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Sport Innovation/TI Network/Week 2

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Week 2


The initial questionnaire responses from the 6 Bond University Baseball Team Student-Athletes were overall positive and optimistic towards the success of the TTIN.com. However, a concern was raised from the responses received regarding the cost of the recruitment service which can be amended by increasing the trial period offered. This was incorporated in the next set of questionnaires circulated to an additional 5Bond University Baseball Team Student-Athletes.

- Switch around the order of the questions, so that the Student-Athletes will be able to answer yes or no to the Free Trial Period before responding to the question of whether or not they would sign up for $20.

- Extend the duration of the Free Trial Period from 15 days to 30 days.

In addition to the questionnaire revisions noted above, the hope is to receive similar responses from the second group of Bond University Baseball Team Student-Athletes, that were unchanged questions from the Week 1 questionnaire, providing support that TTIN.com is beneficial to amateur athletes.

Week 2 of the Customer Discovery also marks the distribution of questionnaires to 5 Professional Golfers in India. This aspect of the Customer Discovery is to gain feedback from professional athletes. The responses from these professionals should provide vital information with regards to the differences in use of the website between amateur athletes and professional athletes. As these questionnaires were emailed, the responses are not expected back until the end of Week 2. As a result, the professional athletes' responses will be analyzed in Week 3 (the questionnaire sent to the professional athletes will also be included in the Week 3 page from reference).

Student-Athlete Questionnaire

Q.1 How long have you participated in amateur sports?


Q.2 Have you ever received compensation for your participation in amateur sports?

a) Yes b) No

Q.3 Would you find an online recruitment website for athletes beneficial?

a) Yes b) No

Q.4 According to you, how accessible are professional sporting opportunities for amateur athletes. Rate from 1-5, 1 being low 5 being high.

1 2 3 4 5

Q.5 At the age of 16, would you find a career guidance tool beneficial to help pursue career in sports professionally?

a) Yes b) No

Q.6 Would a 30 day trial period to assess the functionality of the website affect your decision to sign on?

a) Yes b) No

Q.7 Would you pay 20 dollars to sign up for an online recruitment website?

a) Yes b) No

Q.8 On a scale of 1-5, how comfortable would you be playing sports professionally overseas? 1 being not comfortable, 5 being very comfortable.

1 2 3 4 5

Q.9 How of often do you visit and contribute to social media websites (facebook,twitter,etc)?


2-3 times a day



Q.10 Are you currently registered to an online recruitment website?

a) Yes b) No

Q.11 If yes, how often do you check and update your portfolio?





Q.12 Did you ever attempt to take up sports professionally?

a) Yes b) No

Q.13 If yes, what were the main obstacles that you faced?


Q.14 Would you actively make changes to your profile based on updates and suggestions provided by a website to enhance your portfolio?

a) Yes b) No

Q.15 According to you, on a scale of 1-5, 1 being low and 5 being high, how effective are online recruitment websites?

1 2 3 4 5


Student-Athlete Questionnaire

Administered 5 face to face interviews to Bond University Baseball Team Student-Athletes. The following are some of the key responses:

- 80% of Student-Athletes have actively competed in sports for 15+ years.

- 40% of Student-Athletes have not received compensation for participating in amateur sports.

- 80% of Student-Athetes felt there is low level of accessibility to professional sporting opportunities for amateur athletes.

- 100% of Student-Athletes felt that an online guidance tool would have been beneficial to help them pursue a career in sports.

- 80% of Student-Athletes felt a 30 day trial period would positively affect their decision to sign up.

- 80% of Student-Athletes would agree to pay $20 to sign up to an online recruitment service for sports.

- 60% of Student-Athletes would be highly comfortable with playing sports professionally overseas.

- 100% of Student-Athletes contribute to social media websites 2-3 times a day.

- 80% of Student-Athletes are currently registered to online recruiting websites. Majority of them check and update their profiles on a weekly basis.

- 80% of Student-Athletes would actively make changes to their profile based on updates and suggestions provided by the TTIN.com Team.

- 80% of Student-Athletes believe that online recruitment websites are highly effective.


Our alterations to previous Week 1 questionnaire resulted in the following conclusions to be drawn:

- Adoption of 30 Day Free Trial Period was successful, and as a result there was a positive majority response to the $20 sign up fee.

- Remainder of the responses correlated with the responses in Week 1.

Week 3 Customer Discovery Activities and Results

Week 3 Professional Athletes

Week 3 Amateur Athletes