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French › Level two lessons › Going out · Sortir

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Grammar · À and de

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The preposition à can indicate a destination, a location, a characteristic, measurement, a point in time, and purpose.

When le follows à, the à and le combine into au. Similarly, à and les combine into aux.

The preposition de can indicate an origin, contents, possession, cause, and manner.

When le follows de, the de and le combine into du. Similarly, de and les combine into des.

Vocabulary · Leisure activities · Les loisirs

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le cinéma About this sound /si.ne.ma/ cinema
la musique About this sound /myzik/ music
le spectacle About this sound /spɛk.takl/ show
le théâtre About this sound /te.atʁ/ the theater
la danse About this sound /dɑ̃s/ dance
le sport About this sound /spɔʁ/ sport

Grammar · -tir verbs

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The following verbs are all conjugated irregularly, in the same way.

To leave · Partir

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partir Listen /paʁ.tiʁ/ (pahr-teer) to leave
je pars /paʁ/ (pahr) I leave
tu pars /paʁ/ (pahr) you leave
il part Listen /paʁ/ (pahr) he leaves
nous partons /paʁ.tɔ̃/ (pahr-toh(n)) we leave
vous partez /paʁ.te/ (pahr-tay) you leave
ils partent /paʁt/ (pahrt) they leave
parti(e)(s) Listen /paʁ.ti/ (pahr-tee) left

The verbs repartir /ʁǝ.paʁ.tiʁ/ (ruh-pahr-teer, meaning to leave for where one came from or to restart is conjugated in the same way as partir.
Répartir /ʁe.paʁ.tiʁ/ (ray-pahr-teer), meaning to distribute or to forward, is conjugated in the regular second group pattern (see the conjugation table).

To go out · Sortir

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sortir Listen /sɔʁ.tiʁ/ (sohr-teer) to go out
je sors /sɔʁ/ (sohr) I go out
tu sors /sɔʁ/ (sohr) you go out
il sort Listen /sɔʁ/ (sohr) he goes out
nous sortons /sɔʁ.tɔ̃/ (sohr-toh(n)) we go out
vous sortez /sɔʁ.te/ (sohr-tay) you go out
ils sortent /sɔʁt/ (sohrt) they go out
sorti(e)(s) Listen /sɔʁ.ti/ (sohr-tee) gone out

The verb ressortir /ʁǝ.sɔʁ.tiʁ/ (ruh-sohr-teer, meaning to go or come back out, to take back out, to emerge from, or to stand out, is conjugated in the same way as sortir.

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à partir de About this sound /a paʁ.tiʁ də/ starting at, from […] onward
supposing (that)
À partir du règne de Louis le Gros, les communes ont commencé à être affranchies de la féodalité.
À partir du troisième acte, l’intérêt de cette pièce va en s’affaiblissant.
Starting with the reign of Louis the Fat, communes began to be incorporated into the feudal system.
Starting in the third act, interest in this play starts to weaken.
la sortie About this sound /sɔʁ.ti/ exit, end, final part of

Supplementary vocabulary · All verbs

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repentir About this sound /ʁə.pɑ̃.tiʁ/ to repent repen-
mentir About this sound /mɑ̃.tiʁ/ to lie men-
démentir About this sound /demɑ̃tiʁ/ to contradict, to deny, to belie démen-
partir About this sound /paʁ.tiʁ/ to leave par-
repartir About this sound /ʁǝ.paʁ.tiʁ/ to leave for where one came from, to restart repar-
répartir About this sound /ʁe.paʁ.tiʁ/ to distribute, to forward répar-
sentir About this sound /sɑ̃.tiʁ/ to feel, to taste, to smell sen-
consentir About this sound /kɔ̃.sɑ̃.tiʁ/ to consent consen-
pressentir About this sound /pʁɛ.sɑ̃.tiʁ/ to foresee pressen-
ressentir About this sound /ʁəsɑ̃tiʁ/ to feel ressen-
sortir About this sound /sɔʁ.tiʁ/ to go out, to take out sor-
ressortir About this sound /ʁǝ.sɔʁ.tiʁ/ to go or come back out, to take back out ressor-

Supplementary examples

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Il en ressort que […] It follows from this that […]
C'est une image qui ressort. It's an image that stands out.

Vocabulary · Movies · Les films

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le film About this sound /film/ movie
les sous-titres About this sound /su.titr/ subtitles
l'acteur (m)
l'actrice (f)
About this sound /ak.tœʁ/
About this sound /ak.tʁis/
louer About this sound /lwe/ to rent
la vidéo
le DVD
About this sound /vi.deo/ video
The movie theater
le cinéma About this sound /si.ne.ma/ the (movie) theater
la salle du cinéma theater showing room lit: room of the theater
la séance About this sound /se.ɑ̃s/ showing
le guichet About this sound /giʃɛ/ ticket window
la place
le fauteuil
About this sound /plas/
About this sound /fotœj/
seat/place to sit
coûter About this sound /ku.te/ to cost
jouer About this sound /ʒwe/ to play
Film genres
le documentaire documentary
le film d’aventures adventure movie
le film d’horreur horror film
le film de science-fiction sci-fi film
  • 1Un fauteuil is the physical chair that one sits on. One would normally use "une place" whenever "a seat" is used in English.
    • Prenez place ! - Take a seat! (very common expression. No article before place, you should not say Prenez la place)

Grammar · -enir verbs

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-enir verbs are irregularly conjugated (they are not treated as regular -ir verbs).

To come · Venir

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The most common -enir verb is venir, meaning to come.

When venir is used with the preposition de, it means to come from or to be from:

Ces pommes viennent de l'Espagne. (These apples come from Spain.)

When venir de is used with a verb, it states that you have recently accomplished an action.

Je viens de me réveiller. (I have just got up.)


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In the present indicative, venir (and all other -enir verbs) is conjugated as follows:

venir Listen /vǝ.niʁ/ (vuh-neer) to come
je viens /vjɛ̃/ (vyuha(n)) I come
tu viens /vjɛ̃/ (vyuha(n)) you come
il vient /vjɛ̃/ (vyuha(n)) he comes
nous venons /vǝ.nɔ̃/ (vuh-noh(n)) we come
vous venez /vǝ.ne/ (vuh-nay) you come
ils viennent /vjɛn/ (vyuhehn) they come
venu(e)(s) /vǝ.ny/ (vuh-new) come

Supplementary vocabulary · All -enir verbs

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venir About this sound /vǝ.niʁ/ to come
revenir About this sound /ʁǝ.vniʁ/ to come back, to return
devenir About this sound /dǝv.niʁ/ to become
redevenir About this sound /ʁǝ.dǝ.vniʁ/ to become again
appartenir (à) About this sound /apaʁtəniʁ/ to belong to, to concern
contenir About this sound /kɔ̃.tniʁ/ to contain, to hold
détenir About this sound /det(ə)niʁ/ to keep, to detain
retenir About this sound /ʀətəniʀ/ to hold back, to retain, to uphold
se souvenir About this sound /sə su.vniʁ/ to remember
soutenir About this sound /sut.niʁ/ to support
soutenir que to maintain that
tenir About this sound /tǝniʀ/ to hold

Supplementary examples

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Je viens de finir mes devoirs. I have just finished my homework.

Supplementary grammar · -é…er verbs

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-é…er verbs are regular -er verbs, but are also stem changing.


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suggérer Listen /syɡ.ʒe.ʁe/ (sewg-zhay-ray) to suggest
je suggère /syɡ.ʒɛʁ/ (sewg-zhehr) I suggest
tu suggères /syɡ.ʒɛʁ/ (sewg-zhehr) you suggest
il suggère /syɡ.ʒɛʁ/ (sewg-zhehr) he suggests
nous suggérons /syɡ.ʒe.ʁɔ̃/ (sewg-zhay-roh(n)) we suggest
vous suggérez /syɡ.ʒe.ʁe/ (sewg-zhay-ray) you suggest
ils suggèrent /syɡ.ʒɛʁ/ (sewg-zhehr) they suggest
suggéré /syɡ.ʒe.ʁe/ (sewg-zhay-ray) suggested

Other -é…er verbs

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accélérer About this sound /ak.se.le.ʁe/ to accelerate
céder About this sound /se.de/ to yield
célébrer About this sound [se.le.bʁe] to celebrate
espérer About this sound /ɛspeʁe/ to hope
préférer About this sound /pʁe.fe.ʁe/ to prefer
sécher About this sound /se.ʃe/ to dry


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Elles suggèrent une démonstration de maquillage. They suggest a cosmetic makeover.
Son attitude suggère une dépression nerveuse imminente. His attitude suggests an imminent nervous breakdown.

Supplementary word details · La sortie

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La Sortie or Sortie is generally used for fire exit signage in buildings to direct people in the building to the nearest exit. 

In this case, La Sortie would imply The Way Out(side) to those reading it.

Supplementary word details · To feel · Sentir

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Supplementary word details · To support · Soutenir

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