Flora of New York/Typhaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Xyridaceae
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Flora of New York — Poales (1) Typhaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Xyridaceae |
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Family Typhaceae
[edit | edit source]The Typhaceae (cattail family) contains the genus Typha, which was the sole genus of the family until the APG III system added the genus Sparganium (bur-reeds) in 2009 by merging the closely-related Sparganiaceae family into Typhaceae.
[edit | edit source]Cattails, Typha spp., are wetland plants that are native to much of the world. Broad-leaved cattails (T. latifolia) are considered to be North American natives, while the native status of narrow-leaved cattails (T. angustifolia) in North America is in question.[1] In either case it is thought that narrowleaf cattails were introduced to most of inland New York from coastal regions, with the possible exception of central New York's inland salt marshes,[2] where some think that T. angustifolia may be native.[3]
The first record of T. angustifolia in North America is from northeast coastal regions in 1820, and it appears to have remained along the coast for the remainder of the 19th century. But by the end of the 20th century, it had migrated to the west coast, and as far south as Arkansas. Along its path, it seems to have preferred "early successional habitats with basic, calcareous, or somewhat salty soils."[4] It is thought that ditches along salted roadways may have helped facilitate the migration from coastal marshes.[5]
Genus Typha | Cat-tail | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Typha latifolia L.
1808. Typha elatior Raf. (i)
1832. Typha crassa Raf.
1900. Typha latifolia ssp. eulatifolia Graebn.
1940. Typha latifolia |
Wide-leaved cattail, Broad-leaved cattail, Common cattail Quenouille à feuilles larges, Massette à larges feuilles, Typha à feuilles larges |
Native, CoC: 1, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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L. 1753. Typha angustifolia L.
1949. Typha foveolata Pobed.
1972. Typha pontica V.M.Klokov & Krasnova |
Narrowleaf cattail, Narrow-leaved cattail Quenouille à feuilles étroites, Massette à feuilles étroites, Typha à feuilles étroites |
Native, CoC: 1, Introduced, WW OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Godr. (pro sp.) Typha angustifolia × Typha latifolia 1844. Typha glauca Godr.
1886. Typha latifolia var. elongata Dudley
1924. Typha angustifolia var. elongata Wiegand |
Blue cattail, Hybrid of narrow-leaved cattail & broad-leaved cattail Quenouille glauque |
Native, Invasive OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: X5 |
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[edit | edit source]Bur-reeds (Sparganium) were previously included alone in the family Sparganiaceae. They are perennial aquatic plants that grow in shallow ponds, streams, and marshes.
Genus Sparganium | Bur-reed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Nutt. 1818. Sparganium americanum Nutt. |
American bur-reed, American burreed Rubanier d’Amérique |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Rehmann 1778. Sparganium simplex Huds. illeg.
1871. Sparganium emersum Rehmann
1909. Sparganium acaule (Beeby) Rydb.
1909. Sparganium chlorocarpum Rydb.
1922. Sparganium chlorocarpum var. acaule Fernald |
Unbranched bur-reed, European bur-reed, Simple-stemmed bur-reed, Green-fruited burreed, Emersed burreed Rubanier à fruits verts, Rubanier émergent, Rubanier simple |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Engelm. ex A. Gray 1856. Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. ex A. Gray
1934. Sparganium stoloniferum (Graebn.) Buch.-Ham. ex Juz. |
Large bur-reed, Broadfruit bur-reed, Great burreed, Giant burreed |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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(Engelm.) Morong 1867. Sparganium simplex var. androcladum Engelm.
1888. Sparganium androcladum Morong
1907. Sparganium lucidum Fernald & Eames
1907. Sparganium americanum var. androcladum Fernald & Eames |
Branching bur-reed, Branched burreed Rubanier rameux |
Native, CoC: 4, Vulnerable OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 3-4 |
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Michx. 1803. Sparganium angustifolium Michx.
1905. Sparganium multipedunculatum Rydb.
1970. Sparganium emersum var. multipedunculatum Reveal
1978. Sparganium emersum var. angustifolium Taylor & MacBryde |
Narrowleaf bur-reed, Narrow-leaved bur-reed, Floating bur-reed Rubanier à feuilles étroites |
Native, CoC: 6, Vulnerable OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 3-4 |
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(Engelm. ex Morong) B.L.Rob. 1888. Sparganium androcladum var. fluctuans Engelm. ex Morong
1905. Sparganium fluctuans (Engelm. ex Morong) B.L.Rob. |
Floating bur-reed Rubanier flottant |
Native, CoC: 7, Vulnerable OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 3-4 |
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L. 1753. Sparganium natans L.
1840. Sparganium minimum Wallr. |
Small bur-reed, Artic bur-reed Rubanier nageant |
Native, CoC: 10, Threatened OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 2 |
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Genus Sparganium (excluded species) | Bur-reed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Sparganium erectum L.
1778. Sparganium ramosum Huds. nom. illeg. |
Simplestem bur-reed, Exotic bur-reed, Branched bur-reed |
Introduced from Eurasia, northern Africa, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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Family Eriocaulaceae
[edit | edit source]The Eriocaulaceae (pipewort family).[1]
Subfamily Eriocauloideae
[edit | edit source]Eriocaulon
[edit | edit source]The genus Eriocaulon (pipworts) contains about 400 species worldwide, but only two that are native to New York State.
Genus Eriocaulon | Pipewort | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Hill) Druce 1769. Cespa aquatica Hill
1776. Eriocaulon septangulare With.
1778. Nasmythia articulata Hudson
1803. Eriocaulon pellucidum Michx.
1833. Eriocaulon pumilum Raf.
1835. Nasmythia septangularis Mart.
1891. Eriocaulon articulatum Morong
1909. Eriocaulon aquaticum Druce |
Northern pipewort ⓘ
Northern hatpins ⓘ
Sevenangle pipewort ⓘ
Seven-angled pipewort ⓘ Ériocaulon aquatique |
Native, CoC: 10, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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B.L.Rob. 1903. Eriocaulon parkeri B.L.Rob. |
Parker's pipewort, Estuary pipewort Ériocaulon de Parker |
Native, CoC: 10, Likely extirpated, Impersistent OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: Xm |
Family Xyridaceae
[edit | edit source]The Xyridaceae (yellow-eyed grass family).[1]
Subfamily Xyridoideae
[edit | edit source]Xyris
[edit | edit source]
Genus Xyris | Yellow-eyed grass | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Ries 1868. Xyris flexuosa var. pusilla A.Gray
1892. Xyris montana Ries
1937. Xyris papillosa Fassett |
Northern yelloweyed grass, Northern yellow-eyed grass Xyris de montagne, Xyris des montagnes |
Native, CoC: 10, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Chapm. var. difformis1860. Xyris difformis Chapm.
1860. Xyris elata Chapm.
1966. Xyris difformis var. difformis
auct. Xyris caroliniana non Walter |
Bog yellow-eyed grass, Carolina yellow-eyed grass, Southern yellow-eyed grass, Tall yellow-eyed grass, Two-formed yelloweyed-grass Xyris difforme |
Native, CoC: 10, Likely secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 4 |
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Sm. 1819. Xyris torta Sm.
1913. Kotsjelottia flexuosa Nieuwl.
1843. Xyris bulbosa Kunth |
Twisted yellow-eyed-grass, Slender yelloweyed-grass |
Native, CoC: 10, Vulnerable OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 3-4 |
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Nash 1847. Xyris caroliniana var. olneyi Alph.Wood
1895. Xyris smalliana Nash
1905. Xyris congdonii Small
1937. Xyris smalliana var. olneyi Gleason ex Malme |
Small's yellow-eyed grass | Native, CoC: 10, Threatened OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 2 |
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E.P.Bicknell ex L.M.Campb. 2011. Xyris bracteicaulis E.P.Bicknell ex L.M.Campb. |
Bracted yelloweyed grass | Native, CoC: 10, No recent reports, Endemic OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
USDA-NN BONAP Images Wikispecies Note: [1] | |
Genus Xyris (excluded species) | Yellow-eyed grass | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Walter 1788. Xyris caroliniana Walter
1816. Xyris flexuosa Muhl. ex Elliott
1843. Xyris torta Kunth (i)
1871. Xyris conocephala C.Wright
1901. Xyris torta var. pallescens C.Mohr
1903. Xyris pallescens (C.Mohr) Small
1903. Xyris arenicola Small (i) |
Carolina yellow-eyed grass | N. America native, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
USDA-N0 Images Wikispecies | |