Traditional Chinese Medicine/You Gui Wan

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The formula You Gui Wan, designed to warm the kidney and replenish the essence, consists of the following:

No. Pinyin Simplified Chinese Grams
1 Shu Di Huang 熟地黄 15
2 Shan Zhu Yu 山茱萸 9
3 Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子 9
4 Du Zhong 杜仲 9
5 Rou Gui 肉桂 6
6 Zhi Fu Zi 制附子 6
7 Shan Yao 山药 9
8 Lu Jiao Jiao 鹿角胶 9
9 Tu Si Zi 菟丝子 9
10 Dang Gui 当归 9


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