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False Friends of the Slavist/Serbian

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Српски језик (Serbian)

(c. 10 million native speakers)
Словенски лажни другови у српском језику

  • has additional meanings in the language of about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 294 million speakers of Russian, Polish, Croatian;
  • is a true friend for about 1.5 million native speakers of Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘grandmother’ (баба, бака) is shared by Bo. baba, baka.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘old woman’ is shared by R. баба, Pol. baba, Cr. baba, Bo. baba.
  • The meaning ‘pejorative of a woman’ (женска) is attested in R. баба, Pol. baba.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘bank, credit bank’ is shared by Sln. banka, Cr. banka, Bo. banka.
  • The meaning (Br.) tin, (Am.) can’ (кутија) is attested in R. банка.
  • The meaning ‘container, can’ (канта) is attested in Pol. bańka.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 46 million native speakers of Belarusian, Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian;
  • is a true friend for about 267.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedo-nian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘whiteness’ is shared by R. белизна, Ukr. білизна, Cr. bjelina, Bo. bjelina, Mk. белина, Bg. белина.
  • The meaning ‘linen, laundry’ (рубље, веш) is attested in Blr. бялізна, Ukr. білизна, Pol. bielizna.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘better’ is shared by Sln. bolje, Cr. bolje, Bo. bolje.
  • The meaning ‘more’ (више) is attested in R. более.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘marriage’ is shared by R. брак, Cr. brak, Bo. brak, Mk. брак, Bg. брак.
  • The meaning ‘defect, flaw’ (мана) is attested in R. брак, Ukr. брак, Pol. brak.
  • The meaning ‘rejects, refuse, waste’ (олош, дефицитна роба) is attested in R. брак, Ukr. брак, Pol. brak, Bg. брак.
  • The meaning ‘lack, want, shortage’ (недостатак) is attested in Ukr. брак, Pol. brak.
  • is a complete false friend for about 10 million native speakers of Czech;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘quick, fast (adj.)’ is shared by Cr. brz, Bo. brz.
  • The meaning ‘soon (adv.)’ (скоро) is attested in Cz. brzy.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]


[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 314 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian, Macedonian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘already’ is shared by Cr. već, Bo. već.
  • The meaning ‘matter, thing’ (ствар) is attested in R. вещь, Cz. věc, Slk. vec, Bg. вещ.
  • The meaning ‘assembly’ (скуп, збор) is attested in Pol. wiec.
  • The meaning ‘more’ (више) is attested in Sln. več.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 312 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 11.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedo-nian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘clever’ is shared by Sln. vešč, Cr. vješt, Bo. vješt, Mk. вешт.
  • The meaning ‘matter’ (ствар) is attested in R. вещь, Cz. věc, Slk. vec, Bg. вещ.
  • The meaning ‘message’ (вест) is attested in Pol. wieść.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 250 million speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘to see impf. is shared by R. видеть, Cr. vidjeti, Bo. vidjeti.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘to see, to behold pf. is shared by Cr. vidjeti, Bo. vidjeti.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘to watch pf. is shared by Cr. vidjeti, Bo. vidjeti.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 287 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian;
  • is a true friend for about 61.5 million native speakers of Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Slovenian, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘fruits’ is shared by Pol. owoce, Cz. ovoce, Slk. ovocie, Cr. voće, Bo. voće, М. овошје.
  • The meaning ‘vegetables’ (поврће) is attested in R. овощи, Ukr. овочі.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 357 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 2 million native speakers of Macedonian;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘devil, demon’ is shared by Sln. vrag, Cr. vrag, Bo. vrag, Mk. враг.
  • The meaning ‘enemy’ (непријатељ) is attested in R. враг, Blr. вораг, Ukr. ворог, Pol. wróg, Mk. враг, Bg. враг.
  • The meaning ‘murderer’ (убица) is attested in Cz. vrah, Slk. vrah.
  • The meaning ‘slyboots, smartie’ (лукавац, превијанац) is attested in Mk. враг.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 298 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘precious’ is shared by Sln. vreden, Cr. vrijedan, Bo. vrijedan.
  • The meaning ‘harmful’ (штетан) is attested in R. вредный, Bg. вреден.
  • The meaning ‘able, clever’ (вешт, ваљан, марљив) is attested in Mk. вреден, Bg. вреден.
  • The meaning ‘nasty, repulsive’ (гадан, одвратан) is attested in Pol. wredny.
  • The meaning ‘insidious, deceitful’ (химбен, лажан) is attested in Pol. wredny.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 252 million speakers of Russian, Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘time’ is shared by R. время, Cr. vrijeme, Bo. vrijeme.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘weather’ is shared by Sln. vreme, Cr. vrijeme, Bo. vrijeme.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 333 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 349 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak;
  • is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian.


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Slovak;
  • is a true friend for about 352.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian;


  • The Serbian meaning ‘mountain’ is shared by R. гора, Blr. гара, Ukr. гора, Pol. góra, Cz. hora, Slk. hora, Sln. gora, Cr. gora, Bo. gora, Mk. гора.
  • The meaning ‘forest’ (шума) is attested in Slk. hora, Bg. гора.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 12 million native speakers of Czech, Slovenian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 38 million speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 257.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘town’ is shared by R. град (arch.), город, Cr. grad, Bo. grad.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘hail’ is shared by R. град, Pol. grad, Cr. grad, Bo. grad.
  • The meaning ‘fortress’ (тврђава, утврђење) is attested in Cz. hrad, Sln. grad.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘granular’ is shared by Cr. grudast, Bo. grudast.
  • The meaning ‘big-breasted’ (са великама грудима) is attested in R. грудастая.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 275.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech, Slovak.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘palace’ is shared by R. дворец, Blr. дварэц, Cr. dvorac, Bo. dvorac, Mk. дворец, Bg. дворец.
  • The meaning ‘railway station’ (станица) is attested in Ukr. двірець, Pol. dworzec.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Sln.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 257.5 million speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘maiden’ is shared by R. дева.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘camel’ is shared by Cr. deva, Bo. deva.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 2 million native speakers of Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Czech, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘child’ is shared by Cz. dítě, Cr. dijete, Bo. dijete.
  • The meaning ‘baby’ (беба, младунче, одојче) is attested in Sln. dete.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 46 million native speakers of Belarusian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 275.5 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian; Bulgarian.
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Macedonian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘settee, sofa’ is shared by R. диван, Cz. divan, Slk. diván, Sln. divan, Cr. divan, Bo. divan, Bg. диван.
  • The meaning ‘carpet’ (ћилим) is attested in Blr. дыван, Pol. dywan.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 46 million native speakers of Polish, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 298.5 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘sweet melon’ is shared by R. дыня, Ukr. диня, Sln. dinja, Cr. dinja, Bo. dinja, Mk. диња.
  • The meaning ‘watermelon’ (лубеница) is attested in Bg. диня.
  • The meaning ‘pumpkin’ (тиква) is attested in Pol. dynia.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 2 million native speakers of Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘age’ is shared by Cr. dob, Bo. dob.
  • The meaning ‘oak tree’ (храст, дуб) is attested in Sln. dob.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 16 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak;
  • is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgar-ian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘time, era, period’ is shared by Cz. doba, Slk. doba, Sln. doba, Cr. doba, Bo. doba, Bg. доба.
  • The meaning ‘day (24 hours)’ (дан (24 часа)) is attested in Pol. doba.
  • The meaning ‘time, duration’ (трајање) is attested in Cz. doba, Slk. doba.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Mk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 83 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘additional’ is shared by Cr. dodatni, Bo. dodatni.
  • The meaning ‘positive’ (позитиван) is attested in Blr. дадатны, Ukr. додатний, Pol. dodatni.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Sln., Mk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘to breast-feed’ is shared by Cr. dojiti, Bo. dojiti.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘to suckle’ is shared by Cr. dojiti, Bo. dojiti.
  • The meaning ‘to milk’ (мусти) is attested in R. доить.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 2 million native speakers of Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 321.5 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘Danube’ is shared by R. Дунай, Pol. Dunaj, Cz. Dunaj, Slk. Dunaj, Cr. Dunaj, Bo. Dunaj, Mk. Дунав, Bg. Дунав.
  • The meaning ‘Vienna’ (Беч) is attested in Sln. Dunaj.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 333 million speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 35.5 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘woman’ is shared by Ukr. жінка, Cz. žena, Slk. žena, Sln. žena, ženska, Cr. žena, Bo. žena, Mk. жена, Bg. жена.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘wife’ is shared by R. жена, Blr. жонка, Pol. żona, Cz. žena, Slk. žena, Sln. žena, Cr. žena, Bo. žena, Mk. жена, Bg. жена.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 39 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Slovenian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 296 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 33.5 million native speakers of Kashubian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 99 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 259.5 million native speakers of Russian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘grain, cereals, (Br.) corn’ is shared by R. жито, Sln. žito, Cr. žito, Bo. žito.
  • The meaning ‘rye’ (раж) is attested in Ukr. жито, Pol. żyto, Cz. žito, Slk. žito, raž.
  • The meaning ‘wheat’ (пшеница) is attested in Slk. pšenica, žito, Bg. жито.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ka., LSo., USo., Mk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 306 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 2 million native speakers of Macedonian;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘institute’ is shared by Sln. zavod, Cr. zavod, Bo. zavod, Mk. завод.
  • The meaning ‘contest’ (утакмица) is attested in Cz. závod.
  • The meaning ‘factory, works’ (творница) is attested in R. завод, Cz. závod, Mk. завод, Bg. завод.
  • The meaning ‘occupation, profession, trade’ (професија) is attested in Pol. zawód.
  • The meaning ‘disappointment’ (разочарење) is attested in Pol. zawód.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 292 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Slovenian, Macedonian;
  • is a true friend for about 23.5 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘toilet’ is shared by Cz. záchod, Slk. záchod, Cr. zahod, Bo. zahod.
  • The meaning ‘west’ (запад) is attested in Pol. zachód, Sln. zahod.
  • The meaning ‘sunset’ (залазак) is attested in R. заход, Pol. zachód, Sln. zahod, Mk. заод.
  • The meaning ‘trouble, effort’ (мука, труд) is attested in Pol. zachód.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 33.5 million native speakers of Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian;
  • is a true friend for about 2 million native speakers of Macedonian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘ray, beam’ is shared by Mk. зрак.
  • The meaning ‘air’ (ваздух) is attested in Sln. zrak, Cr. zrak, Bo. zrak.
  • The meaning ‘eyesight’ (вид) is attested in Blr. зрок, Cz. zrak, Slk. zrak.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘experience’ is shared by Cr. iskustvo, Bo. iskustvo.
  • The meaning ‘art’ (уметност) is attested in R. искусство, Bg. изкуство.
  • The meaning ‘skill’ (умешност) is attested in R. искусство.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 18 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘strawberry’ is shared by Cz. jahoda, Slk. jahoda, Sln. jagoda, Cr. jagoda, Bo. jagoda, Mk. јагода, Bg. ягода.
  • The meaning ‘berry’ (боба) is attested in R. ягода, Pol. jagoda, Cz. jahoda, Slk. jahoda, Sln. jagoda.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘is’ is shared by Cr. je, Bo. je.
  • The meaning ‘eats’ (једе) is attested in Pol. je.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 257.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘morning’ is shared by R. утро, Cr. jutro, Bo. jutro.
  • The meaning ‘tomorrow’ (сутра) is attested in Pol. jutro.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘dirt, mud’ is shared by Cr. kal, Bo. kal.
  • The meaning ‘faeces, excrement’ (изметине) is attested in R. кал.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 48 million native speakers of Polish, Czech;
  • is a true friend for about 302.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘prince, duke’ is shared by R. князь, Blr. князь, Ukr. князь, Cr. knez, Bo. knez.
  • The meaning ‘priest’ (свештеник, поп) is attested in Pol. ksiądz, Cz. kněz.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 252 million native speakers of Russian, Slovenian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 15.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 6 million speakers of Croatian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish, Czech, Slovak.


[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Mk.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 288 million speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘wheels’ is shared by R. колёса, Pol. koła, Cr. kola, Bo. kola.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘car, cart’ is shared by Cr. kola, Bo. kola.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘motorcar’ is shared by Cr. kola, Bo. kola.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 257.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘colony’ is shared by R. колония, Pol. kolonia, Cr. kolonija, Bo. kolonija.
  • The meaning ‘Cologne’ (Келн) is attested in Pol. Kolonia.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Croatian;
  • is a true friend for about 1.5 million native speakers of Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘corps’ is shared by Cr. kor, Bo. kor.
  • The meaning ‘choir’ (хор) is attested in Cr. kor.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘crust’ is shared by Cr. korica, Bo. korica.
  • The meaning ‘cinnamon’ (цимет) is attested in R. корица.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 276 million speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Macedonian;
  • is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgar-ian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘edge’ is shared by R. край, Blr. край, Ukr. край, Cz. kraj, Slk. kraj, Sln. kraj, Cr. kraj, Bo. kraj, Bg. край.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘end’ is shared by Ukr. край, Sln. kraj, Cr. kraj, Bo. kraj, Mk. крај, Bg. край.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘region’ is shared by R. край, Blr. край, Ukr. край, Cz. kraj, Slk. kraj, Sln. kraj, Cr. kraj, Bo. kraj, Mk. крај, Bg. край.
  • The meaning ‘country’ (земља, држава) is attested in Ukr. край, Pol. kraj.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘medical science’ is shared by Cr. ljekarstvo, Bo. ljekarstvo.
  • The meaning ‘medicament’ (лек) is attested in R. лекарство.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘lazy’ is shared by Cr. lijen, Bo. lijen.
  • The meaning ‘laziness’ (леност) is attested in R. лень.
  • The meaning ‘idler, do-nothing’ (ленштина) is attested in Pol. leń.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘more beautiful’ is shared by Cr. ljepše, Bo. ljepše.
  • The meaning ‘better’ (боље) is attested in Pol. lepiej.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 2 million native speakers of Slovenian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 304 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak;
  • is a true friend for about 62.5 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 51.0 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Kashubian, Slovak;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 50,000 speakers of Kashubian;
  • is a true friend for about 279.5 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘sheet of paper’ is shared by R. лист, Blr. ліст, аркуш, Ukr. лист, Cz. list, Slk. list, Sln. list, Cr. list, Bo. list, Mk. лист, Bg. лист.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘leaf’ is shared by R. лист, Blr. ліст, Ukr. лист, Ka. lëst, Cz. list, Slk. list, Sln. list, Cr. list, Bo. list, Mk. лист, Bg. лист.
  • The meaning ‘letter’ (писмо) is attested in Blr. ліст, пісьмо, Ukr. лист, Pol. list, Ka. lëst, Slk. list.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 55,000 native speakers of Upper Sorbian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 101 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian;
  • is a true friend for about 267.5 million native speakers of Russian, Slovak, Bosnian, Macedo-nian, Bulgarian.


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 40 million native speakers of Polish, Slovenian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 46 million speakers of Polish, Slovenian, Croatian;
  • is a true friend for about 251.5 million native speakers of Russian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘face’ is shared by R. лицо, Pol. lico, Sln. lice, Cr. lice, Bo. lice.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘person’ (лице, особа) is shared by R. лицо, Bo. lice, osoba.
  • The meaning ‘cheek’ (образ) is attested in Pol. lico, Sln. lice.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 45.5 million native speakers of Polish, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘lye’ is shared by Pol. ług, Cr. lug, Bo. lug.
  • The meaning ‘meadow’ (ливада) is attested in R. луг.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 38 million speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 257.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘onion’ is shared by R. лук, Cr. luk, Bo. luk.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘bow (weapon)’ is shared by R. лук, Pol. łuk, Cr. luk, Bo. luk.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘port’ is shared by Cr. luka, Bo. luka.
  • The meaning ‘hatch’ (прозорчић) is attested in Pol. luka.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 25.5 million native speakers of Belarusian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedo-nian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish.


[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 325 million speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘to love’ is shared by R. любить, Cr. ljubiti, Bo. ljubiti.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘to like’ is shared by R. любить, Ukr. любити, Pol. lubić, Cr. ljubiti, Bo. ljubiti.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘to kiss’ is shared by Cr. ljubiti, Bo. ljubiti.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 10 million native speakers of Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Polish, Slovenian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘mother’ is shared by Cr. majka, Bo. majka, Mk. мајка, Bg. майка.
  • The meaning ‘gym shirt’ (мајица) is attested in R. майка, Blr. майка.
  • The meaning ‘dam, female animal’ (женка, мајка (животиња)) is attested in Mk. мајка, Bg. майка.
  • The meaning ‘nut (to screw on a bolt)’ (матица) is attested in Bg. майка.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 10 million native speakers of Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 358.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘mass’ is shared by R. масса, Blr. маса, Ukr. маса, Pol. masa, Cz. masa, Slk. masa, Sln. masa, Cr. masa, Bo. masa, Mk. маса, Bg. маса.
  • The meaning ‘table’ (сто) is attested in Mk. маса, Bg. маса.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 288 million speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 250 million speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘local’ is shared by R. местный, Cr. mesni, Bo. mesni.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘of meat’ is shared by Cr. mesni, Bo. mesni.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 313 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech, Bulgarian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 2 million native speakers of Macedonian;
  • is a true friend for about 45.5 million native speakers of Polish, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘match, game’ is shared by Pol. mecz, Cr. meč, Bo. meč, Mk. меч.
  • The meaning ‘sword’ (мач) is attested in R. меч, Blr. меч, Ukr. меч, Cz. meč, Mk. меч, Bg. меч.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 298 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Kashubian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘peace’ is shared by R. мир, Pol. mir (arch.), pokój, zgoda, Ka. mir, Cz. mír, Cr. mir, Bo. mir.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘quiet, stillness’ is shared by R. мир, покой, Pol. mir (arch.), spokój, Ka. mir, Cz. mír, Cr. mir, Bo. mir.
  • The meaning ‘world’ (свет) is attested in R. мир, свет.
  • The meaning hist. municipality, parish, commune’ (сеоска општина) is attested in R. мир, Cz. mír, občina.
  • The meaning ‘authority, prestige’ (углед, поштовање) is attested in Pol. mir.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Croatian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘dark blue (as a colour of face or body)’ is shared by Cr. modar.
  • The meaning ‘light blue’ (светлоплав) is attested in Cr. modar.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Bo., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘?’ is shared by Cr. mraz, Bo. mraz.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘?’ is shared by Cr. mraz, Bo. mraz.
  • The meaning ‘?’ (гад, замазанац) is attested in R. мразь.
  • The meaning ‘?’ (фукара, измет) is attested in R. мразь.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 16 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak;
  • is a true friend for about 257.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘darkness’ is shared by M. мрак, R. мрак, Cr. mrak, Bo. mrak.
  • The meaning ‘cloud’ (облак) is attested in Cz. mrak, Slk. mrak.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Sln.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 65 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 303.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Polish, Croatian, Bosnian.


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Bulgarian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 39 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Slovenian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 95 million speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Macedonian;
  • is a true friend for about 13.5 million native speakers of Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian.


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 2 million speakers of Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘cheek’ is shared by Cr. obraz, Bo. obraz, Bg. образ.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘face’ is shared by Sln. obraz, Cr. obraz, Bo. obraz, Bg. образ.
  • The meaning ‘picture, painting’ (слика) is attested in R. образ, Pol. obraz, Bg. образ.
  • The meaning ‘manner’ (начин) is attested in R. образ.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 268 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘reason, intellect’ is shared by Cr. pamet, Bo. pamet.
  • The meaning ‘memory’ (памћење) is attested in R. память, Cz. paměť, Bg. памет.
  • The meaning ‘computer memory’ (меморија) is attested in R. память, Cz. paměť, Bg. памет.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 325 million speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘the Pope’ is shared by R. папа римский, Cr. papa, Bo. papa.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘bye-bye!’ (папа!) is shared by Ukr. папа!, Pol. papa!, Cr. papa!, Bo. papa!.
  • The meaning ‘dad’ (тата) is attested in R. папа, Pol. papa.
  • The meaning ‘cardboard, pasteboard’ (картон) is attested in Pol. papa.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 83 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 35.5 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘steam’ is shared by Blr. пара, Ukr. пара, Pol. para, Cz. pára, Slk. para, Sln. para, Cr. para, Bo. para, Mk. пара, Bg. пара.
  • The meaning ‘pair’ (пар) is attested in R. пара, Blr. пара, Ukr. пара, Pol. para.
  • The meaning ‘a couple of, some’ (неколико) is attested in R. пара, Blr. пара, Ukr. пара, Pol. parę.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 250 million speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Czech, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘St. Petersburg (until 1914 and since 1991)’ is shared by Cz. Petrohrad, Cr. Petrograd, Bo. Petrograd.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘Petrograd (1914-1924)’ is shared by R. Петроград, Cz. Petrohrad, Cr. Petrograd, Bo. Petrograd.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Czech, Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘pub’ is shared by Cz. pivnice, Cr. pivnica, Bo. pivnica.
  • The meaning ‘cellar’ (подрум, коноба) is attested in Pol. piwnica.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 45.5 million native speakers of Polish, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘to write’ is shared by Pol. pisać, Cr. pisati, Bo. pisati.
  • The meaning ‘to påå’ (пишати) is attested in R. писать.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 298 million speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘letter’ is shared by R. письмо, Cr. pismo, Bo. pismo.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘font, handwriting’ is shared by Pol. pismo, Cz. písmo, Cr. pismo, Bo. pismo.
  • The meaning ‘document’ (спис) is attested in Pol. pismo.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Bulgarian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 2 million native speakers of Macedonian;
  • is a true friend for about 57.5 million native speakers of Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘fence’ is shared by Pol. płot, Cz. plot, Sln. plot, Cr. plot, Bo. plot, Mk. плот.
  • The meaning ‘body, flesh’ (пут) is attested in R. плоть, Mk. плот, Bg. плът.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘faeces, excrement’ is shared by Cr. pogan, Bo. pogan.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘dirt, mud’ is shared by Cr. pogan, Bo. pogan.
  • The meaning ‘rabble, riff-raff’ (фукара, измет) is attested in R. погань.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 250 million speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘under’ is shared by R. под, Cr. pod, Bo. pod.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘floor, ground’ is shared by Cr. pod, Bo. pod.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 46.0 million native speakers of Belarusian, Polish, Kashubian;
  • is a true friend for about 285.5 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 46 million native speakers of Belarusian, Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 266.0 million native speakers of Russian, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak;
  • is a true friend for about 12 million native speakers of Slovenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Croatian.


[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo., Bo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘pride’ is shared by Sln. ponos, Cr. ponos, Bo. ponos.
  • The meaning ‘diarrhoea’ (пролев) is attested in R. понос.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 83 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 285.5 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘midnight’ is shared by R. полночь, Blr. поўнач, Ukr. північ, Pol. północ, Cz. půlnoc, Slk. polnoc, Sln. polnoč, Cr. ponoć, Bo. ponoć, Mk. полноќ, Bg. полунощ.
  • The meaning ‘north’ (север) is attested in Blr. поўнач, Ukr. північ, Pol. północ.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 349.0 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak;
  • is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian.


[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘lout, ruffian’ is shared by Cr. prostak, Bo. prostak.
  • The meaning ‘fool, stupid’ (глупак) is attested in R. простак.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 83 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 285.5 million native speakers of Russian, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian.


[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 287 million speakers of Russian, Ukrainian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘professor’ is shared by R. профессор, Ukr. професор, Cr. profesor, Bo. profesor.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘university teacher’ is shared by Cr. profesor, Bo. profesor.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘secondary school teacher ’ is shared by Cr. profesor, Bo. profesor.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘rifle’ is shared by Sln. puška, Cr. puška, Bo. puška.
  • The meaning ‘canon’ (топ) is attested in R. пушка.
  • The meaning (Br.) tin, (Am.) can’ (кутија) is attested in Pol. puszka.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Croatian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘form, grade, class (at school)’ is shared by Cr. razred.
  • The meaning ‘class (in a train, in society, in biology)’ (класа) is attested in Cr. razred.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Bo., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 257.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘early’ is shared by R. рано, Cr. rano, Bo. rano.
  • The meaning ‘in the morning’ (ујутро) is attested in Pol. rano.
  • The meaning ‘morning’ (јутро) is attested in Pol. rano.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Croatian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘restoration’ is shared by Cr. restauracija.
  • The meaning ‘restaurant’ (ресторан) is attested in Cr. restauracija.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Bo., Mk., Bg.]


  • The Serbian meaning ‘word’ is shared by Cr. riječ, Bo. riječ.
  • The meaning ‘speech’ (говор) is attested in R. речь, Cz. řeč, Slk. reč, Mk. реч, Bg. реч.
  • The meaning ‘matter’ (ствар) is attested in Blr. рэч, Ukr. річ, Pol. rzecz, Sln. reč.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]


  • The Serbian meaning ‘relations’ is shared by Sln. rodbina, Cr. rodbina, Bo. rodbina, Mk. родбина.
  • The meaning ‘family’ (породица) is attested in Ukr. родина, Pol. rodzina, Cz. rodina, Slk. rodina.
  • The meaning ‘motherland, home region’ (домовина) is attested in R. родина, Blr. радзіна, Bg. родина.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 298 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech;
  • is a true friend for about 11.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedo-nian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘fixed time, set term, deadline’ is shared by Sln. rok, Cr. rok, Bo. rok, Mk. рок.
  • The meaning ‘year’ (година) is attested in Pol. rok, Cz. rok.
  • The meaning ‘destiny, fate’ (удес, коб) is attested in R. рок.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘sandy, red’ is shared by Sln. rus, Cr. rus, Bo. rus.
  • The meaning ‘blond, fair’ (тамноплав) is attested in R. русый.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Belarusian;
  • is a true friend for about 257.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian.


[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 306 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Bulgarian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘now’ is shared by Cr. sad, Bo. sad.
  • The meaning ‘garden’ (врт, башта) is attested in R. сад, Cz. sad, Slk. sad.
  • The meaning ‘orchard’ (воћњак) is attested in Pol. sad.
  • The meaning ‘fruit’ (плод) is attested in Sln. sad.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Mk.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 305.5 million speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘world’ is shared by R. свет, мир, Pol. świat, Cz. svět.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘council’ is shared by Cr. svjet, savjet, Bo. svjet, savjet.
  • The meaning ‘very far/long’ (врло далеко/дуго) is attested in Pol. świat.
  • The meaning ‘light’ (светло) is attested in R. свет.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘grey-blue, greyish’ is shared by Cr. sinji, Bo. sinji.
  • The meaning ‘dark blue’ (тамноplav) is attested in R. синий.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 325 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘harmony’ is shared by Cr. sklad, Bo. sklad.
  • The meaning ‘storehouse’ (складиште) is attested in R. склад, Ukr. склад, Pol. skład.
  • The meaning ‘shop, store’ (дућан) is attested in Pol. skład.
  • The meaning ‘composition’ (састав) is attested in Ukr. склад, Pol. skład.
  • The meaning ‘turn, habit, mentality’ (врста, карактер) is attested in R. склад, Ukr. склад.
  • The meaning ‘body, constitution’ (грађа тела, раст) is attested in R. склад, Ukr. склад.
  • The meaning ‘syllable’ (слог) is attested in R. склад (устар.), слог, Ukr. склад.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Croatian;
  • is a true friend for about 1.5 million native speakers of Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘to hide; to clear away, to remove’ is shared by Cr. sklanjati, Bo. sklanjati.
  • The meaning ‘to decline (grammar) (деклиновати) is attested in Cr. sklanjati.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]


[NB: Information complete.]


  • The Serbian meaning ‘letter (of the alphabet)’ is shared by Cr. slovo, Bo. slovo.
  • The meaning ‘word’ (реч) is attested in R. слово, Blr. слова, Ukr. слово, Pol. słowo, Cz. slovo, Slk. slovo, Bg. слово.
  • The meaning ‘leave-taking, farewell’ (опроштај) is attested in Sln. slovo.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 250 million speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘to listen’ is shared by R. слушать, Cr. slušati, Bo. slušati.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘to hear’ is shared by Cr. slušati, Bo. slušati.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Croatian;
  • is a true friend for about 1.5 million native speakers of Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘to put (horses) to (a coach), to harness’ is shared by Cr. sprezati, Bo. sprezati.
  • The meaning ‘to conjugate’ (конјугирати) is attested in Cr. sprezati.
[NB: No information yet for R., Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 12 million native speakers of Slovenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 356.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘table’ is shared by R. стол, Blr. стол, Ukr. стіл, Pol. stół, Cz. stůl, Slk. stôl, Cr. stol, Bo. sto.
  • The meaning ‘chair’ (столица) is attested in Sln. stol, Mk. стол, Bg. стол.
  • The meaning ‘canteen’ (кантина) is attested in Bg. стол.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]


  • The Serbian meaning ‘table’ is shared by Cr. sto, Bo. sto.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘a hundred’ is shared by R. сто, Blr. сто, Ukr. сто, Pol. sto, Cz. sto, Slk. sto, Sln. sto, Cr. sto, Bo. sto, Mk. сто, Bg. сто.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]


[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 24 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 83.0 million speakers of Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 11.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedo-nian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘side’ is shared by Ukr. сторона, Pol. strona, Ka. strona, Cz. strana, Slk. strana, Sln. stran, Cr. strana, Bo. strana, Mk. страна, Bg. страна.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘page’ is shared by Cz. strana, Slk. strana, Sln. stran, Cr. strana, Bo. strana, Mk. страна.
  • The meaning ‘country’ (земља) is attested in R. страна, Bg. страна.
  • The meaning ‘cheek’ (образ) is attested in Bg. страна.
  • The meaning ‘political party’ (партија, странка) is attested in Cz. strana, Slk. strana.
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘tomorrow’ is shared by Cr. sutra, Bo. sutra.
  • The meaning ‘in the morning’ (ујутро) is attested in R. с утра.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 10 million native speakers of Czech;
  • is a true friend for about 269.5 million native speakers of Russian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘pumpkin’ is shared by R. тыква, Sln. tikva, Cr. tikva, Bo. tikva, Mk. тиква, Bg. тиква.
  • The meaning ‘sweet melon’ (диња) is attested in Cz. tykev.
[NB: No information yet for Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 10 million speakers of Slovenian, Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘tired’ (трудан (arch.), уморан) is shared by Sln. truden, Cr. trudan (arch.), umoran , Bo. trudan (arch.), umoran.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘pregnant’ (трудна) is shared by Cr. trudna, Bo. trudna, Bg. трудна (arch.), бременна.
  • The meaning ‘hard’ (тежак) is attested in R. трудный, Pol. trudny, Bg. труден.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 250 million speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘trunk, body’ is shared by Cr. trup, Bo. trup.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘trunk (of a tree)’ is shared by Cr. trup, Bo. trup.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘carcass (of an animal)’ is shared by R. труп, Cr. trup, Bo. trup.
  • The meaning ‘dead body’ (леш, мртвац) is attested in R. труп, Pol. trup.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • does not have all its Serbian meanings in the mother tongue of about 2 million speakers of Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘coolness’ is shared by Sln. hlad, Cr. hlad, Bo. hlad.
  • The Serbian meaning ‘shadow’ is shared by Cr. hlad, Bo. hlad.
  • The meaning ‘cold(ness)’ (хладноћа, студен, зима) is attested in R. холод.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 101 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian;
  • is a true friend for about 261.5 million native speakers of Russian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Croatian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘hour’ is shared by R. час, Bo. čas, Mk. час, Bg. час.
  • The meaning ‘time’ (време) is attested in Blr. час, Ukr. час, Pol. czas, Cz. čas, Slk. čas, Sln. čas.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 45.5 million native speakers of Polish, Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘cheque’ is shared by R. чек, Pol. czek, Cr. ček, Bo. ček.
  • The meaning ‘sales slip’ (бон) is attested in R. чек.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘to read’ is shared by R. читать, Cr. čitati, Bo. čitati.
  • The meaning ‘to recite’ (рецитовати) is attested in R. читать.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 266 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian;
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian;
  • is a true friend for about 47.5 million native speakers of Polish, Kashubian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech, Slovak, Slovenian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘rail’ is shared by Ukr. шина, Pol. szyna, Ka. szina, Cr. šina, Bo. šina, Mk. шина.
  • The meaning ‘tyre’ (гума) is attested in R. шина, Blr. шына, Ukr. шина, Bg. шина.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
  • is a true friend for about 7.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘tub, vat’ is shared by Cr. škaf, Bo. škaf.
  • The meaning ‘cupboard’ (орман) is attested in R. шкаф.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Mk., Bg.]
  • is a complete false friend for about 298 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech;
  • is a true friend for about 15.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgarian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘pike’ is shared by Cr. štuka, Bo. štuka, Bg. щука.
  • The meaning ‘piece’ (комад) is attested in R. штука, Pol. sztuka.
  • The meaning ‘art’ (уметност) is attested in Pol. sztuka.
  • The meaning ‘stucco’ (штукатура) is attested in Cz. štuka.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Mk.]
  • has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian;
  • is a true friend for about 9.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian;
  • does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian.


  • The Serbian meaning ‘forest’ is shared by Cr. šuma, Bo. šuma, Mk. шума, Bg. шума.
  • The meaning ‘foliage, leaves’ (лишће) is attested in Bg. шума.
  • The meaning ‘bush’ (џбун, грм) is attested in Bg. шума.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]

There is no Serbian word like Blr. ліпень, Ukr. липень, Pol. lipiec, Cr. lipanj.



There is no Serbian word like Blr. чэрвень, Ukr. червень, Pol. czerwiec, Cz. červenec.



There is no Serbian word like Ka. rujan, Cz. říjen, Cr. rujan.



There is no Serbian word like R. студень, Blr. студзень, Cr. studeni.



There is no Serbian word like R. арбуз, Blr. гарбуз, Ukr. гарбуз, Pol. arbuz.



There is no Serbian word like R. пепельница, Pol. popielniczka, Cz. popelník, Slk. popolník, Sln. Pepelnica, Cr. Pepelnica.



There is no Serbian word like R. склеп, Ukr. склеп, Pol. sklep, Ka. sklep, Cz. sklep, Sln. sklep.



There is no Serbian word like R. стул, Pol. stół, Cz. stůl.



There is no Serbian word like R. запомнить, Blr. запомніць, Pol. zapomnieć, Cz. zapomenout, Sln. zapomniti, Mk. запомни, Bg. запомня.



There is no Serbian word like R. памятник, Ukr. пам’ятник, Pol. pamiętnik, Ka. pamiãtnik, Slk. pamätník, Bg. паметник.



There is no Serbian word like R. повесть, Blr. аповесць, Ukr. повість, Pol. powieść, Cz. pověst, Slk. povesť, Sln. povest, Cr. povijest, Bo. povijest, Mk. повест, Bg. повест.



There is no Serbian word like R. матка, Blr. матка, Ukr. матка, Pol. matka, Cz. matka, Slk. matka, Mk. матка, Bg. матка.



There is no Serbian word like R. булка, Blr. булка, Ukr. булка, Pol. bułka, Bg. булка.



There is no Serbian word like R. дума, Blr. дума, Ukr. дума, Pol. duma, Bg. дума.



There is no Serbian word like R. кресло, Blr. крэсла, Ukr. крісло, Pol. krzesło, Cz. křeslo, Slk. kreslo, Bg. кресло.



There is no Serbian word like R. выход, Blr. выхад, Ukr. вихід, Cz. východ, Slk. východ.



There is no Serbian word like R. краска, Blr. краска, Bg. краска.



There is no Serbian word like R. сливки, Pol. śliwki.



There is no Serbian word like R. существовать, Cr. suučestvovati, Bg. съществувам.



There is no Serbian word like R. цветень, Ukr. квітень, Pol. kwiecień, Cz. květen.



There is no Serbian word like Ukr. травень, Sln. traven (mali, veliki), Cr. travanj.



There is no Serbian word like Ukr. серпень, Pol. sierpień, Cz. srpen, Sln. srpen (mali, veliki), Cr. srpanj.



There is no Serbian word like Ukr. лікарня, Cz. lékárna, Slk. lekáreň, Sln. lekarna.


More Serbian-Slavonic false friends:

  • Jovanka Čemerikić, Guy Imart, Victoria Tikhonova-Imart. Paronymes russo/serbo-croates ("amis" et "faux-amis"). Aix-en-Provence 1988.
  • C. Ivanova, M. Aleksić. Srpsko-bugarski tematski rečnik: Leksikon međujezičkih homonima i polisemija. Veliko Trnovo 1999.
  • Danko Šipka (ed.). Rečnik srpsko-poljskih međujezičkih homonima i paronima. Słownik serbsko-polskich homonimów i paronimów. Poznań 1999.
  • Emil Tokarz. Pułapki leksykalne: Słownik aproksymatów polsko-chorwackich. Katowice 1998.

For additional information on false friends, see the On-line hypertext bibliography by Daniel Bunčić and Ryszard Lipczuk.

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