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Беларуская мова (Belarusian)
(c. 8 million native speakers)
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian .
The Belarusian meaning ‘answer’ is unique.
The meaning ‘denial’ (адмова) is attested in R. отказ .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
has additional meanings in the language of about 250 million native speakers of Russian .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
is a complete false friend for about 100.5 million native speakers of Ukrainian , Polish , Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian ;
is a true friend for about 260 million native speakers of Russian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Serbian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘novelette’ is shared by R. повесть , Mk. повест , Bg. повест .
The meaning ‘novel’ (раман) is attested in Ukr. повість , Pol. powieść .
The meaning ‘history’ (гісторыя) is attested in Cr. povijest , Bo. povijest .
The meaning ‘fame, reputation’ (рэпутацыя, пашана) is attested in Cz. pověst , Slk. povesť .
The meaning ‘legend’ (падание, быліна) is attested in Cz. pověst , Slk. povesť , Sln. povest .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian .
The Belarusian meaning ‘to plough’ is unique.
The meaning ‘to scream’ (галасіць) is attested in R. орать .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 288 million speakers of Russian , Polish .
The Belarusian meaning ‘old woman’ is shared by R. бабка , Pol. babka , Bg. бабка .
The Belarusian meaning ‘a cake’ is shared by Pol. babka .
The Belarusian meaning ‘rough boletus (a mushroom)’ is unique.
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk.]
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian .
The Belarusian meaning ‘rich man’ is unique.
The meaning ‘muscled hero’ (волат, асілак) is attested in R. богатырь .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian .
The Belarusian meaning ‘bad’ is unique.
The meaning ‘good’ (добры) is attested in R. благой .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian .
The Belarusian meaning ‘very large’’ is unique.
The meaning ‘wild’ (вар’яцкі, буйный) is attested in R. буйный .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
is a complete false friend for about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 325 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘roll, white bread’ is shared by R. булка , Ukr. булка , Pol. bułka .
The meaning ‘bride’ (нявеста, нарачоная) is attested in Bg. булка .
The meaning ‘young woman’ (дзяўчына) is attested in Bg. булка .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk.]
is a complete false friend for about 277.5 million native speakers of Russian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian ;
is a true friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln.]
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian ;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘birch sap’ is unique.
The meaning ‘rough boletus (a mushroom)’ (падбярозавік) is attested in R. берёзовик .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘party, ceremony’ is unique.
The meaning ‘talk’ (гутарка) is attested in R. беседа , Pol. biesiada , Bg. беседа .
The meaning ‘word’ (слова) is attested in Sln. beseda .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk.]
is a complete false friend for about 35.5 million native speakers of Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 2 million native speakers of Macedonian ;
is a true friend for about 333 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘enemy’ is shared by R. враг , Ukr. ворог , Pol. wróg , Mk. враг , Bg. враг .
The meaning ‘devil, demon’ (чорт) is attested in Sln. vrag , Cr. vrag , Bo. vrag , Sb. враг , Mk. враг .
The meaning ‘murderer’ (забойца) is attested in Cz. vrah , Slk. vrah .
The meaning ‘slyboots, smartie’ (хітрун) is attested in Mk. враг .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
выго да
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian .
The Belarusian meaning ‘comfort’ is unique.
The meaning ‘profit’ (вы гада) is attested in R. вы года .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
has additional meanings in the language of about 16 million native speakers of Czech , Slovak ;
is a true friend for about 287 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘exit’ is shared by R. выход , Ukr. вихід , Cz. východ , Slk. východ .
The meaning ‘east’ (усход) is attested in Cz. východ , Slk. východ .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian .
The Belarusian meaning ‘wedding’ is unique.
The meaning ‘fun, joy’ (весялосьць) is attested in R. веселье .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
is a complete false friend for about 55.5 million native speakers of Polish , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian ;
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 45 million speakers of Ukrainian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘dialect’ is shared by R. говор , Ukr. говір , Bg. говор .
The Belarusian meaning ‘talking’ is shared by R. говор .
The meaning ‘speech’ (мова) is attested in Cr. govor , Bo. govor , Sb. говор , Bg. говор .
The meaning ‘noise’ (шум) is attested in Pol. gwar .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk.]
is a complete false friend for about 27.5 million native speakers of Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 250 million speakers of Russian ;
is a true friend for about 91 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘hour’ is shared by Ukr. година , Pol. godzina , Cz. hodina , Slk. hodina .
The Belarusian meaning ‘time, hour (poet.)’ (гадзіна, час) is shared by R. година , Ukr. година, час , Pol. godzina, czas , Cz. hodina, čas , Slk. hodina, čas .
The meaning ‘year’ (год) is attested in Cr. godina , Bo. godina , Sb. година , Mk. година , Bg. година .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Slovak ;
is a true friend for about 354.5 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Macedonian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘mountain’ is shared by R. гора , Ukr. гора , Pol. góra , Cz. hora , Slk. hora , Sln. gora , Cr. gora , Bo. gora , Sb. гора .
The meaning ‘forest’ (лес) is attested in Slk. hora , Bg. гора .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian , Polish ;
is a true friend for about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘pumpkin’ is shared by Ukr. гарбуз .
The meaning ‘watermelon’ (арбуз) is attested in R. арбуз , Pol. arbuz .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln.]
is a complete false friend for about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian ;
is a true friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘town’ is shared by R. город .
The meaning ‘vegetable garden’ (агарод) is attested in Ukr. город .
[NB: No information yet for Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
is a complete false friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian ;
is a true friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘positive’ is shared by Ukr. додатний , Pol. dodatni .
The meaning ‘additional’ (дадатковы) is attested in Cr. dodatni , Bo. dodatni , Sb. додатни .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Sln., Mk.]
is a complete false friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian , Polish ;
is a true friend for about 277.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech, Slovak.
The Belarusian meaning ‘palace’ is shared by R. дворец , Cr. dvorac , Bo. dvorac , Sb. дворац , Mk. дворец , Bg. дворец .
The meaning ‘railway station’ (вакзал) is attested in Ukr. двірець , Pol. dworzec .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Sln.]
is a complete false friend for about 46 million native speakers of Polish , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 287 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘thought’ (думка, дума) is shared by R. дума (arch.), мысль , Ukr. дума .
The Belarusian meaning ‘East Slavonic folk song’ is shared by R. дума , Ukr. дума .
The Belarusian meaning ‘parliament’ is shared by R. дума , Ukr. дума .
The meaning ‘word’ (слова) is attested in Bg. дума .
The meaning ‘pride’ (гордасць) is attested in Pol. duma .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln.]
is a complete false friend for about 285.5 million native speakers of Russian , Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian ;
is a true friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘carpet’ is shared by Pol. dywan .
The meaning ‘settee, sofa’ (канапа) is attested in R. диван , Cz. divan , Slk. diván , Sln. divan , Cr. divan , Bo. divan , Sb. диван .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘wife’ is shared by R. жена , Pol. żona , Cz. žena , Slk. žena , Sln. žena , Cr. žena , Bo. žena , Sb. жена , Mk. жена , Bg. жена .
The meaning ‘woman’ (жанчына) is attested in Ukr. жінка , Cz. žena , Slk. žena , Sln. žena, ženska , Cr. žena , Bo. žena , Sb. жена , Mk. жена , Bg. жена .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 82.5 million speakers of Ukrainian , Kashubian , Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish.
The Belarusian meaning ‘belly, body’ is shared by R. живот , Ukr. живіт , Pol. brzuch, żywot , Sln. život .
The Belarusian meaning ‘life’ (жывот (arch.), жыццё) is shared by R. живот (arch.), жизнь , Pol. żywot, życie , Ka. żëwot, żëcé , Cz. život , Slk. život , Cr. život , Bo. život , Sb. живот , Mk. живот , Bg. живот .
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 48 million native speakers of Polish , Czech ;
is a true friend for about 262 million native speakers of Russian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘to memorize’ is shared by R. запомнить , Sln. zapomniti , Mk. запомни , Bg. запомня .
The meaning ‘to forget’ (забыць) is attested in Pol. zapomnieć , Cz. zapomenout .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 21.5 million native speakers of Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian ;
is a true friend for about 16 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘eyesight’ is shared by Cz. zrak , Slk. zrak .
The meaning ‘air’ (паветра) is attested in Sln. zrak , Cr. zrak , Bo. zrak .
The meaning ‘ray, beam’ (прамень) is attested in Sb. зрак , Mk. зрак .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 6 million native speakers of Croatian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 364.5 million native speakers of Russian , Ukrainian , Polish , Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 326.5 million speakers of Russian , Ukrainian , Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian .
The Belarusian meaning ‘to play (theatre)’ is shared by R. играть , Pol. grać , Cz. hrát , Slk. hrať , Sln. igrati , Mk. игра , Bg. играя .
The Belarusian meaning ‘to play (music)’ is shared by R. играть , Ukr. грати , Pol. grać , Cz. hrát , Slk. hrať , Sln. igrati .
The Belarusian meaning ‘to dance’ is shared by Pol. grać , Bo. igrati , Sb. играти , Mk. игра , Bg. играя .
The meaning ‘to play (a game)’ (гуляць) is attested in R. играть , Ukr. грати , Pol. grać , Cz. hrát , Slk. hrať , Sln. igrati , Cr. igrati , Bo. igrati , Sb. играти , Mk. игра , Bg. играя .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 48 million native speakers of Polish , Czech ;
is a true friend for about 304.5 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘prince, duke’ is shared by R. князь , Ukr. князь , Cr. knez , Bo. knez , Sb. кнез .
The meaning ‘priest’ (святар) is attested in Pol. ksiądz , Cz. kněz .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 66.5 million native speakers of Ukrainian , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 2 million speakers of Macedonian ;
is a true friend for about 266 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovak.
The Belarusian meaning ‘edge’ is shared by R. край , Ukr. край , Cz. kraj , Slk. kraj , Sln. kraj , Cr. kraj , Bo. kraj , Sb. крај , Bg. край .
The Belarusian meaning ‘region’ is shared by R. край , Ukr. край , Cz. kraj , Slk. kraj , Sln. kraj , Cr. kraj , Bo. kraj , Sb. крај , Mk. крај , Bg. край .
The meaning ‘country’ (краіна) is attested in Ukr. край , Pol. kraj .
The meaning ‘end’ (канец) is attested in Ukr. край , Sln. kraj , Cr. kraj , Bo. kraj , Sb. крај , Mk. крај , Bg. край .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 258 million native speakers of Russian , Bulgarian ;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedo-nian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘flower’ (краска (colloq.), кветка) is unique.
The meaning ‘paint’ (фарба) is attested in R. краска , Bg. краска .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln.]
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 349 million speakers of Russian , Ukrainian , Polish , Czech , Slovak , Bulgarian ;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 2 million native speakers of Slovenian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 304 million native speakers of Russian , Polish , Czech , Slovak ;
is a true friend for about 64.5 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘summer’ is shared by R. лето , Ukr. літо , Pol. lato , Cz. léto , Slk. leto , Cr. ljeto , Bo. ljeto , Sb. лето , Mk. лето , Bg. лято .
The meaning ‘year (in the sg.)’ (год) is attested in Sln. leto .
The meaning ‘year (in the plural), e.g. 30 years’ (год (30 гадоў)) is attested in R. лето (30 лет) , Pol. lato (30 lat) , Cz. léto (30 lét) , Slk. leto (30 let) , Sln. leto (30 let) .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 6 million native speakers of Croatian ;
is a true friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘July’ is shared by Ukr. липень , Pol. lipiec .
The meaning ‘June’ (чэрвень) is attested in Cr. lipanj .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 327.5 million speakers of Russian , Polish , Kashubian , Czech , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 43 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Slovak.
The Belarusian meaning ‘letter’ (ліст, пісьмо) is shared by Ukr. лист , Pol. list , Ka. lëst , Slk. list .
The Belarusian meaning ‘sheet of paper’ (ліст, аркуш) is shared by R. лист , Ukr. лист , Cz. list , Slk. list , Sln. list , Cr. list , Bo. list , Sb. лист , Mk. лист , Bg. лист .
The Belarusian meaning ‘leaf’ is shared by R. лист , Ukr. лист , Ka. lëst , Cz. list , Slk. list , Sln. list , Cr. list , Bo. list , Sb. лист , Mk. лист , Bg. лист .
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Croatian ;
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 283.5 million speakers of Russian , Upper Sorbian , Slovak , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 87 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘November’ is shared by Ukr. листопад , Pol. listopad , USo. listopad , Cz. listopad , Sln. listopad .
The Belarusian meaning ‘falling of leaves’ is shared by R. листопад , Ukr. листопад , Pol. listopad , Cz. listopad , Slk. listopad , Sln. listopad , Cr. listopad , Bo. listopad , Sb. листопад , Mk. листопад , Bg. листопад .
The meaning ‘October’ (кастрычнік) is attested in Cr. listopad .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo.]
has additional meanings in the language of about 250 million native speakers of Russian ;
is a true friend for about 27.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedo-nian, Bulgarian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish.
The Belarusian meaning ‘tobacco pipe’ is shared by R. люлька (редко), трубка , Cr. lula , Bo. lula , Sb. лула , Mk. луле , Bg. лула .
The meaning ‘cradle’ (калыска) is attested in R. люлька .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln.]
is a complete false friend for about 27.5 million native speakers of Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Polish, Slovenian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘gym shirt’ is shared by R. майка .
The meaning ‘mother’ (маці) is attested in Cr. majka , Bo. majka , Sb. мајка , Mk. мајка , Bg. майка .
The meaning ‘dam, female animal’ (матка) is attested in Mk. мајка , Bg. майка .
The meaning ‘nut (to screw on a bolt)’ (гайка) is attested in Bg. майка .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk.]
has additional meanings in the language of about 10 million native speakers of Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 360.5 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘mass’ is shared by R. масса , Ukr. маса , Pol. masa , Cz. masa , Slk. masa , Sln. masa , Cr. masa , Bo. masa , Sb. маса , Mk. маса , Bg. маса .
The meaning ‘table’ (стол) is attested in Mk. маса , Bg. маса .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
has additional meanings in the language of about 10 million native speakers of Czech ;
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 351 million speakers of Russian , Ukrainian , Polish , Czech , Slovak , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘mother’ is shared by Pol. matka , Cz. matka , Slk. matka .
The Belarusian meaning ‘womb, uterus’ is shared by R. матка , Ukr. матка , Mk. матка , Bg. матка .
The Belarusian meaning ‘dam, female animal’ is shared by R. матка , Pol. matka .
The meaning ‘nut (to screw on a bolt)’ (гайка) is attested in Cz. matka .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 55.5 million native speakers of Polish , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 2 million native speakers of Macedonian ;
is a true friend for about 305 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘sword’ is shared by R. меч , Ukr. меч , Cz. meč , Mk. меч , Bg. меч .
The meaning ‘match, game’ (матч) is attested in Pol. mecz , Cr. meč , Bo. meč , Sb. меч , Mk. меч .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln.]
has additional meanings in the language of about 65 million native speakers of Ukrainian , Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 305.5 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘husband’ is shared by R. муж , Ukr. муж, чоловік , Pol. mąż , Cz. muž , Slk. muž , Sln. mož , Cr. muž , Bo. muž , Sb. муж , Mk. маж , Bg. мъж .
The meaning ‘man’ (мужчына) is attested in Ukr. муж , Cz. muž , Slk. muž , Sln. mož, moški , Mk. маж , Bg. мъж .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘sudden’ (наглы (reg.), раптоўны) is shared by Ukr. наглий , Pol. nagły , Cz. náhlý , Slk. náhly , Sln. nagel , Cr. nagao , Bo. nagao , Sb. нагао .
The meaning ‘naughty’ (нахабны) is attested in R. наглый , Ukr. нахабний, наглий , Bg. нагъл .
The meaning ‘fast, quick’ (хуткі, борзды) is attested in Sln. nagel .
The meaning ‘vehement, hasty’ (рэзкі, паспешны) is attested in Slk. náhly , Sln. nagel , Cr. nagao , Bo. nagao , Sb. нагао , Mk. нагло .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 27.5 million native speakers of Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 341.0 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘to the right’ is shared by R. направо , Ukr. направо , Pol. na prawo , Ka. w prawo, w prawą , Cz. napravo , Slk. napravo .
The meaning ‘straight on’ (прама, наўпрост, проста) is attested in Cr. pravo , Bo. pravo , Sb. право , Mk. (на)право , Bg. (на) право .
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 23.5 million native speakers of Czech , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian ;
is a true friend for about 97 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘Sunday’ is shared by Ukr. неділя , Pol. niedziela , Cz. neděle , Slk. nedeľa , Sln. nedelja , Cr. nedjelja , Bo. nedjelja , Sb. недеља , Mk. недела , Bg. неделя .
The meaning ‘week’ (тыдзень) is attested in R. неделя , Cz. týden, neděle , Bo. nedjelja, sedmica , Sb. недеља, седмица , Mk. недела .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘room’ is shared by R. покой (arch.), комната , Pol. pokój , Cz. pokoj .
The meaning ‘quiet’ (спакой) is attested in R. покой , Ka. pòkùj , Cz. pokoj , Slk. pokoj , Sln. pokoj , Sb. покој , Mk. покој , Bg. покой .
The meaning ‘peace’ (мір) is attested in Pol. pokój , Ka. pòkùj , Slk. pokoj .
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo., Bo.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘pair’ is shared by R. пара , Ukr. пара , Pol. para .
The Belarusian meaning ‘a couple of, some’ is shared by R. пара , Ukr. пара , Pol. parę .
The Belarusian meaning ‘steam’ is shared by Ukr. пара , Pol. para , Cz. pára , Slk. para , Sln. para , Cr. para , Bo. para , Sb. пара , Mk. пара , Bg. пара .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 332.5 million speakers of Russian , Ukrainian , Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 38.0 million native speakers of Polish, Kashubian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘south’ is shared by Ukr. південь , Pol. południe , Ka. pôłnié .
The Belarusian meaning ‘noon’ is shared by R. полдень , Pol. południe , Ka. pôłnié , Cz. poledne , Slk. poludnie , Sln. poldan , Cr. podne , Bo. podne , Sb. подне , Mk. пладне , Bg. пладне .
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘north’ is shared by Ukr. північ , Pol. północ .
The Belarusian meaning ‘midnight’ is shared by R. полночь , Ukr. північ , Pol. północ , Cz. půlnoc , Slk. polnoc , Sln. polnoč , Cr. ponoć , Bo. ponoć , Sb. поноћ , Mk. полноќ , Bg. полунощ .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 295.5 million speakers of Russian , Kashubian , Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish.
The Belarusian meaning ‘simple, simply’ is shared by R. просто , Ukr. просто , Pol. prosto , Ka. prosto , Cz. prostě , Slk. proste , Sln. prosto , Cr. prosto , Bo. prosto , Sb. просто , Mk. просто , Bg. просто .
The Belarusian meaning ‘straight on’ (проста, прамо, наўпрост) is shared by Ukr. просто , Pol. prosto .
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘motherland, home region’ is shared by R. родина , Bg. родина .
The meaning ‘family’ (сям’я) is attested in Ukr. родина , Pol. rodzina , Cz. rodina , Slk. rodina .
The meaning ‘relations’ (роднасць, сваяцкасць) is attested in Sln. rodbina , Cr. rodbina , Bo. rodbina , Sb. родбина , Mk. родбина .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
does not have all its Belarusian meanings in the mother tongue of about 250 million speakers of Russian ;
is a true friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech, Croatian, Bosnian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘Russian (of the people or the language)’ (расейскі, рускі) is shared by Ukr. російський , Pol. rosyjski .
The Belarusian meaning ‘Russian (of the country or the state)’ (расейскі, рускі) is shared by R. российский , Ukr. російський , Pol. rosyjski .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘Russian’ (рускі, расейскі) is shared by R. русский , Cr. ruski , Bo. ruski , Sb. руски .
The Belarusian meaning ‘Ruthenian, East Slavic’ (рускі, усходнеславянскі) is shared by Ukr. руський , Pol. ruski .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
The Belarusian meaning ‘matter’ is shared by Ukr. річ , Pol. rzecz , Sln. reč .
The meaning ‘word’ (слова) is attested in Cr. riječ , Bo. riječ , Sb. реч .
The meaning ‘speech’ (мова) is attested in R. речь , Cz. řeč , Slk. reč , Mk. реч , Bg. реч .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 28 million native speakers of Czech , Slovak , Serbian , Macedonian ;
is a true friend for about 342.6 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Lower Sorbian, Upper Sorbian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘Slovenian’ is shared by R. словенский , Ukr. словінський , Pol. słoweński , Ka. słowensczi , LSo. słowjeński , USo. słowjenski , Sln. slovenski , Cr. slovenski , Bo. slovenski , Bg. словенски .
The meaning ‘Slovak’ (славацкі) is attested in Cz. slovenský , Slk. slovenský .
The meaning ‘Slavonic’ (славянскі) is attested in Sb. словенски , Mk. словенски .
[NB: Information complete.]
is a complete false friend for about 19.5 million native speakers of Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian ;
is a true friend for about 349 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Macedonian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘word’ is shared by R. слово , Ukr. слово , Pol. słowo , Cz. slovo , Slk. slovo , Bg. слово .
The meaning ‘letter (of the alphabet)’ (літара) is attested in Cr. slovo , Bo. slovo , Sb. слово .
The meaning ‘leave-taking, farewell’ (развітанне) is attested in Sln. slovo .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 37.5 million native speakers of Czech , Slovak , Slovenian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian ;
is a true friend for about 333.0 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘capital’ is shared by R. столица , Ukr. столиця , Pol. stolica , Ka. stolëca , Bg. столица .
The meaning ‘chair’ (крэсла) is attested in Cz. stolice , Slk. stolica , Cr. stolica , Bo. stolica , Sb. столица , Mk. столица .
The meaning ‘professorship’ (кафедра) is attested in Sln. stolica .
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
has additional meanings in the language of about 17.5 million native speakers of Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian ;
is a true friend for about 353 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘a hundred’ is shared by R. сто , Ukr. сто , Pol. sto , Cz. sto , Slk. sto , Sln. sto , Cr. sto , Bo. sto , Sb. сто , Mk. сто , Bg. сто .
The meaning ‘table’ (стол) is attested in Cr. sto , Bo. sto , Sb. сто .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 12 million native speakers of Slovenian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 358.5 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘table’ is shared by R. стол , Ukr. стіл , Pol. stół , Cz. stůl , Slk. stôl , Cr. stol , Bo. sto , Sb. сто .
The meaning ‘chair’ (крэсла) is attested in Sln. stol , Mk. стол , Bg. стол .
The meaning ‘canteen’ (сталоўка, сталовая) is attested in Bg. стол .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 256 million native speakers of Russian , Croatian ;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘January’ is unique.
The meaning ‘November’ (лістапад) is attested in Cr. studeni .
The meaning ‘jelly’ (квашаніна, халадзец) is attested in R. студень .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 48 million native speakers of Polish , Czech ;
is a true friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘seagull’ is shared by R. чайка .
The meaning ‘peewit, lapwing’ (каня) is attested in Pol. czajka , Cz. čejka .
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb., Mk., Bg.]
is a complete false friend for about 271.5 million native speakers of Russian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian , Bulgarian ;
is a true friend for about 93 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Croatian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘time’ is shared by Ukr. час , Pol. czas , Cz. čas , Slk. čas , Sln. čas .
The meaning ‘hour’ (гадзіна) is attested in R. час , Bo. čas , Sb. час , Mk. час , Bg. час .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 10 million native speakers of Czech ;
is a true friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘June’ is shared by Ukr. червень , Pol. czerwiec .
The meaning ‘July’ (ліпень) is attested in Cz. červenec .
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
is a complete false friend for about 57.5 million native speakers of Polish , Kashubian , Croatian , Bosnian , Serbian , Macedonian ;
has additional meanings in the language of about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian ;
is a true friend for about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Bulgarian;
does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech, Slovak, Slovenian.
The Belarusian meaning ‘tyre’ is shared by R. шина , Ukr. шина , Bg. шина .
The meaning ‘rail’ (рэйка) is attested in Ukr. шина , Pol. szyna , Ka. szina , Cr. šina , Bo. šina , Sb. шина , Mk. шина .
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
There is no Belarusian word like R. страна , Ukr. сторона , Pol. strona , Ka. strona , Cz. strana , Slk. strana , Sln. stran , Cr. strana , Bo. strana , Sb. страна , Mk. страна , Bg. страна .
More Belarusian-Slavonic false friends :
Валентина А. Выхото. Немецко-русско-белорусский словарь: омонимия, паронимия, полисемия. Минск 2002.
Валянціна А. Выхота. Беларуска-рускі слоўнік: міжмоўныя амонімы, паронімы і полісемія. Мінск 2004. ISBN 985-6730-48-1 .
Степан Митрофанович Грабчиков. Межъязыковые омонимы и паронимы: Опыт словаря русско-белорусских омонимов и паронимов. Минск 1980.
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