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Category:NPOV disputes

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Pages whose neutrality is disputed. Please check the talk page for each module with an NPOV dispute before editing.

To add a page here, use {{NPOV}}

Pages in category "NPOV disputes"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Synesthetic Explorations
  2. Dog Care/Printable version
  3. Ring/Printable version
  4. Ring/Lessons/History
  5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/The Great Apostasy
  6. Ethnomedicine/Disease Prevention Practices/Disease Prevention Practices A-C
  7. Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant: The WikiBook/orphaned pages/Mothers for Peace
  8. Human Sexuality and Gender/Gender Inequality
  9. Lentis/Sick Building Syndrome
  10. Overview of Theology/Christian theology
  1. Relationships
  2. High Icelandic
  3. IB Textbook Reviews
  4. Happiness
  5. Iranian History/The Islamic Republic of Iran
  6. History of Islam
  7. Relationships/Printable version
  8. Ring/Printable version
  9. Dog Care/Printable version
  10. Relationships/How Our Ancestors Lived

The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total.