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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/WSA Trace Log

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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTse Program Reference WSA Trace Log Trace Log
Discover all web domains related my search objectives

Web Search Automation Trace Log Example

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Trace Log Generation Procedure

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The following procedure was used to generate the sample trace log, Shreveport 10165 Trace Log, as shown in the last section of this page.

  1. Select the menu [View » Code & Run] to bring up the Code & Run springboard.
  2. Replace the content of the input box with the following text: "{ clear responses; aw set mission Shreveport; aw set serializemissions yes; aw set timeout 15; aw set paddingseconds 10; aw set linkqsize 5; aw set serpqsize 4; aw set maxruns 3; aw set level1domains com, net; web search Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume ; }"
  3. Press the button Run PlanoTseScript.
  4. Wait until web search automation is over.
  5. Select the menu [View » Trace Log] to see the execution trace.

Analysis of the Sample Trace Log

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The trace log, Shreveport 10165 Trace Log, as shown in the following section, was the complete trace log taken at the end of a web search automation run.

  • Line 1 & 2 let you know of the starting source code in PlanoTseScript.
  • Lines 3 through 12 show execution of the statements found in the starting source code. For the meaning of each PlanoTseScript command ending with a semicolon, see PlanoTseScript Language Reference.
  • This trace log has only 145 lines because the instruction on line 10, {aw set maxruns 3}, in the trace log tells PlanoTse to stop after getting 3 HTTP responses.
  • Lines 13 through 145 are the result of executing the statement in line 12.
  • Lines 13 through 27 show basic settings at the start of web search automation (WSA).
  • Lines 28 through 95 are the result of a WSA run.
  • Line 97 was generated because PlanoTseScript tells WSA to stop after 3 HTTP responses.
  • Lines 98 through 115 are generated only because at the end of the WSA run there are still links in unprocessed queues.
  • Lines 116 through 127 show all non-SERP URL's without good HTTP responses in this run.
  • Lines 128 through 135 show all top-level domain names found in this run that fail to meet the criteria stated on line 11 and line 21 of the same sample trace log. These TLD's are also stored in the list holder named by line 19.
  • Lines 136 through 144 show all domains without a defined WSA domain template. These are stored in the list holder as named by line 18.
  • The first and the last lines of a trace log should have number of the software version in use at WSA run time.

Sample of a Complete Trace Log

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Shreveport 10165 Trace Log

6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 1  [ScriptCode Length=282 Source=Script File 'default.tse' Software=PlanoTse 0.0.47]
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 2  Source Code: { clear responses; aw set mission Shreveport; aw set serializemissions yes; aw set timeout 15; aw set paddingseconds 10; aw set linkqsize 5; aw set serpqsize 4; aw set maxruns 3; aw set level1domains com, net; web search Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume ; }
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 3 {clear responses}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 4 {aw set mission Shreveport}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 5 {aw set serializemissions yes}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 6 {aw set timeout 15}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 7 {aw set paddingseconds 10}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 8 {aw set linkqsize 5}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 9 {aw set serpqsize 4}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 10 {aw set maxruns 3}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 11 {aw set level1domains com, net}
6/9/2012 8:02:51 AM 12 {web search Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume}
6/9/2012 8:02:52 AM 13  PlanoTse 0.0.47
6/9/2012 8:02:52 AM 14  [File » Open List » Webpages] Holder of Useless-domain List (14 entries): Webpage 12335 NA Major Domains
6/9/2012 8:02:52 AM 15  [File » Open List » Webpages] Holder of Useless-domain List (60 entries): Webpage 12337 NA Google Domains
6/9/2012 8:02:52 AM 16  Holder of Newly Useless Domains (0 entries): Webpage 12907 New NA Domains
6/9/2012 8:02:52 AM 17  Total number of unwanted domains: 74
6/9/2012 8:02:52 AM 18  Holder of Templateless Domains (0 entries): Webpage 16710 Shreveport 10165 Templateless Domains
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 19  Holder of Unwanted Top-level Domains (0 entries): Webpage 16711 Shreveport 10165 Unwanted Top-level Domains
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 20  [File » Open List » Webpages] Holder of Unwanted Popup Titles (5 entries): Webpage 15271 Unwanted Popup Titles
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 21  Expecting only links from these top-level domains: com, net
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 22  Search Editor Menu [Result » Output Folder] C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PlanoTseTools\PlanoTseScripting\Temp\WebSearch\Shreveport 10165
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 23  Original Search String: -={Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume}=-
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 24  [Automation » Web Search » Preview Page] Serp Queue Size: 4
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 25  [Automation » Web Search » Preview Page] Link Queue Size: 5
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 26  [Automation » Web Search » Preview Page] Internet Timeout in Seconds: 20
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 27  [Automation » Web Search » Preview Page] Padding seconds: 10
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 28  Run 1 SERP links: 0 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 0
6/9/2012 8:02:53 AM 29  Browsing SERP www.google.com/#output=search&q=Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume
6/9/2012 8:03:06 AM 30  TLD unwanted: www.workcircle.us
6/9/2012 8:03:06 AM 31  18 links collected, see Response16712.txt
6/9/2012 8:03:06 AM 32  36 N/A links removed, see Response16712.RemovedLinks
6/9/2012 8:03:06 AM 33  Done in 12 seconds
6/9/2012 8:03:06 AM 34  Final URL: www.google.com/#output=search&q=Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume
6/9/2012 8:03:11 AM 35  18 links found: 9 serp links and 9 others.
6/9/2012 8:03:11 AM 36  Run 2 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 5 -- Processed links: 1
6/9/2012 8:03:11 AM 37  Browsing www.cbsalary.com/salary-calculator/chart/Technical+Writer/LA/Shreveport?specialty=Technical%2BWriter&pf=true&cty=Shreveport&kw=Technical%2BWriter&jn=JN013&tid=751&sid=LA
6/9/2012 8:03:24 AM 38  Done in 13 seconds
6/9/2012 8:03:24 AM 39  Template lacking, final URL: www.cbsalary.com/salary-calculator/chart/Technical+Writer/LA/Shreveport?specialty=Technical%2BWriter&pf=true&cty=Shreveport&kw=Technical%2BWriter&jn=JN013&tid=751&sid=LA
6/9/2012 8:03:24 AM 40  Run 2 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 4 -- Processed links: 2
6/9/2012 8:03:24 AM 41  Browsing http://shreveporthelpwanted.jobamatic.com/a/jobs/find-jobs/q-Technical+Writer+Ii
6/9/2012 8:03:41 AM 42  Done in 16 seconds
6/9/2012 8:03:41 AM 43  Domain listed as template lacking
6/9/2012 8:03:41 AM 44  Run 2 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 3 -- Processed links: 3
6/9/2012 8:03:41 AM 45  has bad link -- listed as template lacking -- http://shreveporthelpwanted.jobamatic.com/a/jobs/find-jobs/q-Technical+Writer
6/9/2012 8:03:41 AM 46  Run 2 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 2 -- Processed links: 3
6/9/2012 8:03:41 AM 47  Browsing www.localhelpwanted.net/shreveport/job/Technical-Writer/lhw-e0-11919968
6/9/2012 8:03:52 AM 48  Done in 11 seconds
6/9/2012 8:03:52 AM 49  Domain listed as template lacking
6/9/2012 8:03:52 AM 50  Run 2 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 1 -- Processed links: 4
6/9/2012 8:03:52 AM 51  Browsing http://jooble-us.com/search-vacancy-usa/rgn-Shreveport-LA/kw-technical
6/9/2012 8:04:13 AM 52  Done in 21 seconds
6/9/2012 8:04:13 AM 53  Domain listed as template lacking
6/9/2012 8:04:13 AM 54  Run 2 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 5
6/9/2012 8:04:13 AM 55  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=10&sa=N
6/9/2012 8:04:22 AM 56  TLD unwanted: www.jobsare.us
6/9/2012 8:04:22 AM 57  TLD unwanted: www.shreveportla.gov
6/9/2012 8:04:22 AM 58  Listed as template lacking: shreveporthelpwanted.jobamatic.com
6/9/2012 8:04:22 AM 59  Listed as template lacking: shreveporthelpwanted.jobamatic.com
6/9/2012 8:04:22 AM 60  TLD unwanted: www.objobs.org
6/9/2012 8:04:22 AM 61  Listed as template lacking: jooble-us.com
6/9/2012 8:04:22 AM 62  8 links collected, see Response16713.txt
6/9/2012 8:04:22 AM 63  38 N/A links removed, see Response16713.RemovedLinks
6/9/2012 8:04:23 AM 64  Done in 9 seconds
6/9/2012 8:04:23 AM 65  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=10&sa=N
6/9/2012 8:04:23 AM 66  8 links found: 2 serp links and 6 others.
6/9/2012 8:04:23 AM 67  Run 3 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 5 -- Processed links: 6
6/9/2012 8:04:23 AM 68  Browsing www.citytowninfo.com/employment/technical-writers/louisiana
6/9/2012 8:04:41 AM 69  Done in 18 seconds
6/9/2012 8:04:41 AM 70  Domain listed as template lacking
6/9/2012 8:04:41 AM 71  Run 3 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 4 -- Processed links: 7
6/9/2012 8:04:41 AM 72  has bad link -- listed as template lacking -- www.google.com/url?url=www.citytowninfo.com/employment&rct=j&sa=X&ved=0CGIQ6QUoADABOAo&q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&usg=AFQjCNF2y9UVAP1zIk4fSNGUFydNDmK6SA
6/9/2012 8:04:41 AM 73  Run 3 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 3 -- Processed links: 7
6/9/2012 8:04:41 AM 74  has bad link -- listed as template lacking -- www.google.com/url?url=www.citytowninfo.com/employment/technical-writers&rct=j&sa=X&ved=0CGMQ6QUoATABOAo&q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&usg=AFQjCNGEKoAIyDwKOSli2GvSFA-I8eK4IQ
6/9/2012 8:04:41 AM 75  Run 3 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 2 -- Processed links: 7
6/9/2012 8:04:41 AM 76  Browsing www.backtoworklouisiana.com/louisiana-job-btw/Shreveport/TECHNICAL WRITER%20-%20Highly%20Successful%20Oil%20And%20Gas%20Company – Contract/Appleone/documents%20in%20accordance%20with%20reader%20This TECHNICAL%20WRITER%20position%20features%3A%20highly%20... oil%20and%20gas%20company%20has%20an%20urgent%20need%20for a%20TECHNICAL%20WRITER!%20Highly%20successful%20company,
6/9/2012 8:04:50 AM 77  Done in 9 seconds
6/9/2012 8:04:50 AM 78  Template lacking, final URL: www.backtoworklouisiana.com/louisiana-job-btw/Shreveport/TECHNICAL WRITER – Highly Successful Oil And Gas Company – Contract/Appleone/documents in accordance with reader This TECHNICAL WRITER position features%3A highly ... oil and gas company has an urgent need for a TECHNICAL WRITER! Highly successful company,
6/9/2012 8:04:50 AM 79  Run 3 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 1 -- Processed links: 8
6/9/2012 8:04:50 AM 80  Browsing www.salary.com/careers/layouthtmls/jm_LA-Science-and-Research-jobs-in-Shreveport.html
6/9/2012 8:05:08 AM 81  Done in 17 seconds
6/9/2012 8:05:08 AM 82  Domain listed as template lacking
6/9/2012 8:05:08 AM 83  Run 3 SERP links: 4 -- Result links: 0 -- Processed links: 9
6/9/2012 8:05:08 AM 84  Browsing SERP www.google.com/search?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=20&sa=N
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 85  TLD unwanted: www.shreveportla.gov
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 86  Listed as template lacking: www.backtoworklouisiana.com
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 87  Listed as template lacking: www.salary.com
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 88  TLD unwanted: www.deq.louisiana.gov
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 89  TLD unwanted: library.nsula.edu
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 90  Listed as template lacking: shreveporthelpwanted.jobamatic.com
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 91  3 links collected, see Response16714.txt
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 92  39 N/A links removed, see Response16714.RemovedLinks
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 93  Done in 9 seconds
6/9/2012 8:05:17 AM 94  Final URL: www.google.com/search?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=20&sa=N
6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 95  3 links found: 1 serp links and 2 others.
6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 96  PlanoTse 0.0.47
6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 97  Stopped as required by Maximum Runs (3) for this automation session.

6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 98 
There were still 2 items in the Result Link Queue:

6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 99  louisiana.jobing.com/director-of-laboratory/job/employment/26656894
6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 100  degree.matchcollege.com/college-degree/159391-26.0202/Biochemistry
6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 101  There were still 3 items in the SERP Link Queue:
6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 102  google.30?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=30&sa=N
6/9/2012 8:05:24 AM 103  google.40?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=40&sa=N
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 104  google?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=0&sa=N
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 105  There were still 10 items in the Processed Link Queue:
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 106  google.com/#output=search&q=Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 107  cbsalary.com/salary-calculator/chart/Technical+Writer/LA/Shreveport?specialty=Technical%2BWriter&pf=true&cty=Shreveport&kw=Technical%2BWriter&jn=JN013&tid=751&sid=LA
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 108  shreveporthelpwanted.jobamatic.com/a/jobs/find-jobs/q-Technical+Writer+Ii
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 109  localhelpwanted.net/shreveport/job/Technical-Writer/lhw-e0-11919968
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 110  jooble-us.com/search-vacancy-usa/rgn-Shreveport-LA/kw-technical
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 111  google.10?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=10&sa=N
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 112  citytowninfo.com/employment/technical-writers/louisiana
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 113  backtoworklouisiana.com/louisiana-job-btw/Shreveport/TECHNICAL WRITER%20-%20Highly%20Successful%20Oil%20And%20Gas%20Company -%20Contract/Appleone/documents%20in%20accordance%20with%20reader%20This TECHNICAL%20WRITER%20position%20features%3A%20highly%20...%20oil%20and gas%20company%20has%20an%20urgent%20need%20for%20a%20TECHNICAL%20WRITER! Highly%20successful%20company,
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 114  salary.com/careers/layouthtmls/jm_LA-Science-and-Research-jobs-in-Shreveport.html
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 115  google.20?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=20&sa=N

6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 116 
----- Start of 10 Processed Links -----

6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 117  www.google.com/#output=search&q=Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume[Shreveport + job-description + technical-writer + -resume]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 118  www.cbsalary.com/salary-calculator/chart/Technical+Writer/LA/Shreveport?specialty=Technical%2BWriter&pf=true&cty=Shreveport&kw=Technical%2BWriter&jn=JN013&tid=751&sid=LA[Technical Writer Salary in Shreveport, LA – CBsalary]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 119  http://shreveporthelpwanted.jobamatic.com/a/jobs/find-jobs/q-Technical+Writer+Ii[Technical Writer Ii Jobs – Shreveport Help Wanted]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 120  www.localhelpwanted.net/shreveport/job/Technical-Writer/lhw-e0-11919968[Jobs in Shreveport LocalHelpWanted-Technical Writer Help Wanted ...]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 121  http://jooble-us.com/search-vacancy-usa/rgn-Shreveport-LA/kw-technical[Technical jobs in Shreveport | Jooble]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 122  www.google.com/search?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=10&sa=N[2]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 123  www.citytowninfo.com/employment/technical-writers/louisiana[Louisiana Technical Writers: Schools and Careers]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 124  www.backtoworklouisiana.com/louisiana-job-btw/Shreveport/TECHNICAL WRITER%20-%20Highly%20Successful%20Oil%20And%20Gas%20Company -%20Contract/Appleone/documents%20in%20accordance%20with%20reader%20This%20TECHNICAL WRITER%20position%20features%3A%20highly%20...%20oil%20and%20gas%20company has%20an%20urgent%20need%20for%20a%20TECHNICAL%20WRITER! Highly%20successful%20company,[TECHNICAL WRITER – Highly Successful Oil And Gas Company ...]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 125  www.salary.com/careers/layouthtmls/jm_LA-Science-and-Research-jobs-in-Shreveport.html[Science and Research jobs in Shreveport, LA by Job Title]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 126  www.google.com/search?q=Shreveport+++job-description+++technical-writer+++-resume&hl=en&prmd=imvns&start=20&sa=N[3]
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 127  ----- End of 10 Processed Links -----

6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 128 
----- Start of 6 Unwanted Top-level Domains -----

6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 129  www.workcircle.us
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 130  www.jobsare.us
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 131  www.shreveportla.gov
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 132  www.objobs.org
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 133  www.deq.louisiana.gov
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 134  library.nsula.edu
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 135  ----- End of 6 Unwanted Top-level Domains -----

6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 136 
----- Start of 7 Domains Lacking a Template -----

6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 137  www.cbsalary.com
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 138  shreveporthelpwanted.jobamatic.com
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 139  www.localhelpwanted.net
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 140  jooble-us.com
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 141  www.citytowninfo.com
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 142  www.backtoworklouisiana.com
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 143  www.salary.com
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 144  ----- End of 7 Domains Lacking a Template -----
6/9/2012 8:05:25 AM 145  PlanoTse 0.0.47


PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTse Program Reference WSA Trace Log Trace Log