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The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons/Enemies

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Regular enemies

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Sprite Enemy HP Attacks Speed Notes Location
File:LOZ Oos Beele.png Beetle 1 Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Slow Basically the weakest enemy in the entire game. Beetles don't even try to attack you, and they have the second lowest damage rate. Just slash it once with your sword to kill it.
Cheep-Cheep 1 Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Medium
Crab 1
Crow 1
Flying tile 1
Gel 1 Spawned by Red Zol
Iron Mask 1
Keese 1
Keese Fire 1
Moblin Pig (red) 1
Octorok (red) 1
Rope 1
Spiked Beetle 1
Spiny Beetle 1
Stalfos (blue) 1
Tektite (yellow) 1
Zol (green) 1
Zol (red) 1
Leever (blue) 2
Leever (red) 2
Leever (yellow) 2
Magnets 2
Moblin (red) 2
Moblin Pig (blue) 2
Octorok (blue) 2
Peahat 2
Piranha 2
River Zora 2
Stalfos (green) 2
Stalfos (red) 2
Stalfos (yellow) 2
Stalfos swordman 2
Takkuri 2
Tektite (blue) 2
Tektite (water) 2
Wizzrobe (green) 2
File:LOZ Oos Arm Mimic.png Arm-mimic 3 Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart.gif Medium Arm Mimics are not very common. They are scarce due to the fact that they can be very annoying to encounter. They mirror your every move. If you move up, they move down, if you move left they move right, and vice-versa. So, move up to them slowly and slash until they are destroyed.
File:LOZ Oos Armos (Blue).png Armos (blue) 3 Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart.gif Fast This is a very rare version of Armos that comes to life when you come in contact with them or walk by them. They can be very threatening due to their speed and damage rate. The easiest thing to do is to slash away when they come by you.
Darknut (red) 3
Floormaster 3
Like Like 3
Pincer 3
Podoboo Tower 3
Wallmaster 3
Wizzrobe (red) 3
File:LOZ Oos Ball and Chain Trooper.png Ball & chain trooper 4 Spiked Ball: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif
Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif
Slow As their name implies, these enemies have ball and chains that they use to hurt you. Just avoid them in larger areas. Whenever one of these guys hurls his ball at you, dodge it and slash him with your sword. DO NOT attempt to slash them multiple times, you'd get hurt many times doing this. You have to be patient when fighting these enemies.
Gibdo 4
Lynel (red) 4
Moldorm 4
Wizzrobe (blue) 4
Darknut (blue) 5
Ghini 5
Lynel (blue) 6
Pokey 9
Moblin (blue)
Moblin Goriya
File:LOZ Oos Buzz Blob.png Buzz Blob 1 Contact:File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif
Electrocute:File:LOZ Oos Heart.gif
Slow This green little blob will actually not do anything to hurt you unless you swing your sword or run straight into it. It's best to just ignore Buzz Blobs, unless you'd like to turn them into a Cukeman with a Mystery Seed.
Cukeman 1 Can be defeated only with the slingshot or an ember seed; if stunned, you can talk to it.
Goponga flower 1 Can be defeated only with the magic boomerang.
Hardhat Beetle 1 Can be defeated only with the magnet glove and an iron sphere.
Pols Voice 1 Can be defeated only by the animal flute.
Spark 1 Can be defeated only with the magic boomerang.
Whisp 1 Can be defeated only with the magic boomerang.
File:LOZ Oos Armos (Red).png Armos (red) 2 Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart.gif Medium Invincible to everything but bombs, the magic boomerang, and the Biggoron Sword. In this Oracle game, red Armos are made much easier since you can use the magic boomerang, instead of using bombs.
File:LOZ Oos Business Scrub.png Business Scrub 2 Stone shot: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Immobile These are fairly similar to the Business Scrubs in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but of course not in 3D. All they do is wait a bit and then shoot stones at you. This enemy can almost be totally ignored, unless you'd like to hear what they have to say.


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These enemies cannot be defeated, and their attacks have to be dodged.

Sprite Enemy Attacks Speed Notes Location
File:LOZ Oos Beamos.png Beamos Beam: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Medium A live statue that shoots a beam whenever it sees you. It's no use fighting it since it's invincible, so just run away from it when it sees you. If you have Roc's Feather/Cape then use it to jump over the beam.
File:LOZ Oos Blade Trap (Blue).png Blade trap (blue) Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Fast This is the least dangerous of all the blade trap variations. It is the slowest one out of the three small blade traps (target speed and retraction speed).
File:LOZ Oos Blade Trap (Green).png Blade trap (green) Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Fast This is one of the more dangerous Blade Traps. It's not the fastest one at the target, but it has the fastest retraction.
File:LOZ Oos Blade Trap (Orange).png Blade trap (yellow) Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Very fast This is one of the more dangerous Blade Traps. It is the absolute fastest Blade Trap in the game. Although it is the fastest, it has a slow retraction speed.
Blade trap (red giant)
Blade trap (yellow giant)
File:LOZ Oos Bubble.png Bubble Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Medium It's just like the Blue Bubble from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, if you've played that game I bet you're groaning just as you read this. For those of you who haven't, Bubbles disable your sword for a short amount of time.
Flame trap
File:LOZ Oos Blade Trap (Spinning).png Spinning Blade Trap Contact: File:LOZ Oos Heart Half.gif Medium This Blade Trap is different from all the others. Instead of just dashing towards you, it will spin a blade while moving towards you, and it can follow you anywhere.


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Sprite Enemy HP Attacks Speed Notes Location
Gohma larva Boss spawn
Moth Boss spawn