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TPACKing for a Wonderful Educational Trip/Group 11

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Module 4 - Group Component

http://leighzeitz.com/classes/tc/assignments/Module4TPACK.pdf http://leighzeitz.com/classes/tc/rubrics/TC_TPACKrubricMod4.pdf

School: Iowa Technology High School

Subject Area: Economics (Social Studies)

Grade Level: 9-12

Iowa Core Curriculum Link: https://www.educateiowa.gov/pk-12/standards-and-curriculum/iowa-core/social-studies/social-studies-economics

Higher Order Thinking Skills: Understand the function of common financial instruments (Jarod) Understand credit cards. Understand the role of scarcity and economic trade-offs and how economic conditions impact people’s lives (Samir) Understand increases and decreases in productivity are influenced by positive and negative incentives. Understand the impact of increases in wages or a change in government policy (new taxes, interest rate, subsidies) on consumers, producers, workers, savers and investors. Understand the functions of economic institutions (Jeremy) Understand the basic functions of money. Understand the composition of the money supply. Understand how universal economic concepts present themselves in various types of economies throughout the world (Brian) Understand factors that influence Gross Domestic Product for specific countries. Understand the impact of advancing technologies on the global economy (Tyler) Understand the role of technologies that interlock the global economy. Understand the role of investment and government support in advancing technologies. Understand the impact of green technologies in the global economy.

Learning Context: The class is a semester-based elective open to the general student population in order to satisfy the social studies requirements for graduation. The class runs a 90 minute block (every other day). Each student has a MacBook Air . Each classroom has five to ten iPads. Students enter with a wide variety of pre-existing content knowledge and literacy skills from very advanced, gifted students to those with special needs (IEPs).

Learning Activity Type(s):

Jarod Survey Collaborating to Analyze Data Video Viewing Navigation of Online Activity Paraphrasing

Brian View images & listen to audio Take a quiz Generate questions Research Engage in data-based inquiry Write a blog post

Jeremy Read Text Listen to Audio Watch Video Simulation/Gamification Create a mindmap Draw a cartoon Audio Reflection

Tyler Read Text and/or Listen to Podcast Watch Videos Create Assessment Questions Based off of Video Create a Social Media Insightful Discussion Self-Reflection & Group Reflection & Assessment

Samir Read text on Google doc View recorded video Research the web Group work reflection Survey and quizzes

Technology to use in activity(ies):

Jarod MacBook Airs Google Forms Google Docs Gamification Activity YouTube

Brian MacBook Airs Symbaloo Google Chrome Google Docs Google Forms Edublogs

Jeremy Macbook Airs Audio Journaling Tool: Voicethread https://voicethread.com/ Mind Map Tool: Mindmeister http://www.mindmeister.com/ Comic Creation Tool: http://www.pixton.com/ Google Chrome Google Docs

Tyler Macbook Airs Google Chrome Vimeo Google Docs Learning Management System Social Media

Samir Macbook Airs Google Chrome Google doc YouTube

TPACK Group Report:

The group started the TPACKing process by identifying the Iowa Core Economics standards for grades nine through twelve. Each group member chose a standard to base their individual lesson on. Each of the group members use TPACK to break down their individual lesson into Technology Knowledge, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical areas in order to develop activities. To guide the TPACK lesson creating process, the group used resources found in the RWLD and focused on the article written by Harris and Hofer titled Grounded Tech Integration. As a supplement to the article, the group used the shared Google Doc that details the five steps to TPACK lesson planning. The links we used as references are listed below.

Overall, the group didn’t encounter many challenges. We realized that we could only go so far as a group before we really needed to focus on our individual lesson plans. As we completed our individual lesson plans, we were better able to understand and communicate the learning activity types and technologies involved.

Links: Iowa Core Curriculum: https://www.educateiowa.gov/iowacore Module 4 RWLD: http://coordtech.blogspot.com/ Five steps to TPACK planning article Google Doc on five steps to TPACK lesson planning Example WikiBooks of TPACK lessons from earlier cohort

Links to Individual Lesson: Jarod’s Lesson on Credit Cards Brian’s Lesson on GDP and Standard of Living Jeremy’s Lesson for What is Money and Composition of Money Supply Tyler’s Lesson on Advancing Technologies Impact on Global Economy Samir's Lesson for Economics