360 Assembly/360 Instructions

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When the System/360 ("360") was introduced in 1964, there were five instruction formats: RR, RS, RX, SI, and SS. An instruction's format was determined by the first two bits of its operation code ("opcode"), which is the instruction's first eight bits. The first 2-bits are as follows:

  • 00 (opcodes 00 to 3F/0 to 63 (decimal); RR instruction, generally two registers)
  • 01 (opcodes 40 to 7F/64 to 127 (decimal); RX instruction, one register and one address calculated using a base register, an index register, and a displacement of 0 to 4095 bytes
  • 10 (opcodes 80 to BF/128 to 191 (decimal); RS or SI instruction)
    • (An RS instruction was generally one register and a storage location address.)
    • (An SI instruction was generally one register, one storage location, and an immediate value.)
  • 11 (opcodes C0 to FF/192 to 255 (decimal); SS instruction, two storage addresses)

In order to encourage the expansion of IBM mainframes into more and more uses, the capabilities of their processors were enhanced with new instruction formats, allowing for additional functionality at the machine code level. Currently, there are many instruction formats now available on all mainframe models: the 360, System/370 ("370" or "S/370"), ESA/390 ("390"), and z/System ("Z"). Each instruction format, along with a breakdown and explanation of the format, is provided in the table below.


  • Under "Availability," unless "all" is specified, it is available on certain models, namely: "370" indicates an instruction is available on 370 and later models (370,390, and z/System); "ESA/390" indicates that an instruction is available on 390 and z/System; and "Z" indicates an instruction is available on z/System only. However, despite the listed availability of a particular instruction format, the availability of a specific instruction of that format may be further restricted.
  • A "base-displacement" address is described as "B1, D1" where a base-displacement address is used or as either "B2, D2" or "B2, D2, X2" where an index register is also used (the address is indexed). If a base-displacement address is not indexed, the X2 field on the second operand is not used. The B or X values refer to a 4-bit register value from 0 to 15, and the D value is an unsigned, 12-bit displacement address.
  • Instructions take a multiple of two bytes, and are two, four or six bytes in length.
Format Breakdown
First Halfword Second Halfword Third Halfword Availability Size in
Bits (0-7) (8-11) (12-15) (16-19) (20-23) (24-27) (28-31) (32-35) (36-39) (40-47)
I OpCode I All 2 The I-type instruction is a subformat of the RR instruction format where the low eight bits are used as an immediate value from 0 to 255. The only instruction of this subformat is the SVC instruction.
E OpCode ESA/390 2 E, Modified RR instruction, 16-bit opcode, no arguments.
IE OpCode / / / / / / / / I1 I2 Z 4 IE, 16-bit opcode, two immediate values and eight unused bits.
MII OpCode M1 RI2 RI3 Z 6 MII, consisting of a mask and two immediate values.
RIE OpCode R1 / / / / I2 M3 / / / / Addit-




Z 6 RIE-a, consisting of a register, a 16-bit immediate value, a mask, four unused bits and an additional opcode.
OpCode R1 R2 RI4 M3 / / / / Addit-




Z 6 RIE-b, consisting of two registers, a mask, two 16-bit immediate values, four unused bits and an additional opcode.
OpCode R1 M3 RI4 I2 Addit-




Z 6 RIE-c, consisting of a register, an immediate value, a mask, a register, and an additional opcode.
OpCode R1 R3 I2 / / / / / / / / Addit-




Z 6 RIE-d, consisting of an instruction, two registers, a 16-bit immediate value, eight unused bits and an additional opcode.
OpCode R1 R3 RI4 / / / / / / / / Addit-




Z 6 RIE-e, consisting of an instruction, two registers, a register, eight unused bits and an additional opcode.
OpCode R1 R2 I3 I4 I5 Addit-




Z 6 RIE-f, consisting of an instruction, two registers, three immediate values and an additional opcode.
OpCode R1 M3 I2 / / / / / / / / Addit-




Z 6 RIE-g, consisting of an instruction, a register, a mask, a 16-bit immediate value, eight unused bits and an additional opcode.
RIL OpCode R1 Addit-




I2 ESA/390 6 RIL-a, consisting of an instruction with a register, an additional opcode, and an additional 32-bit immediate value.
OpCode R1 Addit-




RI2 Z 6 RIL-b, consisting of an instruction with a register, an additional opcode, and a register.
OpCode M1 Addit-




RI2 Z 6 RIL-c, consisting of an instruction with a mask, an additional opcode, and a register.
RIS OpCode R1 M3 B4 D4 I2 Addit-




Z 6 RIS, consisting of an instruction with a register, a mask, a base-displacement address, an additional 8-bit immediate value, and an additional opcode.
RR OpCode R1 R2 All 2 RR Instructions use two registers for the arguments.
RRD OpCode R1 / / / / R3 R2 Z 4 RRD, consisting of a register, four unused bits and two registers.
RRE OpCode / / / / / / / / R1 R2 S/370 4 RRE, consisting of two registers and eight unused bits.
RRF1 OpCode R1 / / / / R3 R2 ESA/390 4 RRF, consisting of 3 registers and 4 unused bits.
RRF2 OpCode M3 / / / / R1 R2 ESA/390 4 RRF, consisting of a 16-bit opcode, 2 registers, a mask and 4 unused bits.
RRF3 OpCode R3 M4 R1 R2 ESA/390 4 RRF, consisting of a 16-bit opcode, three registers and a 4-bit mask.
RRR OpCode R3 / / / / R1 R2 ESA/390 4 RRR consisting of a 16-bit opcode, four unused bits and three registers.
RRS OpCode R1 R2 B4 D4 M3 / / / / Addit-




Z 6 RRS consisting of two registers, a base-displacement address, a mask, four unused bits and an additional opcode.
RS1 OpCode R1 R3 B2 D2 All 4 RS, consisting of two registers and an unindexed base-displacement address to reference a single string.
RS2 OpCode R1 M3 B2 D2 4 RS, consisting of one register, a 4-bit mask and an unindexed base-displacement address to reference a single string.
RSE OpCode R1 R3 B2 D2 / / / / / / / / Addit-ional Op Code ESA/390 6 RSE, consisting of an expanded RS format instruction of with an additional opcode and eight unused bits, one register, and an unindexed base-displacement address to reference a single string.
OpCode R1 M3 B2 D2 / / / / / / / / OpCd ESA/390 6 RSE, consisting of an expanded RS format instruction of with an additional op code and 8 unused bits, a 4-bit mask, and an unindexed base-displacement address to reference a single string.
RSL OpCode L1 / / / / B2 D2 / / / / / / / / OpCd ESA/390 6 RSL, consisting of an expanded RS format instruction with an additional opcode and 12 unused bits.
RSI OpCode R1 R3 I2 ESA/390 4 RSI, consisting of an instruction with two registers and a 16-bit immediate value.
RI OpCode R1 Addit-ional Op Code I2 ESA/390 4 RI, consisting of an instruction with a register, an additional opcode, and an additional 16-bit immediate value.
OpCode R1 Addit-ional Op Code RI2 Z 4 RI, consisting of an instruction with a register, an additional opcode, and an additional signed binary integer value.
OpCode M1 Addit-ional Op Code RI2 Z 4 RI, consisting of an instruction with a mask, an additional opcode, and an additional signed binary integer value.
RX OpCode R1 X2 B2 D2 All 4 RX Instructions use one register and an index register plus base-displacement address.
RXE OpCode R1 X2 B2 D2 / / / / / / / / Addit-ional Op Code ESA/390 6 RXE, consisting of an expanded RX format instruction with an additional opcode and eight unused bits.
RXF OpCode R3 X2 B2 D2 R1 / / / / Addit- ional Op Code ESA/390 6 RXF, consisting of an expanded RX format instruction with an additional register, an additional opcode and four unused bits.
RXY OpCode R1 X2 B2 DL2 DH2 Addit-ional Op Code ESA/390 6 RXY-a (like RXE), consisting of an expanded RX format instruction with an additional eight displacement bits and opcode.
OpCode M1 X2 B2 DL2 DH2 Addit-ional Op Code ESA/390 6 RXY-b (like RXY-a), consisting of an instruction with a mask and an index register plus base-displacement address, an additional eight displacement bits and opcode.
S OpCode B2 D2 S/370 4 S, containing of a 16-bit opcode, and a single unindexed base-displacement address.
SI OpCode I2 B1 D1 All 4 SI, consisting of an 8-bit immediate value and an unindexed base-displacement address.
SS OpCode L B1 D1 B2 D2 All 6 SS, instructions which use a 1 byte length, and two unindexed base-displacement addresses to reference two strings with a length of up to 256 bytes.
OpCode L1 L2 B1 D1 B2 D2 6 SS, instructions which use two unindexed base-displacement addresses to reference two strings each with their own specified length of up to 16 bytes.
OpCode R1 R3 B1 D1 B2 D2 6 SS, instructions which use two registers and two unindexed base-displacement addresses to reference two strings.
SSE OpCode B1 D1 B2 D2 S/370 6 SSE, containing a 16-bit opcode and two unindexed base-displacement addresses.
SSF OpCode R3 Addit-ional Op Code B1 D1 B2 D2 Z 6 SSF, consisting of a register, an additional opcode, and two unindexed base-displacement addresses.
VRI OpCode V1 / / / / I2 M3 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-a, consisting of a vector, an immediate 2-byte value, a mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 / / / / I2 I3 M4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-b, consisting of an instruction, a vector, two immediate byte values, a mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V3 I2 M4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-c, consisting of an instruction, two vectors, an immediate 2-byte value, a mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V2 V3 / / / / I4 M5 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-d, consisting of an instruction, three vectors, an immediate byte value, a mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V2 I3 M5 M4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-e, consisting of an instruction, two vectors, an immediate 12-bit value, tow masks, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V2 V3 / / / / M5 I4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-f, consisting of an instruction, three vectors, a mask, an immediate byte value, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V2 I4 M5 I3 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-g, consisting of an instruction, twµ vectors, an immediate byte value, a mask, another immediate byte value, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 / / / / I2 I3 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-h, consisting of an instruction, a vector, an immediate 2-byte value, a 4-bit immediate value, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 R2 / / / / / / / / M4 I3 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRI-i, consisting of an instruction, a vector, a register, a mask, an immediate byte value, and an additional opcode.
VRR OpCode V1 V2 / / / / / / / / M5 M4 M3 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-a, consisting of an instruction, two vectors, three mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V2 V3 / / / / M5 / / / / M4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-b, consisting of an instruction, three vectors, two masks, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V2 V3 / / / / M6 M5 M4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-c, consisting of an instruction, three vectors, three masks, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V2 V3 M5 M6 / / / / V4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-d, consisting of an instruction, three vectors, three mask, a vector, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 V2 V3 M6 / / / / M5 V4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-e, consisting of an instruction, three vectors, an immediate byte value, a mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 R2 R3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-f, consisting of an instruction, a vector, two registers, and an additional opcode.
OpCode / / / / V1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-g, consisting of an instruction, a vector, and an additional opcode.
OpCode / / / / V1 V2 / / / / M3 / / / / / / / / RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-h, consisting of an instruction, two vectors, a mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode R1 V2 / / / / / / / / M3 M4 / / / / RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRR-i, consisting of an instruction, a register, a vector, a register, two masks, and an additional opcode.
VRS OpCode V1 V3 B2 D2 M4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRS-a, consisting of two vectors, an unindexed base-displacement address, a mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode V1 R3 B2 D2 M4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRS-b, consisting of an instruction, a vector, a register, an unindexed base-displacement address, a mask, and an additional opcode.
OpCode R1 V3 B2 D2 M4 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRS-c, consisting of an instruction, a register, a vector, an unindexed base-displacement address, a masks, and an additional opcode.
OpCode / / / / R3 B2 D2 V1 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRS-d, consisting of a register, an unindexed base-displacement address, a vector, and an additional opcode.
VRV OpCode V1 V2 B2 D2 M3 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRV, consisting of an instruction, two vectors, an unindexed base-displacement address, a mask, and an additional opcode.
VRX OpCode V1 X2 B2 D2 M3 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VRX, consisting of an instruction, a vector, an index, an unindexed base-displacement address, a mask, and an additional opcode.
VSI OpCode I3 B2 D2 V1 RXB Addit-ional Op Code Z 6 VSI, consisting of an instruction, an immediate byte value, an unindexed base-displacement address, a vector, and an additional opcode.

All instructions must be aligned to an even address. Attempts to create an instruction at an odd address will be flagged as an error by the assembler; an attempt to branch to an odd address will result in an address exception.

There are four instruction set architectures:

  • 360 instructions are those which were part of the original IBM 360 mainframe instruction set architecture and are shown on the table below in this color: [       ]. Except for instructions marked "360 only," these instructions work on all models.
  • 370 instructions were added with the creation of the IBM 370 and are shown on the table below in this color: [       ]. They are only available on 370- and higher-series machines and will not work (and will "throw an exception") if they are attempted to be executed on a 360. Instructions marked "370 only" will also throw an exception on the 390 or Z. Instructions marked "370 only" and "390 only" will throw an exception on the z/System.
  • ESA/390 instructions were created for the 390 and are shown on the table below in this color: [       ]. They are only available on ESA/390 and z/System mainframes and will throw an exception if they are attempted to be executed on a 360 or S/370. Instructions marked "390 Only" will throw an exception on the z/System.
  • z/System instructions were created after the 370 and 390 and are shown on the table below in this color: [       ]. They will throw an exception on 360, 370, or 390 hardware and work only on z/System mainframes.

In general, there are seven classes of instructions:

Additionally, the S/370 and S/390 had an optional Vector Facility, whose instruction opcodes can be seen in the table below, beginning with A4 hexadecimal. Support for the Vector Facility was discontinued with the z/Architecture; however, the z13 reintroduced vector instructions, albeit a new set of vector instructions with incompatible opcodes from the old 370/390 Vector Facility. (The new z13 vector instructions are not currently in the table.)

The table below lists specific instructions available on the four instruction set architectures. The table can be sorted by column. To do so, click on the symbol at the top of a column. The numeric value of opcodes listed is shown in hexadecimal only.



Instruction Format Instruction Class Instruction Set Architecture
00 The opcode 00 will always throw an invalid op-code exception on all models of all machine types. Some programmers will use it to test error-handling, and some operting systems use it to catch "runaway" programs, ones that have continued executing past the end of the code of the program.
0101 PR Program Return E Control Flow Instructions   390
0102 UPT Update Tree E Data Transfer Instructions   390
0104 PTFF Perform Timing Facility Function E Control Flow Instructions   390
0105 CMSG Clear Message E Data Transfer Instructions   390
0106 TMSG Test Message E Data Transfer Instructions   390
0107 SCKPF Set (TOD) Clock Programmable Field E Control Flow Instructions   390
0108 TMPS Test Message Path State E Data Transfer Instructions   390
0109 CMPS Clear Message Path State E Data Transfer Instructions   390
010A PFPO Perform Floating Point Operation E Data Transfer Instructions   390
010B TAM Test Addressing Mode E Control Flow Instructions   390
010C SAM24 Set Addressing Mode (to 24 bits) E Control Flow Instructions   390
010D SAM31 Set Addressing Mode (to 31 bits) E Control Flow Instructions   390
010E SAM64 Set Addressing Mode (to 64 bits) E Control Flow Instructions   Z
01FF TRAP2 Trap E Control Flow Instructions   390
04 SPM Set Program Mask RR Other Instructions   360
05 BALR Branch And Link Register RR Branch Instructions   360
06 BCTR Branch on CounT Register RR Branch Instructions   360
07 BCR Branch on Condition Register RR Branch Instructions   360
070 NOPR No Operation Register RR Branch Instructions   360
07F BR Branch Register (Unconditional) RR Branch Instructions   360
08 SSK Set Storage Key RR 360 Only Privileged Instructions   360
09 ISK Insert Storage Key RR 360 Only Privileged Instructions   360
0A SVC SuperVisor Call I Control Flow Instructions   360
0B BSM Branch and Set Mode RR Branch Instructions   390
0C BASSM Branch and Save and Set Mode RR Branch Instructions   390
0D BASR Branch And Save Register RR Branch Instructions   360
0E MVCL MoVe Character Long RR Data Transfer Instructions   370
0F CLCL Compare Logical Character Long RR Logic Instructions   370
10 LPR Load Positive Register RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
11 LNR Load Negative Register RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
12 LTR Load and Test Register RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
13 LCR Load and Complement Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
14 NR aNd Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
15 CLR Compare Logical Register RR Logic Instructions   360
16 OR Or Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
17 XR eXclusive-or Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
18 LR Load Register RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
19 CR Compare Register RR Logic Instructions   360
1A AR Add Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
1B SR Subtract Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
1C MR Multiply Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
1D DR Divide Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
1E ALR Add Logical Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
1F SLR Subtract Logical Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
20 LPDR Load Positive (Long) RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
21 LNDR Load Negative RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
22 LTDR Load and Test RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
23 LCDR Load Complement (Long) RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
24 HDR Halve RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
25 LDXR Load Rounded RR Data Transfer Instructions   390
25 LRDR Load Rounded RR 360 Only Data Transfer Instructions   360
26 MXR Multiply RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
27 MXDR Multiply RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
28 LDR Load RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
29 CDR Compare Double Reg. RR Logic Instructions   360
2A ADR Add Double Register RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
2B SDR Subtract Double Reg. RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
2C MDR Multiply Double Reg. RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
2D DDR Divide Double Reg. RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
2E AWR Add Unnormalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
2F SWR Subtract Unnormalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
30 LPER Load Positive (Short) RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
31 LNER Load Negative RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
32 LTER Load and Test RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
33 LCER Load Complement (Short) RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
34 HER Halve RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
35 LEDR Load Rounded RR Data Transfer Instructions   370
35 LRER Load Rounded RR 360 Only Data Transfer Instructions   360
36 AXR Add Normalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
37 SXR Subtract Normalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
38 LER Load RR Data Transfer Instructions   360
39 CER Compare RR Logic Instructions   360
3A AER Add Normalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
3B SER Subtract Normalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
3C MER Multiply Normalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
3D DER Divide Normalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
3E AUR Add Unnormalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
3F SUR Subtract Unnormalized RR Arithmetic Instructions   360
40 STH STore Halfword RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
41 LA Load Address RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
42 STC STore Character RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
43 IC Insert Character RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
44 EX EXecute RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
45 BAL Branch And Link RX Branch Instructions   360
46 BCT Branch on CounT RX Branch Instructions   360
47 BC Branch on Condition RX Branch Instructions   360
470 NOP No Operation RX Branch Instructions   360
471 BO Branch on Overflow/Ones RX Branch Instructions   360
472 BH Branch (a High) RX Branch Instructions   360
472 BP Branch on Plus RX Branch Instructions   360
474 BL Branch (a Low) RX Branch Instructions   360
474 BM Branch on Minus/Mixed RX Branch Instructions   360
477 BNE Branch Not Equal RX Branch Instructions   360
477 BNZ Branch Not Zero RX Branch Instructions   360
478 BE Branch (a Equal b) RX Branch Instructions   360
478 BZ Branch on Zero RX Branch Instructions   360
47B BNL Branch (a Not Low) RX Branch Instructions   360
47B BNM Branch Not Minus RX Branch Instructions   360
47D BNH Branch Not High RX Branch Instructions   360
47D BNP Branch Not Plus RX Branch Instructions   360
47E BNO Branch Not Ones RX Branch Instructions   360
47F B Branch (unconditional) RX Branch Instructions   360
48 LH Load Halfword RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
49 CH Compare Halfword RX Logic Instructions   360
4A AH Add Halfword RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
4B SH Subtract Halfword RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
4C MH Multiply Halfword RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
4D BAS Branch And Save RX Branch Instructions   360
4E CVD ConVert to Decimal RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
4F CVB ConVert to Binary RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
50 ST STore RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
51 LAE Load Address Extended RX Data Transfer Instructions   390
54 N aNd RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
55 CL Compare Logical RX Logic Instructions   360
56 O Or RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
57 X eXclusive or RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
58 L Load RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
59 C Compare RX Logic Instructions   360
5A A Add RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
5B S Subtract RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
5C M Multiply RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
5D D Divide RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
5E AL Add Logical RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
5F SL Subtract Logical RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
60 STD Store Double RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
67 MXD Multiply Double RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
68 LD Load Double RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
69 CD Compare Double RX Logic Instructions   360
6A AD Add Double normalized RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
6B SD Subtract Double normalized RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
6C MD Multiply Double RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
6D DD Divide Double RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
6E AW Add unnormalized Word RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
6F SW Subtract unnormalized Word RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
70 STE Store short RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
71 MS Multiply Single RX Data Transfer Instructions   370
78 LE Load short RX Data Transfer Instructions   360
79 CE Compare short RX Logic Instructions   360
7A AE Add normalized short RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
7B SE Subtract normalized short RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
7C MDE Multiply short RX Arithmetic Instructions   390
7C ME Multiply short RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
7D DE Divide short RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
7E AU Add Unnormalized short RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
7F SU Subtract Unnormalized short RX Arithmetic Instructions   360
80 SSM Set System Mask SI Privileged Instructions   360
82 LPSW Load Program Status Word S Privileged Instructions   360
83 DIAGNOSE Diagnose[1] RX Privileged Instructions   360
84 WRD Write Direct RX 360 Only Privileged Instructions   360
85 RDD Read Direct RX 360 Only Privileged Instructions   360
84 BRXH Branch Relative on indeX High RSI Branch Instructions   370
84 JXH Jump on indeX High RSI Branch Instructions   370
85 BRXLE Branch Relative on indeX Low or Equal RSI Branch Instructions   370
85 JXLE Jump on indeX Low or Equal RSI Branch Instructions   370
86 BXH Branch on indeX High RS Branch Instructions   360
87 BXLE Branch on indeX Low or Equal RS Branch Instructions   360
88 SRL Shift Right single Logical RS Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
89 SLL Shift Left Logical RS Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
8A SRA Shift Right Arithmetic RS Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
8B SLA Shift Left Arithmetic RS Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
8C SRDL Shift Right Double Logical RS Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
8D SLDL Shift Left Double Logical RS Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
8E SRDA Shift Right Double Arithmetic RS Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
8F SLDA Shift Left Double Arithmetic RS Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
90 STM STore Multiple RS Data Transfer Instructions   360
91 TM Test under Mask SI Logic Instructions   360
92 MVI MoVe Immediate SI Data Transfer Instructions   360
93 TS Test and Set SI Logic Instructions   360
94 NI aNd Immediate SI Data Transfer Instructions   360
95 CLI Compare Logical Immediate SI Logic Instructions   360
96 OI Or Immediate SI Data Transfer Instructions   360
97 XI eXclusive-or Immediate SI Data Transfer Instructions   360
98 LM Load Multiple RS Data Transfer Instructions   360
99 TRACE Trace RS Privileged Instructions   390
9A LAM Load Access Multiple RS Data Transfer Instructions   370
9B STAM Store Access Multiple RS Data Transfer Instructions   370
9C SIO Start I/O SI 360 Only Privileged Instructions   360
9C00 SIO Start I/O SI Privileged Instructions   370
9C01 SIOF Start I/O Fast release SI Privileged Instructions   370
9C00 RIO Resume I/O SI Privileged Instructions   370
9D TIO Test I/O SI 360 Only Privileged Instructions   360
9D00 TIO Test I/O SI 370 Only Privileged Instructions   370
9D01 CLRIO CLeaR I/O SI 370 Only Privileged Instructions   370
9E HIO Halt I/O SI 360 Only Privileged Instructions   360
9E00 HIO Halt I/O SI 370 Only Privileged Instructions   370
9E01 HDV Halt DeVice SI 370 Only Privileged Instructions   370
9F TCH Test CHannel SI 360, 370 Only Privileged Instructions   360
9F00 TCH Test CHannel SI 390 & Z Privileged Instructions   390
9F01 CLRCH Clear CHannel SI Privileged Instructions   390
B258 BSG Branch in Subspace Group RRE Branch Instructions   390
A4-- Vector Instructions RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A400 VAE Add Exponential (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A401 VSE Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A402 VME Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A403 VDE Divide (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A404 VMAE (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A405 VMSE (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A406 VMCE (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A407 VACE ACcumulate Exponential (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A408 VCE (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A409 VL (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A40A VLM (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A40B VLY (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A40D VST (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A40E VSTM (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A40F VSTK (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A410 VAD Add Double (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A411 VSD Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A412 VMD Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A413 VDD Divide (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A414 VMAD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A414 VMSD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A416 VMCD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A417 VACD ACcumulate Double (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A418 VCD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A419 VLD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A41A VLMD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A41B VLYD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A41D VSTD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A41E VSTMD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A41F VSTKD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A420 VA Add (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A421 VS Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A422 VM Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A424 VN (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A425 VO (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A426 VX (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A428 VC (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A429 VLH (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A42A VLINT (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A42D VSTH (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A443 VSQE (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A444 VTAE (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A445 VTSE (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A453 VSQD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A454 VTAD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A455 VTSD (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A480 VAES Add Exponential to Storage (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A481 VSES Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A482 VMES Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A483 VDES Divide (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A484 VMAES (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A485 VMSES (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A488 VCES (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A490 VADS Add Double to Storage (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A491 VSDS Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A492 VMDS Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A493 VDDS Divide (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A494 VMADS (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A495 VMSDS (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A498 VCDS (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A4A0 VAS Add (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A4A1 VSS Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A4A2 VMS Multuiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A4A4 VNS (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A4A5 VOS (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A4A6 VXS (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A4A8 VCS (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A5-- Vector Instructions RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A500 VAER Add Exponential Register (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A501 VSER Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A502 VMER Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A503 VDER (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A506 VMCER (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A507 VACER ACcumulate Exponential Reg. (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A508 VCER (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A509 VLR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A50A VLMR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A50B VLZR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A510 VADR Add Double to Register (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A511 VSDR Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A512 VMDR Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A513 VDDR Divide (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A516 VMCER (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A517 VACDR Accumulate Double Register (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A518 VCDR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A519 VLDR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A51A VLMDR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A51B VLZDR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A520 VAR Add to Register (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A521 VSR Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A522 VMR Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A524 VNR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A525 VOR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A526 VXR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A528 VCR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A540 VLPER (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A541 VLNER (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A542 VLCER (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A543 VSQER (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A550 VLPDR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A551 VLNDR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A552 VLCDR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A553 VSQDR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A560 VLPR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A561 VLNR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A562 VLCR (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A580 VAEQ Add Exponential (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A581 VSEQ Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A582 VMEQ Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A583 VDEQ Divide (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A584 VMAEQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A585 VMSEQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A588 VCEQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A589 VLEQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A58A VLMEQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A590 VADQ Add Double to Qualified Reg. (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A591 VSDQ Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A592 VMDQ Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A593 VDDQ Divide (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A594 VMADQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A595 VMSDQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A598 VCDQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A599 VLDQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A59A VLMDQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A5A0 VAQ Add to Qualified reg. (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A5A1 VSQ Subtract (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A5A2 VMQ Multiply (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Arithmetic Instructions   370
A5A4 VNQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A5A5 VOQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A5A6 VXQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A5A8 VCQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A5A9 VLQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A5AA VLMQ (Vector) RI-a 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A50 IIHH Insert Immediate High High RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A51 IIHL Insert Immediate High Low RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A52 IILH Insert Immediate Low High RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A53 IILL Insert Immediate Low Low RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A54 NIHH And Immediate High High RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A55 NIHL And Immediate High Low RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A56 NILH And Immediate Low High RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A57 NILL And Immediate Low Low RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A58 OIHH Or Immediate High High RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A59 OIHL Or Immediate High Low RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A5A OILH Or Immediate Low High RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A5B OILL Or Immediate Low Low RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A5C LLIHH Load Logical Immediate High High RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A5D LLIHL Load Logical Immediate High Low RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A5E LLILH Load Logical Immediate Low High RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A5F LLILL Load Logical Immediate Low Low RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A6-- Vector Instructions RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A600 VMXSE (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A601 VMNSE (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A602 VMXAE (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A608 VLELE (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A609 VXELE (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A610 VMXDS (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A611 VMNSD (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A612 VMXAD (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A618 VLELD (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A619 VXELD (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A61A VSPSD (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A61B VZPSD (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A640 VTVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A641 VCVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A642 VCZVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A643 VCOVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A644 VXVC (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A645 VLVCU (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A646 VXVMM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A648 VRRS (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A649 VRSVC (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A64A VRSV (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A680 VLVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A681 VLCVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A682 VSTVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A684 VNVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A685 VOVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A686 VXVM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6C0 VSRSV (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6C1 VMRSV (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6C2 VSRRS (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6C3 VMRRS (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6V4 VLVCA (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6C5 VRCL (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6C6 VSVMM (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6C7 VLVXA (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6C8 VSTVP (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6CA VACSV Activity Count SaVe (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A6CB VACRS Activity Count ReStore (Vector) RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
A70 TMH Test under Mask High RI-a Logic Instructions   390
A70 TMLH Test under Mask Low High RI-a Logic Instructions   390
A71 TML Test under Mask Low RI-a Logic Instructions   390
A71 TMLL Test under Mask Low Low RI-a Logic Instructions   390
A72 TMHH Test under Mask High High RI-a Logic Instructions   390
A73 TMHL Test under Mask High Low RI-a Logic Instructions   390
A74 BRC Branch Relative on Condition RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74 JC Jump on Condition RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-0 BRNOP Branch Relative No Operation RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-0 JNOP Jump No Operation RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-1 BRO Branch Relative on Overflow RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-1 JO Jump on Overflow RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-2 BRH Branch Relative on High RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-2 JH Jump on High RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-2 BRP Branch Relative on Plus RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-2 JP Jump on Plus RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-4 BRL Branch Relative on Low RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-4 JL Jump on Low RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-4 BRM Branch Relative on Minus RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-4 JM Jump on Minus RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-7 BRNE Branch Relative on Not Equal RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-7 JNE Jump on Not Equal RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-7 BRNZ Branch Relative on Not Zero RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-7 JNZ Jump on Not Zero RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-8 BRE Branch Relative on Equal RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-8 JE Jump on Equal RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-B BRNL Branch Relative on Not Low RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-B JNL Jump on Not Low RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-B BRNM Branch Relative on Not Minus RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-B JNM Jump on Not Minus RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-D BRNH Branch Relative on Not High RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-D JNH Jump on Not High RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-D BRNP Branch Relative on Not Plus RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-D JNP Jump on Not Plus RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-E BRNO Branch Relative on No Overflow RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-E JNO Jump on No Overflow RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-F BRU Branch Relative Unconditional RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A74-F JU Jump Unconditional RI-c Branch Instructions   390
A75 BRAS Branch Relative and Save RI-b Branch Instructions   390
A76 BRCT Branch Relative on Count RI-b Branch Instructions   390
A76 JCT Jump on Count RI-b Branch Instructions   390
A77 BRCTG Branch Relative on Count 64 RI-b Branch Instructions   Z
A77 JCTG Jump on Count 64 RI-b Branch Instructions   Z
A78 LHI Load Halfword Immediate RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
A79 LGHI Load Halfword Immediate 64 RI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
A7A AHI Add Halfword Immediate RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
A7B AGHI Add Halfword Immediate 64 RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A7C MHI Multiply Halfword Immediate RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
A7D MGHI Multiply Halfword Immediate 64 RI-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
A7E CHI Compare Halfword Immediate RI-a Logic Instructions   390
A7F CGHI Compare Halfword Immediate 64 RI-a Logic Instructions   Z
A8 MVCLE Move Long Extended RS Data Transfer Instructions   390
A9 CLCLE Compare Logical Long Extended RS Logic Instructions   390
AC STNSM Store Then aNd System Mask SI Privileged Instructions   370
AD STOSM Store Then Or System Mask SI Privileged Instructions   370
AE SIGP Signal Processor RS Privileged Instructions   370
AF MC Monitor Call SI Other Instructions   370
B1 LRA Load Real Address RX Privileged Instructions   370
B200 CONCS Connect Channel Set S Privileged Instructions   370
B201 DISCS DISconnect Channel Set S Privileged Instructions   370
B202 STIDP Store CPU ID S Privileged Instructions   370
B204 SCK Set Clock S Privileged Instructions   370
B205 STCK Store Clock S Data Transfer Instructions   370
B206 SCKC Set Clock Comparator S Privileged Instructions   370
B207 STCKC Store Clock Comparator S Privileged Instructions   370
B208 SPT Set CPU Timer S Privileged Instructions   370
B209 STPT Store CPU Timer S Privileged Instructions   370
B20A SPKA Set PSW Key From Address S Privileged Instructions   370
B20B IPK Insert PSW Key S Privileged Instructions   370
B20D PTLB Purge TLB S Privileged Instructions   390
B210 SPX Set Prefix S Privileged Instructions   370
B211 STPX Store Prefix S Privileged Instructions   370
B212 STAP Store CPU Address S Privileged Instructions   370
B213 RRB Reset Reference Bit S Privileged Instructions   370
B214 SIE RI-a 390 Only Other Instructions   390
B218 PC Program Call S Control Flow Instructions   390
B218 PCF Program Call Fast S Control Flow Instructions   390
B219 SAC Set Address Space Control S Control Flow Instructions   390
B21A CFC Compare and Form Codeword S Logic Instructions   390
B21B DEP Other Instructions   390
B21C DCTP Other Instructions   390
B21D MAD Multiply and Add Long Arithmetic Instructions   390
B21E MUN Other Instructions   390
B21F STCAP Other Instructions   390
B220 SERVC Other Instructions   390
B221 IPTE Invalidate Page Table Entry RRF Privileged Instructions   390
B222 IPM Insert Program Mask RRE Other Instructions   390
B223 IVSK Insert Virtual Storage Key RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B224 IAC Insert Address Space Control RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B225 SSAR Set Secondary ASN RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B226 EPAR Extract Primary ASN RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B227 ESAR Extract Secondary ASN RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B228 PT Program Transfer RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B229 ISKE Insert Storage Key Extended RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B22A RRBE Reset Storage Key Extended RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B22B SSKE Set Storage Key Extended RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B22C TB Test Block RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B22D DXR Divide Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B22E PGIN Page In RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B22F PGOUT Page Out RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B230 CSCH Clear SubCHannel S Privileged Instructions   390
B231 HSCH Halt SubCHannel S Privileged Instructions   390
B232 MSCH Modify SubCHannel S Privileged Instructions   390
B233 SSCH Start SubCHannel S Privileged Instructions   390
B234 STSCH Store SubCHannel S Privileged Instructions   390
B235 TSCH Test SubCHannel S Privileged Instructions   390
B236 TPI Test Pending Interruption S Privileged Instructions   390
B237 SAL Set Address Limit S Privileged Instructions   390
B238 RSCH Resume SubCHannel S Privileged Instructions   390
B239 STCRW Store Channel Report Word S Privileged Instructions   390
B23A STCPS Store Channel Path Status S Privileged Instructions   390
B23B RCHP Reset Channel Path S Privileged Instructions   390
B23C SCHM Set Channel Monitor S Privileged Instructions   390
B23D STZP Other Instructions   390
B23E SZP Other Instructions   390
B23F TPZI Other Instructions   390
B240 BAKR Branch and Stack RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B241 CKSM Checksum RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B242 Add FRR RRE Other Instructions   390
B243 MADS Other Instructions   390
B244 SQDR Square Root Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B245 SQER Square Root Short RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B246 STURA STore Using Real Address RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B247 MSTA Modify Stacked state RRE Control Flow Instructions   390
B248 PALB Purge ALB RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B249 EREG Extract Stacked Registers RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B24A ESTA Extract Stacked State RRE Control Flow Instructions   390
B24B LURA Load Using Real Address RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B24C TAR Test Access RRE Control Flow Instructions   390
B24D CPYA Copy Access RRE Other Instructions   390
B24E SAR Set Access RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B24F EAR Extract Access RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B250 CSP Compare and Swap and Purge RRE Control Flow Instructions   390
B252 MSR Multiply Single RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B254 MVPG Move Page RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B255 MVST Move String RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B257 CUSE Compare Until Substring Equal RRE Logic Instructions   390
B258 BSG Branch in Subspace Group RRE Branch Instructions   390
B259 IESBE RRE Other Instructions   390
B25A BSA Branch and Set Authority RRE Branch Instructions   390
B25B Asynchronus Page Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B25C Asynchronus Page Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B25D CLST Compare Logical String RRE Logic Instructions   390
B25E SRST Search String RRE Control Flow Instructions   390
B260 Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B261 Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B263 CMPSC Compression Call RRE Other Instructions   390
B264 Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B266 Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B267 Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B269 Cryptographic Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B26A Cryptographic Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B26B Cryptographic Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B26C Cryptographic Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B26D Cryptographic Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B26E Cryptographic Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B26F Cryptographic Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B272 Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B276 XSCH Cancel SubCHannel S Other Instructions   390
B277 RP Resume Program S Privileged Instructions   390
B278 STCKE Store Clock Extended S Data Transfer Instructions   390
B279 SACF Set Address Space Control Fast S Control Flow Instructions   390
B27A Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B27B Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B27C STCKF Store Clock Fast S Other Instructions   390
B27D STSI Store System Information S Privileged Instructions   390
B27E Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B27F Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B299 SRNM Set Rounding Mode S Data Transfer Instructions   390
B29C STFPC Store FPC S Data Transfer Instructions   390
B29D LFPC Load FPC S Data Transfer Instructions   390
B2A5 TRE Translate Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B2A6 CU21 Convert UTF-16 to UTF-8 RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B2A6 CUUTF Convert Unicode to UTF-8 RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B2A7 CU12 Convert UTF-8 to UTF-16 RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B2A7 CUTFU Convert UTF-8 to Unicode RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B2AA Dequeue CAM RRE Other Instructions   390
B2AB Process CAM Queue RRE Other Instructions   390
B2AC Enqueue CAM RRE Other Instructions   390
B2B1 STFL Store Facility List S Privileged Instructions   390
B2B2 LPSWE Load PSW Extended S Privileged Instructions   390
B2B8 SRNMB Set Rounding Mode S Data Transfer Instructions   390
B2B9 SRNMT Set Decimal Rounding Mode S Other Instructions   390
B2BD LFAS Load FPC and Signal S Other Instructions   390
B2F6 Coupling Facility RRE Other Instructions   390
B2F8 TEND Transaction END S Control Flow Instructions   Z
B2FC TABORT Transaction ABORT S Control Flow Instructions   Z
B2FF TRAP4 Trap S Control Flow Instructions   390
B300 LPEBR Load Positive Short RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B301 LNEBR Load Negative Short RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B302 LTEBR Load and Test Short RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B303 LCEBR Load Complement Short RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B304 LDEBR Load Lengthened Short/Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B305 LXDBR Load Lengthened Long/Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B306 LDEBR Load Lengthened Short/Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B307 MXDBR Multiply Long/Extended RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B308 KEBR Compare and Signal Short RRE Logic Instructions   390
B309 CEBR Compare Short RRE Logic Instructions   390
B30A AEBR Add Short RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B30B SEBR Subtract Short RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B30C MDEBR Multiply Short/Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B30D DEBR Divide Short RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B30E MAEBR Multiply and Add Short RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B30F MSEBR Multiply and Subtract Short RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B310 LPDBR Load Positive Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B311 LNDBR Load Negative Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B312 LTDBR Load and test Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B313 LCDBR Load Complement Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B314 SQEBR Square Root Short RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B315 SQDBR Square Root Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B316 SQXBR Square Root Extended RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B317 MEEBR Multiply Short RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B318 KDBR Compare and Signal Long RRE Logic Instructions   390
B319 CDBR Compare Long RRE Logic Instructions   390
B31A ADBR Add Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B31B SDBR Subtract Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B31C MDBR Multiply Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B31D DDBR Divide Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B31E MADBR Multiply and Add Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B31F MSDBR Multiply and Subtract Long RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B324 LDER Load Lengthened Short/Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B325 LXDR Load Lengthened Long/Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B326 LXER Load Lengthened Short/Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B32E MAER Multiply and Add Short RRF Arithmetic Instructions   390
B32F MSER Multiply and Subtract Short RRF Arithmetic Instructions   390
B336 SQXR Square Root Extended RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B337 MEER Multiply (Short*Short to Short) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B338 MAYLR Multiply and Add Unnormalized (Long>Ext. Low) RRD Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B339 MYLR Multiply Unnormalized (Long>Ext. Low) RRD Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B33A MAYR Multiply and Add Unnormalized (Long>Extended) RRD Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B33B MYR Multiply Unnormalized (Long>Extended) RRD Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B33C MAYHR Multiply and Add Unnormalized (Long>Ext. High) RRD Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B33D MYHR Multiply Unnormalized (Long>Ext. High) RRD Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B33E MADR Multiply and Add Long RRF Arithmetic Instructions   390
B33F MSDR Multiply and Subtract Long RRF Arithmetic Instructions   390
B340 LPXBR Load Positive Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B341 LNXBR Load Negative Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B342 LTXBR Load and Test Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B343 LCXBR Load Complement Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B344 LEDBR Load Rounded Long/Short RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B344 LEDBRA Load Rounded Long/Short RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B345 LDXBR Load Rounded Extended/Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B345 LDXBRA Load Rounded Extended/Long RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B346 LEXBR Load Rounded Extended/Short RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B346 LEXBRA Load Rounded Extended/Short RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B347 FIXBR Load FP Integer Extended RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   390
B348 KXBR Compare and Signal Extended RRE Logic Instructions   390
B349 CXBR Compare Extended RRE Logic Instructions   390
B34A AXBR Add Extended RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B34B SXBR Subtract Extended RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B34C MXBR Multiply Extended RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B34D DXBR Divide Extended RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B350 TBEDR Convert Short to Long RRF Data Transfer Instructions   390
B351 TBDR Convert Long RRF Data Transfer Instructions   390
B353 DIEBR Divide to Integer Short RRF Arithmetic Instructions   390
B357 FIEBR Load FP Integer Short RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   390
B357 FIEBRA Load FP Integer Short RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B358 THDER Convert Short to Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B359 THDR Convert Long RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B35B DIDBR Divide to Integer Long RRF Arithmetic Instructions   390
B35F FIDBR Load FP Integer Long RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   390
B35F FIDBRA Load FP Integer Long RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B360 LPXR Load Positive Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B361 LNXR Load Negative Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B362 LTXR Load and Test Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B363 LCXR Load Complement Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B365 LXR Load Extended RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B366 LEXR Load Rounded Extended/Short RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B367 FIXR Load FP Integer Extended RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   390
B367 FIXRA Load FP Integer Extended RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B369 CXR Compare Extended RRE Logic Instructions   390
B370 LPDFR Load Positive (Long) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B371 LNDFR Load Negative (Long) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B372 CPSDR Copy Sign (Long) RRF Other Instructions   390
B373 LCDFR Load Complement (Long) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B374 LZER Load Zero (Short) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B375 LZDR Load Zero (Long) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B376 LZXR Load Zero (Extended) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B377 FIER Load FP Integer (Short) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B37F FIDR Load FP Integer (Long) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B384 SFPC Set FPC RRE Other Instructions   390
B385 SFASR Set FPC and Signal RRE Other Instructions   390
B38C EFPC Extract FPC RRE Other Instructions   390
B390 CELBRA Convert from Logical (32/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B391 CDLBRA Convert from Logical (32/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B392 CXLBRA Convert from Logical (32/Extended) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B394 CEFBR Convert from Fixed (32/Short) RRE Other Instructions   390
B394 CEFBRA Convert from Fixed (32/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B395 CDFBR Convert from Fixed (32/Long) RRE Other Instructions   390
B395 CDFBRA Convert from Fixed (32/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B396 CXFBR Convert from Fixed (32/Extended) RRE Other Instructions   390
B396 CXFBRA Convert from Fixed (32/Extended) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B398 CFEBR Convert to Fixed (32/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   390
B398 CFEBRA Convert to Fixed (32/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B399 CFDBR Convert to Fixed (32/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   390
B399 CFDBRA Convert to Fixed (32/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B39A CFXBR Convert to Fixed (32/Extended) RRF-e Other Instructions   390
B39A CFXBRA Convert to Fixed (32/Extended) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B39C CLFEBR Convert to Logical (32/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B39D CLFDBR Convert to Logical (32/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B39E CLFXBR Convert to Logical (32/Extended) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A0 CELBRA Convert from Logical (64/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A1 CDLBRA Convert from Logical (64/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A2 CXLBRA Convert from Logical (64/Exteded) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A4 CEGBR Convert from Fixed (64/Short) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3A4 CEGBRA Convert from Fixed (64/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A5 CDGBR Convert from Fixed (64/Long) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3A5 CDGBRA Convert from Fixed (64/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A6 CXGBR Convert from Fixed (64/Exteded) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3A6 CXGBRA Convert from Fixed (64/Exteded) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A8 CGEBR Convert to Fixed (64/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A8 CGEBRA Convert to Fixed (64/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A9 CGDBR Convert to Fixed (64/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3A9 CGDBRA Convert to Fixed (64/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3AA CGXBR Convert to Fixed (64/Extended) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3AA CGXBRA Convert to Fixed (64/Extended) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3AC CLGEBR Convert to Logical (64/Short) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3AD CLGDBR Convert to Logical (64/Long) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3AE CLGXBR Convert to Logical (64/Extended) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3B4 CEFR Convert from Fixed (32/Short) RRE Other Instructions   390
B3B5 CDFR Convert from Fixed (32/Long) RRE Other Instructions   390
B3B6 CXFR Convert from Fixed (32/Extended) RRE Other Instructions   390
B3B8 CFER Convert to Fixed (Short/32) RRF Other Instructions   390
B3B9 CFDR Convert to Fixed (Long/32) RRF Other Instructions   390
B3BA CFXR Convert to Fixed (Extended/32) RRF Other Instructions   390
B3C1 LDGR Load FPR from GPR (Long) RXY Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3C4 CEGR Convert from Fixed (64/Short) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3C5 CDGR Convert from Fixed (64/Long) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3C6 CXGR Convert from Fixed (64/Extended) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3C8 CGER Convert to Fixed (Short/64) RRF Other Instructions   Z
B3C9 CGDR Convert to Fixed (Long/64) RRF Other Instructions   Z
B3CA CGXR Convert to Fixed (Extended/64) RRF Other Instructions   Z
B3CD LGDR Load GPR from FPR (Long) RXY Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3D0 MDTR Multiply (Long) RRR Arithmetic Instructions   390
B3D0 MDTRA Multiply (Long) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B3D1 DDTR Divide (Long) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
B3D2 ADTR Add (Long) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
B3D2 ADTRA Add (Long) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B3D3 SDTR Subtract (Long) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
B3D3 SDTRA Subtract (Long) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B3D4 LDETR Load Lengthened (Short/Long) RRF-d Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3D5 LEDTR Load Rounded (Long/Short) RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3D6 LTDTR Load and Test (Long) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3D7 FIDTR Load Floating-Point Integer (Long) RRF-e Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3D8 MXTR Multiply (Extended) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
B3D8 MXTRA Multiply (Extended) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B3D9 DXTR Divide (Extended) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
B3DA AXTR Add (Extended) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
B3DA AXTRA Add (Extended) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B3DB SXTR Subtract (Extended) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
B3DB SXTRA Subtract (Extended) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B3DC LXDTR Load Lengthened (Long/Extended) RRF Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3DD LDXTR Load Rounded (Extended/Long) RRF Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3DE LTXTR Load and Test (Extended) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3DF FIXTR Load Floating-Point Integer (Extended) RRF Data Transfer Instructions   390
B3E0 KDTR Compare and Signal (Long) RRE Logic Instructions   390
B3E1 CGDTR Convert to Fixed (Long/64) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3E1 CGDTRA Convert to Fixed (Long/64) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3E2 CUDTR Convert to 64b U.Packed (Long) RRF Other Instructions   390
B3E3 CSDTR Convert to 64b S.Packed (Long) RRF Other Instructions   390
B3E4 CDTR Compare (Long) RRE Logic Instructions   390
B3E5 EEDTR Extract Biased Exponent (Long) RRE Other Instructions   390
B3E7 ESDTR Extract Significance (Long) RRE Other Instructions   390
B3E8 KXTR Compare and Signal (Extended) RRE Logic Instructions   390
B3E9 CGXTR Convert to Fixed (Extended/64) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3E9 CGXTRA Convert to Fixed (Extended/64) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B3EA CUXTR Convert to 128b U.Packed (Extended) RRF Other Instructions   Z
B3EB CSXTR Convert to 128b S.Packed (Extended) RRF Other Instructions   Z
B3EC CXTR Compare (Extended) RRE Logic Instructions   390
B3ED EEXTR Extract Biased Exponent (Extended) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3EF ESXTR Extract Significance (Extended) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3F1 CDGTR Convert from Fixed (64/Long) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3F1 CDGTRA Convert from Fixed (64/Long) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3F2 CUSTR Convert from 64b U.Packed (Long) RRE Other Instructions   390
B3F3 CDSTR Convert from 64b S.Packed (Long) RRE Other Instructions   390
B3F4 CEDTR Compare Biased Exponent (Long) RRE Logic Instructions   390
B3F5 QADTR Quantize (Long) RRF-b Other Instructions   390
B3F6 IEDTR Insert Biased Exponent (Long) RRF-b Other Instructions   390
B3F7 RRDTR Reround (Long) RRF-b Other Instructions   390
B3F9 CXGTR Convert from Fixed (64/Extended) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3F9 CXGTRA Convert from Fixed (64/Extended) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3FA CXUTR Convert from 128b U.Packed (Extended) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3FB CXSTR Convert from 128b S.Packed (Extended) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B3FC CEXTR Compare Biased Exponent (Extended) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B3FD QAXTR Quantize (Extended) RRF-b Other Instructions   390
B3FE IEXTR Insert Biased Exponent (Extended) RRF-b Other Instructions   390
B3FF RRXTR Reround (Extended) RRF-b Other Instructions   390
B6 STCTL Store ConTroL RS Privileged Instructions   370
B7 LCTL Load ConTroL RS Privileged Instructions   370
B8 LMC Load Multiple Control RS Privileged Instructions   390
B900 LPGR Load Positive Register (64 bit) Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B901 LNGR Load Negative Register (64 bit) Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B902 LTGR Load and Test Register (64 bit) Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B903 LCGR Load and Complement Register (64 bit) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B904 LGR Load Register (64 bit) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B905 LURAG Load Using Real Address (64 bit) RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B906 LGBR Load Byte (8/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B908 AGR Add (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B909 SGR Subtract (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B90A ALGR Add Logical (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B90B SLGR Subtract Logical (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B90C MSGR Multiply Single (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B90D DSGR Divide Single (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B90E EREGG Extract Stacked Registers (64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B90F LRVGR Load Reserved (64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B910 LPGFR Load Positive (32/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B911 LNGFR Load Negative (32/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B912 LTGFR Load And Test (32/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B913 LCGFR Load Complement (32/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B914 LGFR Load (32/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B916 LLGFR Load Logical (32/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B917 LLGTR Load Logical Thirty One Bits (31/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B918 AGFR Add (32/64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B919 SGFR Subtract (32/64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B91A ALGFR Add Logical (32/64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B91B SLGFR Subtract Logical (32/64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B91C MSGFR Multiply Single (32/64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B91D DSGFR Divide Single (32/64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B91F LRVR Load Reversed (32) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B920 CGR Compare (64) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B921 CLGR Compare Logical (64) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B925 STURG Store Using Real Address RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B926 LBR Load Byte (8/32) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B927 LHR Load Halfword (32<16) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B928 PCKMO Perform Cryptographic Key Mgmt Operations RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B929 KMA cipher Message with Authentication RRF-b Other Instructions   Z
B92A KMF cipher Message with cipher Feedback RRE Other Instructions   Z
B92B KMO cipher Message with Output feedback RRE Other Instructions   Z
B92C PCC Perform Cryptographic Computation RRE Other Instructions   Z
B92D KMCTR cipher Message with CounTeR RRF-b Other Instructions   Z
B92E KM cipher Message RRE Other Instructions   Z
B92F KMC cipher Message with Chaining RRE Other Instructions   Z
B930 CGFR Compare (32/64) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B931 CLGFR Compare Logical (32/64) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B938 SORTL Sort List RRE Other Instructions   Z
B939 DFLTCC deflate conversion call RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B93A KDSA compute digital signature authentication RRE Other Instructions   Z
B93C PRNO perform random number operation RRE Other Instructions   Z
B93E KIMD compute intermediate message digest RRE Other Instructions   Z
B93F KLMD compute last message digest RRE Other Instructions   Z
B941 CFDTR Convert to fixed (Long Dfp to 32) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B942 CLGDTR Convert to logical (Long Dfp to 64) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B943 CLFDTR Convert to logical (Long Dfp to 32) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B946 BCTGR Branch on CounT (64) RRE Branch Instructions   Z
B949 CFXTR Convert to Fixed (eXtended Dfp to 32) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B94A CLGXTR Convert to Logical (eXtended Dfp to 64) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B94B CLFXTR Convert to Logical (eXtended Dfp to 32) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B951 CDFTR Convert from fixed (32 to Long Dfp) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B952 CDLGTR Convert from Logical (64 to Long Dfp) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B953 CDLFTR Convert from Logical (32 to Long Dfp) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B959 CXFTR Convert from Fixed (32 to eXtended Dfp) RRE Other Instructions   Z
B95A CXLGTR Convert from Logical (64 to eXtended Dfp) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B95B CXLFTR Convert from Logical (32 to eXtended Dfp) RRF-e Other Instructions   Z
B960 CGRT Compare and Trap (64) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B960-2 CRTH Compare and Trap on High (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B960-4 CRTL Compare and Trap on Low (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B960-7 CRTE Compare and Trap on Equal(32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B960-8 CRTNE Compare and Trap on Not Equal (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B960-A CRTNL Compare and Trap on Not Low (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B960-C CRTNH Compare and Trap on Not High (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B961 CLGRT Compare Logical and Trap (64) RRF Logic Instructions   Z
B964 NNGRK Nand (64) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B965 OCGRK Or with Complement (64) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B966 NOGRK Nor (64) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B967 NXGRK Not eXclusive or (64) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B972 CRT Compare and Trap (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B972-2 CRTH Compare and Trap on High (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B972-4 CRTL Compare and Trap on Low (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B972-7 CRTE Compare and Trap on Equal(32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B972-8 CRTNE Compare and Trap on Not Equal (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B972-A CRTNL Compare and Trap on Not Low (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B972-C CRTNH Compare and Trap on Not High (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B973 CLRT Compare Logical and Trap (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B973-2 CLRTH Compare Logical and Trap on High (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B973-4 CLRTL Compare Logical and Trap on Low (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B973-7 CLRTE Compare Logical and Trap on Equal(32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B973-8 CLRTNE Compare Logical and Trap on Not Equal (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B973-A CLRTNL Compare Logical and Trap on Not Low (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B973-C CLRTNH Compare Logical and Trap on Not High (32) RRF-c Logic Instructions   Z
B974 NNRK Nand (32) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B975 OCRK Or with Complement (32) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B976 NORK Nor (32) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B977 NXRK Not eXclusive or (32) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B980 NGR aNd (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B981 OGR Or (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B982 XGR eXclusive or (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B984 LLGCR Load Logical Character (8/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B985 LLGHR Load Logical Halfword (16/64) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B986 MLGR Multiply Logical (64/128) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B987 DLGR Divide Logical (128/64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B988 ALCGR Add Logical with Carry (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B989 SLBGR Subtract Logical with Borrow (64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B98D EPSW Extract PSW RRE Other Instructions   390
B98E IDTE Invalidate DAT Table Entry RRF-b Privileged Instructions   Z
B98F CRDTE Compare and Replace DAT Table Entry RRF-b Privileged Instructions   Z
B990 TRTT Translate Two To Two RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B991 TRTO Translate Two To One RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B992 TROT Translate One To Two RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B993 TROO Translate One To One RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B994 LLCR Load Logical Character (8/32) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B995 LLHR Load Logical Halfword (16/32) RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B996 MLR Multiply Logical (32/64) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B997 DLR Divide Logical (64/32) RRE Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B998 ALCR Add Logical with Carry RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B999 SLBR Subtract Logical with Borrow RRE Arithmetic Instructions   390
B99A EPAIR Extract Primary ASN and Instance RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B99B ESAIR Extract Secondary ASN and Instance RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B99D ESEA Extract and Set Extended Authority RRE Privileged Instructions   390
B99E PTI Program Transfer with Instance RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B99F SSAIR Set Secondary ASN and Instance RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B9A1 TPEI Test Pending External Interruption RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B9A2 PTF Perform Topology Function RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B9AA LPTEA Load Page Table Entry Address RRF-b Privileged Instructions   Z
B9AC IRBM Insert Reference Bits Multiple RRE Control Flow Instructions   Z
B9AE RRBM Reset Reference Bits Multiple RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B9AF PFMF Perform Frame Management Function RRE Privileged Instructions   Z
B9B0 CU14 Convert UTF-8 to UTF-32 RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B9B1 CU24 Convert UTF-16 to UTF-32 RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B9B2 CU41 Convert UTF-32 to UTF-8 RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B9B3 CU42 Convert UTF-32 to UTF-16 RRE Data Transfer Instructions   390
B9BD TRTE TRanslate and Test Reverse Extended RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B9BE SRSTU Search String Unicode RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B9BF TRTE TRanslate and Test Extended RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   390
B9C0 SELFHR SELect High (32) RRF-a Other Instructions   Z
B9C8 AHHHR Add High (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9C9 SHHHR Subtract High (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9CA ALHHHR Add Logical High (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9CB SLHHHR Subtract Logical High (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9CD CHHR Compare High (32) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B9CF CLHHR Compare Logical High (32) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B9D8 AHHLR Add High (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9D9 SHHLR Subtract High (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9DA ALHHLR Add Logical High (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9DB SLHHLR Subtract Logical High (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9DD CHLR Compare High (32) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B9DF CLHLR Compare Logical High (32) RRE Logic Instructions   Z
B9E0 LOCFHR Load High on Condition (32) RRF-c Other Instructions   Z
B9E1 POPCNT POPulation CouNT RRF-c Other Instructions   Z
B9E2 LOCGR Load on Condition (64) RRF-c Other Instructions   Z
B9E3 SELGR SELect (64) RRF-a Logic Instructions   Z
B9E4 NGRK aNd (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9E5 NCGRK aNd with Complement (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9E6 OGRK OR (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9E7 XGRK eXclusive or (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9E8 AGRK Add (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9E9 SGRK Subtract (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9EA ALGRK Add Logical (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9EB SLGRK Subtract Logical (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9EC MGRK Multiply (128<64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9ED MSGRKC Multiply Single (64) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9F0 SELR SELect (32) RRF-a Logic Instructions   Z
B9F2 LOCR Load On Condition (32) RRF-c Data Transfer Instructions   Z
B9F4 NRK aNd (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9F5 NCRK aNd with Complement (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9F6 ORK OR (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9F7 XRK eXclusive or (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9F8 ARK Add (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9F9 SRK Subtract (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9FA ALRK Add Logical (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9FB SLRK Subtract Logical (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
B9FD MSRKC Multiply Single (32) RRF-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
BA CS Compare and Swap RS Logic Instructions   370
BB CDS Compare Double and Swap RS Logic Instructions   370
BD CLM Compare Logical Chars. under Mask RS Logic Instructions   370
BE STCM Store Characters under Mask RS Data Transfer Instructions   370
BF ICM Insert Characters under Mask RS Data Transfer Instructions   370
C00 LARL Load Address Relative Long RIL Data Transfer Instructions   390
C01 LGFI Load Immediate (32/64) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C04 BRCL Branch Relative on Condition Long RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04 JCL Jump on Condition Long RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-0 BRUL No Operation RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-0 JLNOP No Operation RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-1 BROL Branch Relative Long on Overflow RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-1 JLO Jump Long on Overflow RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-2 BRHL Branch Relative Long on High RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-2 JLH Jump Long on High RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-2 BRPL Branch Relative Long on Plus RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-2 JLP Jump Long on Plus RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-4 BRLL Branch Relative Long on Low RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-4 JLL Jump Long on Low RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-4 BRML Branch Relative Long on Minus RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-4 JLM Jump Long on Minus RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-7 BRNEL Branch Relative Long on Not Equal RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-7 JLNE Jump Long on Not Equal RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-7 BRNZL Branch Relative Long on Not Zero RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-7 JLNZ Jump Long on Not Zero RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-8 BREL Branch Relative Long on Equal RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-8 JLEQ Jump Long on Equal RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-8 BRZL Branch Relative Long on Zero RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-8 JLZ Jump Long on Zero RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-B BRLL Branch Relative Long on Not Low RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-B JLL Jump Long on Not Low RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-B BRNML Branch Relative Long on Not Minus RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-B JLNM Jump Long on Not Minus RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-D BRNHL Branch Relative Long on Not High RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-D JLNH Jump Long on Not High RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-D BRNPL Branch Relative Long on Not Plus RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-D JLNP Jump Long on Not Plus RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-E BRNOL Branch Relative Long on Not Overflow RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-E JLNO Jump Long on Not Overflow RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-F BRUL Unconditional Branch Relative Long RIL Branch Instructions   390
C04-F JLU Unconditional Jump Long RIL Branch Instructions   390
C05 BRASL Branch Relative and Save Long RIL Branch Instructions   390
C06 XIHF eXclusive Or Immediate (high) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   390
C07 XILF eXclusive Or Immediate (low) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   390
C08 IIHF Insert Immediate (high) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   390
C09 IILF Insert Immediate (low) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   390
C0A NIHF aNd Immediate (high) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   390
C0B NILF aNd Immediate (low) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   390
C0C OIHF Or Immediate (high) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   390
C0D OILF Or Immediate (low) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   390
C0E LLIHF Load Logical Immediate (high) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   390
C0F LLILF Load Logical Immediate (low) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   390
C20 MSGFI Multiply Single Immediate (32/64) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   Z
C21 MSFI Multiply Single Immediate (32) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   Z
C24 SLGFI Subtract Logical Immediate (32/64) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   Z
C25 SLFI Subtract Logical Immediate (32) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   Z
C28 AGFI Add Immediate (32/64) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   Z
C29 AFI Add Immediate (32) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   Z
C2A ALGFI Add Logical Immediate (32/64) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   Z
C2B ALFI Add Logical Immediate (32) RIL Arithmetic Instructions   Z
C2C CGFI Compare Immediate (32/64) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C2D CFI Compare Immediate (32) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C2E CLGFI Compare Logical Immediate (32/64) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C2F CLFI Compare Logical Immediate (32) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C42 LLHRL Load Logical Halfword Relative Long (16/32) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   390
C44 LGHRL Load Halfword Relative Long (16/64) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C45 LHRL Load Halfword Relative Long (16/32) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C46 LLGHRL Load Logical Halfword Relative Long (16/64) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C47 STHRL STore Halfword Relative Long RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C48 LGRL Load Relative Long (64) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C4B STGRL STore Relative Long (64) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C4C LGFRL Load Relative Long (32/64) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C4D LRL Load Relative Long (32) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C4E LLGFRL Load Logical Relative Long (32/64) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C4F STRL Store Relative Long (32) RIL Data Transfer Instructions   390
C60 EXRL Execute Relative Long RIL Control Flow Instructions   390
C62 PFDRL Prefetch Data Relative Long RIL Data Transfer Instructions   390
C64 CGHRL Compare Halfword Relative Long (16/64) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C65 CHRL Compare Halfword Relative Long (16/32) RIL Logic Instructions   390
C66 CLGHRL Compare Logical Relative Long (16/64) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C67 CLHRL Compare Logical Relative Long (16/32) RIL Logic Instructions   390
C68 CGRL Compare Relative Long (64) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C6A CLGRL Compare Logical Relative Long (64) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C6C CGFRL Compare Logical Relative Long (32/64) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C6D CRL Compare Relative Long (32) RIL Logic Instructions   390
C6E CLGFRL Compare Logical Relative Long (32/64) RIL Logic Instructions   Z
C6F CLRL Compare Logical Relative Long (32) RIL Logic Instructions   390
C80 MVCOS MoVe Characters with Optional Specifications SSF Control Flow Instructions   390
C61 ECTG Extract Cpu Time SSF Other Instructions   390
C62 CSST Compare and Swap and STore SSF Logic Instructions   390
C7 BPP Branch Prediction Preload SMI Branch Instructions   Z
C84 LPD Load Pair Disjoint (32) SSF Data Transfer Instructions   Z
C85 LPDG Load Pair Disjoint (64) SSF Data Transfer Instructions   Z
CC6 BRCTH Branch Relative on CounT High (32) RIL-b Branch Instructions   Z
CC8 AIH Add Immediate High (32) RIL-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
CCA ALSIH Add Logical with Signed Immediate High (32) RIL-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
CCB ALSIHN Add Logical with Signed Immediate High (32) RIL-a Other Instructions   Z
CCD CIH Compare Immediate High (32) RIL-a Logic Instructions   Z
CCF CLIH Compare Logical Immediate High (32) RIL-a Logic Instructions   Z
D0 TRTR TRanslate and Test Reverse SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
D1 MVN MoVe Numeric SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
D2 MVC MoVe Character SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
D3 MVZ MoVe Zone SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
D4 NC aNd Character SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
D5 CLC Compare Logical Character SS-a Logic Instructions   360
D6 OC Or Character SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
D7 XC eXclusive-or Character SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
D9 MVCK Move Character with Key SS-d Control Flow Instructions   370
DA MVCP Move Character to Primary SS-d Control Flow Instructions   370
DB MVCS Move Character to Secondary SS-d Control Flow Instructions   370
DC TR TRanslate SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
DD TRT TRanslate and Test SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
DE ED EDit SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
DF EDMK EDit and MarK SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   360
E1 PKU PacK (Unicode) SS-f Data Transfer Instructions   390
E2 UNPKU UNPacK (Unicode) SS-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E302 LTG Load and Test (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E303 LRAG Load Real Address (64) RXY-a Other Instructions   390
E304 LG Load (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E306 CVBY ConVert to Binary (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E308 AG Add (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E309 SG Subtract (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E30A ALG Add Logical (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E30B SLG Subtract Logical (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E30C MSG Multiply single (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
E30D DSG Divide single (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
E30E CVBG ConVert to Binary (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E30F LRVG Load ReVersed (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E312 LT Load and Test (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E313 LRAY Load Real Address (32) RXY-a Other Instructions   390
E314 LGF Load Fullword (32/64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E315 LGH Load Halfword (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E316 LLGF Load Logical (32/64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E317 LLGT Load Logical Thirty One Bits RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E318 AGF Add (32/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E319 SGF Subtract (32/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E31A ALGF Add Logical (32/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E31B SLGF Subtract Logical (32/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E31C MSGF Multiply Single (32/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E31D DSGF Divide Single (32/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E31E LRV Load Reversed (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E31F LRVH Load Reversed (16) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E320 CG Compare (64) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E321 CLG Compare Logical (64) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E324 STG Store (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E325 NTSTG NonTransactional STore (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E326 CVDY Convert to Decimal (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E32A LZRG Load and Zero Rightmost Byte (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E32E CVDG Convert to Decimal (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E32F STRVG SToRe ReVersed (64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E330 CGF Compare Fullword (32/64) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E331 CLGF Compare Logical (32/64) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E332 LTGF Load and Test (32/64) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E334 CGH Compare Halfword (16/64) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E336 PFD PreFetch Data RXY-b Data Transfer Instructions   390
E338 AGH Add Halfword (64<16) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E339 SGH Subtract Halfword (64<16) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E33A LLZRGF Load Logical and Zero Rightmost Byte (64<32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E33B LZRF Load and Zero Rightmost Byte (32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E33C MGH Multiply Halfword (64<16) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E33E STRV STore ReVersed (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E33F STRVH STore ReVersed (16) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E346 BCTG Branch on CounT (64) RXY-a Branch Instructions   Z
E347 BIC Branch Indirect on Condition RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-1 BIO Branch Indirect on Overflow RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-2 BIP Branch Indirect on Plus RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-2 BIH Branch Indirect on High RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-4 BIM Branch Indirect on Minus RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-4 BIL Branch Indirect on Low RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-7 BINZ Branch Indirect on Not Zero RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-7 BINE Branch Indirect on Not Equal RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-8 BIZ Branch Indirect on Zero RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-8 BIE Branch Indirect on Equal RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-B BINM Branch Indirect on Not Minus RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-B BINL Branch Indirect on Not Low RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-D BINP Branch Indirect on Not Plus RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-D BINH Branch Indirect on Not High RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-E BINO Branch Indirect on No Overflow RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E347-F BI Branch Indirect RXY-b Other Instructions   Z
E348 LLGFSG Load Logical and Shift Guarded (64<32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E349 STGSC STore Guarded Storage Controls RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E34C LGG Load Guarded (64) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E34D LGSC Load Guarded Storage Controls RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E350 STY Store (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E351 MSY Multiply Single (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E353 MSC Multiply Single (32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E354 NY aNd (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E355 CLY Compare Logical (32) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E356 OY Or (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E357 XY eXclusive or (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E358 LY Load (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E359 CY Compare (32) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E35A AY Add (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E35B SY Subtract (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E35C MFY Multiply (32/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E35E ALY Add Logical (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E35F SLY Subtract Logical (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E370 STHY STore Halfword RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E371 LAY Load Address RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E372 STCY STore Character RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E373 ICY Insert Character RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E375 LAEY Load Address Extended RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E376 LB Load Byte (8/32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E377 LGB Load Byte (8/64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E378 LHY Load Halfword (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E379 CHY Compare Halfword (16/32) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E37A AHY Add Halfword RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E37B SHY Subtract Halfword RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E37C MHY Multiply Halfword (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E380 NG aNd (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E381 OG Or (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E382 XG eXclusive or (64 bit) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E383 MSGC Multiply Single (64) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E384 MG Multiply (128<64) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E385 LGAT Load and Trap (64) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E386 MLG Multiply Logical (64/128) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E387 DLG Divide Logical (128/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E388 ALCG Add Logical with Carry (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E389 SLBG Subtract Logical with Borrow (64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E38E STPQ STore Pair to Quadword RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E38F LPQ Load Pair from Quadword RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E390 LLGC Load Logical Character (8/64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E391 LLGH Load Logical Halfword (16/64) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E394 LLC Load Logical Character (32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E395 LLH Load Logical Halfword (16/32) RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
E396 ML Multiply Logical (32/64) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
E397 DL Divide Logical (64/32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
E398 ALC Add Logical with Carry (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
E399 SLB Subtract Logical with Borrow (32) RXY-a Arithmetic Instructions   390
E39C LLGTAT Load Logical Thirty one bits and Trap (64<31) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E39D LLGFAT Load Logical and Trap (64<32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E39F LAT Load and Trap (32<32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3C0 LBH Load BYTE High (32<8) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3C2 LLCH Load Logical Character High (32<8) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3C3 STCH STore Character High (8) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3C4 LHH Load Halfword High (32<16) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3C6 LLHH Load Logical Halfword High (32<16) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3C7 STHH STore Halfword High (16) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3C8 LFHAT Load High and Trap (32<32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3CA LFH Load High (32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3CB STFH STore High (32) RXY-a Other Instructions   Z
E3CD CHF Compare High (32) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E3CF CLHF Compare Logical High (32) RXY-a Logic Instructions   Z
E4-- Vector Instructions RRE 370 and 390 Only Other Instructions   370
E400 VLI Vector Load Indirect RRE 370 and 390 Only Data Transfer Instructions   370
E401 VSTI Vector STore Indirect RRE 370 and 390 Only Data Transfer Instructions   370
E410 VLID Vector Load Indirect Double RRE 370 and 390 Only Data Transfer Instructions   370
E401 VSTID Vector Store Indirect Double RRE 370 and 390 Only Data Transfer Instructions   370
E424 VSRL Vector Shift Right single Logical RRE 370 and 390 Only Shift and Rotate Instructions   370
E425 VSLL Vector Shift Left single Logical RRE 370 and 390 Only Shift and Rotate Instructions   370
E428 VLBIX Vector Load Bit IndeX RRE 370 and 390 Only Data Transfer Instructions   370
E500 LASP Load Address Space Parameters SSE Privileged Instructions   370
E501 TPROT Test PROTection SSE Privileged Instructions   370
E502 Fix Page SS MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E502 STRAG STore Real Address Grande SSE Privileged Instructions   370
E503 SVC Assist MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E504 Obtain Local Lock MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E505 Release Local Lock MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E506 Obtain CMS Lock MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E507 Release CMS Lock MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E508 Trace SVC Interruption MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E509 Trace Program Interruption MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E50A Trace Initial SRB Dispach MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E50A MVCRL MOVE Right to Left SSE Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E50B Trace I/O Interruption MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E50C Trace Task Dispach MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E50D Trace SVC Return MVS Assist Other Instructions   370
E50E MVCSK Move Characters with Source Key SSE Control Flow Instructions   370
E50F MVCDK Move Characters with Dest. Key SSE Control Flow Instructions   370
E518 DPFET Divide Packed Fetch Other Instructions   370
E544 MVHHI Move Halfword from Halfword Immediate SIL Other Instructions   Z
E548 MVGHI Move Grande from Halfword Immediate SIL Other Instructions   Z
E54C MVHI Move fullword from Halfword Immediate SIL Other Instructions   Z
E554 CHHSI Compare Halfword with Halfword Signed Imm. SIL Logic Instructions   Z
E555 CLHHSI Comp. Log. Halfword w/Halfword Signed Imm. SIL Logic Instructions   Z
E558 CGHSI Comp. Grande w/Halfword Signed Imm. SIL Logic Instructions   Z
E559 CLGHSI Compare Log. Grande w/Halfword Imm. SIL Logic Instructions   Z
E55C CHSI Compare Halfword Signed Imm. SIL Logic Instructions   Z
E55D CLFHSI Compare Log. Fullword w/Halfword Signed Imm. SIL Logic Instructions   Z
E560 TBEGIN Transaction BEGIN SIL Control Flow Instructions   Z
E561 TBEGINC Transaction BEGIN Constrained SIL Control Flow Instructions   Z
E600 Get Free Storage Space VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E601 Return Free Storage Space VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E601 VLEBRH Vector Load Byte Reversed Element (16) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E602 Lock Page VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E602 VLEBRG Vector Load Byte Reversed Element (64) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E603 Unlock Page VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E603 VLEBRF Vector Load Byte Reversed Element (32) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E604 Decode Subsequent CCW Commands VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E604 VLLEBRZ Vector Load Byte Reversed Element and Zero VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E605 Free CCW Storage VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E605 VLBRREP Vector Load Byte Reversed Element and REPlicate VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E606 Locate Virtual I/O Control Blocks VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E606 VLBR Vector Load Byte Reversed Elements VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E607 Dispatch a Block or Virtual Machine VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E607 VLER Vector Load Elements Reversed VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E608 Test Page Status VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E609 Test Page Status and Lock VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E609 VSTEBRH Vector STore Byte Reversed Element (16) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E60A Invalidate Segment Table VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E60A VSTEBRG Vector STore Byte Reversed Element (64) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E60B Invalidate Page Table VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E60B VSTEBRF Vector STore Byte Reversed Element (32) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E60C Decode First CCW Command VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E60D Main Entry to Dispatcher VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E60E Locate Real I/O Control Blocks VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E60E VSTBR Vector STore Byte Reversed Elements VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E60F Common CCW Command Processing VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E60F VSTER Vector STore Elements Reversed VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E610 Untranslate CCW VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E611 Dispatch a Block or Virtual Machine VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E612 Store ECPS:VM/370 Identification VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E613 Locate Changed Shared Page VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E614 Get Free Storage Space (FRETX) VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E615 Return Free Storage Space (FRETX) VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E616 Preferred Machine Assist VM Assist Other Instructions   370
E634 VPKZ Vector PacK Zoned VSI Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E635 VLRL Vector Load Rightmost with Length VSI Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E637 VLRLR Vector Load Rightmost with Length VRS-d Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E63C VUPKZ Vector UnPack ZONED VSI Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E63D VSTRL Vector STore Rightmost with Length VSI Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E63F VSTRLR Vector STore Rightmost with Length VRS-d Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E649 VLIP Vector Load Immediate Decimal VRI-h Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E650 VCVB Vector Convert to Binary VRR-i Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E652 VCVBG Vector Convert to Binary VRR-i Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E658 VCVD Vector Convert to Decimal VRI-i Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E659 VSRP Vector Shift and Round Decimal VRI-g Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E65A VCVDG Vector Convert to Decimal VRI-i Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E65B VPSOP Vector Perform Sign OPperation Decimal VRI-g Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E65F VTP Vector Test Decimal VRR-g Logic Instructions   Z
E671 VAP Vector Add Decimal VRI-f Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E673 VSP Vector Subtract Decimal VRI-f Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E677 VCP Vector Compare Decimal VRR-h Logic Instructions   Z
E678 VMP Vector Multiply Decimal VRI-f Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E679 VMSP Vector Multiply and Shift Decimal VRI-f Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E67A VDP Vector Divide Decimal VRI-f Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E67B VRP Vector Remainder Decimal VRI-f Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E67E VSDP Vector Shift and Divide Decimal VRI-f Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E700 VLEB Vector Load Element (8) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E701 VLEH Vector Load Element (16) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E702 SVC Handler without Trace VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E702 VLEG Vector Load Element (64) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E703 SVC Handler with Trace VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E703 VLEF Vector Load Element (32) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E704 Resume Page Measurement VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E704 VLLEZ Vector Load Logical Element and Zero VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E705 Resume Short Term Unfix VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E705 VLREP Vector Load and Replicate VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E706 VL Vector Load VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E707 Dispatcher VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E707 VLBB Vector Load to Block Boundary VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E708 SIO Trace VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E708 VSTEB Vector STore Element (8) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E709 Task Switch Trace VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E709 VSTEH Vector STore Element (16) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E70A I/O Interrupt Trace VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E70A VSTEG Vector STore Element (64) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E70B Store ECPS:VS2 Level VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E70B VSTEF Vector STore Element (32) VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E70C Set Direct Translate Limit VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E70E VST Vector STore VRX Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E710 PCB EnQueue LIFO VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E712 VGEG Vector Gather Element (64) VRV Other Instructions   Z
E713 VGEF Vector Gather Element (32) VRV Other Instructions   Z
E71A VSCEG Vector Scatter Element (64) VRV Other Instructions   Z
E71B VSCEF Vector Scatter Element (32) VRV Other Instructions   Z
E720 PCB EnQueue FIFO VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E721 VLGV Vector Load GR from VR Element VRS-c Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E722 VLVG Vector Load VR Element from GR VRS-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E727 LCBB Load Count to Block Boundary RXE Other Instructions   Z
E730 Double Threaded Dequeue VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E730 VESL Vector Element Shift Left VRS-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E733 VERLL Vector Element Rotate Left Logical VRS-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E736 VLM Vector Load Multiple VRS-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E737 VLL Vector Load with Length VRS-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E738 VESRL Vector Element Shift Right Logical VRS-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E73A VESRA Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic VRS-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E73E VSTM Vector STore Multiple VRS-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E73F VSTL Vector STore with Length VRS-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E740 Get APCBE VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E740 VLEIB Vector Load Element Immediate (8) VRI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E741 VLEIH Vector Load Element Immediate (16) VRI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E742 VLEIG Vector Load Element Immediate (64) VRI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E743 VLEIF Vector Load Element Immediate (32) VRI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E744 VGBM Vector Generate Byte Mask VRI-a Other Instructions   Z
E745 VREPI Vector REPlicate Immediate VRI-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E746 VGM Vector Generate Mask VRI-b Other Instructions   Z
E74A VFTCI Vector FP Test data Class Immediate VRI-e Logic Instructions   Z
E74D VREP Vector REPlicate VRI-c Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E750 Return APCBE VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E750 VPOPCT Vector POPulation CounT VRR-a Other Instructions   Z
E752 VCTZ Vector CounT Trailing Zeros VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E753 VCLZ Vector CounT Leading Zeros VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E756 VLR Vector Load VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E758 Find Gotten Queue Element VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E75C VISTR Vector ISolate STRing VRR-a Other Instructions   Z
E75F VSEG Vector Sign Extend to Doubleword VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E760 Dequeue Top APCBE VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E760 VMRL Vector MeRge Low VRR-c Other Instructions   Z
E761 VMRH Vector MeRge High VRR-c Other Instructions   Z
E762 VLVGP Vector Load VR from GRS disjoint VRR-f Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E764 VSUM Vector SUM across word VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E765 VSUMG Vector SUM across Doubleword VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E766 VCKSM Vector ChecKSuM VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E767 VSUMQ Vector SUM across Quadword VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E768 SMF Storage Monitor VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E768 VN Vector aNd VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E769 VNC Vector aNd with Complement VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E76A VO Vector Or VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E76B VNO Vector NOr VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E76C VNX Vector Not eXclusive OR VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E76D VX Vector eXclusive OR VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E76E VNN Vector NaNd VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E76F VOC Vector OR with Complement VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E770 Enqueue RSPTE VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E770 VESLV Vector Element Shift Left VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E772 VERIM Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask VRI-d Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E773 VERLLV Vector Element Rotate Left Logical VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E774 VSL Vector Shift Left VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E775 VSLB Vector Shift Left by Byte VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E777 VSLDB Vector Shift Left DOUBLE by Byte VRI-d Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E778 GETMAIN PPA VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E778 VESRLV Vector Element Shift Right Logical VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E77A VESRAV Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E77C VSRL Vector Shift Right Logical VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E77D VSRLB Vector Shift Right Logical by Byte VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E77E VSRA Vector Shift Right Arithmetic VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E77F VSRAB Vector Shift Right Arithmetic by Byte VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E780 Enqueue RSPTE to Bottom VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E780 VFEE Vector Find Element Equal VRR-b Other Instructions   Z
E781 VFENE Vector Find Element Not Equal VRR-b Other Instructions   Z
E782 VFAE Vector Find Any Element Equal VRR-b Other Instructions   Z
E784 VPDI Vector Permute Doubleword Immediate VRR-c Other Instructions   Z
E785 VBPERM Vector BIT PERMute VRR-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E786 VSLD Vector Shift Left Double by bit VRI-d Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E787 VSRD Vector Shift Right Double by bit VRI-d Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E788 GETMAIN PPA on Page Boundary VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E78A VSTRC Vector String Range Compare VRR-d Logic Instructions   Z
E78B VSTRS Vector String Search VRR-d Other Instructions   Z
E78C VPERM Vector PERMute VRR-e Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
E78D VSEL Vector SELect VRR-e Other Instructions   Z
E78E VFMS Vector FP Multiply and Subtract VRR-e Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E78F VFMA Vector FP Multiply and Add VRR-e Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E790 Dequeue Specific RSPTE VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E794 VPK Vector PacK VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E795 VPKLS Vector PacK Logical Saturate VRR-b Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E797 VPKS Vector PacK Saturate VRR-b Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E798 FREEMAIN PQA VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E79E VFNMS Vector FP Negative Multiply and Subtract VRR-e Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E79F VFNMA Vector FP Negative Multiply and Add VRR-e Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7A0 Dequeue First RSPTE VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7A1 VMLH Vector Multiply Logical High VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7A2 VML Vector Multiply Low VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7A3 VMH Vector Multiply High VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7A4 VMLE Vector Multiply Logical Even VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7A5 VMLO Vector Multiply Logical Odd VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7A6 VME Vector Multiply EVen VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7A7 VMO Vector Multiply Odd VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7A8 FREEMAIN in Partition VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7A9 VMALH Vector Multiply AND Add Logical High VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7AA VMAL Vector Multiply AND Add Low VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7AB VMAH Vector Multiply AND Add High VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7AC VMALE Vector Multiply AND Add Logical Even VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7AD VMALO Vector Multiply AND Add Logical Odd VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7AE VMAE Vector Multiply AND Add Even VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7AF VMAO Vector Multiply AND Add Odd VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7B0 Invalidate Virtual Page VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7B4 VGFM Vector Galois Field Multiply sum VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7B8 Save GETMAIN/FREEMAIN Status VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7B8 VMSL Vector Multiply Sum Logical VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7B9 VACCC Vector Add with Carry Compute Carry VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7BB VAC Vector Add with Carry VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7BC VGFMA Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7BD VSBCBI Vector Subtract with Borrow Compute Borrow Indication VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7BF VSBI Vector Subtract with Borrow Indication VRR-d Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7C0 Short Term Unfix VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7C0 VCLFP Vector FP Convert to Logical VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C0 VCLGD Vector FP Convert to Logical 64-bit VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C1 VCFPL Vector FP Convert from Logical VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C1 VCDLG Vector FP Convert from Logical 64-bit VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C2 VCSFP Vector FP Convert to Fixed VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C2 VCGD Vector FP Convert to Fixed 64-bit VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C3 VCFPS Vector FP Convert from Fixed VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C3 VCDG Vector FP Convert from Fixed 64-bit VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C4 VFLL Vector FP Load Lengthened VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C5 VFLR Vector FP Load Rounded VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C7 VFI Vector Load FP Integer VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7C8 Restore GETMAIN/FREEMAIN Status VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7CA WFK Vector FP Compare and Signal Scalar VRR-a Logic Instructions   Z
E7CB WFC Vector FP Compare Scalar VRR-a Logic Instructions   Z
E7CC VFPSO Vector FP Perform Sign Operation VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7CE VFSQ Vector FP SQuare root VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7D4 VUPLL Vector UnPack Logical Low VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7D5 VUPLH Vector UnPack Logical High VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7D6 VUPL Vector UnPack Low VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7D7 VUPH Vector UnPack High VRR-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7D8 GETMAIN PQA VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7D8 VTM Vector Test under Mask VRR-a Logic Instructions   Z
E7D9 VECL Vector Element Compare Logical VRR-a Logic Instructions   Z
E7DB VEC Vector Element Compare VRR-a Logic Instructions   Z
E7DE VLC Vector Load Complement VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7DF VLP Vector Load Positive VRR-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
E7E0 Page Measurement VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7E2 VFS Vector FP Subtract VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7E3 VFA Vector FP Add VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7E5 VFD Vector FP Divide VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7E7 VFM Vector FP Multiply VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7E8 Resume Group1 Suboperation VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7E8 VFCE Vector FP Compare Equal VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E7EA VFCHE Vector FP Compare High or Equal VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E7EB VFCH Vector FP Compare High VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E7EE VFMIN Vector FP Minimum VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E7EF VFMAX Vector FP Maximum VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E7F0 Short Term Fix VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7F0 VAVGL Vector AVeraGe Logical VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7F1 VACC Vector Add Compute Carry VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7F2 VAVG Vector AVeraGe VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7F3 VA Vector Add VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7F5 VSCBI Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7F7 VS Vector Subtract VRR-c Arithmetic Instructions   Z
E7F8 Resume Group2 Suboperation VS1 Assist Other Instructions   370
E7F8 VCEQ Vector Compare EQual VRR-b Logic Instructions   Z
E7F9 VCHL Vector Compare High Logical VRR-b Logic Instructions   Z
E7FB VCH Vector Compare High VRR-b Logic Instructions   Z
E7FC VMNL Vector Minimum Logical VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E7FD VMXL Vector Maximum Logical VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E7FE VMN Vector Minimum VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E7FF VMX Vector Maximum VRR-c Logic Instructions   Z
E8 MVCIN MoVe Characters Inverse SS Data Transfer Instructions   370
E9 PKA Pack Ascii SS Data Transfer Instructions   390
EA UNPKA UnPacK Ascii SS Data Transfer Instructions   370
EA00 DIL SS Other Instructions   390
EA01 BDIL SS Other Instructions   390
EA04 ANUM SS Other Instructions   390
EA05 COMP SS Other Instructions   390
EA08 MCPU SS Other Instructions   390
EA09 MIO SS Other Instructions   390
EA0C BIFLAG SS Other Instructions   390
EA0D MULDIV SS Other Instructions   390
EB04 LMG Load Multiple Grande RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB0A SRAG Shift Right single Arith. Grande RSY-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EB0B SLAG Shift Left single Arith. Grande RSY-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EB0C SRLG Shift Right single Log. Grande RSY-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EB0D SLLG Shift Left single Log. Grande RSY-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EB0F TRACG TRACe Grande RSY-a Privileged Instructions   Z
EB14 CSY Compare and Swap (32) RSY-a Logic Instructions   Z
EB1C RLLG Rotate Left single Log. Grande RSY-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EB1D RLL Rotate Left single Logical (32) RSY-a Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EB20 CLMH Comp. Log. chars under Mask High RSY-b Logic Instructions   Z
EB21 CLMY Comp. Log. chars under Mask Yonder RSY-b Logic Instructions   Z
EB23 CLT Comp. Log. and Trap RSY-b Logic Instructions   390
EB23-2 CLTH Comp. Log. and Trap on High RSY-b Logic Instructions   390
EB23-4 CLTL Comp. Log. and Trap on Low RSY-b Logic Instructions   390
EB23-7 CLTNE Comp. Log. and Trap on Not Equal RSY-b Logic Instructions   390
EB23-8 CLTE Comp. Log. and Trap on Equal RSY-b Logic Instructions   390
EB23-B CLTNL Comp. Log. and Trap on Not Low RSY-b Logic Instructions   390
EB23-D CLTNH Comp. Log. and Trap on Not High RSY-b Logic Instructions   390
EB24 STMG Store Multiple Grande RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB25 STCTG STore ConTrol (64) RSY-a Privileged Instructions   Z
EB26 STMH STore Multiple High RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB2B CLT Comp. Log. and Trap (64) RSY-b Logic Instructions   390
EB2C STCMH STore Characters under Mask (High) RSY-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB2D STCMY STore Characters under Mask (Low) RSY-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB2F LCTLG Load Control (64) RSY-a Privileged Instructions   Z
EB30 CSG Compare and Swap (64) RSY-a Logic Instructions   Z
EB31 CDSY Compare Double and Swap (32) RSY-a Logic Instructions   Z
EB3E CDSG Compare Double and Swap (64) RSY-a Logic Instructions   Z
EB44 BXHG Branch on indeX High (64) RSY-a Branch Instructions   Z
EB45 BXLEG Branch on indeX Low or Equal (64) RSY-a Branch Instructions   Z
EB4C ECAG Extract CPU Attribute (Extr. Cache Attribute) RSY-a Other Instructions   Z
EB51 TMY Test under Mask SIY Logic Instructions   Z
EB52 MVIY MoVe Immediate SIY Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB54 NIY aNd Immediate SIY Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB55 CLIY Compare Logical Immediate SIY Logic Instructions   Z
EB56 OIY Or Immediate SIY Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB57 XIY eXclusive or Immediate SIY Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EB6A ASI Add Immediate (8/32) SIY Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EB6E ALSI Add Logical with Signed Immediate (8/32) SIY Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EB7A AGSI Add Immediate (8/64) SIY Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EB7E ALGSI Add Logical with Signed Immediate (8/64) SIY Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EB80 ICMH Insert Characters under Mask High RSY-b Data Transfer Instructions   390
EB81 ICMY Insert Characters under Mask RSY-b Data Transfer Instructions   390
EB8E MVCLU MoVe Character Long (Unicode) RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
EB8F CLCLU Compare Logical Character Long (Unicode) RSY-a Logic Instructions   390
EB96 LMH Load Multiple High RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
EB98 LMY Load Multiple Yonder RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
EB9A LAMY Load Access Multiple RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EBC0 TP Test Packed Decimal RSL-a Logic Instructions   390
EBDC SRAK Shift Right sing. Arith. Keeping Source data RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
EBDD SLAK Shift Left sing. Arith. Keeping Source data RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
EBDE SRLK Shift Right sing. Logical Keeping Source data RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
EBDF SRLK Shift Left sing. Logical Keeping Source data RSY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
EBE0 LOCFH Load High on Condition (32) RSY-b Other Instructions   Z
EBE1 STOCFH STore High on Condition RSY-b Other Instructions   Z
EBE2 LOCG LOad on Condition Grande RSY-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EBE3 STOCG STore on Condition (64) RSY-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EBE4 LANG Load and aNd (64) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBE6 LAOG Load and OR (64) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBE7 LAXG Load and eXclusive or (64) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBE8 LAAG Load and Add (64) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBEA LAALG Load and Add Logical (64) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBF2 LOC Load on Condition (32) RSY-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EBF3 STOC STore on Condition (32) RSY-b Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EBF4 LAN Load and aNd (32) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBF6 LAO Load and OR (32) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBF7 LAX Load and eXclusive or (32) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBF8 LAA Load and Add (32) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EBFA LAAL Load and Add Logical (32) RSY-a Arithmetic Instructions   Z
EC42 LOCHI Load Halfword Immediate on Condition (32<16) RIE-g Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EC44 BRXHG Branch Relative on indeX High RIE-e Branch Instructions   Z
EC45 BRXLG Branch Relative on indeX Low RIE-e Branch Instructions   Z
EC46 LOCGHI Load Halfword Immediate on Condition (64<16) RIE-g Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EC4E LOCHHI Load Halfword High Immediate on Condition (32<16) RIE-g Data Transfer Instructions   Z
EC51 RISBLG Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Low (64) RIE-f Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EC54 RNSBG Rotate then aNd Selected Bits RIE-f Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EC55 RISBG Rotate then Insert Selected Bits RIE-f Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EC56 ROSBG Rotate then Or Selected Bits RIE-f Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EC57 RXSBG Rotate then eXclusive OR Selected Bits RIE-f Shift and Rotate Instructions   Z
EC59 RISBGN Rotate then Insert Selected Bits (64) RIE-f Other Instructions   Z
EC5D RISBHG Rotate then Insert Selected Bits High (64) RIE-f Other Instructions   Z
EC64 CGRJ Compare and Branch Relative (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC64-2 CGRJH Compare and Branch Relative on High (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC64-4 CGRJL Compare and Branch Relative on Low (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC64-7 CGRJNE Compare and Branch Relative on Not Equal (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC64-8 CGRJE Compare and Branch Relative on Equal (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC64-A CGRJNL Compare and Branch Relative on Not Low (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC64-C CGRJNH Compare and Branch Relative on Not High (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC65 CLGRJ Compare Logical and Branch Relative (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC65-2 CLGRJH Compare Logical and Branch Relative on High (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC65-4 CLGRJL Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Low (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC65-7 CLGRJNE Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Not Equal (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC65-8 CLGRJE Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Equal (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC65-A CLGRJNL Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Not Low (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC65-C CLGRJNH Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Not High (64) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC70 CGIT Compare Immediate and Trap (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC70-2 CGITH Compare Immediate and Trap on High (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC70-4 CGITL Compare Immediate and Trap on Low (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC70-7 CGITNE Compare Immediate and Trap on Not Equal (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC70-8 CGITE Compare Immediate and Trap on Equal (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC70-A CGITNL Compare Immediate and Trap on Not Low (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC70-C CGITNH Compare Immediate and Trap on Not High (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC71 CLGIT Compare Logical Immediate and Trap (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC71-2 CLGITH Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on High (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC71-4 CLGITL Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Low (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC71-7 CLGITNE Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Not Equal (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC71-8 CLGITE Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Equal (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC71-A CLGITNL Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Not Low (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC71-C CLGITNH Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Not High (16/64) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC72 CIT Compare Immediate and Trap (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC72-2 CITH Compare Immediate and Trap on High (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC72-4 CITL Compare Immediate and Trap on Low (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC72-7 CITNE Compare Immediate and Trap on Not Equal (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC72-8 CITE Compare Immediate and Trap on Equal (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC72-A CITNL Compare Immediate and Trap on Not Low (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC72-C CITNH Compare Immediate and Trap on Not High (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC73 CLFIT Compare Logical Immediate and Trap (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC73-2 CLFITH Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on High (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC73-4 CLFITL Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Low (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC73-7 CLFITNE Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Not Equal (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC73-8 CLFITE Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Equal (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC73-A CLFITNL Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Not Low (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC73-C CLFITNH Compare Logical Immediate and Trap on Not High (16/32) RIE-a Logic Instructions   Z
EC76 CRJ Compare and Branch Relative (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC76-2 CRJH Compare and Branch Relative on High (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC76-4 CRJL Compare and Branch Relative on Low (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC76-7 CRJNE Compare and Branch Relative on Not Equal (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC76-8 CRJE Compare and Branch Relative on Equal (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC76-A CRJNL Compare and Branch Relative on Not Low (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC76-C CRJNH Compare and Branch Relative on Not High (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC77 CLRJ Compare Logical and Branch Relative (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC77-2 CLRJH Compare Logical and Branch Relative on High (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC77-4 CLRJL Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Low (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC77-7 CLRJNE Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Not Equal (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC77-8 CLRJE Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Equal (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC77-A CLRJNL Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Not Low (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC77-C CLRJNH Compare Logical and Branch Relative on Not High (32) RIE-b Logic Instructions   Z
EC7C CGIJ Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (8/64) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7C-2 CGIJH Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (a High) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7C-4 CGIJL Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (a Low) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7C-7 CGIJNE Compare Immediate and Branch Relative Not Equal RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7C-8 CGIJE Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (a Equal b) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7C-A CGIJNL Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (a Not Low) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7C-C CGIJNH Compare Immediate and Branch Relative Not High RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7D CLGIJ Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (8/64) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7D-2 CLGIJH Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (a High) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7D-4 CLGIJL Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (a Low) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7D-7 CLGIJNE Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative Not Equal RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7D-8 CLGIJE Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (a Equal b) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7D-A CLGIJNL Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (a Not Low) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7D-C CLGIJNH Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative Not High RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7E CIJ Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (8/32) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7E-2 CIJH Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (a High) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7E-4 CIJL Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (a Low) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7E-7 CIJNE Compare Immediate and Branch Relative Not Equal RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7E-8 CIJE Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (a Equal b) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7E-A CIJNL Compare Immediate and Branch Relative (a Not Low) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7E-C CIJNH Compare Immediate and Branch Relative Not High RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7F CLIJ Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (8/32) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7F-2 CLIJH Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (a High) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7F-4 CLIJL Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (a Low) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7F-7 CLIJNE Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative Not Equal RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7F-8 CLIJE Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (a Equal b) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7F-A CLIJNL Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative (a Not Low) RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
EC7F-C CLIJNH Compare Log.Immed. and Branch Relative Not High RIE-c Logic Instructions   Z
ECD8 AHIK Add Immediate (32<16) RIE-d Other Instructions   Z
ECD9 AGHIK Add Immediate (64<16) RIE-d Other Instructions   Z
ECDA ALHSIK Add Logical with Signed Immediate (32<16) RIE-d Other Instructions   Z
ECDB ALGHSIK Add Logical with Signed Immediate (64<16) RIE-d Other Instructions   Z
ECE4 CGRB Compare and Branch (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE4-2 CGRBH Compare and Branch on High (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE4-4 CGRBL Compare and Branch on Low (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE4-7 CGRBNE Compare and Branch on Not Equal (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE4-8 CGRBE Compare and Branch on Equal (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE4-A CGRBNL Compare and Branch on Not Low (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE4-C CGRBNH Compare and Branch on Not High (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE5 CLGRB Compare Logical and Branch (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE5-2 CLGRBH Compare Logical and Branch on High (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE5-4 CLGRBL Compare Logical and Branch on Low (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE5-7 CLGRBNE Compare Logical and Branch on Not Equal (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE5-8 CLGRBE Compare Logical and Branch on Equal (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE5-A CLGRBNL Compare Logical and Branch on Not Low (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECE5-C CLGRBNH Compare Logical and Branch on Not High (64) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF6 CRB Compare and Branch (32) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF6-2 CRBH Compare and Branch (32) on High RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF6-4 CRBL Compare and Branch (32) on Low RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF6-7 CRBNE Compare and Branch (32) on Not Equal RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF6-8 CRBE Compare and Branch (32) on Equal RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF6-A CRBNL Compare and Branch (32) on Not Low RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF6-E CRBNH Compare and Branch (32) on Not High RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF7 CLRB Compare Logical and Branch (32) RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF7-2 CLRBH Compare Logical and Branch (32) on High RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF7-4 CLRBL Compare Logical and Branch (32) on Low RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF7-7 CLRBNE Compare Logical and Branch (32) on Not Equal RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF7-8 CLRBE Compare Logical and Branch (32) on Equal RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF7-A CLRBNL Compare Logical and Branch (32) on Not Low RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECF7-C CLRBNH Compare Logical and Branch (32) on Not High RRS Logic Instructions   390
ECFC CGIB Compare Immediate and Branch (8/64) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFC-2 CGIBH Compare Immediate and Branch (a High) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFC-4 CGIBL Compare Immediate and Branch (a Low) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFC-7 CGIBNE Compare Immediate and Branch Not Equal RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFC-8 CGIBE Compare Immediate and Branch (a Equal b) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFC-A CGIBNL Compare Immediate and Branch (a Not Low) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFC-C CGIBNH Compare Immediate and Branch Not High RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFE CIB Compare Immediate and Branch (8/32) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFE-2 CIBH Compare Immediate and Branch (a High) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFE-4 CIBL Compare Immediate and Branch (a Low) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFE-7 CIBNE Compare Immediate and Branch Not Equal RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFE-8 CIBE Compare Immediate and Branch (a Equal b) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFE-A CIBNL Compare Immediate and Branch (a Not Low) RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ECFE-C CIBNH Compare Immediate and Branch Not High RIS Logic Instructions   Z
ED04 LDEB Load Lengthened (Short/Long) RXE Data Transfer Instructions   390
ED05 LXDB Load Lengthened (Long/Extended) RXE Data Transfer Instructions   390
ED06 LXEB Load Lengthened (Short/Extended) RXE Data Transfer Instructions   390
ED07 MXDB Multiply (Long/Extended) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED08 KEB Compare and Sign (Short) RXE Logic Instructions   390
ED09 CEB Compare (Short) RXE Logic Instructions   390
ED0A AEB Add (Short) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED0B SEB Subtract (Short) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED0C MDEB Multiply (Short) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED0D DEB Divide (Short) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED0E MAEB Multiply and Add (Short) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED0F MSEB Multiply and Subtract (Short) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED10 TCEB Test Data Class (Short) RXE Logic Instructions   390
ED11 TCDB Test Data Class (Long) RXE Logic Instructions   390
ED12 TCXB Test Data Class (Extended) RXE Logic Instructions   390
ED14 SQEB Square Root (Short BFP) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED15 SQDB Square Root (Long BFP) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED17 MEEB Multiply RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED18 KDB Compare and Sign (Long) RXE Logic Instructions   390
ED19 CDB Compare (Long) RXE Logic Instructions   390
ED1A ADB Add (Long) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED1B SDB Subtract (Long) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED1C MDB Multiply (Long) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED1D DDB Divide (Long) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED1E MADB Multiply and Add (Long) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED1F MSDB Multiply and Subtract (Long) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED24 LDE Load Lengthened (Short/Long) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED25 LXD Load Lengthened (Long/Extended) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED26 LXE Load Lengthened (Short/Extended) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED2E MAE Multiply and Add (Short) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED2F MSE Multiply and Subtract (Short) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED34 SQE Square Root (Short) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED35 SQD Square Root (Long) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED37 MEE Multiply (Short*Short to Short) RXE Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED38 MAYL Multiply and Add Unnormalized (Long>Ext. Low) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   Z
ED39 MYL Multiply Unnormalized (Long>Ext. Low) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   Z
ED3A MAY Multiply and Add Unnormalized (Long>Extended) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   Z
ED3B MY Multiply Unnormalized (Long>Extended) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   Z
ED3C MAYH Multiply and Add Unnormalized (Long>Ext. High) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   Z
ED3D MYH Multiply Unnormalized (Long>Ext. High) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   Z
ED3E MAD Multiply and Add (Long) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED3F MSD Multiply and Subtract (Long) RXF Arithmetic Instructions   390
ED40 SLDT Shift Significand Left (Long) RXF Shift and Rotate Instructions   390
ED41 SRDT Shift Significand Right (Long) RXF Shift and Rotate Instructions   390
ED48 SLXT Shift Significand Left (Extended) RXF Shift and Rotate Instructions   390
ED49 SRXT Shift Significand Right (Extended) RXF Shift and Rotate Instructions   390
ED50 TDCET Test Data Class (short DFP) RXE Other Instructions   Z
ED51 TDGET Test Data Group (short DFP) RXE Other Instructions   Z
ED54 TDCDT Test Data Class (long DFP) RXE Other Instructions   Z
ED55 TDGDT Test Data Group (long DFP) RXE Other Instructions   Z
ED58 TDCXT Test Data Class (extended DFP) RXE Other Instructions   Z
ED59 TDGXT Test Data Group (extended DFP) RXE Other Instructions   Z
ED64 LEY Load RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
ED65 LDY Load Double RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
ED66 STEY Store RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
ED67 STDY Store Double RXY-a Data Transfer Instructions   390
EDA8 CZDT Convert to Zoned (Long/Zoned) RSL-b Other Instructions   390
EDA9 CZXT Convert to Zoned (Extended/Zoned) RSL-b Other Instructions   390
EDAA CDZT Convert from Zoned (Zoned/Long) RSL-b Other Instructions   390
EDAB CXZT Convert from Zoned (Zoned/Extended) RSL-b Other Instructions   390
EDAC CPDT Convert to PACKED (from long DFP) RSL-b Other Instructions   Z
EDAD CPXT Convert to PACKED (from extended DFP) RSL-b Other Instructions   Z
EDAE CDPT Convert from PACKED (to long DFP) RSL-b Other Instructions   Z
EDAF CXPT Convert from PACKED (to extended DFP) RSL-b Other Instructions   Z
EE PLO Perform Locked Operation SS-e Data Transfer Instructions   390
EF LMD Load Multiple Disjoint SS-e Data Transfer Instructions   390
F0 SRP Shift and Round Packed SS-c Shift and Rotate Instructions   360
F1 MVO Move with Offset SS-b Data Transfer Instructions   360
F2 PACK PACK SS-b Arithmetic Instructions   360
F3 UNPK UNPacK SS-b Arithmetic Instructions   360
F8 ZAP Zero and Add Packed SS-b Arithmetic Instructions   360
F9 CP Compare Packed SS-b Logic Instructions   360
FA AP Add Packed SS-b Arithmetic Instructions   360
FB SP Subtract Packed SS-b Arithmetic Instructions   360
FC MP Multiply Packed SS-b Arithmetic Instructions   360
FD DP Divide Packed SS-b Arithmetic Instructions   360
LBEAR Other Instructions   Z
LFI Other Instructions   Z
LLGFI Other Instructions   Z
LPSWEY Other Instructions   Z
NNPA Other Instructions   Z
QPACI Other Instructions   Z
RDP Other Instructions   Z
SLLHH Other Instructions   Z
SLLHL Other Instructions   Z
SLLLH Other Instructions   Z
SRLHH Other Instructions   Z
SRLHL Other Instructions   Z
SRLLH Other Instructions   Z
STBEAR Other Instructions   Z
VCFN Other Instructions   Z
VCLFNH Other Instructions   Z
VCLFNL Other Instructions   Z
VCLZDP Other Instructions   Z
VCNF Other Instructions   Z
VCRNF Other Instructions   Z
VCSPH Other Instructions   Z
VPKZR Other Instructions   Z
VSCHDP Other Instructions   Z
VSCHP Other Instructions   Z
VSCHSP Other Instructions   Z
VSCHXP Other Instructions   Z
VSCSHP Other Instructions   Z
VSRPR Other Instructions   Z
VUPKZH Other Instructions   Z
VUPKZL Other Instructions   Z

[1] Technically, the DIAGNOSE instruction does not have a mnemonic, and is usually hard-coded in source.


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