C# Programming/Keywords/goto

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The goto keyword returns the flow of operation to the label which follows it. Labels can be created by putting a colon after any word. e.g.

thelabel:       // This is a label
 System.Console.WriteLine("Blah blah blah");
 goto thelabel; // Program flow returns to thelabel

The use of goto is very controversial, because, when used frivolously, it creates code that jumps from place to place and is disorganized and hard to read. It is rarely even necessary because the same thing can often be accomplished with a more organized for loop or while loop.

C# Keywords
abstract as base bool break
byte case catch char checked
class const continue decimal default
delegate do double else enum
event explicit extern false finally
fixed float for foreach goto
if implicit in int interface
internal is lock long namespace
new null object operator out
override params private protected public
readonly ref return sbyte sealed
short sizeof stackalloc static string
struct switch this throw true
try typeof uint ulong unchecked
unsafe ushort using var virtual
void volatile while
Special C# Identifiers (Contextual Keywords)
add alias async await dynamic
get global nameof partial remove
set value when where yield
Contextual Keywords (Used in Queries)
ascending by descending equals from
group in into join let
on orderby select where