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The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Alles regretz uuidez dema presence (van Ghizeghem / Jean II of Bourbon, Incipit)

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The Lyrics of Henry VIII
Appendix 1: Lyrics by Occasion/Theme  |  Appendix 2: Textual/Musical Witnesses  |  Appendix 3: Bibliography

Fortune esperee En frolyk weson

[ff. 5v-6r]

Alles regretz uuidez dema presence

Textual Commentary

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This piece appears as a full first line in H1, though the second and third voices give simply “Alles regretz.” All three voices have block capitals and little room left among the musical notation for text. “Alles regretz uuidez dema presence” is listed in the manuscript’s table of contents as the third work. While not attributed in H, it was composed by Hayne van Ghizeghem with lyrics by Duke Jean II of Bourbon (Reese 100; P2245). This piece was also adapted by Alexander Agricola.

“Alles regretz uuidez dema presence” appears also in BQ17 (ff. 30v–31r), Br11239 (ff. 2v–4r), C1848 (414), CCap (#21), Fl107 (ff. 43v–44r), Fl117 (ff. 38v–39r), Fl178 (ff. 42v–43r), Fl229 (ff. 242v–243r), FlP27 (ff. 97v–98r), FlR2356 (ff. 91v–92r), FlR2794 (ff. 58v–59r), LR20 (ff. 20v–21r), P1597 (ff. 11v–12r), P1719 (ff. 30v, 144v), P2245 (ff. 17v–18r), PBP504 (3, #26), PBFm (#7), PBG33 (#34), PBOdh (ff. 62v–63r; ff. 53v–54r [Agricola]), RC2856 (ff. 96v–98r), RG27 (ff. 20v–21r / ff. 27v–28r; ff. 71v–72r / ff. 78v–79r [Agricola]), SAM (ff. 163v), SG461 (82–3 [Agricola]), T27 (f. 12v), T/Br (#1), Up76a (f. 1r), V757 (ff. 28v–29r), WLab (ff. 140v–142r), and Zw78 (#11), among others. Of these, full texts of the lyric are extant in Br11239, Fl117, FlR2356, FlR2794, LR20, P1597, P1719, P2245, T27, T/Br, and WLab; fragmentary texts, or incipits, are extant in BQ17, C1848, Fl107, Fl178, Fl229, FlP27, PBP504, PBOdh, RC2856, RG27, SAM, SG461, and Up76a.

The incipit of P1719 is closer to H in its reading than that of others of the tradition, and this text is provided below:

Allez Regretz vuidez de ma presence
allez ailleurs faire vostre acointance
assez auez tourmente mon las cueur
Remply de dueul pour estre serviteur
dune sans per que jay amee denfance                       5

Fait lui auez longuement ceste offense
ou est cellui qui point soit ne en france
qui endurast ce mortel deshonneur
Allez Regretz

Ny tournez plus car par ma conscience                    10
se plus vous voy prouchain de ma plaisance
devant chascun vous feray tel honneur

que len dira que la main dun seigneur
vous a bien mis ala malle meschance
Allez Regretz                                                             15

Br11239, another popular text, reads:

Ales regretz vuidies de ma plaisance
Alles allieurs querir vostre acointance

asses aues tourmente mon las cueur
Rempli de deul pour estre seruiteur
dune sans per que Jay aymee denfance                     5

Fait luy aues longuement ceste offense
Ou est celuy qui point soit ne en france
Qui endurast ce mortel deshonneur
Alles regretz

Ny tournes plus car par ma conscience                     10
Se plus vous voy prochain de ma presence
devant chascun vous feray tel honneur

que lon dira que la main dung seigneur
vous a bien mys a la male meschance
Allez regretz                                                                15

“Allez regretz uuidez dema presence” is reprinted in Atlas (1.81–82), Becherini (344), Droz and Thibault (49), Françon (184), Gombosi (#3), Hewitt (ed., Odhecaton 341–42), Lerner (ed., Agricola xxii–xxiii), Picker (Chanson Albums 416–8), Smijers (ed., des Prés 10.83), Stevens MCH8 (3), Wallis (139). The lyric is indexed in Fallows (Catalogue 81), among others.

Textual Notes

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Texts Collated

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H1,2,3 (ff. 5v–6r).

1 regretz] regret H1, regretz H2,3; uuidez dema presence] omit H2,3