French › Level two lessons › Communication · La communication

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Grammar · -aître verbs

Verbs ending in -aître, such as connaître, meaning to know (personally), are conjugated irregularly.


connaître Listen /kɔ.nɛtʁ/ (koh-nehtr) to know
je connais /kɔ.nɛ/ (koh-neh) I know
tu connais /kɔ.nɛ/ (koh-neh) you know
il connaît /kɔ.nɛ/ (koh-neh) he knows
nous connaissons /kɔ.nɛ.sɔ̃/ (koh-neh-soh(n)) we know
vous connaissez /kɔ.nɛ.se/ (koh-neh-say) you know
ils connaissent /kɔ.nɛs/ (koh-nehs) they know
connu Listen /kɔ.ny/ (koh-new) known

Supplementary vocabulary · Other -aître verbs

apparaître About this sound /ʁɛtʁ/ to appear
comparaître About this sound /kɔ̃.pa.ʁɛtʁ/ to appear before an official Il a comparu devant le maire. He appeared before the Mayor.
disparaître About this sound /ʁɛtʁ/ to disappear La douleur a complètement disparu. The pain has completely disappeared.
méconnaître About this sound /me.kɔ.nɛtʁ/ to not recognize, to be unaware of Le médecin a méconnu la nature de cette maladie. The doctor did not recognize the nature of this sickness.
disparaître About this sound [[:Media:Fr-disparaître.ogg|]] to disappear
naître About this sound [[:Media:Fr-naître.ogg|]] to be born1
paraître About this sound /pa.ʁɛtʁ/ to appear, to seem L'acteur a paru sur l'écran.
Il paraît 40 ans.
The actor appeared on screen.
He seems forty.
réapparaître About this sound /ʁʁɛtʁ/ to reappear Lorsque la terre est réapparue, ce a été à l’entrée du détroit de Magellan. When land reappeared, it was at the entrance of the Strait of Magellan.
reconnaître About this sound /ʁǝ.kɔ.nɛtʁ/ to recognize Je l’ai reconnu à sa démarche. I recognized his walk.
repaître About this sound /ʁə.pɛtʁ/ to feed, to eat Il faut repaître ces animaux.
Les cerfs sortent le soir des bois pour repaître.
It is necessary to feed these animals.
The deer come out of the woods in the evening to eat.
reparaître About this sound /ʁǝ.pa.ʁɛtʁ/ to reappear Le soleil reparaît sur l’horizon. The sun reappears on the horizon.

1Naître has an irregular past participle () and takes être as its helping verb in perfect tenses.

Grammar · To know · Savoir

savoir Listen /sa.vwaʁ/ (sah-vwahr) to know
je sais /sɛ/ (seh) I know
tu sais /sɛ/ (seh) you know
il sait /sɛ/ (seh) he knows
nous savons /sa.vɔ̃/ (sah-voh(n)) we know
vous savez / (sah-vay) you know
ils savent /sav/ (sahv) they know
su /sy/ (sew) known

Usage notes · Connaître and savoir

Connaître is used to say that you know someone, or are acquainted with someone or something:

Ce chien connaît bien son maître.This dog knows its master.
Ce cheval connaît le chemin.This horse knows the way.

Savoir is used to say that you know a fact or piece of information:

Il est difficile de savoir si elle ment.It's difficult to know if she's lying.

Savoir is also used to say that you know how to do something:

Savez-vous nager?Do you know how to swim?


Cet enfant ne connaît pas encore ses lettres. This child does not know his letters.
Je ne connais cette personne que de nom. I know this person only by name.
Il connaît sa faiblesse. He knows his weakness.

Vocabulary · Phone calls

le téléphone About this sound /te.le.fɔn/ (tay-lay-fohn) telephone
le téléphone portable
le téléphone mobile
le mobile
About this sound /te.le.fɔn pɔʁ.tabl/ (tay-lay-fohn pohr-tahbl)
About this sound Fr-le téléphone mobile.ogg
About this sound /mɔ.bil/ (moh-beel)
mobile phone

Usage notes · Téléphoner and appeler

Téléphoner (à) is used to say that you are calling (to) someone. In French, you call to someone, so the verb is used with indirect, and not direct, objects:

Je téléphone à Jacques.I'm calling Jacques.
J'ai téléphoné à mon ami.I called my friend.

Appeler is also used:

J'ai appelé Marcel sur son mobile.I called Marcel on his mobile.

Grammar · To say · Dire

Dire , meaning to say or to tell, is conjugated irregularly.


dire Listen /diʁ/ (deer) to say
je dis /di/ (dee) I say
tu dis /di/ (dee) you say
il dit Listen /di/ (dee) he says
nous disons /di.zɔ̃/ (dee-zoh(n)) we say
vous dites Listen /dit/ (deet) you say
ils disent /diz/ (deez) they say
dit Listen /di/ (dee) said

The related verb redire /ʁə.diʁ/ (ruh-deer) means to repeat, to restate, or to retell. The related phrase vouloir dire /vu.lwaʁ diʁ/ (voo-lwahr deer) means to mean.


Il a dit son nom. He said his name.
« Je m'appelle Paul, » dit-il. "My name is Paul," he said.
Je vais dire un secret. I'm going to say a secret.
Georges ne dit pas la vérité. Georges does not tell the truth.
Il ne faut pas le redire. You don't have to say it again.
Je t'ai déjà dit, mais je le redis à toi. I've already told you, but I'll tell you again.
Il va redire tout ce qu’on lui dit. He's going to retell all that we say to him.

Supplementary grammar · Verbs conjugated similarly to dire

The following verbs are conjugated like dire, except that the second person plural form is -dissez, not -dites.

contredire About this sound /kɔ̃t.ʁə.diʁ/ to contradict Il a essayé de me contredire, il n’y a pas réussi. He tried to contradict me, he has not succeeded.
interdire About this sound /ɛ̃.tɛʁ.diʁ/ to forbid, to ban Il est interdit d’interdire.
Une obligation imprévue m’interdit ce plaisir.
It is forbidden to forbid.
An unforeseen obligation prevents me that pleasure.
médire About this sound /mediʁ/ to slander, to speak badly of Vous médisez de tout le monde.
Il médit de son prochain.
You speak badly of everyone.
He speaks ill of his neighbor.
prédire About this sound /pʁediʁ/ to predict, to foretell Les chercheurs ont prédit l'éclipse.
Les prophètes ont prédit la venue de Jésus-Christ.
The scientists predicted the eclipse.
The prophets foretold the coming of Jesus Christ.
dédire About this sound /de.diʁ/ to go back on, to retract

maudireto curse /mo.diʁ/ is also conjugated in this way, except that the third person plural is maudissent.

Vocabulary · Mail · Le courrier

la poste About this sound /pɔst/ post office
le courrier About this sound /ku.ʁje/ mail Le courrier n’est pas encore arrivé.
Répondez-moi par courrier.
Les heures du courrier sont changées.
The mail has not arrived yet.
Answer me by mail.
The mail hours are changed.
la lettre (d’affaires, d’amour, de recommandation, d’avis, de condoléance) About this sound /lɛtr(ə)/ (business, love, recomendation, notification, condolence) letter J'ai mis la lettre à la poste. I put the letter in the post.
la boîte aux lettres
la boite aux lettres
About this sound /ɛtʁ/ mailbox J'ai mis ta missive dans la boite aux lettres. I put your letter in the mailbox.
cacheter (une lettre, un paquet) About this sound /ka.ʃə.te/ to seal (a letter, a parcel) Elle cachète toutes ses lettres avec de la cire. She seals all her letters with wax.
fermer (une lettre) About this sound /fɛʁ.me/ to close (a letter)
envoyer (une lettre) About this sound /ɑ̃ to send (a letter) Je vais envoyer le paquet par le chemin de fer. I will send the package by railroad.
recevoir (une lettre) About this sound /ʁəs.vwaʁ/ to receive (a letter)
ouvrir (une lettre) About this sound /u.vʁiʁ/ to open (a letter)
décacheter (une lettre) About this sound /de.kaʃ.te/ to unseal (a letter)
répondre (à une lettre) About this sound /re.pɔ̃dʁ/ to answer, to respond (to a letter) Je lui ai écrit deux fois, il ne m’a pas répondu. I wrote to him twice, he did not answer.

Supplementary grammar · To send · Envoyer


envoyer Listen /ɑ̃ (ah(n)-vwah-yuhay) to send
je envoie /ɑ̃.vwa/ (ah(n)-vwah) I send
tu envoies /ɑ̃.vwa/ (ah(n)-vwah) you send
il envoie /ɑ̃.vwa/ (ah(n)-vwah) he sends
nous envoyons /ɑ̃.vwa.jɔ̃/ (ah(n)-vwah-yuhoh(n)) we send
vous envoyez /ɑ̃ (ah(n)-vwah-yuhay) you send
ils envoient /ɑ̃.vwa/ (ah(n)-vwah) they send
envoyé /ɑ̃ (ah(n)-vwah-yuhay) sent

The verb renvoyer /ʁɑ̃ (rah(n)-vwah-yuhay), meaning to resend or to send back, is conjugated in the same way as envoyer.


Je vais envoyer le paquet par le chemin de fer. I will send the package by railroad.

Usage notes · Renvoyer

Supplementary grammar · -cevoir verbs

Verbs ending in -cevoir, such as recevoir, meaning to receive, are conjugated irregularly.


recevoir Listen /ʁə.sv.waʁ/ (ruh-sev-wahr) to receive
je reçois /ʁə.swa/ (ruh-swah) I receive
tu reçois /ʁə.swa/ (ruh-swah) you receive
il reçoit /ʁə.swa/ (ruh-swah) he receives
nous recevons /ʁə.sv.ɔ̃/ (ruh-sev-oh(n)) we receive
vous recevez /ʁə.sv.e/ (ruh-sev-ay) you receive
ils reçoivent /ʁə.swav/ (ruh-swahv) they receive
reçu Listen /ʁǝ.sy/ (ruh-sew) received

Other -cevoir verbs

apercevoir About this sound /a.pɛʁ.sǝ.vwaʁ/ to see, to glimpse, to catch sight of
concevoir About this sound /kɔ̃səvwaʀ/ to conceive, to understand C'est un ouvrage bien conçu.
Cette femme a passé l’âge de concevoir.
It is a well-designed book.
This woman was too old to conceive.
décevoir About this sound /de.sǝ.vwaʁ/ to disappoint, to deceive Il m’a déçu par sa manière d’agir. He disappointed me by his actions.
percevoir About this sound /pɛʁ.sǝ.vwaʁ/ to perceive
repercevoir About this sound /ʁə.pɛʁ.sə.vwaʁ/ to reperceive


Odette répond à toutes les lettres qu’elle reçoit. Odette answers all the letters that she receives.
Je conçois bien ce que vous me dites. I understand what you say.
C’est une chose difficile à concevoir. It is hard to conceive.
Tous ses espoirs ont été déçus. All his hopes were dashed.

Supplementary vocabulary · Computers and the Internet

Computer hardware
l'ordinateur (portable) (m) About this sound /ɔʁœʁ/ (laptop) computer Elle est sur l’ordinateur. She is on the computer.
l'écran (d'ordinateur) (m) About this sound /e.kʁɑ̃/ (computer) screen, monitor
le clavier About this sound /klavje/ keyboard
la souris About this sound /su.ʁi/ mouse
l'imprimante (f) About this sound /ɛ̃.pʁi.mãt/ printer Cette imprimante est dotée de cartouches couleur ; elle peut imprimer en couleur. This printer has color cartridges and can print in color.
le CD-ROM About this sound /ʁɔm/ CD-ROM Ce CD-ROM contient un dictionnaire très complet. This CD-ROM contains a comprehensive dictionary.
la disquette About this sound /dis.kɛt/ floppy disk
Computer software
le software software
l’information About this sound /ɛ̃.fɔʁ.ma.sjɔ̃/ information
le logiciel About this sound /lɔ.ʒi.sjɛl/ software (program) C’est un logiciel très facile d’utilisation. The software is easy to use.
le programme
la programmation
About this sound /pʁɔ.ɡʁam/
About this sound /pʁɔ.ɡʁɔ̃/
L’ordinateur refuse d'ouvrir ce programme.
Ce programme résoud tous mes problèmes !
The computer refuses to open this program.
This program solves all my problems!
le document About this sound /dɔkymɑ̃/ document
le fichier About this sound /fi.ʃje/ file
Computer use
utiliser About this sound / to use
taper (un texte) About this sound / to type (a text)
sauvegarder (un fichier) About this sound /sɔv.ɡaʁ.de/ to save (a file)
exécuter About this sound /ɛɡ to run, to carry out
cliquer About this sound /klike/ to click Tu dois cliquer sur le bouton rouge. You must click (on) the red button.
allumer About this sound / to turn on
éteindre About this sound /e.tɛ̃dʁ/ to turn off (to extinguish)
The Internet
aller sur Internet to go on the Internet Il est allé sur Internet pour lire le journal. He went on the Internet to read the newspaper.
le modem About this sound /modˈɛm/ modem
la connexion About this sound /kɔ.nɛk.sjɔ̃/ connection
connecter About this sound /ko.nɛk.te/ to connect Je vais connecter l'ordinateur au réseau informatique. I will connect the computer to the computer network.
le site (Web) About this sound /sit/
About this sound /sit wɛb/
(web) site Je suis en train d’étudier le langage HTML pour concevoir mon site Web perso. I am studying HTML to design my personal website.
l'e-mail (m) About this sound /i.mɛl/ e-mail
télécharger About this sound /te.le.ʃaʁ.ʒe/ to download, to upload Elle a téléchargé le ficher. She downloaded the file.
transmettre About this sound /tʁɑ̃s.mɛtʁ/ to transmit

Supplementary grammar · To call · Appeler

Appeler means to call or to call out.

Appeler is also used to say what your name is. Je m'appelle... literally means I call myself…, but in English you would say My name is…. Appeler is a regular -er verb, but is also stem changing.


appeler Listen /ap(.ə).le/ (ahp(uh)-lay) to call
j'appelle /a.pɛl/ (ah-pehl) I call
tu appelles /a.pɛl/ (ah-pehl) you call
il appelle /a.pɛl/ (ah-pehl) he calls
nous appelons /ap(.ə).lɔ̃/ (ah-puh-loh(n)) we call
vous appelez /ap(.ə).le/ (ah-puh-lay) you call
ils appellent /a.pɛl/ (ah-pehl) they call
appelé /ap(.ə).le/ (ah-play) called

Rappeler /ʀa.ple/ (rah-play), meaning to call back, recall, or remind, is conjugated in the same way as appeler. The reflexive form se rappeler means to remember.

The related masculine noun l'appel /a.pɛl/ means call or appeal:

J'ai entendu votre appel.I heard your call.
Les femelles blattes produisent des phéromones lors de l'appel du mâle.The female cockroach produce pheromones during the call of the male.

The noun le rappel /ʀa.pɛl/ means reminder or recall:

Cet ambassadeur a obtenu son rappel.The ambassador has received his recall.
Il a obéi par la crainte du rappel.He obeyed by the fear of the recall.
J’ai été obligé de lui faire un discret rappel pour l’amener à me rembourser.I was obliged to make a discreet reminder to him to reimburse me.


J'ai appelé son nom. I called out her name.
Appelle-moi ce soir. Call me this evening.
Nous devrons appeler un médecin. We should call a doctor.
Elle a appelé à l'aide. She called out for help.
Ton père t’a téléphoné. Peux-tu le rappeler ? Your father telephoned. Can you call him back?
Rappelle-moi à mon rôle. Remind me of my role.
Je ne me le rappelle pas. I don't remember that/it/him.

