completion Requirements
30 Dull Crystal
10 Dark Crystal Ores
10% or 60% Scroll for Overall DEX, INT, or LUK, 5800 experience
  • Talk to General Maestro to begin the quest.
  • Once again, head to the 57-60th floors of the Eos Tower and hunt down the Drum Bunnies to collect 30 Dull Crystal. Also, collect 10 Dark Crystal Ore, either from the Drum Bunnies or bought from other players.
  • Talk to General Maestro with all the items to finish the quest.

Level 35

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Where is Dogon's HQ?

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No Class Requirement, level 35 minimum, Must complete Dr. Kim's Comments.
Chury is at the top of the Silo.
Completion Requirements
Dogon's Report
Cat's Eye earrings
5700 experience
1500 mesoes
  • Head to Kulan Field V and take a hidden portal in the top of the left tree to reach the Entrance to Dogon's HQ.
  • Hold up while walking to the left to be teleported to the top of the map.
  • Now, assuming that the pillars are numbered from 1 on, left to right, climb to the top of pillar number 4 and press up to be warped to the top of pillar 2. Press up again to enter Dogon's HQ.
  • In here, decipher the pattern (left-middle-right) of blocks that will bring you to the top.
  • The correct pattern is <<Bottom, Bottom, Right, Left, Right, Left, Bottom, Left>>.
  • Once at the top, break the box until a Dogon's Report drops.

Eliminating Grays

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 37 minimum, No Quest Requirement
Black Mesoranger is at Kulan Field I.
Completion Requirements
Kill 30 Bernard Grays
100 Mana Elixir Pills
5400 experience

The Alarm Clock

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 38 minimum, No Quest Requirement
Pink Mesoranger is at Boswell Field II.
Completion Requirements
20 Table Clocks
50 Dried Squid
4200 experience

Assembling the Alarm Clock

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 38 minimum, Must have completed The Alarm Clock
Pink Mesoranger is at Boswell Field II.
Completion Requirements
10 Table Clocks
10 Cogs
2 Special Battery
50 Fat Sausage
5500 experience
  • Special Battery is only dropped by Master Robos (the red robots) after having started this quest.

Delivering the Alarm Clock

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 38 minimum, Must have completed Assembling the Alarm Clock
Pink Mesoranger is at Boswell Field II.
Completion Requirements
3 Command Center Warp Capsules
3 Ludibrium Warp Capsules
3700 experience
  • Talk to Pink Mesoranger once again.
  • Now, talk to Kevin the Soldier in the main Omega Sector area. He will give you 500 experience and a Super Alarm Clock.
  • Return the Super Alarm Clock to the Pink Mesoranger.

Level 40

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The Antidote

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 40 minimum, No Quest Requirement
Rice the Medic is at the main Omega Sector area, below the East exit.
Completion Requirements
1500 Mateon Tentacles
50 Holy Water
50 All-Cure Potions
50 Elixirs
50 Power Elixirs
a pair of level 40 shoes for your class.
total of 27500 experience
  • There are two ways to do this quest:
  1. Hunt down the Mateon's Tentacles required in the amounts stated. (Good idea if Mateons are difficult)
  2. Hunt down all the Mateon's Tentacles required at once. (recommended)
  • Due to the large number of Mateon's Tentacles required for the quest, it is recommended to go to Mateon Field, a Hidden Street located in a rock in Boswell Field III.

Eliminating Mateon

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 41 minimum, No Quest Requirements]]
Green Mesoranger is at Boswell Field IV.
Completion Requirements
Kill 100 Mateons
5100 experience
20000 mesoes
  • You can find Mateons easiest at the nearby Mateon Field, a Hidden Street located in the rock in Boswell Field III.
  • It is recommended that you do this quest at the same time as The Antidote

Eliminating Plateon

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 41 minimum, Must have completed Eliminating Mateon
Green Mesoranger is at Boswell Field IV.
Completion Requirements
100 Plateon Helmets
5600 experience
50 Orange Juice
  • You can find Plateons easiest at the Plateon Field, a Hidden Street contained inside the wreckage at the botom of Boswell Field IV.

Eliminating Plateon and Mecateon

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirement, level 41 minimum, Must have completed Eliminating Plateon
Green Mesoranger is at Boswell Field IV.
Completion Requirements
150 Mecateon's Laser Gun
Kill 200 Plateons
6100 experience
Level 40 gloves for your class.
  • You can find Plateons easiest at the Plateon Field, a Hidden Street contained inside the wreckage at the bottom of Boswell Field IV.
  • Mecateon are best found in the Mecateon Field, a Hidden Street contained in Boswell Field V.

Eliminating Chief Gray

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirements, level 43 minimum, Must have completed Eliminating Grays.
Black Mesoranger is at Kulan Field I.
Completion Requirements
3 Notes
5800 experience
25000 mesoes
  • Chief Grays appear at Kulan Field V, Kulan Field IV, and Barnard Field, a hidden street located in a meteor, bottom-center of Kulan Field III. Notes are a semi-common drop from them, much like Slime Bubbles are for Slimes.

Trading with Alien Gray

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirements, level 44 minimum, No Quest Requirements
Alien Gray is at Kulan Field II.
Completion Requirements
3 Secret Documents
3 Alien Sacks
3400 experience
  • Secret Documents are found by breaking boxes in the Silo

The Effort to Make-Up

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirements, level 44 minimum, Must have completed Trading with Alien Gray
Yellow Mesoranger is at Off-Limits.
Completion Requirements
Defeat 120 Ultra Grays
Pansy Earrings
5700 experience
  • Ultra Grays can be easily found in Kulan Field V

Level 45

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The History of Zeta Leticulan

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirements, level 45 minimum, Must have completed Eliminating Chief Gray
Black Mesoranger is at Kulan Field I.
Completion Requirements
Barnard Gray's Cell
Zeta Gray's Cell
Ultra Gray's Cell
Chief Gray's Cell
10% Scroll for a weapon of your class.
6200 experience
  • Cells are gained by killing their respective monster.
  • Barnard Grays are best found at Barnard Field, a Hidden Street located at a meteorite, center-bottom of Kulan Field III.
  • Zeta Grays are found at pretty much all five of the Kulan Fields.
  • Ultra Grays are most common at Kulan Field V but may also appear at Kulan Field III and IV.
  • Chief Grays ( Boss and summons Barnard Gray) appear at Kulan Field V, Kulan Field IV, and Barnard Field.

Chief Gray's Sign

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirements, level 47 minimum, Must have completed Dr. Kim's Comments
Gunny is at Boswell Field V.
Completion Requirements
5 Chief Gray's Sign
100 Fat Sausage
5200 experience
  • Chief Gray's Signs are a semi-rare drop from Chief Grays.
  • Chief Grays appear at Kulan Field V, Kulan Field IV, and Barnard Field, a hidden street located in a meteor, bottom-center of Kulan Field III.

Level 50

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Fuel for MT-09

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirements, level 50 minimum, No Quest Requirements
Kay is at the bottom of the Silo.
Completion Requirements
5 MT-09's Fuel
50 Screws
5800 experience
  • At the top-left of Boswell Field VI, there is a rock which, when used like a portal, will warp you to the top of the map. The plant at this point will bring you to the Hidden Street "Defeat Monsters".

The Control Program for Rombot

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirements, level 50 minimum, Must have completed Fuel for MT-09
Kay is at the bottom of the Silo.
Completion Requirements
4 Rombot Memory Cards
3 Command Center Warp Capsules
6300 experience
  • Talk to Kay.
  • Go to the Command Center and talk to Porter. He will ask you to get him 3 Rombot's Memory Cards to make 3 Deciphered Memory Cards for Kay.
  • Go to the Eos Tower 8th Floor and use the hidden portal (located on the background insignia) to reach the Hidden Tower.
  • Once there, hunt down Rombots to get a total of 4 (yes, four) Rombot's Memory Cards.
  • Return to Porter and talk to him to hand in 3 Rombot's Memory Cards and receive 500 experience.
  • However, Porter only returns 2 Deciphered Memory Cards. Why? Apparently Porter accidently destroyed the third.(shame on him) Now you have to go back and get him another Rombot's Memory Card, unless you took the advice above and hunted a fourth while you were there.
  • In either case, give Porter another Rombot's Memory Card and he will give you the final Deciphered Memory Card.

The Missing Dropship

[edit | edit source]
No Class Requirements, level 50 minimum, Must have completed The Control Program for Rombot
Porter is at the Command Center.
Completion Requirements
Red-Hearted Earrings
9300 experience
  • Talk to Porter, then go to the Silo to talk to Kay and gain 2500 experience.
  • Now, head to the Plateon Field again, located in the wreckage at the bottom of Boswell Field IV.
  • There is no NPC icon on the minimap, but the Dropship is still here, at the far left end of the map, at middle height. Inspect it to receive the Pilot's Letter.
  • Talk to Kay once again to receive 6800 experience and Red-Hearted Earrings.

Special Events Quest

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Anniversary: Birthday Present (Red)

[edit | edit source]
No jobs specifications, No min. Lvl requirement, No quest requirements
Maple Administrator in Henesys
Completion Requirements
Hunt for 1 Red Birthday Present (rare drop from low level monsters)
Blue, White, Red or Yellow Maple Bandana or Birthday Cake
  • Talk to the Maple Administrator again to get the reward.

Anniversary: Birthday Present (Blue)

[edit | edit source]
No jobs specifications, lvl 31 minimum, No quest requirements
Maple Administrator in Henesys
Completion Requirements
Hunt for 1 Blue Birthday Present from cake monsters
Blue, White, Red or Yellow Maple Bandana or Birthday Cake
  • Talk to the Maple Administrator again to get the reward.

Anniversary: Cody's Quest

[edit | edit source]
No jobs requirements, No Lvl. requirements, No quest requirements
Cody in Henesys
Completion Requirements
Hunt for 10 Birthday Candles from Candle Monsters and Cake Monsters(you must have 10 free spaces available)
Maple Flag
  • Talk to Cody again to get the reward

Easter: Easter Basket

[edit | edit source]
No jobs requirements, Lvl 8 minimum, No quests requirements
Maple Administrator in Henesys
Completion Requirements
Hunt for 100 Squishy Liquids 100 Tree Branches and get a Red Ribbon from the Cash Shop for 1 meso.
800 Experience
Easter Basket
  • This was for a limited time only and cannot be done anymore
  • This was also not available in MapleSea

Easter: Mad Bunny's Easter(Green)

[edit | edit source]
No jobs requirements, Lvl 30 minimum, Must have completed Easter: Easter Basket
Mad Bunny in Henesys, Orbis or Ludibrium
Completion Requirements
Hunt for 10 Green Easter Eggs from Fire Boars, Curse Eyes, Jr. Wraiths, Star Pixies, Jr. Grupins, Jr. Cellions, Jr. Lioners, Lupins, Lorangs, Copper Drakes, and Cold Eyes.
4300 Experience
Easter Charm
  • This was for a limited time only and cannot be done anymore
  • This was also not available in MapleSea

Easter: Mad Bunny's Easter(Yellow)

[edit | edit source]
No jobs requirements, Lvl 8-29 inclusively, Must have completed Easter: Easter Basket
Mad Bunny in Henesys, Orbis or Ludibrium
Completion Requirements
Hunt for 10 Yellow Easter Eggs from Red Snails, Blue Snails, Slimes, Ribbon Pigs, Stumps, Pigs, Horny Mushroom, and Axe Stumps
3100 Experience
Easter Charm
  • This was for a limited time only and cannot be done anymore
  • This was also not available in MapleSea

Valentine's Day: Heart Chocolate

[edit | edit source]
No jobs requirements, Lvl 8 minimum, No quests requirements
Ace of Hearts in Henesys, Orbis, or Ludibrium
Completion Requirements
Hunt for 1 White Chocolate and 1 Dark Chocolate
Buy 1 Heart Box and 1 Gold Ribbon from Coco.
800 Experience
1 fame
Heart Chocolate
  • This quest was repeatable once every hour, rewards stayed the same.
  • This was for a limited time only and cannot be done anymore

Valentine's Day: Chocolate Basket

[edit | edit source]
No jobs requirements, Lvl 8 minimum, Must complete Valentine's Day: Heart Chocolate
Ace of Hearts in Henesys, Orbis, or Ludibrium
Completion Requirements
Hunt for 1 White Chocolate and 1 Dark Chocolate
Buy 1 Basket and 1 Cover Material from Coco.
1800 Experience
3 fame
Chocolate Basket
  • This was for a limited time only and cannot be done anymore

List of quests without guides

[edit | edit source]

If you are not sure how to use the quest template above, add information here below the relevant quest and someone else will properly format it for you. To indent a line, begin it with a colon (:).

Victoria Island
  • "Mar" the Fairy and the Water of Life
  • Beat the Heat <Easy>
  • Eliminate Monsters from the Site
  • Estelle and the Syrup
  • Fanzy the Amusing Cat
  • Fanzy the Mysterious Cat (Level 10)
  • Independence Day : Cody's Barbecue Party
  • John's Last Present (Level 60)
Click for walkthrough
  • Notice from the Excavation Team (Level ?)
  • Planting Trees (Level ?)
  • Sabitrama's Anti-Aging Medicine (Level 50)
Click for walkthrough
  • Seeking the Town Down There... (Level ?)
  • Shawn the Excavator's Request (Level ?)
  • Shumi's Lost Sack Of Money (Level 40)
Click for walkthrough
  • Teo's reminiscence (Level 10)
  • Hughes's Research Material (Level 35)
  • The View of the Ocean
Talk to Kriel the Fairy in the Orbis Potion Shop
Go to Aqua Road and talk to Muse' in the Zoo
Go to El Nath and talk to Alcaster on the right side of the market
Hunt for 100 Snow Crystals from Leatty and Dark Leatty
Talk to Alcaster again to receive the Snow Crystal Sphere
Go back to Muse and trade the sphere for the Photo Album(that might not be the exact name I forgot it)
Head back to Orbis and talk to Kriel
Reward : Totally forgot Lol