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Pizzonese/Common verbs/Abbassà

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  • English: to lower
  • Italian: abbassare

infinitive abbassà
gerund abbassanna
present participle abbassante
past participle abbassate
person singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative ij tu isse/éssa ù chile
present abbasse abbiésse abbassa/e abbasséme abbasséte abbassene
imperfect abbassave abbassive abbassava/e abbassame abbassate abbassavene
remote past abbassiétte abbassište abbassatta/e abbassamme abbassišteve abbassištene
future abbassaraja abbassarié abbassarà abbassarémme abbassaréte abbassaranne
conditional abbassarasse abbassarisse abbassarassa/e abbassarisseme abbassarisseve abbassarissene
past tense Use the present tense of havè or esse plus the past participle
pluperfect Use the imperfect tense of havè or esse plus the past participle
future perfect Use the remote past tense of havè or esse plus the past participle
future anterior Use the future tense of havè or esse plus the past participle
past conditional Use the conditional tense of havè or esse plus the past participle
imperfect subjunctive ca ij ca tu ca isse/éssa ca nù ca ù ca chile
abbassasse abbassisse abbassassa/e abbassasseme abbassasseve abbassassene
imperative tu isse/éssa ù chile
abbiéssa abbassa abbassamme abbassate abbassene