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Trainz/AM&C/Content Manager

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Fundamentals for Trainz Trainees

Trainz Asset Maintenance and Creation
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 Mouse use

The focus of this page is on showing a new user the ins and outs 'HowTo' use and do things a Trainzer needs to do with CM/CMP as fast as possible. Generally speaking we use CM to grab things that are new, fix things which are broken (or have been classed so by CM), and sort things into groups and collections we need to better manage what we are really trying to do and accomplish.

In the mundane, Normal case that generally means readying a route for Driving by locating and installing missing dependencies or repairing those needed up to the demands of the local installs needs.[note 1]

In the more advanced we use CM in several ways when building a route for setting up so-called filters, sort criteria that list assets we can then access in surveyor to speed the process of route construction; there is no reason to look past assets we won't be using like catenary trackside elements or buildings designed for the Mediterranean climates of southern Europe for an all diesel line that never sniffs electric locomotives, or a location in Northern Canada.


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This tutorial (or actually, this series of related topic tutorials) is organized to be read both page to page or vertically by continuing to scroll down through the page sections listed in the Table of Contents at the right. Through the magic of Wikimedia software pages threaded at page top are included in parts to make the sections scanned below by scrolling. This method makes it easy to track a page topic by its listing in the corresponding contents category Content Manager topics, which will act as a page to speedily locate and refresh knowledge of said material.  

Articles TOC

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Organizing CM

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Organizing CM -

Notes and references

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  1. As we have noted elsewhere and before, most faults reported in the various Trainz CM's since N3V took over software development in 2007, are contrived faults because the inexperienced N3V programming staff was too arrogant to consider the downside of requiring mandatory minor changes to a body of work of over 100,000 assets.
    Rather than applying the typical and ordinary data base management software practice of providing translator utility upgrading of an old data model to the new wrinkles they desired, they chose to ram errors down the throats of the user community, whilst concurrently at the same time act the hypocrite by not vetting the assets they embed in retail releases (i.e. Built-in_Assets) with the same level of error testing. Hence, cloning an built-in asset is almost certain to give at least one fault message.


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