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Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. c4/2...e6/3. Nc3/3...Bb4/4. Bg5

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Nimzo-Indian Defence
a b c d e f g h
8a8 black rookb8 black knightc8 black bishopd8 black queene8 black kingf8 black kingg8 black kingh8 black rook8
7a7 black pawnb7 black pawnc7 black pawnd7 black pawne7 black kingf7 black pawng7 black pawnh7 black pawn7
6a6 black kingb6 black kingc6 black kingd6 black kinge6 black pawnf6 black knightg6 black kingh6 black king6
5a5 black kingb5 black kingc5 black kingd5 black kinge5 black kingf5 black kingg5 white bishoph5 black king5
4a4 black kingb4 black bishopc4 white pawnd4 white pawne4 black kingf4 black kingg4 black kingh4 black king4
3a3 black kingb3 black kingc3 white knightd3 black kinge3 black kingf3 black kingg3 black kingh3 black king3
2a2 white pawnb2 white pawnc2 black kingd2 black kinge2 white pawnf2 white pawng2 white pawnh2 white pawn2
1a1 white rookb1 black kingc1 black kingd1 white queene1 white kingf1 white bishopg1 white knighth1 white rook1
a b c d e f g h
Position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN)
Moves: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Bg5

Nimzo-Indian Defence, Leningrad Variation

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4. Bg5

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White decides to match Black pin for pin, and the e4 square is once more a no man's land. More subtle is the fact that Black's knight no longer controls d5 either. For that reason, van der Sterren calls the d5 advance "the point but also the necessary consequence of 4. Bg5."[1] Either 4...h6 5. Bh4 c5 6. d5 or 4...c5 5. d5 h6 6. Bh4 is almost always played.

4. Bg5 is a fairly uncommon move against the Nimzo-Indian, being only played by 2% of Masters on the lichess opening database. With no black pawn on d5 white isn't threatening to win it like he often is against the Ragozin or Queen's Gambit Declined.

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  1. van der Sterren, Paul (2009). Fundamental Chess Openings. Bracknell: Gambit Publications Ltd. p. 72. ISBN 978-1-906454-13-5.