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Sport Innovation/TI Network/Week 3

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Week 3 - Professional Athletes


The questionnaires that were emailed out in Week 2 of the Customer Discovery to 5 Professional Golfers in India have all been returned. Those responses will be analyzed on this page. The responses from these professionals will hopefully provide helpful information with regards to the differences in use of the website between amateur athletes and professional athletes.

Professional Athlete Questionnaire

Q.1 How hard is it to get sponsorship? Please rate from a scale of 1-5, 1 being very easy 5 being very hard.

1 2 3 4 5

Q.2 How often do you access the internet?





Q.3 Do you feel listing your portfolio online would help your chances of gaining sponsorship?

a) Yes b) No

Q.4 Would you find an online website that provides you direct access to sponsor networks beneficial?

a) Yes b) No

Q.5 Do you currently have management that takes care of sponsorship for you?

a) Yes b) No

Q.6 If yes (Q.5) how many sponsors do you currently have? How much do you pay your management agency?

a)______________________________________ b)_____________________________________

Q.7 How long have you been a professional athlete?


Q.8 How often do you visit and contribute to social media websites (facebook,twitter,etc)?


2-3 times a day



Q.9 How much would you pay to list your portfolio on an online website that can help you attain sponsorship? (In dollars, Yearly fee)

a) 10

b) 20

c) 30

d) 40

Q.10 Do you feel there is a need for an online talent identification website for aspiring professional athletes?





Administered 5 questionnaires via email to Professional Golfers in India. The following are some of the key responses based on the Golfers' Rank:

Rank 1-30 (2 Professional Golfers Interviewed)

- 100% felt obtaining sponsorship was not difficult.

- 100% felt that listing your portfolio online could help amateur athletes gain sponsorship.

- 50% felt an online website that provides direct access to sponsors would be beneficial.

- Both golfers interviewed have 6 or more sponsors.

- Both golfers visit and contribute to social media websites on a daily basis.

- Both golfers would not sign up.

- Both golfers felts there is a need for an online talent identification website for aspiring professional athletes.

Rank 31-60 (2 Professional Golfers Interviewed)

- 100% felt obtaining sponsorship is difficult.

- 100% felt that listing your portfolio online could help amateur athletes gain sponsorship.

- 100% felt an online website that provides direct access to sponsors would be beneficial.

- Both golfers interviewed currently do not have management that is responsible for obtaining sponsorship. 50% have 1 or more sponsors.

- Both golfers visit and contribute to social media websites on a weekly basis.

- 50% agreed to pay $30 as a sign up fee.

- Both golfers felt there is a need for an online talent identification website for aspiring professional athletes.

Rank 61-90 (1 Professional Golfer Interviewed)

- The golfer interviewed felt obtaining sponsorship was very difficult.

- The golfer interviewed felt that listing his portfolio online could help him gain sponsorship.

- The golfer interviewed felt an online website that provides direct access to sponsors would be beneficial.

- The golfer interviewed currently has no sponsors.

- The golfer interviewed visits and contributes to social media websites on a daily basis.

- The golfer interviewed agreed to pay $40 as a sign up fee.

- The golfer felt there is a need for an online talent identification website for aspiring professional athletes.


- Majority of the golfers interviewed felt it was difficult to gain sponsorship.

- 80% felt that listing their portfolio online would help their chances of gaining sponsorship.

- 100% felt direct access to sponsorship networks would be beneficial.

- 60% of golfers currently do not have sponsorship.

- The golfers ranked between 1-30 did not feel the need to sign up to a recruitment website like TTIN.com because they have management that helps them gain and maintain sponsorship.

- 60% of golfers would pay $30 or more to list their profile on an online website that could assist them in gaining sponsorship.

- 100% of golfers felt that there is a need for an online talent identification website for aspiring professional athletes.

Week 3 Amateur Athletes Customer Discovery Activities and Results

Week 3 Amateur Athletes

Week 4 Customer Discovery Activities and Results

Week 4