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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest/Gold Skulltulas

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The locations of Gold Skulltulas in the dungeons were changed in the Master Quest release. There is a section for the differently located Skulltulas after the full list for the regular Ocarina of Time game. If you follow the whole guide, there are also links down to the Master Quest locations in the dungeon's section. For the Gold Skulltulas found in the original game, see The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Gold Skulltulas.


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Inside the Great Deku Tree

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
8 Any Child

On the second floor of the entrance, roll into the crate next to the chest holding the Dungeon Map.

Crate the Skulltula is inside.
9 Any Child

On the 2nd floor, in the room where you got the Compass, look up and to the left of the chest and you will see some boulders. Destroy them with the Bombchus. The spider is in that alcove.

Boulders blocking the alcove.
10 Any Child

Floor B1 in the mid-West room with four torches, play the Song of Time to create a staircase of time blocks to reach the token. Play the song again to bridge the gap, then Boomerang to get the spider.

The Gold Skulltula on the ceiling.
11 Any Child

Floor B1 in the far West room of the four torch room. Kill all the enemies. The spider is on the very back of the wall. Use the Boomerang to reach it.

Skulltula on the back wall.

Dodongo's Cavern

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
38 Any Both
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In the giant pillar room, use a Bomb to destroy the fake wall. Go in the room behind it. Keep on playing the Song of Time on left side of the room. The Gold Skulltula is under the back most time block.

39 Any Both
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In the room with the three floating torches is a door that opens when all three torches are lit. Use a Deku Stick, Din's Fire, or Fire Arrows to light the torches. In the room behind that barred door is the Skulltula in the crates on the right wall.

40 Any Both
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In the back of the room where you first fought the Lizalfos is a line of boulders. Use Bombs the ones in the center to open a path to the Gold Skulltula.

41 Any Both
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In the Poe room is a door to the right of the entrance. Unlock the door by using a Bomb on the bomb chain on the pillar right in front of the door. Kill all the enemies inside, the Skulltula is in the top left corner of the room. Use the Boomerang to reach it.

42 Any Both
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Skulltula lying on the wall.

Near the wall of fire rings lying on top of the wall is a Golden Skulltula. Use the Boomerang to reach it.

Alternatively, it is possible to leap off a nearby block to catch the ledge on which the Gold Skulltula is located. You can also return as an adult and use the Hookshot to reach it.

Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
51 Any Child
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There is a time block in the room holding the boomerang. The Gold Skulltula is underneath so play the Song of Time to reveal it.

52 Any Child
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In the room just right of the green tentacle's room. Use the switch in the center of the room to have water raise you up. A well-timed bomb throw (or a Bombchu) will blow up the boulder to reveal the Skulltula. Use the Boomerang to retrieve the token.

Alternatively, if you are having trouble getting this you can come back later and use the Song of Time to move a block in front of the boulder, then climb up and bomb it.

53 Any Child
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In the room into which Ruto fell, the door near the vines to the upper room is protected by a blue tentacle. After you get rid of the blue tentacle enter the room where there are three invisible Keese. You can use the Lens of Truth to see them. Across the water is the Skulltula. Kill all the enemies to make a platform appear that can be used to get up to the Skulltula. Walk around either side of the web and use the Boomerang to collect the token. You can use Din's Fire to eliminate the web if you need more room to aim.

Alternatively, kill the three invisible enemies without the Lens of Truth by using the Targeting System: jump into the water and swim around until you are attacked. When this happens, get out of the water, lock on using the Targeting System and you will target the invisible foe. Shoot at it with the Fairy Slingshot, then repeat this procedure until you have killed all three enemies. If an enemy ends up where it won't attack you, target it from the water to locate it, get out of the water, then fire at the same location.

54 Any Child
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18px around it.

In the room before Barinade, climb up the vines in the middle of the room. Behind a small wall of web you will see the Skulltula. Stand in the very center of the platform and throw your Boomerang at the Gold Skulltula.

Forest Temple

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
60 Any Adult
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Right above the locked door sits a Gold Skultulla. Kill it with the Hookshot, then get its token the same way.

61 Any Adult
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Go around the left pillar and you'll find a Gold Skulltula on the ground on the other side. Strike it with your sword to claim its token.

62 Any Adult
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Jump down into the garden area. In the back right corner there will be vines that lead to a Gold Skulltula. Kill it with your sword and claim your token.

63 Any Adult
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On top of the pillar with two hearts

In the first garden area, from the entrance go forward, pull out your Hookshot and turn around. Above you there will be a Gold Skulltula in front of the Hookshot target. Shoot it with the Hookshot and claim its token.

64 Any Adult
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Run all the way through the drained well. At the grating at the end, there will be a Gold Skulltula - shoot it with the Hookshot and claim its token.

Fire Temple

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
65 Any Adult
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On the first floor, in the room with the bridge leading over the lava, open the Goron's cell door and then find the Gold Skulltula behind him.

66 Any Adult
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In the big room with all the Lizalfos, there is a false wall behind which you can hit a switch to reveal several Hookshot targets. Use those to get up onto the platform with a huge crack on top and play the Song of Time. Make your way onto the blue block that appears and use the Hookshot to get to the elevator the leads to the floor above. Continue from here until you reach a room with a rusted switch that triggers more Hookshot targets. Hit that and then the non-rusted switch to dissipate the fire and Hookshot up to it to move the block and reveal a Gold Skulltula.

67 Any Adult
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In the area made up of a maze of fire walls, jump across to the square platform that held the large block and again from here to the opposite ledge. Standing near that door, play the Song of Time to make a blue block appear. Climb onto the block and leap well from it to clear the nearby fire walls. Enter the NE door along the wall here and fight the Lizalfos. A Gold Skulltula will be waiting on the back wall.

68 Any Adult
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In the fire maze room, follow the maze. You should pass through a couple of doors to the other side. Keep navigating the maze until you reach a switch that temporarily dissipates the flames blocking the eastern door, then run over and head inside. Proceed through the rooms that follow. Eventually you should find yourself in a tiny compartment directly over the fire maze room from which you came. Claim the Gold Skulltula there.

69 Any Adult
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In the fire maze room, enter the door (by which you play the Song of Time in 67) to the central room. Use the Hookshot to cross the fire to the other side. Hit the rusty switch with the Megaton Hammer, then climb the the target beside the switch to jump over the fire wall to get down to the lower corridor. Here you can bomb a false wall to reveal the final Gold Skulltula.

Ice Cavern

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
70 Any Adult
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In the room with the Compass, Blue Fire, and Piece of Heart, there is a red ice block on one of the pillars with a Gold Skulltula in it. Get some blue fire with an Empty Bottle and go by that pillar. Play the Song of Time twice to make 2 blocks appear. Climb up there and use the blue fire.

71 Any Adult
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In the top left square room on the map there is a ledge to the right right when you enter. Walk up to it and Navi should turn green and fly up there. Play the Scarecrow's Song and the scarecrow will come up. Hookshot up there and at the very back on the bottom left with be the Gold Skulltula.

72 Any Adult
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In the same room as the last Gold Skulltula there will be a ledge with a bunch of red ice blocks on it. Right at the wall underneath the ledge the Gold Skulltula will be on the ground.

Water Temple

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
73 Any Adult
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After you get the Fire Arrows, go back into the Water Temple and enter the south room/corridor (located on the bottom corridor below the temple entrance in the 3DS version). At the end of the corridor you will find three torches on a wall. Light the torches and the grated/gated up area will open. Use the Scarecrow's Song to Longshot to the upper part of the room and the Gold Skulltula is on the ceiling of where it was closed off. Beware of the two Stalfos who will be blocking your way.

74 Any Adult
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In the room with the pool and the whirlpools, play the Scarecrow's Song and Pierre will appear. Longshot onto him. You will notice a door blocked off by a chain. Go towards the waterfall and put on the Iron Boots and go in the hole. You'll eventually arrive in a small room with crates and a Stalfos. Fight it and then break the crates. One of them has a Small Key. Use it on the door you saw earlier and you will arrive in a room with a switch and unlit torches. Hit the switch, get on the middle water pillar (for lack of a better term) and use Din's Fire. The torches will light and you can advance to the next room. But it's still not over! Kill all the Dodongos in the room and Longshot up to the door that just opened. You will be back in the pool room. Break the crate with the Gold Skulltula but leave at least one crate alone. You will need it to Longshot your way out of the little trapped space, and voilà!

75 Any Adult
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After making your way through the big square room on the third floor you will drop down through an open grate to the second floor. In the next section, the river current is really strong and there are several whirlpools so you will have to use the Longshot to move from one pillar to the next. There is a Gold Skulltula on the wall, you can't miss it!

76 Any Adult
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On the second floor, step on the yellow button switch to open up the gate leading to the south corridor. Walk past the wood crates and straight towards another gate. Use Din's Fire to light the torch that is on the inside. The Gold Skulltula is hiding behind the two wooden crates.

77 Any Adult
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In the room that opens with the blue switch, follow the room until you are at the top before the last water level switch. The Gold Skulltula is in a box.

Bottom of the Well

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
78 Any Child
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After getting the Lens of Truth, take the northeast passage. It is full of invisible Skulltulas hanging from the ceiling, and at the end you'll find a Gold Skulltula.

79 Any Child
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Get to the door to the west of the Dungeon Map. Watch out, the room behind it is full of invisible monsters. Pull the grave there to reveal the Gold Skulltula.

80 Any Child
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Get to the west passageway. Drop down, climb the vines, and pass through the previously locked door. Go all the way to the back and you should see the Gold Skulltula hiding behind the right bird statue.

Shadow Temple

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
81 Any Adult
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In the room with the falling spikes, inside the southern cell.

82 Any Adult
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In the room full of ReDeads (with a treasure chest), crawling on the wall.

83 Any Adult
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Shortly before the ship, in the room with the two Gibdos, bomb the rubble in the northwest to reveal the Gold Skulltula.

84 Any Adult

Hidden inside the bottomless pit you cross using the bird statue. Walk halfway through and look back to see it.

85 Any Adult
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Hanging along an invisible platform just before the boss door.

Spirit Temple

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Gold Skulltula Time Age Notes
96 Any Adult
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In the room with the blocks with sun faces. Return here as an adult and push the southeast block into the light. Use the new platform to reach the Gold Skulltula.

97 Any Adult
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In the sandpit room, crawling on the ceiling.

98 Any Adult
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In the room with lots of Skulltulas, on the east wall.

99 Any Adult
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In the room with a lone Iron Knuckle|jpg, behind the north statue.

100 Any Adult
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In the room with a lone Iron Knuckle|jpg, behind the west statue.