Proteomics/Proteolytic processing/Proteolytic processing- role in therapeutics

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Proteolytic processing- role in therapeutics

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The fact that certain proteins can modify others by binding to specific site and alter its activity is used as a principle in the development of certain modern therapeutics. Here is an example of how the process of proteolytic processing has been used to find possible cure for diseases. Human coronavirus is the causative agent of the common respiratory disease in adults and children. There are no current cure for CoV as a result proteolytic processing is being exploited to find new drug targets. Biochemical analysis of HCoV –NL63 virus showed 2 viral papain like protease PLP1 and PLP2 which process viral replicase polyprotein. In this case they generated polyclonal antisera against 2 of replicase non structural proteins nsp3 and nsp4. It was found that PLP1 processes clevage site to release 1 to release nsp1 whereas PLP2 released nsp2 and nsp3. Also by using hexa ubiquitin substrate and ubiquitin vinylsulphonate inhibitor specific to deubiquitinization enzyme further show that CoV has deubiquititination activity. Understanding the concept of proteolytic processing and deubiquitinating of PLP’s can pave a way to the development of novel antisera regents directed against HCoV.

Next section: Proteomics/Proteolytic processing/Autoprocessing