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Blender 3D: HotKeys/3D View/Object Mode

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Object Mode HotKeys

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Keys on Numeric Keypad

  • NUM. — zoom in on selection.
  • CTRL+NUM.(Blender 2.5) Centers the 3D View where the 3D cursor currently is.
  • NUM/ — toggle in and out of local view (zoomed on selection and hiding everything else).
  • NUM* — rotate view to selected object’s axes.
  • NUM+ — zoom in.
  • NUM- — zoom out.
  • NUM0 — switch to/from camera view.
  • ALT+NUM0 — restore original camera.
  • ALT+CTRL+NUM0(Blender 2.5) align camera to active object.
  • CTRL+NUM0 — set active object as camera (it must be a camera).
  • SHIFT+NUM0 — set camera viewpoint to current view.
  • NUM1 — view from negative Y-axis (“front” view).
  • CTRL+NUM1 — view from positive Y-axis (“back” view).
  • SHIFT+NUM1 — view from positive Y-axis (“back” view).
  • NUM2 — rotate view downwards.
  • CTRL+NUM2 — shift view downwards.
  • SHIFT+NUM2 — shift view downwards.
  • NUM3 — view from positive X-axis (“right side” view).
  • CTRL+NUM3 — view from negative X-axis (“left side” view).
  • SHIFT+NUM3 — view from negative X-axis (“left side” view).
  • NUM4 — rotate view left.
  • CTRL+NUM4 — shift view left.
  • SHIFT+NUM4 — shift view left.
  • NUM5 — toggle between perspective and orthographic views.
  • NUM6 — rotate view right.
  • CTRL+NUM6 — shift view right.
  • SHIFT+NUM6 — shift view right.
  • NUM7 — view from positive Z-axis (“top” view).
  • CTRL+NUM7 — view from negative Z-axis (“bottom” view).
  • SHIFT+NUM7 — view from negative Z-axis (“bottom” view).
  • NUM8 — rotate view upwards.
  • CTRL+NUM8 — shift view upwards.
  • SHIFT+NUM8 — shift view upwards.

Numeric Keys on Main Keyboard

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  • 1KEY ... 9KEY — show only layer 1 ... 9
  • 0KEY — show only layer 10
  • ALT+1KEY ... ALT+9KEY — show only layer 11 .. 19
  • ALT+0KEY — show only layer 20
  • SHIFT+1KEY ... SHIFT+9KEY — add/remove layer 1 .. 9 to/from those visible
  • SHIFT+0KEY — add/remove layer 10 to/from those visible
  • ALT+SHIFT+1KEY ... ALT+SHIFT+9KEY — add/remove layer 11 .. 19 to/from those visible
  • ALT+SHIFT+0KEY — add/remove layer 20 to/from those visible
  • ~KEY — show all layers
  • CTRL+1KEY ... CTRL+4KEY — set subsurf modifier preview level to 1 .. 4. Adds subsurf modifier to shape if it doesn’t already have one.
  • CTRL+`KEY — locks active camera and layers to scene.

The Period Key

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  • .KEY (on the alphanumeric pad) - changes the pivot point to the 3D cursor. The pivot point is the point where all things meet when scaled to 0, and the point of 0 translation during a rotation transformation. See the menu on the 3D view header, located immediately to the right of the Viewport Shading menu.
  • CTRL+.KEY - changes the pivot point to individual origins.
  • ALT+.KEY - changes the pivot point to active element.

The Comma Key

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  • ,KEY - changes the pivot point to the bounding box center.
  • CTRL+,KEY - changes the pivot point to median point.
  • ALT+,KEY - toggles manipulation of centre points (object and pose mode only).


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  • SPACE(Pre-Blender-2.5) brings up the toolbox.
  • SPACE(Blender 2.5) brings up searchable menu.
  • CTRL+SPACE — toggles 3D manipulator.
  • SHIFT+SPACE — toggles zooming active area to full-screen.
  • AKEY — if nothing is selected, then selects everything; otherwise, deselects everything.
  • ALT+AKEY - changes the current Blender window to Animation Playback mode. The cursor changes to a counter.
  • ALT+SHIFT+AKEY - the current window, plus all 3DWindows go into Animation Playback mode.
  • SHIFT+AKEY - brings up the toolbox.
  • CTRL+AKEY - prompts to "Apply Changes." Size and rotation changes to the model object become permanent.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+AKEY - prompts to convert dupliverted objects to real objects.
  • BKEY - Activates box-select tool.
  • CTRL+BKEY — brings up Physics Baking menu.
  • CKEY - (Pre-Blender-2.5) Centers the 3D View where the 3D cursor currently is.
  • CKEY(Blender 2.5) Circle Select. Use NUM+ to increase, NUM- to decrease, or MW to adjust the circle size. Drag over vertices/edges/faces with LMB to add them to selection, MMB to remove them from selection. Leave Circle Select with RMB or ESC.
  • ALT+CKEY - brings up the convert menu.
  • ALT+CTRL+CKEY — add constraint to new empty object.
  • CTRL+CKEY — copy attributes of active to selected objects.
  • DKEY - Brings up a Draw Type menu.
  • ALT+DKEY — create a new instance of selected object (shares same mesh data).
  • SHIFT+DKEY — create a complete new copy of selected objects.
  • ALT+EKEY - Start/stop EditMode. Alternative hotkey: TAB.
  • FKEY - In the 3D View, switches to UV Face Select Mode if selected object is a mesh. Pressing FKEY again will bring you back to Object Mode.
  • CTRL+FKEY - Sort Faces. The faces of the active Mesh Object are sorted, based on the current view in the 3DWindow. The leftmost face first, the rightmost last. The sequence of faces is important for the Build Effect (AnimButtons).
  • SHIFT+FKEY — fly mode. Navigation keys/buttons are displayed in area header.
  • GKEY - "Grabs" the current selection and allows you to move it around with the mouse. Hold down SHIFT while moving for finer control. Use LMB, ENTER, or SPACE to drop it in place. Use RMB or ESC to cancel the move.
  • GKEY XKEY — move only along global X-axis
  • GKEY XKEY XKEY — move only along object’s X-axis
  • GKEY SHIFT+XKEY — move except along global X-axis
  • GKEY YKEY — move only along global Y-axis
  • GKEY YKEY YKEY — move only along object’s Y-axis
  • GKEY SHIFT+YKEY — move except along global Y-axis
  • GKEY ZKEY — move only along global Z-axis
  • GKEY ZKEY ZKEY — move only along object’s Z-axis
  • GKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — move except along global Z-axis
  • GKEY XKEY SHIFT+XKEY — move except along object’s X-axis
  • GKEY SHIFT+XKEY SHIFT+XKEY — move except along object’s X-axis
  • GKEY YKEY SHIFT+YKEY — move except along object’s Y-axis
  • GKEY SHIFT+YKEY SHIFT+YKEY — move except along object’s Y-axis
  • GKEY ZKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — move except along object’s Z-axis
  • GKEY SHIFT+ZKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — move except along object’s Z-axis
  • ALT+GKEY — clear object offset (move back to origin)
  • CTRL+GKEY — brings up menu for performing group operations on selected objects.
  • SHIFT+GKEY — brings up Select Grouped menu.
  • HKEY — hide selected objects in 3D View (they can still appear in final rendered scene).
  • ALT+HKEY — reveal all hidden objects.
  • SHIFT+HKEY — hide unselected objects.
  • IKEY — inserts an animation keyframe.
  • ALT+IKEY — deletes an animation keyframe.
  • CTRL+IKEY — invert selection
  • JKEY — toggles between image buffers in render window
  • CTRL+JKEY — join selected mesh objects
  • SHIFT+KKEY — show and select all keyframes for object.
  • LKEY — brings up Make Local menu.
  • CTRL+LKEY — brings up Make Links menu.
  • SHIFT+LKEY — brings up Select Linked menu.
  • MKEY - move selection to a different layer.
  • CTRL+MKEY — brings up Mirror Axis menu.
  • NKEY - (Pre-Blender-2.5) brings up a Transform Properties mini window.
  • NKEY(Blender 2.5) show/hide Properties.
  • CTRL+NKEY(Blender 2.5) forget current document from memory and create a new document from default settings.
  • ALT+OKEY — clear object origin (move to same location as parent)
  • CTRL+OKEY — Open Recent—shows menu of recently-opened documents to select from.
  • ALT-SHIFT+OKEY — enable/disable subsurf modifier in preview. Adds a subsurf modifier if shape doesn’t already have one.
  • SHIFT+OKEY — enable/disable subsurf modifier. Adds a subsurf modifier if shape doesn’t already have one.
  • PKEY - starts the game engine.
  • ALT+PKEY — clear parent relationship
  • CTRL+PKEY — parent other selected objects to last-selected one.
  • QKEY - does nothing (to avoid confusion with CTRL+QKEY)
  • CTRL+QKEY - prompts if you would like to quit Blender
  • CTRL+ALT+QKEY — quad view (top, user perspective, front, right)
  • RKEY - allows rotation of the selection. Move the mouse after pressing RKEY to rotate around the axis perpendicular to the view. Press RKEY a second time for free rotate, or press one of the axis-key sequences (below) to constrain rotation around that axis. Hold down SHIFT while moving for finer control. Press LMB, SPACE, or ENTER to confirm the rotation. Press ESC or RMB to cancel the rotation.
  • RKEY XKEY — rotate only around global X-axis
  • RKEY XKEY XKEY — rotate only around object’s X-axis
  • RKEY SHIFT+XKEY — rotate except around global X-axis
  • RKEY YKEY — rotate only around global Y-axis
  • RKEY YKEY YKEY — rotate only around object’s Y-axis
  • RKEY SHIFT+YKEY — rotate except around global Y-axis
  • RKEY ZKEY — rotate only around global Z-axis
  • RKEY ZKEY ZKEY — rotate only around object’s Z-axis
  • RKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — rotate except around global Z-axis
  • ALT+RKEY — clear object rotation (restore original orientation)
  • SHIFT+RKEY(Blender 2.5) repeats the last action.
  • SKEY - begins scaling (resizing) of the selection. Move the mouse to scale larger or smaller. Hold down SHIFT while moving for finer control. Press LMB, ENTER, or SPACE to confirm the scaling. Press RMB or ESC to cancel the scaling.
  • SKEY XKEY — scale only along global X-axis
  • SKEY XKEY XKEY — scale only along object’s X-axis
  • SKEY SHIFT+XKEY — scale except along global X-axis
  • SKEY YKEY — scale only along global Y-axis
  • SKEY YKEY YKEY — scale only along object’s Y-axis
  • SKEY SHIFT+YKEY — scale except along global Y-axis
  • SKEY ZKEY — scale only along global Z-axis
  • SKEY ZKEY ZKEY — scale only along object’s Z-axis
  • SKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — scale except along global Z-axis
  • SKEY XKEY SHIFT+XKEY — scale except along object’s X-axis
  • SKEY SHIFT+XKEY SHIFT+XKEY — scale except along object’s X-axis
  • SKEY YKEY SHIFT+YKEY — scale except along object’s Y-axis
  • SKEY SHIFT+YKEY SHIFT+YKEY — scale except along object’s Y-axis
  • SKEY ZKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — scale except along object’s Z-axis
  • SKEY SHIFT+ZKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — scale except along object’s Z-axis
  • ALT+SKEY — clear object scaling (restore original size)
  • CTRL+SKEY(Blender 2.5) save current document.
  • SHIFT+SKEY — cursor/grid snap menu.
  • TKEY - (Pre-Blender-2.5) brings up a Texture Space menu. Allows translation and scaling the Texture.
  • TKEY(Blender 2.5) show/hide Tool Shelf.
  • CTRL+TKEY — make selected object track active object.
  • UKEY - brings up Make Single User menu.
  • ALT+UKEY — Undo menu; brings up a menu of last-performed global operations, select one to revert back to that state (undoing following ones). You can bring up the menu again and select a later operation to redo up to that state.
  • VKEY - enters Vertex Paint Mode. Pressing VKEY again will switch back to Object Mode.
  • WKEY - Brings up Boolean menu. Choose Intersect, Union or Difference.
  • CTRL+WKEY — save current document.
  • XKEY - delete the selection.
  • CTRL+XKEY(Pre-Blender-2.5) forget current document from memory and create a new document from default settings.
  • ZKEY - Toggles between drawing the scene in wireframe and solid mode.
  • ALT+ZKEY — toggles between drawing the scene in solid and textured mode.
  • SHIFT+ZKEY — toggles between drawing the scene in shaded and wireframe mode.
  • CTRL+ZKEY — undo last operation
  • CTRL+ZKEY - UNDO Note: If Blender claims there are no more steps to undo, hit tab to switch to object mode and try again.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+ZKEY — redo last undone operation
  • TAB - toggles in and out of Edit Mode of the selected, active object.
  • SHIFT+TAB — toggle snap-to-mesh mode.

Function Keys

  • F1 — bring up open-document dialog.
  • SHIFT+F1(Blender 2.5) bring up Link/Append From Library dialog.
  • F2 — bring up save-document-as dialog.
  • SHIFT+F2(Blender 2.5) switch to Logic Editor.
  • F3(Pre-Blender-2.5) bring up save-rendered-image dialog.
  • SHIFT+F3(Blender 2.5) switch to Node Editor.
  • F4 — switch Buttons Window to Logic Context.
  • SHIFT+F4(Pre-Blender-2.5) bring up object database browser.
  • SHIFT+F4(Blender 2.5) bring up console.
  • F5 — switch Buttons Window to Shading Context, Material Subcontext.
  • SHIFT+F5(Blender 2.5) switch to 3D View.
  • F6 — switch Buttons Window to Shading Context, Texture Subcontext.
  • SHIFT+F6(Blender 2.5) switch to Graph Editor.
  • F7 — switch Buttons Window to Object Context.
  • SHIFT+F7(Blender 2.5) switch to Properties Window.
  • F8 — switch Buttons Window to Shading Context, World Subcontext.
  • SHIFT+F8(Blender 2.5) switch to Video Sequence Editor.
  • F9 — switch Buttons Window to Editing Context.
  • SHIFT+F9(Blender 2.5) switch to Outliner.
  • F10 — switch Buttons Window to Scene Context.
  • SHIFT+F10(Blender 2.5) switch to UV/Image Editor.
  • F11 - shows render window.
  • SHIFT+F11(Blender 2.5) switch to Text Editor.
  • F12 - begins a single frame render based on the Scene settings in the Buttons Window.
  • SHIFT+F12(Blender 2.5) switch to DopeSheet.

Mouse Buttons

  • LMB - places 3D cursor where you click
  • MMB — drag to rotate view
  • CTRL+MMB — drag to zoom view in/out.
  • SHIFT+MMB — drag to shift view left/right/up/down
  • RMB — select object
  • ALT+SHIFT+RMB — pop up a menu of objects under the mouse position to select (allows selecting obscured objects)
  • SHIFT+RMB — add/remove object to/from selection
  • MW — zoom view in/out.
  • CTRL+MW — shift view left/right.
  • SHIFT+MW — shift view up/down.