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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/Discover all web domains

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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
Use Cases Discover all web domains Reference Manuals
Web Search Automation Trace Log Example
First Lesson in PlanoTseScript
Lesson 2 in PlanoTseScript

Discover all web domains related my search objectives

[edit | edit source]

This page presents a use case for PlanoTse. The purpose of this use case is to show how you can use PlanoTse to discover all web domains that are related to a particular set of web search objectives.

Version 0.0.47 is the first useful version of PlanoTse. It can automatically discover all the web domains related to a particular search objective. To get the software, see this page.


Problem Statement

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In this example, I am a Technical Writer who lives near the President George Bush Turnpike (PGBT) and I would like to work for a company that is located along this highway. PGBT runs through the following northern suburbs of Dallas: Rowlett, Sachse, Garland, Richardson, Plano, Carrollton, Farmers Branch, Irving and Grand Prairie. However, I prefer not to work in Grand Prairie and the proper city of Dallas.


Sample Solution

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Search String

[edit | edit source]

I should simplify and work with one city at a time. For now, I pick Plano. My search string for Google would be:

Google: technical-writer + job-description + Plano -resume

Practical Procedures

[edit | edit source]

I carry out the following procedures to reach my solution:

  • Procedure 1. Install the starter-kit data
  • Procedure 2. Clear Templateless Domains
  • Procedure 3. Clear Template Directory
  • Procedure 4. Set up a Go script
  • Procedure 5. Test the Go script
  • Procedure 6. Start production
  • Procedure 7. Analyze the trace log



Procedure 1. Install the starter-kit data

[edit | edit source]

If you have not install the starter-kit data, you should do that first. This is done only once.

Procedure 2. Clear Templateless Domains

[edit | edit source]

I use the following steps to rename an existing default list holder of templateless domain names:

  1. Select the menu command [File » Open List » Webpages].
  2. On the tree view pane, look for any data item whose title is, Templateless Domains.
  3. If not found, ignore the following steps and end this procedure.
  4. Click on the data item, Templateless Domains, then press F2.
  5. Rename this to something else, e.g. Templateless Domains Backup 101.

On the next web search automation (WSA) session, a new data item, Templateless Domains, will be created and used as a place holding the list of all newly discovered domain names.

Procedure 3. Clear Template Directory

[edit | edit source]

To make PlanoTse think that each and every URL is of a domain without a domain template, I make sure that all files in the following directory are moved elsewhere:


Procedure 4. Set up a Go script

[edit | edit source]

Do the following to set up a Go script such that I can easily repeat my search process:

  1. Select the menu command [Automation » Go Menu » Edit the Go script].
  2. Replace the Go script content with:
New content for the Go script

{ clear responses; aw set mission Shreveport; aw set serializemissions yes; aw set timeout 15; aw set paddingseconds 10; aw set linkqsize 5; aw set serpqsize 4; aw set maxruns 2; aw set level1domains com, net; web search Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume ; }

For the meaning of each PlanoTseScript command ending with a semicolon, see PlanoTseScript WSA Commands in the PlanoTseScript Language Reference manual.

If you want to control your mission name and its serialization via the Web Search Automation (WSA) wizard's menu command [Automation » Web Search » (stay on Page 1)], you should leave these two statements out of the above Step 2: aw set mission MyTestRun; aw set serializemissions yes;


Procedure 5. Test the Go script

[edit | edit source]
  1. Close and exit the application PlanoTse.
  2. Restart PlanoTse.
  3. On the main menu, click Go.
  4. Wait until the web search automation (WSA) session is over.
  5. Close the Search Editor window.
  6. Select the menu [File » Open List » Webpages].
  7. Open the newly generated data item, Templateless Domains.
  8. Press the Steps button, near the bottom of the window.
  9. If you see a list of domain names, you got it.


Procedure 6. Start production

[edit | edit source]
  1. Modify the Go script and use 0 instead of 2 for the command, set maxruns 0;.
  2. Exit and restart PlanoTse.
  3. Run the Go script.
  4. Go to bed and let the script run overnight.
  5. Exit and restart PlanoTse.
  6. Select the menu [File » Open List » Webpages].
  7. Open the newly generated data item, Templateless Domains.
  8. Press the Steps button, near the bottom of the window.
  9. If you see a very long list of domain names, you got it.


Procedure 7. Analyze the trace log

[edit | edit source]


Invalidating all top-level domains

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Invalidating all top-level domains is a good trick to obtain the list of all domain names related to a particular search objective. Use the following PlanoTseScript command to invalidate all top-level domains in your web search automation:

aw set level1domains abc, xyz;


The following sample trace log shows the result of searching based on invalidation of all top-level domains.


TLD Invalidation Trace Log

6/9/2012 10:51:49 PM 1  [ScriptCode Length=104 Source=Script File 'default.tse' Software=PlanoTse 0.0.50]

6/9/2012 10:51:49 PM 2  Source Code: { aw set level1domains abc, xyz; web search automate-your-web-search mining-the-web PlanoTse-Handbook; }

6/9/2012 10:51:49 PM 3 {aw set level1domains abc, xyz}

6/9/2012 10:51:49 PM 4 {web search automate-your-web-search mining-the-web PlanoTse-Handbook}

6/9/2012 10:51:49 PM 5  PlanoTse 0.0.50

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 6  [File » Open List » Webpages] Holder of Useless-domain List (14 entries): Webpage 12335 NA Major Domains

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 7  [File » Open List » Webpages] Holder of Useless-domain List (60 entries): Webpage 12337 NA Google Domains

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 8  Holder of Newly Useless Domains (0 entries): Webpage 16834 New NA Domains

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 9  Total number of unwanted domains: 74

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 10  [File » Open List » Results] Holder of Templateless Domains (0 entries): Result 16968 Handbook 10223 Templateless Domains

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 11  [File » Open List » Results] Holder of Unwanted Top-level Domains (0 entries): Result 16969 Handbook 10223 Unwanted Top-level Domains

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 12  Expecting only links from these top-level domains: abc, xyz

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 13  [File » Open List » Webpages] Holder of Unwanted Popup Titles (6 entries): Webpage 15271 Unwanted Popup Titles

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 14  Search Editor Menu [Result » Output Folder] C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PlanoTseTools\PlanoTseScripting\Temp\WebSearch\Handbook 10223

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 15  Original Search String: -={automate-your-web-search mining-the-web PlanoTse-Handbook}=-

6/9/2012 10:51:50 PM 16  [Automation » Web Search » Preview Page] Serp Queue Size: 40

6/9/2012 10:51:51 PM 17  [Automation » Web Search » Preview Page] Link Queue Size: 80

6/9/2012 10:51:51 PM 18  [Automation » Web Search » Preview Page] Internet Timeout in Seconds: 15

6/9/2012 10:51:51 PM 19  [Automation » Web Search » Preview Page] Padding seconds: 10

6/9/2012 10:51:51 PM 20  Run 1 SERP links: 0 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 0

6/9/2012 10:51:51 PM 21  Browsing SERP www.google.com/#output=search&q=automate-your-web-search mining-the-web PlanoTse-Handbook

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 22  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 23  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 24  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 25  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 26  TLD unwanted: planotse.wordpress.com

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 27  TLD unwanted: planotse.wordpress.com

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 28  TLD unwanted: planotse.wordpress.com

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 29  TLD unwanted: planotse.wordpress.com

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 30  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 31  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 32  TLD unwanted: adwords[check spelling].google.com

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 33  Serp page: 10

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 34  Serp page: 20

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 35  Serp page: 30

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 36  Serp page: 40

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 37  Serp page: 50

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 38  Serp page: 60

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 39  Serp page: 70

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 40  Serp page: 80

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 41  Serp page: 90

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 42  9 links collected, see Response16957.txt

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 43  52 N/A links removed, see Response16957.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 44  Done in 11 seconds

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 45  Final URL: www.google.com/#output=search&q=automate-your-web-search mining-the-web PlanoTse-Handbook

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 46  9 links found: 9 serp links and 0 others.

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 47  Run 2 SERP links: 9 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 1

6/9/2012 10:52:02 PM 48  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=10&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 49  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 50  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 51  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 52  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 53  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 54  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 55  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 56  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 57  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 58  1 links collected, see Response16958.txt

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 59  37 N/A links removed, see Response16958.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 60  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 61  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=10&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 62  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 63  Run 3 SERP links: 8 -- Result links: 1 -- Processed links: 2

6/9/2012 10:52:11 PM 64  Browsing www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&filter=0

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 65  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 66  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 67  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 68  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 69  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 70  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 71  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 72  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 73  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 74  TLD unwanted: en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 75  TLD unwanted: adwords.google.com

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 76  0 links collected, see Response16959.txt

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 77  54 N/A links removed, see Response16959.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 78  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:52:19 PM 79  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&filter=0

6/9/2012 10:52:29 PM 80  No links found

6/9/2012 10:52:29 PM 81  Run 4 SERP links: 8 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 3

6/9/2012 10:52:29 PM 82  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=20&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 83  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 84  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 85  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 86  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 87  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 88  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 89  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 90  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 91  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 92  1 links collected, see Response16960.txt

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 93  37 N/A links removed, see Response16960.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 94  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:52:37 PM 95  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=20&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:52:40 PM 96  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:52:40 PM 97  Run 5 SERP links: 7 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 4

6/9/2012 10:52:40 PM 98  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=30&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 99  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 100  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 101  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 102  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 103  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 104  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 105  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 106  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 107  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 108  1 links collected, see Response16961.txt

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 109  37 N/A links removed, see Response16961.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 110  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:52:49 PM 111  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=30&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:52:57 PM 112  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:52:57 PM 113  Run 6 SERP links: 6 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 5

6/9/2012 10:52:57 PM 114  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=40&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 115  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 116  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 117  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 118  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 119  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 120  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 121  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 122  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 123  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 124  1 links collected, see Response16962.txt

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 125  41 N/A links removed, see Response16962.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 126  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:53:06 PM 127  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=40&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:53:15 PM 128  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:53:15 PM 129  Run 7 SERP links: 5 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 6

6/9/2012 10:53:15 PM 130  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=50&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 131  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 132  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 133  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 134  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 135  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 136  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 137  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 138  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 139  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 140  1 links collected, see Response16963.txt

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 141  37 N/A links removed, see Response16963.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 142  Done in 9 seconds

6/9/2012 10:53:24 PM 143  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=50&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:53:28 PM 144  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:53:28 PM 145  Run 8 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 7

6/9/2012 10:53:28 PM 146  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=60&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 147  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 148  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 149  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 150  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 151  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 152  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 153  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 154  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 155  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 156  1 links collected, see Response16964.txt

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 157  37 N/A links removed, see Response16964.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 158  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:53:37 PM 159  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=60&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:53:44 PM 160  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:53:44 PM 161  Run 9 SERP links: 3 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 8

6/9/2012 10:53:44 PM 162  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=70&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 163  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 164  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 165  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 166  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 167  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 168  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 169  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 170  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 171  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 172  1 links collected, see Response16965.txt

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 173  37 N/A links removed, see Response16965.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 174  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:53:53 PM 175  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=70&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:54:00 PM 176  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:54:00 PM 177  Run 10 SERP links: 2 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 9

6/9/2012 10:54:00 PM 178  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=80&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 179  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 180  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 181  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 182  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 183  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 184  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 185  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 186  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 187  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 188  1 links collected, see Response16966.txt

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 189  37 N/A links removed, see Response16966.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 190  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:54:08 PM 191  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=80&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:54:16 PM 192  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:54:16 PM 193  Run 11 SERP links: 1 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 10

6/9/2012 10:54:16 PM 194  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=90&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 195  TLD unwanted: wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 196  TLD unwanted: net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 197  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 198  TLD unwanted: friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 199  TLD unwanted: www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 200  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 201  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 202  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 203  TLD unwanted: netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 204  1 links collected, see Response16967.txt

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 205  37 N/A links removed, see Response16967.RemovedLinks

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 206  Done in 8 seconds

6/9/2012 10:54:25 PM 207  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=90&sa=N

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 208  1 links found: 0 serp links and 1 others.

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 209 
----- Start of 11 Processed Links -----

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 210  www.google.com/#output=search&q=automate-your-web-search mining-the-web PlanoTse-Handbook[automate-your-web-search mining-the-web PlanoTse-Handbook]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 211  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=10&sa=N[2]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 212  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&filter=0[repeat the search with the omitted results included]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 213  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=20&sa=N[3]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 214  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=30&sa=N[4]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 215  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=40&sa=N[5]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 216  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=50&sa=N[6]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 217  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=60&sa=N[7]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 218  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=70&sa=N[8]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 219  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=80&sa=N[9]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 220  www.google.com/search?q=automate-your-web-search+mining-the-web+PlanoTse-Handbook&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=90&sa=N[10]

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 221  ----- End of 11 Processed Links -----

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 222 
----- Start of 8 Unwanted Top-level Domains -----

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 223  en.wikibooks.org

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 224  planotse.wordpress.com

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 225  friendfeed.com

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 226  adwords.google.com

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 227  wikibooks.7val.com

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 228  net75633.blogspot.com

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 229  www.feedage.com

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 230  netzonez93.koolcentre.in

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 231  ----- End of 8 Unwanted Top-level Domains -----

6/9/2012 10:54:31 PM 232  PlanoTse 0.0.50


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