Latin/Lesson 9-Poem

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Intro: 12
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A Poem by Catullus

I. ad Cornelium

cui dono lepidum nouum libellum
arida modo pumice expolitum.
Corneli tibi namque tu solebas
meas esse aliquid putare nugas
iam tum cum ausus es unus Italorum
omne aeuum tribus explicare cartis
doctis Iuppiter et laboriosis.
quare habe tibi quidquid hoc libelli
qualecumque quidem est. patroni et ergo
plus uno maneat perenne saeclo.

1. to Cornelius

To whom do I send this fresh little book
of wit, lately polished dry with pumice stone?
To you, Cornelius: since you were accustomed
to consider my trifles worth something
even then, when you alone of Italians
dared to explain all the ages, in three learned
works, by Jupiter, and with the greatest labour.
Then take this little book for your own: whatever
it is, and is worth: virgin Muse, patroness,
let it last, for more lives than one.


Title: ad Cornelium

Ad is a Preposition meaning "to" and therefore never changes case. The name Cornelius is a second declension masculine noun. Names are declined the same as any other noun. You need only decline the singular since there is only one Cornelius.

Nom. Cornelius
Voc. Corneli
Acc. Cornelium
Gen. Cornelii
Dat. Cornelio
Abl. Cornelio

The translation is "To Cornelius". The Preposition "ad" is only used with the Accusative Case. The Accusative Case is the same as the English Object Case.

Second declension male names ending ‘ius’ have the double ‘ii’ form in the genitive.

Line One: Cui dono lepidum nouum libellum?